private void SetDefaultFromConfig() { cmbRampUp.SelectedItem = ConfigRepository.Instance()["ddc_rampup"]; cmbConfigFile.SelectedItem = ConfigRepository.Instance()["ddc_config"]; cmbPhraseLen.Value = ConfigRepository.Instance().GetDecimal("ddc_phraselength"); chkRemoveSustains.Checked = ConfigRepository.Instance().GetBoolean("ddc_removesustain"); }
private void inlayGenerateButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { // dlcSavePath = Path.Combine(workDir, "cgm"); using (var ofd = new SaveFileDialog()) { ofd.FileName = InlayName.GetValidName(true, false, true, Frets24).ToLower(); ofd.Filter = "Custom Inlay DLC (*.*)|*.*"; ofd.InitialDirectory = ConfigRepository.Instance()["general_rs2014path"]; // ofd.InitialDirectory = dlcSavePath; if (ofd.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK) { return; } dlcSavePath = ofd.FileName; } DLCPackageData packageData = new DLCPackageData(); packageData.Inlay = new InlayData(); packageData.Inlay.InlayPath = InlayFile; packageData.Inlay.IconPath = IconFile; packageData.Inlay.Frets24 = Frets24; packageData.Inlay.Colored = Colored; packageData.Inlay.DLCSixName = GeneralExtensions.RandomName(6); // CRITICAL - 24 fret inlays have naming dependencies if (Frets24) { packageData.Inlay.DLCSixName = String.Format("24fret_{0}", packageData.Inlay.DLCSixName); } packageData.Name = InlayName; packageData.AppId = appIdCombo.SelectedValue.ToString(); // Saving for later ConfigRepository.Instance()["cgm_inlayname"] = InlayName; ConfigRepository.Instance()["cgm_24frets"] = Frets24.ToString(); ConfigRepository.Instance()["cgm_coloredinlay"] = Colored.ToString(); // Generate if (Path.GetFileName(dlcSavePath).Contains(" ") && platformPS3.Checked) { if (!ConfigRepository.Instance().GetBoolean("creator_ps3pkgnamewarn")) { MessageBox.Show(String.Format("PS3 package name can't support space character due to encryption limitation. {0} Spaces will be automatic removed for your PS3 package name.", Environment.NewLine), MESSAGEBOX_CAPTION, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); } else { ConfigRepository.Instance()["creator_ps3pkgnamewarn"] = true.ToString(); } } if (!bwGenerate.IsBusy && packageData != null) { updateProgress.Visible = true; currentOperationLabel.Visible = true; inlayGenerateButton.Enabled = false; bwGenerate.RunWorkerAsync(packageData); } }
private void DefaultResourceToFile() { Author = ConfigRepository.Instance()["general_defaultauthor"]; InlayName = ConfigRepository.Instance()["cgm_inlayname"]; Frets24 = ConfigRepository.Instance().GetBoolean("cgm_24frets"); Colored = ConfigRepository.Instance().GetBoolean("cgm_coloredinlay"); defaultDir = Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), InlayName); IconFile = Path.Combine(defaultDir, "icon.png"); InlayFile = Path.Combine(defaultDir, "inlay.png"); if (!Directory.Exists(defaultDir)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(defaultDir); // Icon Resource using (var iconStream = new MemoryStream(RocksmithToolkitLib.Properties.Resources.cgm_default_icon)) { iconStream.WriteFile(IconFile); } // Inlay Resource using (var inlayStream = new MemoryStream(RocksmithToolkitLib.Properties.Resources.cgm_default_inlay)) { inlayStream.WriteFile(InlayFile); } } picIcon.ImageLocation = IconFile; picInlay.ImageLocation = InlayFile; }
private void MainForm_Splash(object sender, EventArgs e) { bool showRevNote = ConfigRepository.Instance().GetBoolean("general_showrevnote"); if (showRevNote) { ShowHelpForm(); ConfigRepository.Instance()["general_showrevnote"] = "false"; } this.Refresh(); // don't bug the Developers when in debug mode ;) #if !DEBUG // check for first run //Check if author set at least, then it's not a first run tho, but let it show msg anyways... bool firstRun = ConfigRepository.Instance().GetBoolean("general_firstrun"); if (!firstRun) { return; } MessageBox.Show(new Form { TopMost = true }, " Welcome to the Song Creator Toolkit for Rocksmith." + Environment.NewLine + " Commonly known as, 'the toolkit'." + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine + "It looks like this may be your first time running the toolkit. " + Environment.NewLine + " Please fill in the Configuration menu with your selections.", "Song Creator Toolkit for Rocksmith ... First Run", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); ShowConfigScreen(); BringToFront(); #endif }
