Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// The main entry point for the application.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks></remarks>
        public void Main()
            using (BSPCollisionViewer frm = this)
                if (!frm.InitializeGraphics())
                    // Initialize Direct3D
                    MessageBox.Show("Could not initialize Direct3D.  This tutorial will exit.");

                TranslationMatrix = new Matrix[coll.Vertices.Length];
                for (int i = 0; i < coll.Vertices.Length; i++)
                    Matrix m = Matrix.Identity;
                    m.Multiply(Matrix.Translation(coll.Vertices[i].X, coll.Vertices[i].Y, coll.Vertices[i].Z));
                    TranslationMatrix[i] = m;

                cam = new Camera2(this); // Camera(device);

                // While the form is still valid, render and process messages
                while (frm.Created)
 public void ChangeCamera3()
Example #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Occurs when this scene is entered
        /// </summary>
        public override void Enter()
            // setup graphics resources
            sbGUI  = new SpriteBatch(GraphicsManager.Instance.Device);
            sbFore = new SpriteBatch(GraphicsManager.Instance.Device);
            sbBack = new SpriteBatch(GraphicsManager.Instance.Device);
            font   = Engine.Instance.Content.GetAsset <Font>(Constants.ASSET_FONT_CONSOLE);

            camera                   = new Camera2();
            boardRenderer            = new BoardRenderer(manager.Client, camera);
            unitRenderer             = new UnitRenderer(boardRenderer, camera, manager.Client);
            camera.Translation       = boardRenderer.GetTileCentre(manager.Client.GetMyUnits()[0].Location);
            camera.TranslationTarget = camera.Translation;

            // set up gui elements
            canvas = new Canvas(GraphicsManager.Instance.Viewport.Bounds);
            ConsoleForm   consoleForm = new ConsoleForm(canvas);
            GUI_Map       map         = new GUI_Map(camera, manager.Client, boardRenderer, canvas);
            GUI_StatusBar statusBar   = new GUI_StatusBar(manager.Client, this, canvas);
            GUI_EndTurn   endTurn     = new GUI_EndTurn(manager.Client, canvas);

            CityList      = new GUI_CityList(manager.Client, this, canvas);
            UnitList      = new GUI_UnitList(manager.Client, this, canvas);
            UnitActions   = new GUI_UnitActions(manager.Client, this, camera, boardRenderer, canvas);
            CityManagment = new GUI_CityManagment(manager.Client, this, canvas);
            GUI_NamePlates namePlates = new GUI_NamePlates(manager.Client, canvas, camera, boardRenderer);

            TechTree     = new GUI_Tech(manager.Client, this, canvas);
            GameMenu     = new GUI_GameMenu(manager.Client, this, canvas);
            SocialPolicy = new GUI_SocialPolicy(manager.Client, this, canvas);
Example #4
        /// <summary>
        /// The initialize graphics.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>The initialize graphics.</returns>
        /// <remarks></remarks>
        public bool InitializeGraphics()
            // try
            // {

            pc = new PortalContainer(portals, ref render.device);
            BSPModel.BSPDisplayedInfo.CreateVertexBuffers(ref render.device, ref bsp);
            BSPModel.BSPDisplayedInfo.CreateIndexBuffers(ref render.device, ref bsp);
            BSPModel.BSPDisplayedInfo.LoadShaderTextures(ref render.device, ref bsp);

            System.Drawing.Font systemfont = new System.Drawing.Font("Arial", 12f, FontStyle.Regular);
            text = new Font(render.device, systemfont);

            cam       = new Camera2(this);
            cam.speed = 0.05f;

            // cam.fixedrotation = true;

            // }
            // catch (DirectXException)
            // {
            // Catch any errors and return a failure
            //  return false;
            //  }
Example #5
        /// <summary>
        /// The main entry point for the application.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks></remarks>
        public void Main()
            using (CollisionViewer frm = this)
                if (!frm.InitializeGraphics())
                    // Initialize Direct3D
                    MessageBox.Show("Could not initialize Direct3D.  This tutorial will exit.");

                cam       = new Camera2(this); // Camera(device);
                cam.speed = 0.30f;

