internal static void DrawResource(int resource, int dx, int dy, Rectangle rec)
            if (resource < 1 || resource > C_Graphics.NumResources)
            int x = 0;
            int y = 0;
            int width;
            int height;

            x      = C_Graphics.ConvertMapX(dx);
            y      = C_Graphics.ConvertMapY(dy);
            width  = rec.Right - rec.Left;
            height = rec.Bottom - rec.Top;

            if (rec.Width < 0 || rec.Height < 0)

            if (C_Graphics.ResourcesGfxInfo[resource].IsLoaded == false)
                C_Graphics.LoadTexture(resource, (byte)5);

            //seeying we still use it, lets update timer
            ref var with_1 = ref C_Graphics.ResourcesGfxInfo[resource];
Example #2
        internal static void DrawNpcName(int mapNpcNum)
            int   textX     = 0;
            int   textY     = 0;
            Color color     = new Color();
            Color backcolor = new Color();
            int   npcNum    = 0;

            npcNum = C_Maps.MapNpc[mapNpcNum].Num;

            if (Types.Npc[npcNum].Behaviour == ((byte)0))              // attack on sight
                color     = SFML.Graphics.Color.Red;
                backcolor = SFML.Graphics.Color.Black;
            }             // attack when attacked + guard
            else if ((Types.Npc[npcNum].Behaviour == ((byte)1)) || (Types.Npc[npcNum].Behaviour == ((byte)4)))
                color     = SFML.Graphics.Color.Green;
                backcolor = SFML.Graphics.Color.Black;
            }             // friendly + shopkeeper + quest
            else if (((Types.Npc[npcNum].Behaviour == ((byte)2)) || (Types.Npc[npcNum].Behaviour == ((byte)3))) || (Types.Npc[npcNum].Behaviour == ((byte)5)))
                color     = SFML.Graphics.Color.Yellow;
                backcolor = SFML.Graphics.Color.Black;

            textX = System.Convert.ToInt32(C_Graphics.ConvertMapX(C_Maps.MapNpc[mapNpcNum].X * C_Constants.PicX) + C_Maps.MapNpc[mapNpcNum].XOffset + (C_Constants.PicX / 2) - (double)GetTextWidth(Types.Npc[npcNum].Name.Trim()) / 2);
            if (Types.Npc[npcNum].Sprite <1 || Types.Npc[npcNum].Sprite> C_Graphics.NumCharacters)
                textY = C_Graphics.ConvertMapY(C_Maps.MapNpc[mapNpcNum].Y * C_Constants.PicY) + C_Maps.MapNpc[mapNpcNum].YOffset - 16;
                textY = System.Convert.ToInt32(C_Graphics.ConvertMapY(C_Maps.MapNpc[mapNpcNum].Y * C_Constants.PicY) + C_Maps.MapNpc[mapNpcNum].YOffset - ((double)C_Graphics.CharacterGfxInfo[Types.Npc[npcNum].Sprite].Height / 4) + 16);

            // Draw name
            DrawText(textX, textY, Types.Npc[npcNum].Name.Trim(), color, backcolor, C_Graphics.GameWindow);
Example #3
        public static void UpdateUi()
            if (ReloadFrmMain == true)
                ReloadFrmMain = false;

            if (C_Variables.UpdateNews == true)
                FrmMenu.Default.lblNews.Text = C_Variables.News;
                FrmMenu.Default.Text         = C_Constants.GameName;
                FrmGame.Default.Text         = C_Constants.GameName;
                C_Variables.UpdateNews       = false;

            if (PnlRegisterVisible != FrmMenu.Default.pnlRegister.Visible)
                FrmMenu.Default.pnlRegister.Visible = PnlRegisterVisible;

            if (DrawChar == true)
                DrawChar = false;

            if (PnlCharCreateVisible != FrmMenu.Default.pnlNewChar.Visible)
                FrmMenu.Default.pnlNewChar.Visible = PnlCharCreateVisible;
                DrawChar = true;

            if (Lblnextcharleft != FrmMenu.Default.lblNextChar.Left)
                FrmMenu.Default.lblNextChar.Left = Lblnextcharleft;

            if (!ReferenceEquals(Cmbclass, null))

                for (var i = 1; i <= (Cmbclass.Length - 1); i++)

                FrmMenu.Default.cmbClass.SelectedIndex = 0;

                FrmMenu.Default.rdoMale.Checked = true;