public DLCPackerUnpacker() { InitializeComponent(); try { var gameVersionList = Enum.GetNames(typeof(GameVersion)).ToList <string>(); gameVersionList.Remove("None"); gameVersionCombo.DataSource = gameVersionList; gameVersionCombo.SelectedItem = ConfigRepository.Instance()["general_defaultgameversion"]; GameVersion gameVersion = (GameVersion)Enum.Parse(typeof(GameVersion), gameVersionCombo.SelectedItem.ToString()); PopulateAppIdCombo(gameVersion); } catch { /*For mono compatibility*/ } // App ID updater worker bwRepack.DoWork += new DoWorkEventHandler(UpdateAppId); bwRepack.ProgressChanged += new ProgressChangedEventHandler(ProgressChanged); bwRepack.RunWorkerCompleted += new RunWorkerCompletedEventHandler(ProcessCompleted); bwRepack.WorkerReportsProgress = true; // Upack worker bwUnpack.DoWork += new DoWorkEventHandler(Unpack); bwUnpack.ProgressChanged += new ProgressChangedEventHandler(ProgressChanged); bwUnpack.RunWorkerCompleted += new RunWorkerCompletedEventHandler(ProcessCompleted); bwUnpack.WorkerReportsProgress = true; }
public GeneralConfig() { InitializeComponent(); general_defaultauthor.Validating += ValidateSortName; loading = true; try { PopulateAppIdCombo(general_defaultappid_RS2012, GameVersion.RS2012); PopulateAppIdCombo(general_defaultappid_RS2014, GameVersion.RS2014); PopulateEnumCombo(general_defaultgameversion, typeof(GameVersion)); PopulateEnumCombo(general_defaultplatform, typeof(GamePlatform)); PopulateEnumCombo(converter_source, typeof(GamePlatform)); PopulateEnumCombo(converter_target, typeof(GamePlatform)); PopulateRampUp(); PopulateConfigDDC(); LoadAndSetupConfiguration(this.Controls); // hide First Run if (ConfigRepository.Instance()["general_firstrun"] == "false") { lblFirstRun.Visible = false; } } catch { /*For mono compatibility*/ } loading = false; }
public void Init(ToolkitVersionOnline onlineVersion) { // DELETE OLD UPDATER APP IF EXISTS var updatingAppPath = Path.Combine(localToolkitDir, APP_UPDATING); if (File.Exists(updatingAppPath)) { File.Delete(updatingAppPath); } var useBeta = ConfigRepository.Instance().GetBoolean("general_usebeta"); lblCurrentVersion.Text = ToolkitVersion.RSTKGuiVersion; lblNewVersion.Text = String.Format("{0}-{1} {2}", onlineVersion.Version, onlineVersion.Revision, useBeta ? "BETA" : ""); lblNewVersionDate.Text = onlineVersion.Date.ToShortDateString(); if (onlineVersion.CommitMessages != null) { dgvCommitMessage.Visible = true; dgvCommitMessage.Rows.Clear(); for (var i = 0; i < onlineVersion.CommitMessages.Length; i++) { dgvCommitMessage.Rows.Add(); dgvCommitMessage.Rows[i].Cells["Message"].Value = onlineVersion.CommitMessages[i]; } } }
private void ConfigurationChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!loading) { Control control = (Control)sender; var key = control.Name; var value = control.Text; if (control is ComboBox) { var combo = ((ComboBox)control); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(combo.ValueMember)) { value = combo.SelectedValue.ToString(); } else { value = combo.SelectedItem.ToString(); } } else if (control is CheckBox) { value = ((CheckBox)control).Checked.ToString(); } else if (control is NumericUpDown) { value = ((NumericUpDown)control).Value.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } if (ConfigRepository.Instance().ValueChanged(key, value) && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(value)) { ConfigRepository.Instance()[key] = value; } } }