                // While the form is still valid, render and process messages
                while (frm.Created)
Example #6
 public GUI_NamePlates(Client client, Canvas canvas, Camera2 camera, BoardRenderer boardRenderer)
     this.client        = client;
     this.canvas        = canvas;
     this.camera        = camera;
     this.boardRenderer = boardRenderer;
Example #7
 public GUI_UnitActions(Client client, SceneGame sceneGame, Camera2 camera, BoardRenderer boardRenderer, Canvas canvas)
     this.client                 = client;
     this.sceneGame              = sceneGame;
     this.camera                 = camera;
     this.canvas                 = canvas;
     this.boardRenderer          = boardRenderer;
     client.SelectedUnitChnaged += Client_SelectedUnitChnaged;
Example #8
 // Update is called once per frame
 void Update()
     if (pressed == true)
         GameObject go = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("MainCamera");
         Camera2    s  = go.GetComponent <Camera2> ();
Example #9
 public void Redraw()
Example #10
 public GUI_Map(Camera2 camera, Client client, BoardRenderer boardRenderer, Canvas canvas)
     this.camera        = camera;
     this.boardRenderer = boardRenderer;
     this.client        = client;
     this.canvas        = canvas;
     // load resources
     blankTileSprite   = new Sprite(boardRenderer.TileAtlas, "TILEUTIL_BLANK");
     tileOutlineSprite = new Sprite(boardRenderer.TileAtlas, "TILEUTIL_OUTLINE");
Example #11
 public UnitRenderer(BoardRenderer boardRenderer, Camera2 camera, Client client)
     this.client        = client;
     this.camera        = camera;
     playerID           = client.Player.InstanceID;
     this.boardRenderer = boardRenderer;
     pathColor          = Color.White;
     moveTargets        = new List <Tile>();
     // register events and load resources
     client.SelectedCommandChanged += Client_SelectedCommandChanged;
 private void InitCamarasPosition()
     Camera1.GetComponent <Transform>().position = cameraPositions[0];
     Camera2.GetComponent <Transform>().position = cameraPositions[1];
     Camera3.GetComponent <Transform>().position = cameraPositions[2];
     Camera4.GetComponent <Transform>().position = cameraPositions[3];
     Camera5.GetComponent <Transform>().position = cameraPositions[4];
     Camera6.GetComponent <Transform>().position = cameraPositions[5];
     Camera7.GetComponent <Transform>().position = cameraPositions[6];
     Camera8.GetComponent <Transform>().position = cameraPositions[7];
     Camera.GetComponent <Transform>().position  = cameraPositions[8];
Example #13
 private void bT_Acqure2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     if (!(Camera2.IsAcquring))
Example #14
        /// <summary>
        /// The initialize graphics.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>The initialize graphics.</returns>
        /// <remarks></remarks>
        public bool InitializeGraphics()
            // try
            // {

            //pc = new LightmapContainer(null, ref render.device);
            BSPModel.BSPDisplayedInfo.CreateVertexBuffers(ref render.device, ref bsp);
            BSPModel.BSPDisplayedInfo.CreateIndexBuffers(ref render.device, ref bsp);
            BSPModel.BSPDisplayedInfo.LoadShaderTextures(ref render.device, ref bsp);
            BSPModel.BSPDisplayedInfo.LoadLightmapTextures(ref render.device, ref bsp);

            System.Drawing.Font systemfont = new System.Drawing.Font("Arial", 12f, FontStyle.Regular);
            text = new Font(render.device, systemfont);

            cam       = new Camera2(this);
            cam.speed = 0.30f;

            // cam.fixedrotation = true;
            bspMeshes = new Mesh[bsp.BSPPermutationRawDataMetaChunks.Length];
            //GraphicsStream vertexData;

            for (int x = 0; x < bsp.BSPPermutationRawDataMetaChunks.Length; x++)
                BSPModel.BSPPermutationRawDataMetaChunk tempChunk = bsp.BSPPermutationRawDataMetaChunks[x];

