private IEnumerator keySend(string keyboardInput) { Debug.Log(keyboardInput); yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.1f)); ct.Send(keyboardInput); }
void SendTargetAngle() //***** Send 'target angle' to PC: Function ~ { isSend = false; /// yield return new WaitForSeconds(1); string send_msg = theta_user[0].ToString("f4") + "," + theta_user[1].ToString("f4") + "," + theta_user[2].ToString("f4") + "," + theta_user[3].ToString("f4") + "," + theta_user[4].ToString("f4") + "," + theta_user[5].ToString("f4") + ",999.9999"; ct.Send(send_msg); isSend = true; }
private IEnumerator SendTargetAngle() //***** Send 'target angle' to PC: Function ~ { isSend = false; yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.1F)); string send_msg = theta_user[0].ToString("f4") + "," + theta_user[1].ToString("f4") + "," + theta_user[2].ToString("f4") + "," + theta_user[3].ToString("f4") + "," + theta_user[4].ToString("f4") + "," + theta_user[5].ToString("f4") + ",999.9999"; if (Robot_jR.inRange) //*** if(OutOfRange) don't send! { ct.Send(send_msg); Debug.Log("Send raw" + send_msg); } isSend = true; }
private IEnumerator delaySend() { //str = count.ToString(); isSend = false; yield return(new WaitForSeconds(1)); ct.Send("1,1,1,1"); Debug.Log("sented"); //ct.Send(str); //count++; isSend = true; }
private IEnumerator delaySend() { isSend = false; // yield return new WaitForSeconds(1); yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.1F)); // ct.Send("Hello~ My name is Client"); // Ting string sendmes = JsonUtility.ToJson(PlayerParam.Client); // string sendmes = JsonUtility.ToJson(ss); ct.Send(sendmes); PlayerParam.Client.Ball_Force_UpdateSt = false; PlayerParam.Client.Ball_Force_X = 0; PlayerParam.Client.Ball_Force_Y = 0; PlayerParam.Client.Ball_Velocity_X = 0; PlayerParam.Client.Ball_Velocity_Y = 0; isSend = true; }
private IEnumerator SendTargetAngle() //***** Send 'target angle' to PC: Function ~ { isSend = false; yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.01F)); string send_msg = theta_user[0].ToString("f4") + "," + theta_user[1].ToString("f4") + "," + theta_user[2].ToString("f4") + "," + theta_user[3].ToString("f4") + "," + theta_user[4].ToString("f4") + "," + theta_user[5].ToString("f4") + "," + Robot_jR.theta_tar[6].ToString("f4") + "\0"; //string send_msg = theta_user[0].ToString("f4") + "," + theta_user[1].ToString("f4") + "," + theta_user[2].ToString("f4") + "," + theta_user[3].ToString("f4") + ","+ theta_user[4].ToString("f4") + "," + theta_user[5].ToString("f4") + ",999.9999"; if (Robot_jR.inRange & (ctrl_tpad_flag | ctrl_grip_flag)) //*** if(OutOfRange) don't send! { ct.Send(send_msg); if (ctrl_tpad_flag) { ctrl_tpad_flag = false; //0508_Pick&Place// } if (ctrl_grip_flag) { ctrl_grip_flag = false; } Debug.Log("Send raw" + send_msg); } isSend = true; }
public void SendInput() { ct.Send(Keyin.text); }
private void OnApplicationQuit() { ct.Send("bye"); ct.StopConnect(); }