Example #1
 public BlockVariantDefinition(int data, string friendlyName, ColorRgb color, bool wasColorInferred)
     BlockData       = data;
     FriendlyName    = friendlyName;
     Color           = color;
     IsColorInferred = wasColorInferred;
Example #2
 public ColorRgb32Bit(ColorRgb color)
     this._alpha = (byte)(System.Math.Round(color.Alpha * 255));
     this._r     = (byte)(System.Math.Round(color.R * 255));
     this._g     = (byte)(System.Math.Round(color.G * 255));
     this._b     = (byte)(System.Math.Round(color.B * 255));
        public override double Distance(ColorRgb queryCircle, Color3d targetColor, int distX, int distY)
            var queryCircleConverted = queryCircle.ConvertTo <ColorType>();
            var targetColorConverted = targetColor.ConvertTo <ColorType>();

            return(targetColorConverted.Get4dDistanceL2(queryCircleConverted, 0));
Example #4
 public PlayerSetting(int?startPosition, string side, ColorRgb color, PlayerOwner owner = PlayerOwner.None, string name = "")
     StartPosition = startPosition;
     Side          = side;
     Color         = color;
     Owner         = owner;
     Name          = name;
 public static void Write(this BinaryWriter writer, ColorRgb color)
     // Write a ColorRgb object to the stream.
        public override double Distance(ColorRgb queryCircle, Color3d targetColor, int distX, int distY)

            var l2dist = base.Distance(queryCircle, targetColor, distX, distY);

            return(l2dist * CalculateIdf(queryCircle));
Example #7
 public PlayerSetting(int?startPosition, PlayerTemplate template, ColorRgb color, PlayerOwner owner = PlayerOwner.None, string name = "")
     StartPosition = startPosition;
     Template      = template;
     Color         = color;
     Owner         = owner;
     Name          = name;
Example #8
 public BlockDefinition(int id, string friendly, string[] dataNames, ColorRgb color, IReadOnlyList <BlockVariantDefinition> variants)
     Id           = id;
     FriendlyName = friendly;
     DataNames    = dataNames;
     Color        = color;
     Variants     = variants;
Example #9
        public override double Distance(ColorRgb queryCircle, Color3d targetColor, int distX, int distY)
            var queryCircleConverted = queryCircle.ConvertTo <ColorType>();
            var targetColorConverted = targetColor.ConvertTo <ColorType>();

            var distFromPoint = (int)Math.Sqrt(distX * distX + distY * distY);

            return(targetColorConverted.Get4dDistanceL2(queryCircleConverted, distFromPoint));
Example #10
        public ColorHsl(ColorRgb rgb)
            double maxc  = System.Math.Max(rgb.R, System.Math.Max(rgb.G, rgb.B));
            double minc  = System.Math.Min(rgb.R, System.Math.Min(rgb.G, rgb.B));
            double delta = maxc - minc;

            double l = (maxc + minc) / 2.0;
            double h = double.NaN;
            double s = double.NaN;

            // Handle case for r,g,b all have the same value
            if (maxc == minc)
                // Black, White, or some shade of Gray -> No Chroma
                this._alpha = rgb.Alpha;
                this._h     = double.NaN;
                this._s     = double.NaN;
                this._l     = l;

            // At this stage, we know R,G,B are not all set to the same value - i.e. there Chroma
            if (l < 0.5)
                s = delta / (maxc + minc);
                s = delta / (2.0 - maxc - minc);

            double rc = (((maxc - rgb.R) / 6.0) + (delta / 2.0)) / delta;
            double gc = (((maxc - rgb.G) / 6.0) + (delta / 2.0)) / delta;
            double bc = (((maxc - rgb.B) / 6.0) + (delta / 2.0)) / delta;

            h = 0.0;

            if (rgb.R == maxc)
                h = bc - gc;
            else if (rgb.G == maxc)
                h = (1.0 / 3.0) + rc - bc;
            else if (rgb.B == maxc)
                h = (2.0 / 3.0) + gc - rc;

            h = ColorConversionUtils.NormalizeHue(h);

            this._alpha = rgb.Alpha;
            this._h     = h;
            this._s     = s;
            this._l     = l;
Example #11
        public ColorRgb(ColorRgb32Bit color)
            ColorRgb temp = FromColor(color);

            this._alpha = temp._alpha;
            this._r     = temp._r;
            this._g     = temp._g;
            this._b     = temp._b;
Example #12
        public ColorRgb(int n)
            ColorRgb rgb = FromColor(new ColorRgb32Bit(n));

