public UserMaster GetUserdetailsByUsernameAndRole(string name, string userRole) { UserMaster userMaster = new UserMaster(); using (var context = new ppmsEntities()) { userMaster = (from a in context.UserMasters where a.UserName == name select a).FirstOrDefault(); var userRoleMapping = (from a in context.UserRoleMappings where a.UserId == userMaster.Id select a).FirstOrDefault(); var rolemaster = (from a in context.RoleMasters where a.Id == userRoleMapping.RoleId select a).FirstOrDefault(); if (string.Equals(rolemaster.RoleName, userRole, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { return(userMaster); } else { return(null); } } }
public long CreateCustomer(Customer customer, UserOpMap userOpMap) { using (var dbContext = new ppmsEntities()) { Customer customerData = new Customer(); customerData = (from a in dbContext.Customers where a.IsActive == true && a.Id == customer.Id && a.Name == customer.Name select a).FirstOrDefault(); if (customerData == null) { try { dbContext.Customers.Add(customer); dbContext.SaveChanges(); } catch (Exception ex) { throw; } return(customer.Id); } else { throw new Exception("Customer with same data already exist !"); } } }
public List <Operations> GetOperationListForUser(int userId) { List <Operations> opList = new List <Operations>(); using (var context = new ppmsEntities()) { var userRoleMapping = (from a in context.UserRoleMappings where a.UserId == userId select a).FirstOrDefault(); var rolemaster = (from a in context.RoleMasters where a.Id == userRoleMapping.RoleId select a).FirstOrDefault(); List <RoleOperationMapping> roleOpMapping = new List <RoleOperationMapping>(); roleOpMapping = (from a in context.RoleOperationMappings where a.RoleId == userRoleMapping.RoleId select a).ToList(); foreach (RoleOperationMapping opMapp in roleOpMapping) { Operations op = new Operations(); OperationMaster opm = new OperationMaster(); opm = (from a in context.OperationMasters where a.Id == opMapp.OperationId select a).FirstOrDefault(); if (opm != null) { op.OperationName = opm.OperationName; opList.Add(op); } } } return(opList); }
public List <Tanker> GetTankerList() { List <Tanker> tankerList = new List <Tanker>(); using (var dbContext = new ppmsEntities()) { tankerList = (from a in dbContext.Tankers where a.IsActive == true select a).ToList(); } return(tankerList); }
public List <Customer> GetCustomerList() { List <Customer> customerList = new List <Customer>(); using (var dbContext = new ppmsEntities()) { customerList = (from a in dbContext.Customers where a.IsActive == true select a).ToList(); } return(customerList); }
public DailyTankerReading GetDailyTankerReadingByTankerID(int tankerID) { DailyTankerReading dailyDailyTankerReading = new DailyTankerReading(); using (var dbContext = new ppmsEntities()) { dailyDailyTankerReading = (from a in dbContext.DailyTankerReadings where a.IsActive == true && a.TankerId == tankerID select a).FirstOrDefault(); } return(dailyDailyTankerReading); }
public List <Meter> GetMeterList() { List <Meter> MeterList = new List <Meter>(); using (var dbContext = new ppmsEntities()) { MeterList = (from a in dbContext.Meters where a.IsActive == true select a).ToList(); } return(MeterList); }
public List <Fuel> GetFuelList() { List <Fuel> fuelList = new List <Fuel>(); using (var dbContext = new ppmsEntities()) { fuelList = (from a in dbContext.Fuels where a.IsActive == true select a).ToList(); } return(fuelList); }
public UserMaster GetUserdetailsByUsernamePass(string username, string passWord) { UserMaster userMaster = new UserMaster(); using (var context = new ppmsEntities()) { userMaster = (from a in context.UserMasters where a.UserName == username && a.Password == passWord select a).FirstOrDefault(); } return(userMaster); }
public Fuel GetFuelByFuelID(int fuelID) { Fuel fuel = new Fuel(); using (var dbContext = new ppmsEntities()) { fuel = (from a in dbContext.Fuels where a.IsActive == true && a.Id == fuelID select a).FirstOrDefault(); } return(fuel); }
