private void OnEnable() { audio = GetComponent <AudioSource>(); fog = GetComponent <FogOfWarEntity>(); mesh = GetComponent <SkinnedMeshRenderer>(); myChampionData = GetComponent <ChampionData>(); myChampionAnimation = GetComponent <ChampionAnimation>(); ChampHP = transform.GetComponent <ChampionHP>(); icon = transform.parent.GetComponentInChildren <ChampionIcon>().gameObject; rigidbody = GetComponent <Rigidbody>(); myPhotonView = GetComponent <PhotonView>(); if (myPhotonView.owner.GetTeam().ToString().Equals("blue")) { Team = "Blue"; } if (photonView.owner.Equals(PhotonNetwork.player) && SceneManager.GetActiveScene().name.Equals("Selection")) { ChampionSound.instance.SelectionVoice(PlayerData.Instance.championName); } if (!myPhotonView.isMine) // 사운드 { audio.volume = 0.5f; audio.loop = false; audio.spatialBlend = 1f; audio.rolloffMode = AudioRolloffMode.Linear; audio.maxDistance = 20f; } }
private void Awake() { if (myChamp == null) { myChamp = transform.parent.gameObject; } myChampionData = myChamp.GetComponent <ChampionData>(); TheAIPath = myChamp.GetComponent <AIPath>(); TheAIDest = myChamp.GetComponent <AIDestinationSetter>(); ThePlayerMouse = myChamp.GetComponent <PlayerMouse>(); aStarTargetObj = ThePlayerMouse.myTarget; enemiesList = new List <GameObject>(); myChampBehav = myChamp.GetComponent <ChampionBehavior>(); myChampionAnimation = myChamp.GetComponent <ChampionAnimation>(); champName = PlayerData.Instance.championName; if ("Ashe")) { asheSkill = myChamp.GetComponent <AsheSkill>(); if (asheSkill != null) { isAshe = true; } } }
/// <summary> /// When champion created Champion and teamID passed /// </summary> /// <param name="_champion"></param> /// <param name="_teamID"></param> public void Init(Champion _champion, int _teamID) { champion = _champion; teamID = _teamID; //store scripts map = GameObject.Find("Scripts").GetComponent <Map>(); aIopponent = GameObject.Find("Scripts").GetComponent <AIopponent>(); gamePlayController = GameObject.Find("Scripts").GetComponent <GamePlayController>(); worldCanvasController = GameObject.Find("Scripts").GetComponent <WorldCanvasController>(); navMeshAgent = this.GetComponent <NavMeshAgent>(); championAnimation = this.GetComponent <ChampionAnimation>(); //disable agent navMeshAgent.enabled = false; //set stats maxHealth =; currentHealth =; currentDamage = champion.damage; worldCanvasController.AddHealthBar(this.gameObject); effects = new List <Effect>(); }
public ChampionAnimation GetAnim(bool dead, bool onGround, bool castingSpell1, bool castingSpell2, bool castingSpell3, bool castingSpell4, int movement, bool isIdle, ChampionAnimation oldAnim) { // Dead champion if (dead) return ChampionAnimation.die; // Casting spell if (castingSpell1) return ChampionAnimation.spell1; if (castingSpell2) return ChampionAnimation.spell2; if (castingSpell3) return ChampionAnimation.spell3; if (castingSpell4) return ChampionAnimation.spell4; // Falling/jumping if (!onGround) return ChampionAnimation.jump; // Moving left/right if (movement != 0) return; // No recent actions if (isIdle) return ChampionAnimation.idle; // No updates since, keep our previous animation return oldAnim; }
public StateUpdateData(ulong id, Vec2 pos, Vec2 vel, ChampionAnimation anim, bool facingLeft) : this() { ID = id; Position = pos; Velocity = vel; Animation = anim; FacingLeft = facingLeft; }
public DrawableChampionSprite(ChampionAnimation startAnim, ChampionTypes type, ChampionsInfo championsInfo) : base (championsInfo.GetInfo(type).AssetName, championsInfo.GetInfo(type).FrameWidth, championsInfo.GetInfo(type).FrameHeight, championsInfo.GetInfo(type).GetAnimation(startAnim).Line, championsInfo.GetInfo(type).GetAnimation(startAnim).FrameRate, championsInfo.GetInfo(type).GetAnimation(startAnim).FrameCount) { Information = championsInfo.GetInfo(type); CurrentAnimation = startAnim; }
public DrawableChampionSprite(ChampionAnimation startAnim, ChampionTypes type, ChampionsInfo championsInfo) : base(championsInfo.GetInfo(type).AssetName, championsInfo.GetInfo(type).FrameWidth, championsInfo.GetInfo(type).FrameHeight, championsInfo.GetInfo(type).GetAnimation(startAnim).Line, championsInfo.GetInfo(type).GetAnimation(startAnim).FrameRate, championsInfo.GetInfo(type).GetAnimation(startAnim).FrameCount) { Information = championsInfo.GetInfo(type); CurrentAnimation = startAnim; }
/// <summary> /// 최초 설정 값을 잡는 함수 /// </summary> public virtual void InitInstance() { skillObj = new Dictionary <string, List <GameObject> >(); TheSkillClass = SkillClass.Instance; skillParticleManager = new GameObject("SkillParticleManager"); skillParticleManager.transform.parent = this.transform.parent; TheChampionData = GetComponent <ChampionData>(); TheSplatManager = GetComponentInChildren <SplatManager>(); TheChampionBehaviour = GetComponent <ChampionBehavior>(); championAnimation = GetComponent <ChampionAnimation>(); }
