//tests sending a QueryRequest and receiving a response static void testQueryRequestClient() { Guid myGuid = Guid.NewGuid(); TcpClient tcpClient = new TcpClient("", 7890); ClientThread ct = new ClientThread(tcpClient, false, myGuid); QueryRequest qr = new QueryRequest(IPAddress.Parse(Node.GetInternetAddress()), myGuid, 777); qr.QueryType = QueryType.Hostname; ct.EnqueueWork(qr); int x = 0; while (ct.EventCount() == 0) { x++; Thread.Sleep(1000); Print("waiting for response. " + x); } NetworkResponse response = (NetworkResponse)ct.DequeueEvent(); Print("response: " + response.Type + " reason: " + response.Reason); ct.RequestStop(); Print("requested stop"); while (ct.IsAlive()) { x++; Thread.Sleep(1000); Print("waiting for thread to die. " + x); } Print("thread dead."); Console.WriteLine("press a key to continue"); Console.ReadKey(); }
public static void testSendBackup() { string path = "C:\\Users\\James\\Desktop\\temp\\scratch 2\\How I Met Your Mother Season 06 Episode 24 - Challange Accepted.avi"; Guid myGuid = Guid.NewGuid(); TcpClient tcpClient = new TcpClient("", 7890); ClientThread ct = new ClientThread(tcpClient, false, myGuid); PushRequest pr = new PushRequest(IPAddress.Parse(Node.GetInternetAddress()), myGuid, 777); pr.BackupNumber = 4; pr.ChunkNumber = 5; pr.Path = path; pr.FileSize = new FileInfo(path).Length; ct.EnqueueWork(pr); int x = 0; /*while (ct.EventCount() == 0) * { * x++; * Thread.Sleep(1000); * Print("waiting for response. " + x); * } * NetworkResponse response = (NetworkResponse)ct.DequeueEvent(); * Print("response: " + response.Type + " reason: " + response.Reason);*/ while (ct.IsWorking()) { x++; Thread.Sleep(1000); Print("waiting for thread to finish working. " + x); } Print("thread finished working. " + x); ct.RequestStop(); Print("requested stop"); while (ct.IsAlive()) { x++; Thread.Sleep(1000); Print("waiting for thread to die. " + x); } Print("thread dead."); Console.WriteLine("press a key to continue"); Console.ReadKey(); }
//tests receiving and responding to QueryRequests static void testQueryRequestServer() { Guid myGuid = Guid.NewGuid(); CommandServer cs = new CommandServer(myGuid); int x = 0; while (cs.ClientThreadCount() == 0) { x++; Thread.Sleep(1000); Print("waiting for message. " + x); } ClientThread ct = cs.getClientThread(); Print("got client thread."); while (ct.EventCount() == 0) { x++; Thread.Sleep(1000); Print("waiting to receive request." + x); } Print("received request."); QueryRequest qr = (QueryRequest)ct.DequeueEvent(); Print("request: " + qr.QueryType); ct.RespondToQuery(qr); Print("responded to query."); while (ct.IsWorking()) { x++; Thread.Sleep(1000); Print("waiting for ClientThread to finish working." + x); } ct.RequestStop(); Print("requested clientthread stop"); cs.Stop(); Print("stopped CommandServer."); Console.WriteLine("press a key to continue"); Console.ReadKey(); }
//test sending/receiving files public static void testReceiveBackup() { Guid myGuid = Guid.NewGuid(); CommandServer cs = new CommandServer(myGuid); int x = 0; while (cs.ClientThreadCount() == 0) { x++; Thread.Sleep(1000); Print("waiting for message. " + x); } ClientThread ct = cs.getClientThread(); Print("got client thread."); while (ct.EventCount() == 0) { x++; Thread.Sleep(1000); Print("waiting to receive request." + x); } Print("received request."); PushRequest pr = (PushRequest)ct.DequeueEvent(); Print("request: " + pr.FileSize + ' ' + Path.GetFileName(pr.Path)); ct.AcceptFileTransfer(pr, "C:\\Users\\411blue\\desktop\\temp\\scratch 2\\" + Path.GetFileName(pr.Path)); Print("responded to PushRequest."); while (ct.IsWorking()) { x++; Thread.Sleep(1000); Print("waiting for ClientThread to finish working." + x); } ct.RequestStop(); Print("requested clientthread stop"); cs.Stop(); Print("stopped CommandServer."); Console.WriteLine("press a key to continue"); Console.ReadKey(); }