private void SetDefaultFromConfig() { ramUpMdlsCbox.SelectedItem = ConfigRepository.Instance()["ddc_rampup"]; ConfigFilesCbx.SelectedItem = ConfigRepository.Instance()["ddc_config"]; phaseLenNum.Value = ConfigRepository.Instance().GetDecimal("ddc_phraselength"); delsustainsBT.Checked = ConfigRepository.Instance().GetBoolean("ddc_removesustain"); }
private void InitMainForm() { this.Text = String.Format("Song Creator Toolkit for Rocksmith (v{0})", ToolkitVersion.RSTKGuiVersion); btnUpdate.FlatStyle = FlatStyle.Flat; btnUpdate.BackColor = SystemColors.Control; btnUpdate.Text = "Updates are disabled"; btnUpdate.Enabled = false; try { // updates are disabled on real Mac platform, or according to general_autoupdate setting if (Environment.OSVersion.Platform != PlatformID.MacOSX && ConfigRepository.Instance().GetBoolean("general_autoupdate")) { bWorker = new BackgroundWorker(); bWorker.DoWork += CheckForUpdate; bWorker.RunWorkerCompleted += EnableUpdate; bWorker.RunWorkerAsync(); } // update current VersionInfo.txt file based on what's running ToolkitVersion.UpdateVersionInfoFile(); } catch { /* DO NOTHING */ } }
private void MainForm_Shown(object sender, EventArgs e) { // check for first run bool firstRun = ConfigRepository.Instance().GetBoolean("general_firstrun"); // confirm and log App.config was properly loaded at runtime var appConfigStatus = "<ERROR> Load Failed"; if (Convert.ToBoolean(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["key"])) { appConfigStatus = "Load Successful"; } // validate and log runtime display setting var displaySettings = String.Empty; if (!GeneralExtension.ValidateDisplaySettings(this, this, false, firstRun)) { displaySettings = "\r\n - Adjusted AutoScaleDimensions, AutoScaleMode, and AutoSize"; } GlobalsConfig.Log.Info( String.Format(" - App.config Status ({0})\r\n ", appConfigStatus) + String.Format(" - System Display DPI Setting ({0})\r\n ", GeneralExtension.GetDisplayDpi(this)) + // validate and log runtime display setting String.Format(" - System Display Screen Scale Factor ({0}%) ", GeneralExtension.GetDisplayScalingFactor(this) * 100) + String.Format(displaySettings) ); // don't bug the Developers when in design mode ;) bool showRevNote = ConfigRepository.Instance().GetBoolean("general_showrevnote"); if (showRevNote && !GeneralExtension.IsInDesignMode) { ShowHelpForm(); ConfigRepository.Instance()["general_showrevnote"] = "false"; } // don't bug the Developers when in design mode ;) if (!firstRun || GeneralExtension.IsInDesignMode) { return; } this.Refresh(); MessageBox.Show(new Form { TopMost = true }, "Welcome to the Song Creator Toolkit for Rocksmith ..." + Environment.NewLine + "Commonly known as, 'the toolkit'." + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine + "It looks like this may be your first time running the toolkit. " + Environment.NewLine + "Please fill in the Configuration menu with your selections.", "Song Creator Toolkit for Rocksmith - FIRST RUN", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); ShowConfigScreen(); BringToFront(); }
public static string GetWwisePath() { string wwisePath; // Audiokinetic Wwise might not be installed in the default location ;< // added custom Wwise install path to toolkit configuration menu if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(ConfigRepository.Instance()["general_wwisepath"])) { wwisePath = ConfigRepository.Instance()["general_wwisepath"]; } else { wwisePath = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("WWISEROOT"); } if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(wwisePath)) { throw new FileNotFoundException("Could not find Audiokinetic Wwise installation." + Environment.NewLine + "Please confirm that Wwise v2013.2.x v2014.1.x or 2015.1.x series is installed."); } Selected = OggFile.WwiseVersion.None; var pathWwiseCli = Directory.EnumerateFiles(wwisePath, "WwiseCLI.exe", SearchOption.AllDirectories).FirstOrDefault(); if (pathWwiseCli == null) { throw new FileNotFoundException("Could not find WwiseCLI.exe in " + wwisePath + Environment.NewLine + "Please confirm that Wwise v2013.2.x v2014.1.x or 2015.1.x series is installed."); } var wwiseVersion = FileVersionInfo.GetVersionInfo(pathWwiseCli).ProductVersion; if (wwiseVersion.StartsWith("2013.2")) { Selected = OggFile.WwiseVersion.Wwise2013; } if (wwiseVersion.StartsWith("2014.1")) { Selected = OggFile.WwiseVersion.Wwise2014; } if (wwiseVersion.StartsWith("2015.1")) { Selected = OggFile.WwiseVersion.Wwise2015; } // add support for new versions here, code is expandable //if (wwiseVersion.StartsWith("201x.x")) // Selected = OggFile.WwiseVersion.Wwise201x; if (Selected == OggFile.WwiseVersion.None) { throw new FileNotFoundException("You have no compatible version of Audiokinetic Wwise installed." + Environment.NewLine + "Install Wwise v2013.2.x or v2014.1.x or even v2015.1.x series if you would like to use" + Environment.NewLine + " the toolkit OGG/WAV audio to Wwise WEM audio auto convert features."); } return(pathWwiseCli); }
private void updateButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { using (var u = new UpdateForm()) { u.Init(onlineVersion); u.ShowDialog(); } // reset to display the revision note ConfigRepository.Instance()["general_showrevnote"] = "true"; }
private void PopulateAppIdCombo() { var appIdList = SongAppIdRepository.Instance().Select(GameVersion.RS2014).ToArray(); appIdCombo.DataSource = appIdList; appIdCombo.DisplayMember = "DisplayName"; appIdCombo.ValueMember = "AppId"; var songAppId = SongAppIdRepository.Instance().Select(ConfigRepository.Instance()["general_defaultappid_RS2014"], GameVersion.RS2014); appIdCombo.SelectedValue = songAppId.AppId; }
private void InitOutputDir() { // set initial outputDir location if (Directory.Exists(ConfigRepository.Instance()["general_rs2014path"])) { outputDir = Path.Combine(ConfigRepository.Instance()["general_rs2014path"], "dlc"); } else { outputDir = Path.GetDirectoryName(Application.ExecutablePath); } }
private void rs2014PathButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { using (var fbd = new VistaFolderBrowserDialog()) { if (fbd.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK) { return; } var rs2014Path = fbd.SelectedPath; general_rs2014path.Text = rs2014Path; ConfigRepository.Instance()[general_rs2014path.Name] = rs2014Path; } }
private void PopulateGameVersionCombo() { var gameVersionList = Enum.GetNames(typeof(GameVersion)).ToList <string>(); gameVersionList.Remove("None"); cmbGameVersion.Items.Clear(); foreach (var version in gameVersionList) { cmbGameVersion.Items.Add(version); } cmbGameVersion.SelectedItem = ConfigRepository.Instance()["general_defaultgameversion"]; }
private void PopulateAppIdCombo(GameVersion gameVersion) { appIdCombo.Items.Clear(); foreach (var song in SongAppIdRepository.Instance().Select(gameVersion)) { appIdCombo.Items.Add(song); } var songAppId = SongAppIdRepository.Instance().Select(ConfigRepository.Instance()["general_defaultappid_RS2014"], gameVersion); appIdCombo.SelectedItem = songAppId; AppId = songAppId.AppId; }
private void btnProjectDir_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { using (var fbd = new VistaFolderBrowserDialog()) { fbd.SelectedPath = creator_defaultproject.Text; fbd.Description = "Select Default Project Folder for the CDLC Creator"; if (fbd.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK) { return; } var projectDir = fbd.SelectedPath; creator_defaultproject.Text = projectDir; ConfigRepository.Instance()["creator_defaultproject"] = projectDir; } }
private void WwisePathButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { using (var ofd = new OpenFileDialog()) { ofd.Title = "Select Wwise CLI File"; ofd.Filter = "WwiseCLI.exe File (*.exe)|*.exe"; if (ofd.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK) { return; } var wwisePath = ofd.FileName; general_wwisepath.Text = wwisePath; ConfigRepository.Instance()[general_wwisepath.Name] = wwisePath; } }
