public bool Validate()
            string name = txtName.Text.Trim();

            if (name.Length == 0)
                MessageError.ShowDialog(Translator.GetString("Company name cannot be empty!"));

            CompanyRecord c = CompanyRecord.GetByName(name);

            if (c != null && c.Id != companyRecord.Id)
                if (Message.ShowDialog(Translator.GetString("Warning!"), string.Empty,
                                       Translator.GetString("Company with this name already exists! Do you want to continue?"), "Icons.Warning32.png",
                                       MessageButtons.YesNo) != ResponseType.Yes)

            string code = txtCode.Text.Trim();

            c = CompanyRecord.GetByCode(name);

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(code) && c != null && c.Id != companyRecord.Id)
                if (Message.ShowDialog(Translator.GetString("Warning!"), string.Empty,
                                       Translator.GetString("Company with this code already exists! Do you want to continue?"), "Icons.Warning32.png",
                                       MessageButtons.YesNo) != ResponseType.Yes)

Example #2
        protected override void CreateBody()
            CreateBody(Translator.GetString("Enter your company information"));

            WrapLabel footer = new WrapLabel
                Markup = string.Format(Translator.GetString(
                                           "This information will be printed on the documents you issue. If you want to change that information later go to:{0}{1}"),
                                       new PangoStyle
                    Italic = true,
                    Bold   = true,
                    Text   = Translator.GetString("Edit->Administration->Company information...")

            vboBody.PackStart(footer, false, true, 0);

            panel = new EditNewCompanyRecordPanel(CompanyRecord.GetDefault());
            vboBody.PackStart(panel, true, true, 10);
Example #3
        public async Task Update(CompanyRecord record, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
            if (record == null)
                throw new HttpResponseException()
                          Value = "Record must be provided!"

            var alreadyWithIsin = await SearchCompanyRecords(isin : record.Isin);

            if (alreadyWithIsin.Any(x => x.ID != record.ID))
                throw new HttpResponseException()
                          Value = $"Record with {record.Isin} already exist!"

            await UpdateItemInDatabase <CompanyRecord>(record.ID, record, cancellationToken);
        /// <summary>
        /// OK so this is a pretty cray cray way to populate this data, json or even XML
        /// would make more sense for a little application but I'm just showing some
        /// seeding of data and it lets me output the data any way i like later using the object model.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context">We need the context to do the seeding</param>
        protected override void Seed(Models.ApplicationDbContext context)
            const string myEmail = "*****@*****.**";
            ResumeRecord resume  = context.ResumeRecords.FirstOrDefault(r => r.Email == myEmail);

            if (resume == null)
                resume = new ResumeRecord();
            resume.Interests = new List <InterestRecord>()
                new InterestRecord("Travel"),
                new InterestRecord("Sailing"),
                new InterestRecord("Stand up paddle boarding"),
                new InterestRecord("Bicycling"),
                new InterestRecord("Camping"),
                new InterestRecord("Hiking"),
                new InterestRecord("Technology"),
                new InterestRecord("Playing Guitar"),
                new InterestRecord("Motorcycles"),
                new InterestRecord("Chocolate"),
                new InterestRecord("Beer")
            resume.Email = "*****@*****.**";
            resume.Name  = "Darragh O'Riordan";
            resume.LastModifiedTimestamp = DateTime.UtcNow;
            resume.Summary =
                @"I am a senior software developer and systems integrator with experience in the telecommunications, pharmaceutical and consumer media industries. Using .Net, C# and MS SQL I create intuitive web and windows applications, libraries and tools for gathering and reporting business data. I have excellent interpersonal, organizational and customer relationship skills through my experience in various working environments in Ireland, the USA, Canada and New Zealand.


C# and VB.Net
Server-side web - ASP.NET webforms and MVC, some Node.js - mainly for Yeoman
Web services – WCF, SOAP and RESTful, WebApi2
Client-side web - HTML, XML, AJAX, JQuery, CSS, JavaScript, Angular, Bootstrap and gulp for keeping all together
Databases - Microsoft SQL Server and Oracle/PLSQL, Entity Framework, NHibernate and Dapper ORMs
Client Native - Windows Forms and services
Software change management - Perforce / SVN, Git, mercurial, Hudson
Hardware interfacing and integration - National Instruments mostly