                Cmbclass = null;

            if (PnlLoginVisible != FrmMenu.Default.pnlLogin.Visible)
                FrmMenu.Default.pnlLogin.Visible = PnlLoginVisible;
                if (PnlLoginVisible)

            if (PnlCreditsVisible != FrmMenu.Default.pnlCredits.Visible)
                FrmMenu.Default.pnlCredits.Visible = PnlCreditsVisible;

            if (Frmmenuvisible != FrmMenu.Default.Visible)
                FrmMenu.Default.Visible = Frmmenuvisible;

            if (DrawCharSelect)
                DrawCharSelect = false;

            if (PnlCharSelectVisible != FrmMenu.Default.pnlCharSelect.Visible)
                FrmMenu.Default.pnlCharSelect.Visible = PnlCharSelectVisible;
                if (PnlCharSelectVisible)
                    DrawCharSelect = true;

            if (Frmmaingamevisible != FrmGame.Default.Visible)
                FrmGame.Default.Visible = Frmmaingamevisible;

            if (C_Crafting.InitCrafting == true)
                C_Crafting.InitCrafting = false;

            if (NeedToOpenShop == true)
                NeedToOpenShop    = false;
                NeedToOpenShopNum = 0;
                PnlShopVisible    = true;

            if (NeedToOpenBank == true)
                C_Banks.InBank = System.Convert.ToInt32(true);
                PnlBankVisible = true;
                NeedToOpenBank = false;

            if (NeedToOpenTrade == true)
                C_Trade.InTrade = true;
                PnlTradeVisible = true;

                NeedToOpenTrade = false;

            if (NeedtoCloseTrade == true)
                C_Trade.InTrade = false;
                PnlTradeVisible = false;

                NeedtoCloseTrade = false;

            if (NeedtoUpdateTrade == true)
                NeedtoUpdateTrade = false;

            if (UpdateCharacterPanel == true)
                UpdateCharacterPanel = false;

            if (Pnlloadvisible != FrmMenu.Default.pnlLoad.Visible)
                FrmMenu.Default.pnlLoad.Visible = Pnlloadvisible;

            if (UpdateMapnames == true)
                int x = 0;


                for (x = 1; x <= Constants.MAX_MAPS; x++)
                    FrmAdmin.Default.lstMaps.Items[x - 1].SubItems.Add(C_Types.MapNames[x]);

                UpdateMapnames = false;

            if (Adminvisible == true)
                FrmAdmin.Default.Visible = !FrmAdmin.Default.Visible;
                Adminvisible             = false;

            if (C_Quest.UpdateQuestChat == true)
                C_Variables.DialogMsg1 = "Quest: " + Microsoft.VisualBasic.Strings.Trim(C_Quest.Quest[C_Quest.QuestNum].Name);
                C_Variables.DialogMsg2 = C_Quest.QuestMessage;

                C_Variables.DialogType = C_Constants.DialogueTypeQuest;

                if (C_Quest.QuestNumForStart > 0 && C_Quest.QuestNumForStart <= C_Quest.MaxQuests)
                    C_Quest.QuestAcceptTag = C_Quest.QuestNumForStart;

                C_Variables.UpdateDialog = true;

                C_Quest.UpdateQuestChat = false;

            if (C_Quest.UpdateQuestWindow == true)
                C_Quest.UpdateQuestWindow = false;

            if (C_Variables.UpdateDialog == true)
                if (C_Variables.DialogType == C_Constants.DialogueTypeBuyhome || C_Variables.DialogType == C_Constants.DialogueTypeVisit)                 //house offer & visit
                    C_Variables.DialogButton1Text = "Accept";
                    C_Variables.DialogButton2Text = "Decline";
                    DialogPanelVisible            = true;
                else if (C_Variables.DialogType == C_Constants.DialogueTypeParty || C_Variables.DialogType == C_Constants.DialogueTypeTrade)
                    C_Variables.DialogButton1Text = "Accept";
                    C_Variables.DialogButton2Text = "Decline";
                    DialogPanelVisible            = true;
                else if (C_Variables.DialogType == C_Constants.DialogueTypeQuest)
                    C_Variables.DialogButton1Text = "Accept";
                    C_Variables.DialogButton2Text = "Ok";
                    if (C_Quest.QuestAcceptTag > 0)
                        C_Variables.DialogButton2Text = "Decline";
                    DialogPanelVisible = true;