                // Compute the bounding box for a mesh.
                // VertexBufferDescription description = bsp.Display.vertexBuffer[x].Description;
                // vertexData = bsp.Display.vertexBuffer[x].Lock(0, 0, LockFlags.ReadOnly);

                 * Geometry.ComputeBoundingBox(vertexData,
                 *  meshes[i].NumberVertices, description.VertexFormat,
                 *  out meshBoundingBoxMinValues[i],
                 *  out meshBoundingBoxMaxValues[i]);
                 * bsp.Display.vertexBuffer[x].Unlock();
                 * bspMeshes[x] = new Mesh(tempChunk.FaceCount, tempChunk.VerticeCount, MeshFlags.Dynamic, bsp.Display.vertexBuffer[x], render.device);
                 * //                bspMeshes[x] = Mesh.Box(render.device, .BoundingBox.MaxX - bsp.BSPPermutationRawDataMetaChunks[x].BoundingBox.MinX,
                 * //                                                       bsp.BSPPermutationRawDataMetaChunks[x].BoundingBox.MaxY - bsp.BSPPermutationRawDataMetaChunks[x].BoundingBox.MinY,
                 * //                                                       bsp.BSPPermutationRawDataMetaChunks[x].BoundingBox.MaxZ - bsp.BSPPermutationRawDataMetaChunks[x].BoundingBox.MinZ);


            // }
            // catch (DirectXException)
            // {
            // Catch any errors and return a failure
            //  return false;
            //  }
Example #15
 public void OnCamera1()
     Canvas.transform.parent = Camera1.transform;
     Camera1button.sprite = Camera1buttonSprite[1];
     Camera2button.sprite = Camera2buttonSprite[0];
     Camera3button.sprite = Camera3buttonSprite[0];
     Camera4button.sprite = Camera4buttonSprite[0];
 private void handlePositionFOV(string arg0)
     if (null != arg0 && "" != arg0)
         Camera1.GetComponent <Camera>().fieldOfView = float.Parse(arg0);
         Camera2.GetComponent <Camera>().fieldOfView = float.Parse(arg0);
         Camera3.GetComponent <Camera>().fieldOfView = float.Parse(arg0);
         Camera4.GetComponent <Camera>().fieldOfView = float.Parse(arg0);
         Camera5.GetComponent <Camera>().fieldOfView = float.Parse(arg0);
         Camera6.GetComponent <Camera>().fieldOfView = float.Parse(arg0);
         Camera7.GetComponent <Camera>().fieldOfView = float.Parse(arg0);
         Camera8.GetComponent <Camera>().fieldOfView = float.Parse(arg0);
         Camera.GetComponent <Camera>().fieldOfView  = float.Parse(arg0);
Example #17
        private void Camera1_OnCameraChanged(object sender, CameraChangedRoutedEventArgs e)
            if (_isInternalChange) // Prevent infinite call or Camera1 / 2 change handlers

            _isInternalChange = true;

            Camera2.Heading  = Camera1.Heading;
            Camera2.Attitude = Camera1.Attitude;
            Camera2.Distance = Camera1.Distance;
            Camera2.Offset   = Camera1.Offset;

            _isInternalChange = false;
        private void LoadExportedScene(string fileName)
            // Now read the exported file and show in the right Viewport3D

            Model3D readModel3D;

                // With uncommenting the following few lines we would use Ab3d.ReaderObj from Ab3d.PowerToys to read obj files instead of Assimp
                //if (fileName.EndsWith(".obj", ignoreCase: true, culture: CultureInfo.InvariantCulture))
                //    var readerObj = new Ab3d.ReaderObj();
                //    readModel3D = readerObj.ReadModel3D(fileName);
                var assimpWpfImporter = new AssimpWpfImporter();
                readModel3D = assimpWpfImporter.ReadModel3D(fileName);
            catch (Exception ex)
                MessageBox.Show("Error reading file:\r\n" + ex.Message);

            var modelVisual3D = new ModelVisual3D();

            modelVisual3D.Content = readModel3D;