I have a huge interest in science, computing and technology in general. I am genuinely amazed at how computing has exploded in to our lives and I'm delighted to be a part of it.";
            resume.PhoneNumber = new PhoneNumberRecord()
                Number = 1234567,
                Type   = PhoneNumberType.Mobile

            var tradeMeCompany = new CompanyRecord()
                Address = "66 Sale St",
                City    = "Auckland Central",
                State   = "Auckland",
                Country = "New Zealand",
                Name    = "Trade Me Ltd"
            var travellingCompany = new CompanyRecord()
                Address = "Africa",
                City    = "Europe",
                State   = "Auckland",
                Country = "North America",
                Name    = "Travelling"
            var blackberryCompany = new CompanyRecord()
                Address = "Waterloo",
                City    = "Waterloo",
                State   = "Ontario",
                Country = "Canada",
                Name    = "Blackberry Ltd"

            var zenithCompany = new CompanyRecord()
                Address = "Ringaskiddy",
                City    = "Ringaskiddy",
                State   = "Co Cork",
                Country = "Ireland",
                Name    = "Zenith Technology Ltd"
            var bauerMediaCompany = new CompanyRecord()
                Address = "City Works Depot",
                City    = "Auckland Central",
                State   = "Auckland",
                Country = "New Zealand",
                Name    = "Bauer Media"

            resume.PositionRecords = new List <PositionRecord>
                new PositionRecord()
                    Title     = "Development Chapter Lead",
                    Summary   = @"Helped business by providing technical expertise in areas such as...
- Performing techincal due diligence for acquisition
- Driving Summer of Tech intern engagement which resulted in attracting all of our top picks 
- Performing internal audits of APIs and other software to drive technical architecture strategy and improvement
- Performing technical interviews for roles in other locations and other departments
- Interviewing for additional technical lead and managing all 8 developers while recruiting, I manage 5 developers now that we have two leads
- Nominated for internal technical excellence award

Actively developing reports by...
- Peer programming and one on one teaching
- Providing introductory courses for new hires and interns
- Running a hackathon type event called Wrench Day for the motors organisation
- Driving reports to spread their knowledge through tutorials and laboratories
- Mentoring developers in other departments
- Ensuring reports are using OKRs, PDPs and skills matrices to guide their work and learning
- Encouraging and organising for reports to go to various conferences such as Codemania and Webstock

Improving our product by...
- Driving changes to move an internal windows forms application to a web based application
- Writing scripts to make deploy process automatic and repeatable(saving ~2 hours/deploy)
- Adding swagger to document our API
- Adding alpha channel for deploying internal applications to selected users for UAT
- Bringing our SQL schema into the code repository for auditing
- Creating code review guidelines
- Introducing unit testing,DI and actively updated solution with examples for devs to use
- Helping our platform team perform site moves, backups and hardware crash recovery
- Introducing miniprofiler to help developers uncover performance issues
- Rewriting logging to reduce logs by 20 million/day and support splunk for monitoring
- Driving a move to salesforce for our customer management and billing",
                    Company   = tradeMeCompany,
                    IsCurrent = true,
                    StartDate = new DateTime(2015, 9, 1, 1, 1, 1, DateTimeKind.Utc)
                new PositionRecord()
                    Title     = "Developer",
                    Summary   = @"I was a product developer on the Motors vertical, adding new product, fixing bugs. Typical .Net stack with a few different front ends - angularJS, bootstrap, Asp.Net MVC and webforms, gulp, teamcity, some VB, lots of SQL.

- Scrum master for squad of 5
- Shipped Video in listings for direct sellers
- Shipped MotorWeb vehicle report integration product for direct customers
- Shipped Pit Board analytics product for dealers
- Shipped Pulse, an award winning FedEx day project providing data visualization of user interactions on Trade Me",
                    Company   = tradeMeCompany,
                    StartDate = new DateTime(2014, 10, 11, 1, 1, 1, DateTimeKind.Utc),
                    EndDate   = new DateTime(2015, 9, 1, 1, 1, 1, DateTimeKind.Utc)
                new PositionRecord()
                    Title     = "Developer",
                    Summary   = @"I was lead developer with one junior on It's a full Microsoft stack MVC site in C#.