public List <CustomerType> GetCustomerType() { List <CustomerType> customerType = new List <CustomerType>(); //DateTime myDate = new DateTime(); using (var dbContext = new ppmsEntities()) { customerType = (from a in dbContext.CustomerTypes where a.IsActive == true select a).ToList(); } return(customerType); }
public List <City> GetCityByStateID(string selectedState) { List <City> listCity = new List <City>(); int id = Convert.ToInt32(selectedState); using (var context = new ppmsEntities()) { listCity = (from a in context.Cities where a.StateID == id select a).ToList(); } return(listCity); }
public List <State> GetStateList() { List <State> listSate = new List <State>(); using (var context = new ppmsEntities()) { listSate = (from a in context.States where a.Name != null select a).ToList(); } return(listSate); }
public Tanker GetTankerByID(string tankerID) { Tanker tanker = new Tanker(); int tankerId = Convert.ToInt32(tankerID); using (var dbContext = new ppmsEntities()) { tanker = (from a in dbContext.Tankers where a.IsActive == true && a.Id == tankerId select a).FirstOrDefault(); } return(tanker); }
public List <DailyMeterReading> GetDailyMeterReading() { List <DailyMeterReading> dailyMeterReading = new List <DailyMeterReading>(); DateTime today = DateTime.Now; using (var dbContext = new ppmsEntities()) { dailyMeterReading = (from a in dbContext.DailyMeterReadings where a.IsActive == true && a.UpdatedOn <= today orderby a.UpdatedOn descending select a).ToList(); } return(dailyMeterReading); }
public List <DailyFuelCost> GetDailyFuelCost() { List <DailyFuelCost> dailyFuelCost = new List <DailyFuelCost>(); DateTime today = DateTime.Now; using (var dbContext = new ppmsEntities()) { dailyFuelCost = (from a in dbContext.DailyFuelCosts where a.IsActive == true && a.Date <= today orderby a.Date descending select a).ToList(); } return(dailyFuelCost); }
public long UpdateTanker(Tanker tanker, DailyTankerReading dailyTankerReading, UserOpMap userOpMap) { using (var dbContext = new ppmsEntities()) { Tanker tankerData = new Tanker(); tankerData = (from a in dbContext.Tankers where a.IsActive == true && a.Id == tanker.Id select a).FirstOrDefault(); tankerData.Description = tanker.Description; tankerData.Size = tanker.Size; tankerData.FuelTypeId = tanker.FuelTypeId; tankerData.UpdatedOn = DateTime.Now; tankerData.Updatedby = Convert.ToInt64(userOpMap.UserID); dbContext.SaveChanges(); DateTime today = DateTime.Now; DailyTankerReading dailyTankerReadingData = new DailyTankerReading(); dailyTankerReadingData = (from a in dbContext.DailyTankerReadings where a.UpdatedOn.Value.Day == today.Day && a.UpdatedOn.Value.Month == today.Month && a.UpdatedOn.Value.Year == today.Year && a.TankerId == tanker.Id && a.IsActive == true select a).FirstOrDefault(); if (dailyTankerReadingData == null) { dailyTankerReading.TankerId = tanker.Id; dailyTankerReading.DailyStartReading = dailyTankerReading.DailyStartReading; dailyTankerReading.DailyEndReading = dailyTankerReading.DailyEndReading; dailyTankerReading.CreatedBy = Convert.ToInt64(userOpMap.UserID); dailyTankerReading.Updatedby = Convert.ToInt64(userOpMap.UserID); dailyTankerReading.UpdatedOn = DateTime.Now; dailyTankerReading.CreatedOn = DateTime.Now; dailyTankerReading.IsActive = true; dbContext.DailyTankerReadings.Add(dailyTankerReading); dbContext.SaveChanges();//this generates the Id for DailyTankerReadings } else { dailyTankerReadingData.DailyStartReading = dailyTankerReading.DailyStartReading; dailyTankerReadingData.DailyEndReading = dailyTankerReading.DailyEndReading; dailyTankerReadingData.Updatedby = Convert.ToInt64(userOpMap.UserID); dailyTankerReadingData.UpdatedOn = DateTime.Now; dbContext.SaveChanges();//this generates the Id for DailyTankerReadings } return(dailyTankerReading.Id); } }
public bool ValidateUserLogin(string username, string pass) { UserMaster userMaster = new UserMaster(); using (var context = new ppmsEntities()) { userMaster = (from a in context.UserMasters where a.UserName == username && a.Password == pass select a).FirstOrDefault(); } if (userMaster != null) { return(true); } else { return(false); } }