            // Set Camera2 from Camera1
            Camera2.TargetPosition = Camera1.TargetPosition;
            Camera2.Heading        = Camera1.Heading;
            Camera2.Attitude       = Camera1.Attitude;
            Camera2.Distance       = Camera1.Distance;

            Camera2.Refresh(); // This will regenerate light that was cleared with MainViewport2.Children.Clear()

            ExportedSceneTitleTextBlock.Text = "Scene imported from " + fileName;
Example #19
 private void bT_OpenCamera2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     if (!Camera2.IsOpen)
         bool IsOpen = Camera2.OpenCamera();
         if (IsOpen)
             Cam2_ExpTime        = Camera2.ReadExposureTime();
             trackBar2.Value     = (int)Cam2_ExpTime;
             labelExposure2.Text = String.Format("{0:N3} ms", Cam2_ExpTime / 1000);
             // Camera2.Set_TriggerSource(1);
Example #20
        public BoardRenderer(Client client, Camera2 camera)
            this.client = client;
            this.camera = camera;

            DrawHighlight     = true;
            DrawGrid          = false;
            DrawResourceIcons = true;

            TileSize = 50;
            // register events
            client.BoardChanged += Client_BoardChanged;
            client.TilesUpdated += Client_TilesUpdated;

            // get content
            TileAtlas = Engine.Instance.Content.GetAsset <SpriteAtlas>("Core:XML/AtlasDefinitions/TileAtlasDefinition");

            // build yield icons
Example #21
        /// <summary>
        /// The initialize graphics.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>The initialize graphics.</returns>
        /// <remarks></remarks>
        public bool InitializeGraphics()
            // try
            // {

            ParsedModel.DisplayedInfo.LoadDirectXTexturesAndBuffers(ref render.device, ref pm);
            cam = new Camera2(this);
            cam.speed = 0.005f;

            cam.Position.X = 0.5741551f;
            cam.Position.Y = 0.01331316f;
            cam.Position.Z = 0.4271703f;

            cam.radianv = 6.161014f;
            cam.radianh = 3.14159f;

            cam.x = 0.5741551f;
            cam.y = 0.01331316f;
            cam.z = 0.4271703f;


            m1 = new Material();
            m1.Diffuse = Color.White;
            m1.Ambient = Color.White;
            m1.Specular = Color.White;

            return true;

            // }
            // catch (DirectXException)
            // {
            // Catch any errors and return a failure
            // 	return false;
            // 	}
        public void InitSim(bool autoStart, bool smoothingOn, Mission mission)
            gridDone = false;
            pathDone = false;
            pathSmoothDone = false;
            pathSearching = false;
            pathSearchingDone = false;
            autoDrive = true;
            run = false;
            isCollided = false;
            currentControls = new CarControls(0f, 0f, 0f);

            if (camera == null)
                camera = new Camera2(MathHelper.PiOver4, GraphicsDevice.Viewport.AspectRatio, 0.1f, 1000f);
                camera.Position = new Vector3(75f, 75f, 180f);

            startPose = mission.Start;
            goalPose = mission.Goal;
            HybridAStar.Epsilon = mission.AStarEpsilon;
            HybridAStar.GridResolution = mission.AStarGridResolution;
            HybridAStar.SafetyFactor = 1.5f;

            car = new Car(world, startPose);
            grid = new ObstacleGrid(world, mission.Environment);

            car.Body.OnCollision += new OnCollisionEventHandler(OnCollision);

            gridDone = false;
            pathDone = false;
            pathSearchingDone = false;
            bg = new Thread(() =>
                DateTime now = DateTime.Now;
                console.WriteLine("GVD Generation Time: " + Math.Round((DateTime.Now - now).TotalMilliseconds) + " ms");
                gridDone = true;

                now = DateTime.Now;
                pathSearching = true;
                astar = HybridAStar.FindPath(grid, startPose, goalPose);
                TimeSpan astarTime = DateTime.Now - now;
                poses = astar.Path;