            this._alpha = rgb.Alpha;
            this._r     = rgb.R;
            this._g     = rgb.G;
            this._b     = rgb.B;
Example #13
        public ColorRgb(uint n)
            ColorRgb rgb = FromColor(new ColorRgb32Bit(n));

            this._alpha = rgb.Alpha;
            this._r     = rgb._r;
            this._g     = rgb._g;
            this._b     = rgb._b;
Example #14
 public PlayerSetting(int?startPosition, string sideName, ColorRgb color, int team, PlayerOwner owner = PlayerOwner.None, string name = "", bool isLocalForMultiplayer = false)
     StartPosition         = startPosition;
     SideName              = sideName;
     Color                 = color;
     Owner                 = owner;
     Name                  = name;
     Team                  = team;
     IsLocalForMultiplayer = isLocalForMultiplayer;
Example #15
        public static ColorRgb ReadColorRgb(this BinaryReader reader)
            // Read a ColorRgb object from the stream.
            ColorRgb color = new ColorRgb();

            color.r = reader.ReadByte();
            color.g = reader.ReadByte();
            color.b = reader.ReadByte();

Example #16
        public const double Kappa   = 903.3;       // Intent is 24389/27

        public static ColorXyz ToXyz(ColorRgb rgb)
            double r = PivotRgb(rgb.R / 255.0);
            double g = PivotRgb(rgb.G / 255.0);
            double b = PivotRgb(rgb.B / 255.0);

            // Observer. = 2°, Illuminant = D65
            return(new ColorXyz(
                       r * 0.4124 + g * 0.3576 + b * 0.1805,
                       r * 0.2126 + g * 0.7152 + b * 0.0722,
                       r * 0.0193 + g * 0.1192 + b * 0.9505));
Example #17
        public static BlockDefinition FromXml(XElement e)
            int    id    = int.Parse(e.Attribute("id").Value.Substring(2), NumberStyles.HexNumber);
            string fname = e.Attribute("name")?.Value ?? $"Unknown block id={id}";
            string dname = e.Attribute("uname")?.Value ?? $"minecraft:unknown_block_{id}";

            string[] dataNames   = dname.Split(new[] { ';' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
            string   color       = e.Attribute("color")?.Value ?? "0xff00ff";
            var      parsedColor = ColorRgb.From0x(color);
            var      variants    = e.Elements("blockvariant").Select(el => BlockVariantDefinition.FromXml(el, dname, parsedColor)).ToList();

            return(new BlockDefinition(id, fname, dataNames, parsedColor, variants));
Example #18
                public static Circle[] Parse(string v, CircleFilter filter = null, int PictureWidth = int.MaxValue, int PictureHeight = int.MaxValue)
                    var colorConverter = new ColorConverter();
                    var circles        = v.Split(']');
                    var list           = new List <Circle>(5);

                    int i = 0;

                    foreach (string circle in circles)
                        if (circle == "")

                        var circleSplit = circle.Trim('\r', '[', ']', ',').Split(',');

                        var c = new Circle()
                            X            = int.Parse(circleSplit[0]),
                            Y            = int.Parse(circleSplit[1]),
                            Color        = ColorRgb.FromHex(circleSplit[2]),
                            CreationTime = int.Parse(circleSplit[3]),
                            LastEditTime = int.Parse(circleSplit[4]),
                            EntryOrder   = i,

                        // for some reason, there are bad circles in the dataset
                        if (c.X >= 0 && c.Y >= 0 && c.X < PictureWidth && c.Y < PictureHeight)
                            if (filter == null || filter(c, i))

                            i++; // i can be incremented only if it's a valid circle, but must be incremented if a circle was filtered out

                    if (list.Count == 0)
                        Console.WriteLine($"no circles in string {v}");

Example #19
        public static ColorLab ToLab(ColorRgb rgb)
            ColorXyz xyz = XyzConverter.ToXyz(rgb);

            ColorXyz white = XyzConverter.WhiteReference;
            double   x     = PivotXyz(xyz.X / white.X);
            double   y     = PivotXyz(xyz.Y / white.Y);
            double   z     = PivotXyz(xyz.Z / white.Z);

            return(new ColorLab(
                       Math.Max(0, 116 * y - 16),
                       500 * (x - y),
                       200 * (y - z)));
        public static ColorRgb ReadColorRgb(this BinaryReader reader, bool extraBytePadding = false)
            var result = new ColorRgb(

            if (extraBytePadding)