// only gets called one time public GeneralConfig() { InitializeComponent(); // fix readonly textbox/cuebox background colors general_rs1path.BackColor = SystemColors.Window; general_rs2014path.BackColor = SystemColors.Window; general_wwisepath.BackColor = SystemColors.Window; creator_defaulttone.BackColor = SystemColors.Window; creator_defaultproject.BackColor = SystemColors.Window; general_defaultauthor.Validating += ValidateSortName; loading = true; try { PopulateAppIdCombo(general_defaultappid_RS2012, GameVersion.RS2012); PopulateAppIdCombo(general_defaultappid_RS2014, GameVersion.RS2014); PopulateEnumCombo(general_defaultgameversion, typeof(GameVersion)); PopulateEnumCombo(general_defaultplatform, typeof(GamePlatform)); PopulateEnumCombo(converter_source, typeof(GamePlatform)); PopulateEnumCombo(converter_target, typeof(GamePlatform)); PopulateRampUp(); PopulateConfigDDC(); // CRITICAL - force static Wwise path and settings for Mac Mono/Wine packages on first run if ((Environment.OSVersion.Platform == PlatformID.MacOSX || GeneralExtension.IsWine()) && ConfigRepository.Instance().GetBoolean("general_firstrun")) { ConfigRepository.Instance()["general_autoupdate"] = "false"; ConfigRepository.Instance()["general_replacerepo"] = "true"; ConfigRepository.Instance()["general_defaultauthor"] = "CST_Mac"; ConfigRepository.Instance()["general_wwisepath"] = "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Audiokinetic\\Wwise\\Authoring"; // interestingly the full path is not needed here ConfigRepository.Instance()["general_replacerepo"] = "false"; ConfigRepository.Instance()["general_defaultplatform"] = "Mac"; // TODO: identify these Mac paths if static (they are not static) ConfigRepository.Instance()["general_rs2014path"] = ""; ConfigRepository.Instance()["general_rs1path"] = ""; } LoadAndSetupConfiguration(this.Controls); } catch { /*For mono compatibility*/ } loading = false; }
private void PopulateRampUp() { if (Directory.Exists(@".\ddc\")) { ddc_rampup.Items.Clear(); foreach (var xml in Directory.EnumerateFiles(@".\ddc\", "*.xml", SearchOption.AllDirectories)) { var name = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(xml); if (name.StartsWith("user_")) { name = name.Remove(0, 5); } ddc_rampup.Items.Add(name); ddc_rampup.SelectedItem = ConfigRepository.Instance()[ddc_rampup.Name]; } } }
private void btnWwisePath_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { using (var fbd = new VistaFolderBrowserDialog()) { fbd.SelectedPath = general_wwisepath.Text; fbd.Description = "Select Wwise CLI (*.exe) installation folder."; if (fbd.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK) { return; } var wwisePath = fbd.SelectedPath; general_wwisepath.Text = wwisePath; ConfigRepository.Instance()["general_wwisepath"] = wwisePath; } }
private void btnRs2014Path_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { using (var fbd = new VistaFolderBrowserDialog()) { fbd.SelectedPath = general_rs2014path.Text; fbd.Description = "Select Rocksmith 2014 executable root installation folder."; if (fbd.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK) { return; } var rs2014Path = fbd.SelectedPath; general_rs2014path.Text = rs2014Path; ConfigRepository.Instance()["general_rs2014path"] = rs2014Path; } }
