public ViewResult Registration(CarRegistration carRegistration) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { Repository.AddRegistration(carRegistration); return(View("ThankYou", carRegistration)); } else { return(View()); } }
public ParkingEngine() { //Mocking 5 data entries for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { int counter = 10 + i; string placeholder = $"B{counter}FFF"; CarRegistration carRegistration = new CarRegistration { RegistrationNumber = placeholder, EntryTime = DateTime.UtcNow }; CarRegistrations.Add(carRegistration); } this.AvailableParkingSpots = 10 - CarRegistrations.Count(); }
public void RegisterCarEntry() { if (AvailableParkingSpots > 0) { bool tryAgain; do { if (!Console.IsOutputRedirected) { Console.Clear(); } Console.WriteLine(@" ____ _ __ __ / __ \___ ____ _(_)____/ /____ _____ ____ _ _________ ______ ___ ____ / /________ __ / /_/ / _ \/ __ `/ / ___/ __/ _ \/ ___/ / __ `/ / ___/ __ `/ ___/ / _ \/ __ \/ __/ ___/ / / / / _, _/ __/ /_/ / (__ ) /_/ __/ / / /_/ / / /__/ /_/ / / / __/ / / / /_/ / / /_/ / /_/ |_|\___/\__, /_/____/\__/\___/_/ \__,_/ \___/\__,_/_/ \___/_/ /_/\__/_/ \__, / /____/ /____/ "); Console.Write("Enter The Registration Number: "); string registrationNumber = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(registrationNumber) && rg.IsMatch(registrationNumber) && CarRegistrations.SingleOrDefault(car => car.RegistrationNumber == registrationNumber) == null) { CarRegistration carRegistration = new CarRegistration { RegistrationNumber = registrationNumber, EntryTime = DateTime.UtcNow }; CarRegistrations.Add(carRegistration); this.AvailableParkingSpots = 10 - CarRegistrations.Count(); tryAgain = false; Console.WriteLine("Car Registered Succesfuly!"); } else { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(registrationNumber)) { Console.WriteLine("Please enter a Registration Number"); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(registrationNumber) && !rg.IsMatch(registrationNumber)) { Console.WriteLine("The Registration Number you entered has a wrong format"); Console.WriteLine("Please check the spelling and try again"); } if (CarRegistrations.SingleOrDefault(car => car.RegistrationNumber == registrationNumber) != null) { Console.WriteLine("The Registration Number is already registered"); Console.WriteLine("Please check the spelling and try again"); } Console.WriteLine(); Console.Write("Try Again? (y/n): "); string answer = Console.ReadLine(); if (answer.ToLower() == "y") { tryAgain = true; } else { tryAgain = false; } } }while (tryAgain); } else { if (!Console.IsOutputRedirected) { Console.Clear(); } Console.WriteLine(@" ____ _ __ __ / __ \___ ____ _(_)____/ /____ _____ ____ _ _________ ______ ___ ____ / /________ __ / /_/ / _ \/ __ `/ / ___/ __/ _ \/ ___/ / __ `/ / ___/ __ `/ ___/ / _ \/ __ \/ __/ ___/ / / / / _, _/ __/ /_/ / (__ ) /_/ __/ / / /_/ / / /__/ /_/ / / / __/ / / / /_/ / / /_/ / /_/ |_|\___/\__, /_/____/\__/\___/_/ \__,_/ \___/\__,_/_/ \___/_/ /_/\__/_/ \__, / /____/ /____/ "); Console.WriteLine("There are no parking spots available. Please come back later!"); } Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Press Any key to go back to the main menu.."); Console.ReadLine(); }