                pathSearching = false;
                pathSearchingDone = true;

                if (astar.Path.Count > 0)
                    pathDone = true;

                now = DateTime.Now;
                if (smoothingOn)
                    smoothedPath = Smoother.Smooth(astar.Path, grid);
                    smoothedPath = astar.Path;
                TimeSpan smoothingTime = DateTime.Now - now;

                int numUnsafe = Smoother.UnsafeIndices != null ? Smoother.UnsafeIndices.Count : 0;

                console.WriteLine("A*: Total Planning Time: " + Math.Round((astarTime + smoothingTime).TotalMilliseconds) + " ms");
                console.WriteLine("         Heuristic Time: " + Math.Round(astar.HeuristicInitTime.TotalMilliseconds) + " ms");
                console.WriteLine("         Searching Time: " + Math.Round((astarTime - astar.HeuristicInitTime).TotalMilliseconds) + " ms");
                console.WriteLine("         Smoothing Time: " + Math.Round(smoothingTime.TotalMilliseconds) + " ms (" + Smoother.NumIterations + " iterations, " + Smoother.Change + "m, " + numUnsafe + " unsafe points)");
                console.WriteLine("    " + astar.Discovered.Count + " nodes discovered");
                console.WriteLine("    " + astar.Expanded.Count + " nodes expanded");

                controller = new StanleyFSMController(smoothedPath, goalPose);

                pathSmoothDone = true;
                if (autoStart)
                    run = true;
            bg.IsBackground = true;
            bg.Priority = ThreadPriority.Lowest;
Example #23
 private void trackBar2_Scroll(object sender, EventArgs e)
     Cam2_ExpTime = trackBar2.Value;
     labelExposure2.Text = String.Format("{0:N3} ms", Cam2_ExpTime / 1000);
Example #24
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets the position of the mouse in world space last frame
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="camera"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public Vector2 LastMouseWorldPos(Camera2 camera)
Example #25
 // Start is called before the first frame update
 private void Awake()
     instence = this;
 public void ChangeCamera()
Example #27
        public void InitSim(bool autoStart, bool smoothingOn, Mission mission)
            gridDone          = false;
            pathDone          = false;
            pathSmoothDone    = false;
            pathSearching     = false;
            pathSearchingDone = false;
            autoDrive         = true;
            run             = false;
            isCollided      = false;
            currentControls = new CarControls(0f, 0f, 0f);

            if (camera == null)
                camera          = new Camera2(MathHelper.PiOver4, GraphicsDevice.Viewport.AspectRatio, 0.1f, 1000f);
                camera.Position = new Vector3(75f, 75f, 180f);

            startPose                  = mission.Start;
            goalPose                   = mission.Goal;
            HybridAStar.Epsilon        = mission.AStarEpsilon;
            HybridAStar.GridResolution = mission.AStarGridResolution;
            HybridAStar.SafetyFactor   = 1.5f;

            car  = new Car(world, startPose);
            grid = new ObstacleGrid(world, mission.Environment);

            car.Body.OnCollision += new OnCollisionEventHandler(OnCollision);

            gridDone          = false;
            pathDone          = false;
            pathSearchingDone = false;
            bg = new Thread(() =>
                DateTime now = DateTime.Now;
                console.WriteLine("GVD Generation Time: " + Math.Round((DateTime.Now - now).TotalMilliseconds) + " ms");
                gridDone = true;

                now                = DateTime.Now;
                pathSearching      = true;
                astar              = HybridAStar.FindPath(grid, startPose, goalPose);
                TimeSpan astarTime = DateTime.Now - now;
                poses              = astar.Path;

                pathSearching     = false;
                pathSearchingDone = true;

                if (astar.Path.Count > 0)
                    pathDone = true;

                now = DateTime.Now;
                if (smoothingOn)
                    smoothedPath = Smoother.Smooth(astar.Path, grid);
                    smoothedPath = astar.Path;
                TimeSpan smoothingTime = DateTime.Now - now;

                int numUnsafe = Smoother.UnsafeIndices != null ? Smoother.UnsafeIndices.Count : 0;