                C_Variables.UpdateDialog = false;

            if (C_EventSystem.EventChat == true)
                PnlEventChatVisible     = true;
                C_EventSystem.EventChat = false;

            if (C_Variables.ShowRClick == true)
                RClickname       = C_Types.Player[C_Variables.MyTarget].Name;
                RClickX          = C_Graphics.ConvertMapX(C_Variables.CurX * C_Constants.PicX);
                RClickY          = C_Graphics.ConvertMapY(C_Variables.CurY * C_Constants.PicY);
                PnlRClickVisible = true;

                C_Variables.ShowRClick = false;

            if (InitMapEditor == true)
                InitMapEditor = false;

            if (InitMapProperties == true)
                InitMapProperties = false;

            if (C_EventSystem.InitEventEditorForm == true)

                // populate form
                // set the tabs
                if (FrmEditor_Events.Default.tabPages != null && FrmEditor_Events.Default.tabPages.TabPages != null)

                    for (var i = 1; i <= C_EventSystem.TmpEvent.PageCount; i++)
                    // items
                    for (var i = 1; i <= Constants.MAX_ITEMS; i++)
                        FrmEditor_Events.Default.cmbHasItem.Items.Add(i + ": " + Microsoft.VisualBasic.Strings.Trim(Types.Item[(int)i].Name));
                    // variables
                    for (var i = 1; i <= C_EventSystem.MaxVariables; i++)
                        FrmEditor_Events.Default.cmbPlayerVar.Items.Add(i + ". " + C_EventSystem.Variables[(int)i]);
                    // variables
                    for (var i = 1; i <= C_EventSystem.MaxSwitches; i++)
                        FrmEditor_Events.Default.cmbPlayerSwitch.Items.Add(i + ". " + C_EventSystem.Switches[(int)i]);
                    // name
                    FrmEditor_Events.Default.txtName.Text = C_EventSystem.TmpEvent.Name;
                    // enable delete button
                    if (C_EventSystem.TmpEvent.PageCount > 1)
                        FrmEditor_Events.Default.btnDeletePage.Enabled = true;
                        FrmEditor_Events.Default.btnDeletePage.Enabled = false;
                    FrmEditor_Events.Default.btnPastePage.Enabled = false;
                    // Load page 1 to start off with
                    C_EventSystem.CurPageNum = 1;

                    FrmEditor_Events.Default.nudShowTextFace.Maximum    = C_Graphics.NumFaces;
                    FrmEditor_Events.Default.nudShowChoicesFace.Maximum = C_Graphics.NumFaces;
                    // show the editor

                    C_EventSystem.InitEventEditorForm = false;

            if (OptionsVisible == true)
                // show in GUI
                if (C_Types.Options.Music == 1)
                    FrmOptions.Default.optMOn.Checked = true;
                    FrmOptions.Default.optMOff.Checked = true;

                if (C_Types.Options.Music == 1)
                    FrmOptions.Default.optSOn.Checked = true;
                    FrmOptions.Default.optSOff.Checked = true;

                FrmOptions.Default.lblVolume.Text   = "Volume: " + System.Convert.ToString(C_Types.Options.Volume);
                FrmOptions.Default.scrlVolume.Value = (int)C_Types.Options.Volume;

                FrmOptions.Default.cmbScreenSize.SelectedIndex = C_Types.Options.ScreenSize;

                if (C_Types.Options.VSync == 1)
                    FrmOptions.Default.chkVSync.Checked = true;
                    FrmOptions.Default.chkVSync.Checked = false;

                if (C_Types.Options.UnlockFPS == 1)
                    FrmOptions.Default.checkBox1.Checked = true;
                    FrmOptions.Default.checkBox1.Checked = false;

                if (C_Types.Options.ShowNpcBar == 1)
                    FrmOptions.Default.chkNpcBars.Checked = true;
                    FrmOptions.Default.chkNpcBars.Checked = false;

                FrmOptions.Default.Visible = true;
                OptionsVisible             = false;
Example #4
        internal static void DrawPlayerName(int index)
            int    textX     = 0;
            int    textY     = 0;
            Color  color     = new Color();
            Color  backcolor = new Color();
            string name      = "";

