private void Awake() { this.gameObject.SetActive(true); man = FindObjectOfType <GameManager>(); buttonList = new List <GameObject>(); climan = FindObjectOfType <ClientMana>(); }
private void Start() { climana = FindObjectOfType <ClientMana>(); inv = GameObject.Find("Inventory"); Cli = GameObject.Find("Clients"); store = GetComponent <ValueStore>(); currBudget = 1000; cliholder = GameObject.Find("Clientholder"); budgettxt = GameObject.Find("Budget").GetComponent <Text>(); Timetxt = GameObject.Find("Day").GetComponent <Text>(); Rattingcalc(); inv.SetActive(false); Cli.SetActive(false); }
void Start() { mann = GameObject.FindObjectOfType <GameManager>().GetComponent <GameManager>(); uimann = GameObject.FindObjectOfType <UIManager>(); invman = GameObject.FindObjectOfType <InventoryMana>().GetComponent <InventoryMana>(); climan = FindObjectOfType <ClientMana>(); //mann = mann //invman = if (mann.tutorial) { namenum = 0; Deathnum = 0; } // Debug.Log(invman.headstoneList.Count); RequestedHeadstone = invman.headstoneList[headnum].GetComponent <headstoneobj>().currentheadstone; RequestedCoffin = invman.CoffinList[coffinnum].GetComponent <Coffinobj>().SelectedCoffin; clientName.text = ("Name:\n" + climan.Client[namenum]); Causeofdeath.text = ("Cause of Death:\n" + climan.Death[Deathnum]); client = climan.Client[namenum]; // name.text = ("Name:\n"+client); Reasonofdeath = climan.Death[Deathnum]; Causeofdeath.text = ("Cause of Death:\n" + Reasonofdeath); climan.openclients.Insert(0, this); payr.text = ("Pay: " + Pay.ToString()); timetocom.text = ("Time to Complete: " + timetocomplete.ToString()); currentstatus = Status.notstarted; //txtcontents = textAsset.text; jobstatus.text = "Current Status: Not Started"; }