- Lead developer for
- Continuously added product features from the business while reducing tech debt and improving infrastructure
- Added phone proxy product to hide customer phone numbers from scammers
- Added new and improved existing advertising
- Full upgrade for mobile site to latest jquery mobile
- Added support for https across the entire site
- Added support for white labelling the site to support new partners and advertisers
- Moved all static content to CDN
- Implemented move to Amazon Web Services cloud infrastructure
- Automated the release process with Jenkins and moved build process to MSBuild
- Started first automated tests for product with NUnit and Selenium
- Got database schemas versioned in to source control
- Played active role in implementing scrum, moving towards continuous delivery and reducing sprint length
- Mentored junior developers and new team members",
                    Company   = bauerMediaCompany,
                    StartDate = new DateTime(2013, 10, 11, 1, 1, 1, DateTimeKind.Utc),
                    EndDate   = new DateTime(2014, 10, 11, 1, 1, 1, DateTimeKind.Utc)
                new PositionRecord()
                    Title     = "Career Break",
                    Summary   = @"- I flew to Egypt and rode my bicycle from Cairo to Cape Town as part of the 2013 Tour d'Afrique race. 
- I rested the bum and decompressed in South Africa, travelling along the the garden route and southern coast to Durban and the Drakensbergs. I sailed a delivery yacht from Durban back to Cape Town.
- I returned to Europe for a month to see some music, old friends and new sights.
- Finally I flew to North America and fulfilled a long time wish of driving my motorcycle from Toronto to the Arctic circle in the Northwest Territories and 
- 12, 000km of Canadian wilderness later I finished in Vancouver for a flight to Auckland and a life without winter!",
                    Company   = travellingCompany,
                    StartDate = new DateTime(2012, 12, 12, 1, 1, 1, DateTimeKind.Utc),
                    EndDate   = new DateTime(2013, 10, 12, 1, 1, 1, DateTimeKind.Utc)
                new PositionRecord()
                    Title     = "Developer / System integrator",
                    Summary   = @"-      Designed, developed and managed  system to securely track thousands of hardware samples, providing full oversight of global hardware testing activities.
?	Integrated many external systems including Active Directory, Security badges, an automated sample transfer/mailing system and legacy Oracle databases.
?	Supported huge growth in RIM’s hardware portfolio and provided enormous benefit to the managers and staff including centralized process control, audit trails and real time reporting.
?	Designed APIs and tooling that allowed rapid integration of sample tracking and test data collection to test software.
?	Improved throughput on RIMs new product programs by designing a service oriented, multilayer, secure, automated mailing system for transporting sensitive devices around the RIM campus.
?	Provided additional support for test software, which included upgrading test systems’ connection stacks to support a completely new mobile OS and refactoring code to reduce future maintenance.

Additional Activities

?	Adhered to RIMs strict project execution methodology and documentation procedure.
?	5s + 1 champion.
?	Member of the Health & Safety Committee(WSIB Certified)."    ,
                    Company   = blackberryCompany,
                    StartDate = new DateTime(2009, 3, 12, 1, 1, 1, DateTimeKind.Utc),
                    EndDate   = new DateTime(2012, 12, 12, 1, 1, 1, DateTimeKind.Utc)
                new PositionRecord()
                    Title     = "Developer Intern",
                    Summary   = @"?	Designed, developed and managed a custom ASP.NET learning management system to improve efficiency in administration of the training department for 100 worldwide employees.
?	Administered Windows Server including IIS and Microsoft SQL Server.
?	Created work estimations and task prioritization for management and compiled weekly progress reports.Consistently showed ability to self - manage.
?	Fixed bugs in VB.NET soft phase code for a new Emerson Delta V automation system.
?	Demonstrated flexibility in working hours and commitment.
?	Tested DeltaV Hardware, Graphics, Interlocks, Equipment modules and phases.
?	Created high quality GAMP documentation to perform the above testing.
?	Participated in factory acceptance testing directly with clients.
?	Supported intensive project work over summer months.
?	Practiced safety procedures for industrial environments."    ,
                    Company   = zenithCompany,
                    StartDate = new DateTime(2007, 4, 12, 1, 1, 1, DateTimeKind.Utc),
                    EndDate   = new DateTime(2008, 9, 12, 1, 1, 1, DateTimeKind.Utc)