Example #21
 public FactionEmblem(
     string foregroundId,
     string backgroundId,
     string shapeMaskId,
     ColorRgb colorForeground,
     ColorRgb colorBackground1,
     ColorRgb colorBackground2)
     this.ForegroundId     = foregroundId;
     this.BackgroundId     = backgroundId;
     this.ShapeMaskId      = shapeMaskId;
     this.ColorForeground  = colorForeground;
     this.ColorBackground1 = colorBackground1;
     this.ColorBackground2 = colorBackground2;
Example #22
        internal WorldHost()
            PerformanceHost.OnHalfSecondElapsed += PerformanceHost_OnHalfSecondElapsed;

            for (var i = 0; i < Math.Max(1, Environment.ProcessorCount / 2); i++)
                var buildChunkThread = new Thread(BuildChunksThread)
                    IsBackground = true, Priority = ThreadPriority.Lowest, Name = "Chunk Builder " + i
                };                                                                                                                                                          //Lowest priority makes it noticeably less choppy when working through the queue (startup)

            FogColorUnderWater = new ColorRgb(51, 128, 204);
Example #23
        public override double Distance(ColorRgb queryCircle, Color3d targetColor, int distX, int distY)
            var queryCircleConverted = queryCircle.ConvertTo <ColorType>();
            var targetColorConverted = targetColor.ConvertTo <ColorType>();

            var dist = distX * distX + distY * distY;

            for (int i = 0; i < queryCircle.Spectrums.Length; i++)
                var spectDiff = targetColorConverted.Spectrums[i] - queryCircleConverted.Spectrums[i];
                dist += spectDiff * spectDiff;

Example #24
        public ColorHsv(ColorRgb rgb)
            double maxc = System.Math.Max(rgb.R, System.Math.Max(rgb.G, rgb.B));
            double minc = System.Math.Min(rgb.R, System.Math.Min(rgb.G, rgb.B));

            double h = double.NaN;
            double s = double.NaN;
            double v = double.NaN;

            // Handle case for r,g,b all have the same value
            if (maxc == minc)
                // Black, White, or some shade of Gray -> No Chroma
                this._alpha = rgb.Alpha;
                this._h     = double.NaN;
                this._s     = double.NaN;
                this._v     = maxc;

            // At this stage, we know R,G,B are not all set to the same value - i.e. there is Chromatic data
            double delta = maxc - minc;

            s = delta / maxc;
            v = maxc;

            if (rgb.R == maxc)
                h = 0.0 + ((rgb.G - rgb.B) / delta);
            else if (rgb.G == maxc)
                h = 2.0 + ((rgb.B - rgb.R) / delta);
                h = 4.0 + ((rgb.R - rgb.G) / delta);

            h = ColorConversionUtils.NormalizeHue(h / 6.0);

            this._alpha = rgb.Alpha;
            this._h     = h;
            this._s     = s;
            this._v     = v;
Example #25
        public static BlockVariantDefinition FromXml(XElement e, string parentBlockDataName, ColorRgb parentBlockColor)
            int      data        = int.Parse(e.Attribute("blockdata").Value.Substring(2), NumberStyles.HexNumber);
            string   customColor = e.Attribute("color")?.Value;
            ColorRgb resultColor;

            if (customColor != null)
                resultColor = ColorRgb.From0x(customColor);
                resultColor = parentBlockColor.Add(data);
            string fname = e.Attribute("name")?.Value ?? $"Unknown variant ({parentBlockDataName} variant {data})";

            return(new BlockVariantDefinition(data, fname, resultColor, customColor == null));
Example #26
        private static Player FromMapData(Data.Map.Player mapPlayer, ContentManager content)
            var side = mapPlayer.Properties["playerFaction"].Value as string;

            // We need the template for default values
            var template = content.IniDataContext.PlayerTemplates.Find(t => t.Name == side);

            var name                  = mapPlayer.Properties["playerName"].Value as string;
            var displayName           = mapPlayer.Properties["playerDisplayName"].Value as string;
            var translatedDisplayName = displayName.Translate();

            var isHuman = (bool)mapPlayer.Properties["playerIsHuman"].Value;

            var colorRgb = mapPlayer.Properties.GetPropOrNull("playerColor")?.Value as uint?;