                console.WriteLine("A*: Total Planning Time: " + Math.Round((astarTime + smoothingTime).TotalMilliseconds) + " ms");
                console.WriteLine("         Heuristic Time: " + Math.Round(astar.HeuristicInitTime.TotalMilliseconds) + " ms");
                console.WriteLine("         Searching Time: " + Math.Round((astarTime - astar.HeuristicInitTime).TotalMilliseconds) + " ms");
                console.WriteLine("         Smoothing Time: " + Math.Round(smoothingTime.TotalMilliseconds) + " ms (" + Smoother.NumIterations + " iterations, " + Smoother.Change + "m, " + numUnsafe + " unsafe points)");
                console.WriteLine("    " + astar.Discovered.Count + " nodes discovered");
                console.WriteLine("    " + astar.Expanded.Count + " nodes expanded");

                controller = new StanleyFSMController(smoothedPath, goalPose);

                pathSmoothDone = true;
                if (autoStart)
                    run = true;
            bg.IsBackground = true;
            bg.Priority     = ThreadPriority.Lowest;
Example #28
    // Update is called once per frame
    //get the position of the camera and get the position of the robot and then
    //create the triangle for the camera and then using the radius, test if any of the
    //four points of the robot are inside the triangle
    //Questions: size of triangle?
    //how do i know what direction the camera is pointing? using rotation i think, but
    //what does rotation give you exactly?

    void FixedUpdate()
        //start off buy creating the triangle
        //checking if the area matches
        //camera1object = Instantiate(camera1object);
        //GameObject CameraObject = GameObject.Find ("Camera1");

        camera1object = FindObjectOfType <Camera1>();
        camera2object = FindObjectOfType <Camera2>();
        camera3object = FindObjectOfType <Camera3>();

        //Vector3 CameraPos;
        CameraPos      = camera1object.transform.position + 50 * camera1object.transform.forward;
        CameraPosTwo   = camera2object.transform.position + 50 * camera1object.transform.forward;
        CameraPosThree = camera3object.transform.position + 50 * camera1object.transform.forward;
        //CameraPos[1] = y1;

        bb1 = transform.position + 50 * transform.up + 20 * transform.right + 25 * transform.forward;
        bb2 = transform.position + 50 * transform.up - 20 * transform.right + 25 * transform.forward;
        bb3 = transform.position + 50 * transform.up + 20 * transform.right - 20 * transform.forward;
        bb4 = transform.position + 50 * transform.up - 20 * transform.right - 20 * transform.forward;

        bb5 = transform.position - 50 * transform.up + 20 * transform.right + 25 * transform.forward;
        bb6 = transform.position - 50 * transform.up - 20 * transform.right + 25 * transform.forward;
        bb7 = transform.position - 50 * transform.up + 20 * transform.right - 20 * transform.forward;
        bb8 = transform.position - 50 * transform.up - 20 * transform.right - 20 * transform.forward;
        //this is from the origin and this is NOT the right vecotr
        //camera1object.transform.position = CameraPos;
        //two = camera1object.transform.position.ToString();
        //Debug.Log("We are after the CameraPos[1] and CameraPos[1] = ");

        Pos      = transform.position;
        PosTwo   = transform.position;
        PosThree = transform.position;

        PosEdit    = transform.position;
        PosEdit[1] = PosEdit[1] + 50;
        //the x y and z values are floats
        Pos[1] = Pos.y - CameraPos.y;
        Pos[0] = Pos.x - CameraPos.x;
        Pos[2] = Pos.z - CameraPos.z;

         * Pos1[0] = bb1.x - CameraPos.x;
         * Pos1[1] = bb1.y - CameraPos.y;
         * Pos1[2] = bb1.z - CameraPos.z;

        PosTwo[1] = PosTwo.y - CameraPosTwo.y;
        PosTwo[0] = PosTwo.x - CameraPosTwo.x;
        PosTwo[2] = PosTwo.z - CameraPosTwo.z;