            resume.EducationRecords = new List <EducationRecord>();
            resume.EducationRecords.Add(new EducationRecord()
                Degree       = "Bachelor of Science (Honors) in Computerised Instrumentation",
                FieldOfStudy = "Applied Physics",
                EndDate      = new DateTime(2008, 10, 12, 1, 1, 1, DateTimeKind.Utc),
                Notes        = "Finished first in class in 1st and final year. Achieved H1.1 grade",
                SchoolName   = "Cork Institute of Technology",
                StartDate    = new DateTime(2004, 10, 12, 1, 1, 1, DateTimeKind.Utc)
            resume.EducationRecords.Add(new EducationRecord()
                Degree       = "Certificate in Electronic Engineering",
                FieldOfStudy = "Electronic Engineering",
                EndDate      = new DateTime(2004, 10, 12, 1, 1, 1, DateTimeKind.Utc),
                SchoolName   = "Cork Institute of Technology",
                StartDate    = new DateTime(2001, 10, 12, 1, 1, 1, DateTimeKind.Utc)
        public User GetUser()
            user.Code  = txtCode.Text.Trim();
            user.Name  = txtName.Text.Trim();
            user.Name2 = txtDisplayName.Text.Trim();
            if (passwordChanged)
                user.Password = txtPassword1.Text.Trim();

            user.UserLevel = (UserAccessLevel)cboAccessLevel.GetSelectedValue();
            user.CardNo    = txtCardNo.Text.Trim();

            if (lockedLocation == null)
                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(txtLocation.Text))
                    Location resolved = Location.GetByName(txtLocation.Text);
                    if (resolved != null)
            user.LockedLocationId = lockedLocation != null ? lockedLocation.Id : -1;

            if (defaultPartner == null)
                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(txtDefaultPartner.Text))
                    Partner resolved = Partner.GetByName(txtDefaultPartner.Text);
                    if (resolved != null)
            user.DefaultPartnerId = defaultPartner != null ? defaultPartner.Id : -1;

            if (lockedPartner == null)
                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(txtPartner.Text))
                    Partner resolved = Partner.GetByName(txtPartner.Text);
                    if (resolved != null)
            user.LockedPartnerId = lockedPartner != null ? lockedPartner.Id : -1;

            if (defaultCompany == null)
                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(txtCompany.Text))
                    CompanyRecord resolved = CompanyRecord.GetByName(txtCompany.Text);
                    if (resolved != null)
            user.DefaultCompanyId = defaultCompany != null ? defaultCompany.Id : -1;

            user.HideItemsPurchasePrice = !chkShowItemsPurchasePrice.Active;
            user.HideItemsAvailability  = !chkShowItemsAvailability.Active;
            user.AllowZeroPrices        = chkAllowZeroPrices.Active;

            long selectedGroupId = gEditPanel.GetSelectedGroupId();

            if (selectedGroupId == PartnersGroup.DeletedGroupId)
                user.Deleted = true;
                user.GroupId = selectedGroupId;

        protected virtual void InitializeEntries()
            LazyListModel <User> allUsers             = User.GetAll();
            List <KeyValuePair <int, string> > levels = new List <KeyValuePair <int, string> > (User.GetAllAccessLevels());

            if (user == null)
                user = new User {
                    Password = string.Empty
                // If we are creating the first user after the default user then he can only be owner
                if (allUsers.Count <= 1)

                cboAccessLevel.Load(levels, "Key", "Value", (int)UserAccessLevel.Operator);

                if (defaultGroupId.HasValue)

                if (BusinessDomain.AppConfiguration.AutoGenerateUserCodes)
                // If we are editing the first user after the default user then he can only be owner
                if (allUsers.Count <= 2)

                cboAccessLevel.Load(levels, "Key", "Value", (int)user.UserLevel);

            txtName.Text        = user.Name;
            txtDisplayName.Text = user.Name2;
            txtPassword1.Text   = "******";
            txtPassword2.Text   = "******";
            txtCardNo.Text      = user.CardNo;
            txtCode.Text        = user.Code;

            if (user.LockedLocationId > 0)
                lockedLocation = Location.GetById(user.LockedLocationId);
                if (lockedLocation != null)
                    txtLocation.Text = lockedLocation.Name;

            if (user.LockedPartnerId > 0)
                lockedPartner = Partner.GetById(user.LockedPartnerId);
                if (lockedPartner != null)
                    txtPartner.Text = lockedPartner.Name;

            if (user.DefaultPartnerId > 0)
                defaultPartner = Partner.GetById(user.DefaultPartnerId);
                if (defaultPartner != null)
                    txtDefaultPartner.Text = defaultPartner.Name;

            if (user.DefaultCompanyId > 0)
                defaultCompany = CompanyRecord.GetById(user.DefaultCompanyId);
                if (defaultCompany != null)
                    txtCompany.Text = defaultCompany.Name;

            chkShowItemsPurchasePrice.Active = !user.HideItemsPurchasePrice;
            chkShowItemsAvailability.Active  = !user.HideItemsAvailability;
            chkAllowZeroPrices.Active        = user.AllowZeroPrices;