            ColorRgb color;

            if (colorRgb != null)
                color = ColorRgb.FromUInt32(colorRgb.Value);
            else if (template != null) // Template is null for the neutral faction
                color = template.PreferredColor;
                color = new ColorRgb(0, 0, 0);

            return(new Player
                Side = side,
                Name = name,
                DisplayName = translatedDisplayName,
                Color = color,
                IsHuman = isHuman
Example #27
        public ColorCmyk(ColorRgb rgb)
            if (rgb.R == 0.0 && rgb.G == 0.0 && rgb.B == 0.0)
                _alpha = rgb.Alpha;
                _c     = 0.0;
                _m     = 0.0;
                _y     = 0.0;
                _k     = 1.0;

            double CMY_Cyan    = 1 - rgb.R;
            double CMY_Magenta = 1 - rgb.G;
            double CMY_Yellow  = 1 - rgb.B;

            double var_K = 1.0;

            if (CMY_Cyan < var_K)
                var_K = CMY_Cyan;

            if (CMY_Magenta < var_K)
                var_K = CMY_Magenta;

            if (CMY_Yellow < var_K)
                var_K = CMY_Yellow;

            _alpha = rgb.Alpha;
            _c     = (CMY_Cyan - var_K) / (1 - var_K);
            _m     = (CMY_Magenta - var_K) / (1 - var_K);
            _y     = (CMY_Yellow - var_K) / (1 - var_K);
            _k     = var_K;
Example #28
        public ColorXyz(ColorRgb rgb, RgbWorkingSpace ws)
            double[,] m = ws.RgbtoxyzMatrix;

            // convert to a sRGB form
            double r = (rgb.R > 0.04045) ? System.Math.Pow((rgb.R + 0.055) / (1.055), 2.4) : (rgb.R / 12.92);
            double g = (rgb.G > 0.04045) ? System.Math.Pow((rgb.G + 0.055) / (1.055), 2.4) : (rgb.G / 12.92);
            double b = (rgb.B > 0.04045) ? System.Math.Pow((rgb.B + 0.055) / (1.055), 2.4) : (rgb.B / 12.92);

            double x = (r * m[0, 0] + g * m[0, 1] + b * m[0, 2]);
            double y = (r * m[1, 0] + g * m[1, 1] + b * m[1, 2]);
            double z = (r * m[2, 0] + g * m[2, 1] + b * m[2, 2]);

            x *= 100;
            y *= 100;
            z *= 100;

            this._alpha = rgb.Alpha;
            this._x     = x;
            this._y     = y;
            this._z     = z;
Example #29
        private List<PlayerSetting?> ParseReplayMetaToPlayerSettings(ReplaySlot[] slots)
            var random = new Random();

            // TODO: set the correct factions & colors
            var pSettings = new List<PlayerSetting?>();

            var availableColors = new HashSet<MultiplayerColor>(AssetStore.MultiplayerColors);

            foreach (var slot in slots)
                var colorIndex = (int) slot.Color;
                if (colorIndex >= 0 && colorIndex < AssetStore.MultiplayerColors.Count)

            foreach (var slot in slots)
                var owner = PlayerOwner.Player;

                if (slot.SlotType == ReplaySlotType.Empty)

                var factionIndex = slot.Faction;
                if (factionIndex == -1) // random
                    var maxFactionIndex = AssetStore.PlayerTemplates.Count;
                    var minFactionIndex = 2; // 0 and 1 are civilian and observer

                    var diff = maxFactionIndex - minFactionIndex;
                    factionIndex = minFactionIndex + (random.Next() % diff);

                var faction = AssetStore.PlayerTemplates.GetByIndex(factionIndex);

                var color = new ColorRgb(0, 0, 0);

                var colorIndex = (int) slot.Color;
                if (colorIndex >= 0 && colorIndex < AssetStore.MultiplayerColors.Count)
                    color = AssetStore.MultiplayerColors.GetByIndex((int) slot.Color).RgbColor;
                    var multiplayerColor = availableColors.First();
                    color = multiplayerColor.RgbColor;

                if (slot.SlotType == ReplaySlotType.Computer)
                    switch (slot.ComputerDifficulty)
                        case ReplaySlotDifficulty.Easy:
                            owner = PlayerOwner.EasyAi;

                        case ReplaySlotDifficulty.Medium:
                            owner = PlayerOwner.MediumAi;

                        case ReplaySlotDifficulty.Hard:
                            owner = PlayerOwner.HardAi;

                pSettings.Add(new PlayerSetting(slot.StartPosition, faction, color, owner, slot.HumanName));

            return pSettings;
Example #30
        private static ColorRgb FromColor(ColorRgb32Bit color)
            ColorRgb c = new ColorRgb(color.Alpha / 255.0, color.R / 255.0, color.G / 255.0, color.B / 255.0);