            // Check access level
            if (C_Player.GetPlayerPk(index) == 0)
                switch (C_Player.GetPlayerAccess(index))
                case (int)Enums.AdminType.Player:
                    color     = SFML.Graphics.Color.Red;
                    backcolor = SFML.Graphics.Color.Black;

                case (int)Enums.AdminType.Monitor:
                    color     = SFML.Graphics.Color.Black;
                    backcolor = SFML.Graphics.Color.White;

                case (int)Enums.AdminType.Mapper:
                    color     = SFML.Graphics.Color.Cyan;
                    backcolor = SFML.Graphics.Color.Black;

                case (int)Enums.AdminType.Developer:
                    color     = SFML.Graphics.Color.Green;
                    backcolor = SFML.Graphics.Color.Black;

                case (int)Enums.AdminType.Creator:
                    color     = SFML.Graphics.Color.Yellow;
                    backcolor = SFML.Graphics.Color.Black;
                color = SFML.Graphics.Color.Red;

            name = C_Types.Player[index].Name.Trim();
            // calc pos
            textX = System.Convert.ToInt32(C_Graphics.ConvertMapX(C_Player.GetPlayerX(index) * C_Constants.PicX) + C_Types.Player[index].XOffset + (C_Constants.PicX / 2));
            textX = System.Convert.ToInt32(textX - ((double)GetTextWidth(name.Trim()) / 2));
            if (C_Player.GetPlayerSprite(index) < 1 || C_Player.GetPlayerSprite(index) > C_Graphics.NumCharacters)
                textY = C_Graphics.ConvertMapY(C_Player.GetPlayerY(index) * C_Constants.PicY) + C_Types.Player[index].YOffset - 16;
                // Determine location for text
                textY = System.Convert.ToInt32(C_Graphics.ConvertMapY(C_Player.GetPlayerY(index) * C_Constants.PicY) + C_Types.Player[index].YOffset - ((double)C_Graphics.CharacterGfxInfo[C_Player.GetPlayerSprite(index)].Height / 4) + 16);

            // Draw name
            DrawText(textX, textY, name.Trim(), color, backcolor, C_Graphics.GameWindow);
Example #5
        public static void DrawMapAttributes()
            int X  = 0;
            int y  = 0;
            int tX = 0;
            int tY = 0;

            if (ReferenceEquals(FrmEditor_MapEditor.Default.tabpages.SelectedTab, FrmEditor_MapEditor.Default.tpAttributes))
                for (X = C_Variables.TileView.Left; X <= C_Variables.TileView.Right; X++)
                    for (y = C_Variables.TileView.Top; y <= C_Variables.TileView.Bottom; y++)
                        if (C_Graphics.IsValidMapPoint(X, y))
                            ref var with_1 = ref C_Maps.Map.Tile[X, y];
                            tX = System.Convert.ToInt32(((C_Graphics.ConvertMapX(X * C_Constants.PicX)) - 4) + (C_Constants.PicX * 0.5));
                            tY = System.Convert.ToInt32(((C_Graphics.ConvertMapY(y * C_Constants.PicY)) - 7) + (C_Constants.PicY * 0.5));
                            if (with_1.Type == (byte)Enums.TileType.Blocked)
                                DrawText(tX, tY, "B", Color.Red, Color.Black, C_Graphics.GameWindow);
                            else if (with_1.Type == (byte)Enums.TileType.Warp)
                                DrawText(tX, tY, "W", Color.Blue, Color.Black, C_Graphics.GameWindow);
                            else if (with_1.Type == (byte)Enums.TileType.Item)
                                DrawText(tX, tY, "I", Color.White, Color.Black, C_Graphics.GameWindow);
                            else if (with_1.Type == (byte)Enums.TileType.NpcAvoid)
                                DrawText(tX, tY, "N", Color.White, Color.Black, C_Graphics.GameWindow);
                            else if (with_1.Type == (byte)Enums.TileType.Key)
                                DrawText(tX, tY, "K", Color.White, Color.Black, C_Graphics.GameWindow);
                            else if (with_1.Type == (byte)Enums.TileType.KeyOpen)
                                DrawText(tX, tY, "KO", Color.White, Color.Black, C_Graphics.GameWindow);
                            else if (with_1.Type == (byte)Enums.TileType.Resource)
                                DrawText(tX, tY, "R", Color.Green, Color.Black, C_Graphics.GameWindow);
                            else if (with_1.Type == (byte)Enums.TileType.Door)
                                DrawText(tX, tY, "D", Color.Black, Color.Red, C_Graphics.GameWindow);
                            else if (with_1.Type == (byte)Enums.TileType.NpcSpawn)
                                DrawText(tX, tY, "S", Color.Yellow, Color.Black, C_Graphics.GameWindow);
                            else if (with_1.Type == (byte)Enums.TileType.Shop)
                                DrawText(tX, tY, "SH", Color.Blue, Color.Black, C_Graphics.GameWindow);
                            else if (with_1.Type == (byte)Enums.TileType.Bank)
                                DrawText(tX, tY, "BA", Color.Blue, Color.Black, C_Graphics.GameWindow);
                            else if (with_1.Type == (byte)Enums.TileType.Heal)
                                DrawText(tX, tY, "H", Color.Green, Color.Black, C_Graphics.GameWindow);
                            else if (with_1.Type == (byte)Enums.TileType.Trap)
                                DrawText(tX, tY, "T", Color.Red, Color.Black, C_Graphics.GameWindow);
                            else if (with_1.Type == (byte)Enums.TileType.House)
                                DrawText(tX, tY, "H", Color.Green, Color.Black, C_Graphics.GameWindow);
                            else if (with_1.Type == (byte)Enums.TileType.Craft)
                                DrawText(tX, tY, "C", Color.Green, Color.Black, C_Graphics.GameWindow);
                            else if (with_1.Type == (byte)Enums.TileType.Light)
                                DrawText(tX, tY, "L", Color.Yellow, Color.Black, C_Graphics.GameWindow);
Example #6
        internal static void DrawEventName(int index)
            int    textX     = 0;
            int    textY     = 0;
            Color  color     = new Color();
            Color  backcolor = new Color();
            string name      = "";