public string GetUserRole(long userID) { string role = string.Empty; using (var context = new ppmsEntities()) { var userRoleMapping = (from a in context.UserRoleMappings where a.UserId == userID select a).FirstOrDefault(); var rolemaster = (from a in context.RoleMasters where a.Id == userRoleMapping.RoleId select a).FirstOrDefault(); if (rolemaster != null) { role = rolemaster.RoleName; } } return(role); }
public long UpdateCutsomer(Customer customerData) { using (var dbContext = new ppmsEntities()) { Customer customer = new Customer(); customer = (from a in dbContext.Customers where a.IsActive == true && a.Id == customerData.Id select a).FirstOrDefault(); customer.EmailId = customerData.EmailId; customer.AddressLineOne = customerData.AddressLineOne; customer.AddressLineTwo = customerData.AddressLineTwo; customer.ContactNumber = Convert.ToInt64(customerData.ContactNumber); customer.City = customerData.City; customer.State = customerData.State; customer.UpdatedOn = DateTime.Now; customer.Updatedby = customerData.Updatedby; customer.CustomerTypeId = Convert.ToInt32(customerData.CustomerTypeId); dbContext.SaveChanges(); return(customerData.Id); } }
public long UpdateFuel(Fuel fuel, DailyFuelCost dailyFuelCost, UserOpMap userOpMap) { using (var dbContext = new ppmsEntities()) { Fuel fuelData = new Fuel(); fuelData = (from a in dbContext.Fuels where a.IsActive == true && a.Id == fuel.Id select a).FirstOrDefault(); fuelData.Description = fuel.Description; fuelData.Type = fuel.Type; dbContext.SaveChanges(); dailyFuelCost.CreatedBy = Convert.ToInt64(userOpMap.UserID); dailyFuelCost.Updatedby = Convert.ToInt64(userOpMap.UserID); dailyFuelCost.UpdatedOn = DateTime.Now; dailyFuelCost.CreatedOn = DateTime.Now; dailyFuelCost.IsActive = true; dbContext.DailyFuelCosts.Add(dailyFuelCost); dbContext.SaveChanges();//this generates the Id for customer return(dailyFuelCost.Id); } }
public long CreateMeter(Meter meter, DailyMeterReading dailyMeterReading, UserOpMap userOpMap) { using (var dbContext = new ppmsEntities()) { Meter meterData = new Meter(); meterData = (from a in dbContext.Meters where a.IsActive == true && a.Name == meter.Name select a).FirstOrDefault(); if (meterData == null) { //Create Meter meter.IsActive = true; meter.CreatedBy = Convert.ToInt64(userOpMap.UserID); meter.Updatedby = Convert.ToInt64(userOpMap.UserID); meter.CreatedOn = DateTime.Now; meter.UpdatedOn = DateTime.Now; dbContext.Meters.Add(meter); dbContext.SaveChanges(); int meterID = meter.Id; dailyMeterReading.CreatedBy = Convert.ToInt64(userOpMap.UserID); dailyMeterReading.Updatedby = Convert.ToInt64(userOpMap.UserID); dailyMeterReading.UpdatedOn = DateTime.Now; dailyMeterReading.CreatedOn = DateTime.Now; dailyMeterReading.IsActive = true; dailyMeterReading.MeterId = meterID; dbContext.DailyMeterReadings.Add(dailyMeterReading); dbContext.SaveChanges(); return(dailyMeterReading.Id); } else { throw new Exception("Meter already exist !"); } } }
public long CreateFuel(Fuel fuel, DailyFuelCost dailyFuelCost, UserOpMap userOpMap) { using (var dbContext = new ppmsEntities()) { Fuel fuelData = new Fuel(); fuelData = (from a in dbContext.Fuels where a.IsActive == true && a.Name == fuel.Name && a.Type == fuel.Type select a).FirstOrDefault(); if (fuelData == null) { //Create Fuel fuel.IsActive = true; fuel.CreatedBy = Convert.ToInt64(userOpMap.UserID); fuel.Updatedby = Convert.ToInt64(userOpMap.UserID); fuel.CreatedOn = DateTime.Now; fuel.UpdatedOn = DateTime.Now; dbContext.Fuels.Add(fuel); dbContext.SaveChanges(); int fuelID = fuel.Id; dailyFuelCost.CreatedBy = Convert.ToInt64(userOpMap.UserID); dailyFuelCost.Updatedby = Convert.ToInt64(userOpMap.UserID); dailyFuelCost.UpdatedOn = DateTime.Now; dailyFuelCost.CreatedOn = DateTime.Now; dailyFuelCost.IsActive = true; dailyFuelCost.FuelTypeId = fuelID; dbContext.DailyFuelCosts.Add(dailyFuelCost); dbContext.SaveChanges();//this generates the Id for customer return(dailyFuelCost.Id); } else { throw new Exception("Fuel already exist !"); } } }