public ChampionAnimation GetAnim(bool dead, bool onGround, bool castingSpell1, bool castingSpell2, bool castingSpell3, bool castingSpell4, int movement, bool isIdle, ChampionAnimation oldAnim) { // Dead champion if (dead) { return(ChampionAnimation.die); } // Casting spell if (castingSpell1) { return(ChampionAnimation.spell1); } if (castingSpell2) { return(ChampionAnimation.spell2); } if (castingSpell3) { return(ChampionAnimation.spell3); } if (castingSpell4) { return(ChampionAnimation.spell4); } // Falling/jumping if (!onGround) { return(ChampionAnimation.jump); } // Moving left/right if (movement != 0) { return(; } // No recent actions if (isIdle) { return(ChampionAnimation.idle); } // No updates since, keep our previous animation return(oldAnim); }
/// <summary> /// Gets the animation with the given name. /// </summary> /// <returns>The animation.</returns> /// <param name="name">Name.</param> public AnimationInfo GetAnimation(ChampionAnimation name) { foreach (AnimationInfo anim in Animations) { if (anim.Name == name) { return(anim); } } Debug.Fail("No animation with the name " + name + " for the champion " + Name + "."); return(null); }
/// <summary> /// Plays the animation. /// If the animation doesn't exist, this call is ignored; /// </summary> /// <param name="name">Name.</param> public void PlayAnimation(ChampionAnimation name) { AnimationInfo anim = Information.GetAnimation(name); Debug.Assert(anim != null, "The animation does not exist."); if (anim!=null) { CurrentAnimation = name; Line = anim.Line; FrameCount = anim.FrameCount; FrameRate = anim.FrameRate; CurrentFrame = 0; RepetitionCount = anim.Repeat ? INFINITE : 1; } }
/// <summary> /// Plays the animation. /// If the animation doesn't exist, this call is ignored; /// </summary> /// <param name="name">Name.</param> public void PlayAnimation(ChampionAnimation name) { AnimationInfo anim = Information.GetAnimation(name); Debug.Assert(anim != null, "The animation does not exist."); if (anim != null) { CurrentAnimation = name; Line = anim.Line; FrameCount = anim.FrameCount; FrameRate = anim.FrameRate; CurrentFrame = 0; RepetitionCount = anim.Repeat ? INFINITE : 1; } }
/// <summary> /// Gets the animation with the given name. /// </summary> /// <returns>The animation.</returns> /// <param name="name">Name.</param> public AnimationInfo GetAnimation(ChampionAnimation name) { foreach (AnimationInfo anim in Animations) if (anim.Name == name) return anim; Debug.Fail("No animation with the name " + name + " for the champion " + Name + "."); return null; }
public StateUpdateEventArgs(NetBuffer msg) : base(msg) { EntitiesUpdatedState = new List <StateUpdateData>(); RemarkableEvents = new List <RemarkableEventData>(); LastAcknowledgedActionID = msg.ReadUInt64(); Time = msg.ReadDouble(); Vec2 velocity = new Vec2(msg.ReadFloat(), msg.ReadFloat()); byte nbClients = msg.ReadByte(); for (byte i = 0; i < nbClients; ++i) { ulong id = msg.ReadUInt64(); Vec2 pos = new Vec2(msg.ReadFloat(), msg.ReadFloat()); ChampionAnimation anim = (ChampionAnimation)msg.ReadByte(); bool facingLeft = msg.ReadBoolean(); EntitiesUpdatedState.Add(new StateUpdateData(id, pos, velocity, anim, facingLeft)); } while (msg.Position != msg.LengthBits) { ServerCommand cmd = (ServerCommand)msg.ReadByte(); RemarkableEventData data = null; switch (cmd) { case ServerCommand.SpellCast: data = new SpellCastEventData( msg.ReadUInt64(), msg.ReadUInt64(), (SpellTypes)msg.ReadByte(), msg.ReadFloat(), new Vec2(msg.ReadFloat(), msg.ReadFloat()), new Vec2(msg.ReadFloat(), msg.ReadFloat()), TimeSpan.FromSeconds(msg.ReadFloat()), msg.ReadFloat(), msg.ReadFloat()); break; case ServerCommand.SpellDisappear: data = new SpellDisappearEventData(msg.ReadUInt64()); break; case ServerCommand.StatsChanged: data = new StatsChangedEventData(msg.ReadUInt64(), msg.ReadFloat()); break; case ServerCommand.ChampionDied: data = new ChampionDiedEventData(msg.ReadUInt64(), msg.ReadUInt64(), msg.ReadUInt32(), msg.ReadUInt32(), msg.ReadUInt32(), msg.ReadUInt32(), TimeSpan.FromSeconds(msg.ReadUInt16())); break; case ServerCommand.StructureStatsChanged: data = new StructureStatsChangedEventData(msg.ReadBoolean() ? Teams.Left : Teams.Right, (StructureTypes)msg.ReadByte(), msg.ReadFloat()); break; case ServerCommand.StructureDestroyed: data = new StructureDestroyedEventData(msg.ReadBoolean() ? Teams.Left : Teams.Right, (StructureTypes)msg.ReadByte()); break; case ServerCommand.EndOfGame: data = new EndOfGameEventData(msg.ReadBoolean() ? Teams.Left : Teams.Right); break; case ServerCommand.TowerPreparingToShoot: data = new TowerPreparingToShootEventData(msg.ReadBoolean() ? Teams.Left : Teams.Right, (StructureTypes)msg.ReadByte()); break; default: Debug.Fail("Unknown server command when updating (unknown remarkable event)"); break; } if (data != null) { RemarkableEvents.Add(data); } } }