        PosThree[1] = PosThree.y - CameraPosThree.y;
        PosThree[0] = PosThree.x - CameraPosThree.x;
        PosThree[2] = PosThree.z - CameraPosThree.z;

        //maybe you dont need to make the pos of the robot the same as the changed vector values
        //transform.position = Pos;
        one = Pos.ToString();
        //Debug.Log("We are after the Pos[1] and pos[1] = ");

        //CameraPos1 = CameraPos; //+ Vector3.up * 15;
        CameraPos2 = CameraPos - 100 * camera1object.transform.forward;

        CameraPosTwo2 = CameraPosTwo - 100 * camera2object.transform.forward;

        CameraPosThree3 = CameraPosThree - 100 * camera3object.transform.forward;

        look[0] = CameraPos2[0] - CameraPos[0];
        look[1] = CameraPos2[1] - CameraPos[1];
        look[2] = CameraPos2[2] - CameraPos[2];

        looktwo[0] = CameraPosTwo2[0] - CameraPosTwo[0];
        looktwo[1] = CameraPosTwo2[1] - CameraPosTwo[1];
        looktwo[2] = CameraPosTwo2[2] - CameraPosTwo[2];

        lookthree[0] = CameraPosThree3[0] - CameraPosThree[0];
        lookthree[1] = CameraPosThree3[1] - CameraPosThree[1];
        lookthree[2] = CameraPosThree3[2] - CameraPosThree[2];

        //Physics.Raycast(camera1object.transform.position + Vector3.left + Vector3.down*15, camera1object.transform.position + Vector3.left + Vector3.down*15 + camera1object.transform.forward, 100);

        //Debug.DrawLine(PosEdit, transform.position + 50*Vector3.forward + 100*transform.forward, Color.yellow);

        Debug.DrawLine(camera1object.transform.position + 50 * camera1object.transform.forward, camera1object.transform.position - 100 * camera1object.transform.forward, Color.red);
        //Debug.DrawLine(camera2object.transform.position, camera2object.transform.position + 100*camera2object.transform.forward, Color.blue);
        //Debug.DrawLine(camera3object.transform.position, camera3object.transform.position + 100*camera3object.transform.forward, Color.yellow);

        Debug.DrawLine(transform.position + 50 * transform.up + 20 * transform.right + 25 * transform.forward, transform.position - 100 * transform.forward + 50 * transform.up, Color.red);
        Debug.DrawLine(transform.position + 50 * transform.up - 20 * transform.right + 25 * transform.forward, transform.position - 100 * transform.forward + 50 * transform.up, Color.white);
        Debug.DrawLine(transform.position + 50 * transform.up + 20 * transform.right - 20 * transform.forward, transform.position - 100 * transform.forward + 50 * transform.up, Color.blue);
        Debug.DrawLine(transform.position + 50 * transform.up - 20 * transform.right - 20 * transform.forward, transform.position - 100 * transform.forward + 50 * transform.up, Color.yellow);

        Debug.DrawLine(transform.position - 50 * transform.up + 20 * transform.right + 25 * transform.forward, transform.position - 100 * transform.forward + 50 * transform.up, Color.red);
        Debug.DrawLine(transform.position - 50 * transform.up - 20 * transform.right + 25 * transform.forward, transform.position - 100 * transform.forward + 50 * transform.up, Color.white);
        Debug.DrawLine(transform.position - 50 * transform.up + 20 * transform.right - 20 * transform.forward, transform.position - 100 * transform.forward + 50 * transform.up, Color.blue);
        Debug.DrawLine(transform.position - 50 * transform.up - 20 * transform.right - 20 * transform.forward, transform.position - 100 * transform.forward + 50 * transform.up, Color.yellow);

        //Debug.DrawLine(transform.position, transform.position + 100*Vector3.back, Color.white);
        //Debug.DrawLine(transform.position, transform.position + 100*Vector3.right, Color.blue);
        //Debug.DrawLine(transform.position, transform.position + 100*Vector3.left, Color.yellow);