public void LoadConfigXml() { var configFile = ConfigRepository.Instance()["ddc_config"] + ".cfg"; var rampupFile = ConfigRepository.Instance()["ddc_rampup"] + ".xml"; PhraseLen = (int)ConfigRepository.Instance().GetDecimal("ddc_phraselength"); RemoveSus = ConfigRepository.Instance().GetBoolean("ddc_removesustain"); RampPath = Path.Combine(ExternalApps.TOOLKIT_ROOT, ExternalApps.DDC_DIR, rampupFile); CfgPath = Path.Combine(ExternalApps.TOOLKIT_ROOT, ExternalApps.DDC_DIR, configFile); if (!File.Exists(RampPath) || !File.Exists(CfgPath)) { throw new FileNotFoundException("DDC support files are missing"); } // // -m "D:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\My Documents\Visual Studio 2010\Projects\rocksmith-custom-song-toolkit\RocksmithTookitGUI\bin\Debug\ddc\ddc_default.xml" // // -c "D:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\My Documents\Visual Studio 2010\Projects\rocksmith-custom-song-toolkit\RocksmithTookitGUI\bin\Debug\ddc\ddc_default.cfg" }
public void LoadIntroScreens() { txtAuthor.DoubleClick += txtAuthor_DoubleClick; txtSeqName.DoubleClick += txtSeqName_DoubleClick; txtSeqName.Leave += txtSeqName_Leave; if (Directory.Exists(ConfigRepository.Instance()["general_rs2014path"])) { rsDir = ConfigRepository.Instance()["general_rs2014path"]; } else { rsDir = Path.Combine(workDir, "cgm"); } txtAuthor.Text = ConfigRepository.Instance()["general_defaultauthor"]; LoadImages(Path.Combine(workDir, "cgm", "current.cis")); }
private void btnTonePath_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { using (var ofd = new OpenFileDialog()) { ofd.InitialDirectory = creator_defaulttone.Text; ofd.Title = "Select Default Tone for the CDLC Creator"; ofd.Filter = CurrentOFDFilter; if (ofd.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK) { return; } var tonePath = ofd.FileName; creator_defaulttone.Text = tonePath; ConfigRepository.Instance()["creator_defaulttone"] = tonePath; } }
private void MainForm_FormClosing(object sender, FormClosingEventArgs e) { // autosave the dlc.xml template on closing if (dlcPackageCreator1.IsDirty && ConfigRepository.Instance().GetBoolean("creator_autosavetemplate")) { dlcPackageCreator1.SaveTemplateFile(dlcPackageCreator1.UnpackedDir, false); } // leave temp folder contents for developer debugging if (GeneralExtension.IsInDesignMode) { return; } // cleanup temp folder garbage carefully // confirm this is the 'Local Settings\Temp' directory var di = new DirectoryInfo(Path.GetTempPath()); if (di.Parent != null) { return; } if (di.Parent.Name == "Local Settings" && di.Name == "Temp") { foreach (FileInfo file in di.GetFiles()) { try { file.Delete(); } catch { /*Don't worry just skip locked file*/ } } foreach (DirectoryInfo dir in di.GetDirectories()) { try { dir.Delete(true); } catch { /*Don't worry just skip locked directory*/ } } } }
private void LoadAndSetupConfiguration(ControlCollection controls) { foreach (var control in controls) { if (control is TextBox || control is CueTextBox) { var tb = (TextBox)control; tb.Text = (string)ConfigRepository.Instance()[tb.Name]; } else if (control is ComboBox) { var cb = (ComboBox)control; var value = ConfigRepository.Instance()[cb.Name]; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(cb.ValueMember)) { cb.SelectedValue = value; } else { cb.SelectedItem = value; } } else if (control is CheckBox) { var ch = (CheckBox)control; ch.Checked = ConfigRepository.Instance().GetBoolean(ch.Name); } else if (control is NumericUpDown) { var nud = (NumericUpDown)control; nud.Value = ConfigRepository.Instance().GetDecimal(nud.Name); } else if (control is GroupBox) { LoadAndSetupConfiguration(((GroupBox)control).Controls); } } // hide First Run if (ConfigRepository.Instance()["general_firstrun"] == "false") { lblFirstRun.Visible = false; } }
private void PopulateConfigDDC() { var ddcpath = Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "ddc"); if (Directory.Exists(ddcpath)) { ddc_config.Items.Clear(); foreach (var xml in Directory.EnumerateFiles(ddcpath, "*.cfg", SearchOption.AllDirectories)) { var name = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(xml); if (name.StartsWith("user_", StringComparison.Ordinal)) { name = name.Remove(0, 5); } ddc_config.Items.Add(name); ddc_config.SelectedItem = ConfigRepository.Instance()[ddc_config.Name]; } } }