        //Debug.DrawLine(camera1object.transform.position , camera1object.transform.position + Vector3.forward + 100*camera1object.transform.forward, Color.blue);

        angle = Vector3.Angle(look, Pos);
        //angle = Vector3.Angle(look, Pos1);
        angletwo   = Vector3.Angle(looktwo, PosTwo);
        anglethree = Vector3.Angle(lookthree, PosThree);

        //Debug.Log("The angle between the two is");


        if (angle <= 55)
            array[0] = 1;
            array[0] = 0;
        Debug.Log("Angle is the following: ");

        if (angletwo <= 55)
            array[1] = 1;
            array[1] = 0;
        //Debug.Log("Angle two is the following: ");

        if (anglethree <= 55)
            //Debug.Log("we are being seen by the camera");
            array[2] = 1;
            //Debug.Log("we are not being seen by the camera");
            array[2] = 0;
        Debug.Log("Angle three is the following: ");

 *    SumArray = array[0] + array[1] + array[2];
 *      if (SumArray == 1) {
 *        array[0] = 1;
 *        if (transform.localScale.x != .75 && ctr-ctr2 == 0) {
 *        transform.localScale += sc;
 *        Debug.Log(transform.localScale.x);
 *        Debug.Log("transform.localScale.x value is first");
 *        Debug.Log(transform.localScale.z);
 *        Debug.Log("transform.localScale.z value is second");
 *        ctr += 1;
 *        }
 *      }
 *      else {
 *        array[0] = 0;
 *        //transform.localScale.x = 1;
 *        //transform.localScale.z = 1;
 *        if (transform.localScale.x != 1 && ctr2 == 0) {
 *        Debug.Log("Were in");
 *        transform.localScale += sc2;
 *        Debug.Log(transform.localScale.x);
 *        Debug.Log("transform.localScale.x value is first");
 *        Debug.Log(transform.localScale.z);
 *        Debug.Log("transform.localScale.z value is second");
 *        ctr2 += 1;
 *        }
 *      }

        SumArray = array[0] + array[1] + array[2];
        //2 to 3
        if (SumArray == 3 && SumArrayOld == 2)
            Debug.Log("SumArray is equal to 3");
            rend.sharedMaterial  = material[3];
            transform.localScale = robotscale3;

        else if (SumArray == 3 && SumArrayOld == 3)
            Debug.Log("SumArray is equal to 3");
            rend.sharedMaterial = material[3];

        //1 to 2
        else if (SumArray == 2 && SumArrayOld == 1)
            Debug.Log("SumArray is equal to 2");
            rend.sharedMaterial  = material[2];
            transform.localScale = robotscale2;

        else if (SumArray == 2 && SumArrayOld == 2)
            Debug.Log("SumArray is equal to 2");
            rend.sharedMaterial = material[2];
        //3 to 2
        else if (SumArray == 2 && SumArrayOld == 3)
            Debug.Log("SumArray is equal to 2");
            rend.sharedMaterial  = material[2];
            transform.localScale = robotscale2;

        //0 to 1
        else if (SumArray == 1 && SumArrayOld == 0)
            //Debug.Log("SumArray is equal to 1");
            rend.sharedMaterial  = material[1];
            transform.localScale = robotscale1;

        else if (SumArray == 1 && SumArrayOld == 1)
            //Debug.Log("SumArray is equal to 1");
            rend.sharedMaterial = material[1];
        //2 to 1
        else if (SumArray == 1 && SumArrayOld == 2)
            //Debug.Log("SumArray is equal to 1");
            rend.sharedMaterial  = material[1];
            transform.localScale = robotscale1;

        //1 to 0
        else if (SumArray == 0 && SumArrayOld == 1)
            Debug.Log("SumArray is equal to 0");
            rend.sharedMaterial = material[0];
            //transform.localScale += sc1;
            transform.localScale = robotscale0;
        else if (SumArray == 0 && SumArrayOld == 0)
            Debug.Log("SumArray is equal to 0");
            rend.sharedMaterial = material[0];

        SumArrayOld = array[0] + array[1] + array[2];

        //SumArray = array[0] + array[1];