            color     = SFML.Graphics.Color.Yellow;
            backcolor = SFML.Graphics.Color.Black;

            name = C_Maps.Map.MapEvents[index].Name.Trim();

            // calc pos
            textX = System.Convert.ToInt32(C_Graphics.ConvertMapX(C_Maps.Map.MapEvents[index].X * C_Constants.PicX) + C_Maps.Map.MapEvents[index].XOffset + (C_Constants.PicX / 2) - GetTextWidth(name.Trim()) / 2);
            if (C_Maps.Map.MapEvents[index].GraphicType == 0)
                textY = C_Graphics.ConvertMapY(C_Maps.Map.MapEvents[index].Y * C_Constants.PicY) + C_Maps.Map.MapEvents[index].YOffset - 16;
            else if (C_Maps.Map.MapEvents[index].GraphicType == 1)
                if (C_Maps.Map.MapEvents[index].GraphicNum <1 || C_Maps.Map.MapEvents[index].GraphicNum> C_Graphics.NumCharacters)
                    textY = C_Graphics.ConvertMapY(C_Maps.Map.MapEvents[index].Y * C_Constants.PicY) + C_Maps.Map.MapEvents[index].YOffset - 16;
                    // Determine location for text
                    textY = System.Convert.ToInt32(C_Graphics.ConvertMapY(C_Maps.Map.MapEvents[index].Y * C_Constants.PicY) + C_Maps.Map.MapEvents[index].YOffset - (C_Graphics.CharacterGfxInfo[C_Maps.Map.MapEvents[index].GraphicNum].Height / 4) + 16);
            else if (C_Maps.Map.MapEvents[index].GraphicType == 2)
                if (C_Maps.Map.MapEvents[index].GraphicY2 > 0)
                    textX = textX + (C_Maps.Map.MapEvents[index].GraphicY2 * C_Constants.PicY) / 2 - 16;
                    textY = C_Graphics.ConvertMapY(C_Maps.Map.MapEvents[index].Y * C_Constants.PicY) + C_Maps.Map.MapEvents[index].YOffset - (C_Maps.Map.MapEvents[index].GraphicY2 * C_Constants.PicY) + 16;
                    textY = C_Graphics.ConvertMapY(C_Maps.Map.MapEvents[index].Y * C_Constants.PicY) + C_Maps.Map.MapEvents[index].YOffset - 32 + 16;

            // Draw name
            DrawText(textX, textY, name.Trim(), color, backcolor, C_Graphics.GameWindow);

            //For i = 1 To MaxQuests
            //    'check if the npc is the starter to any quest: [!] symbol
            //    'can accept the quest as a new one
            //    If Player(MyIndex).PlayerQuest(i).Status = QuestStatusType.NotStarted OrElse Player(MyIndex).PlayerQuest(i).Status = QuestStatusType.Repeatable OrElse (Player(MyIndex).PlayerQuest(i).Status = QuestStatusType.Completed AndAlso Quest(i).Repeat = 1) Then
            //        'the npc gives this quest
            //        If Map.MapEvents(Index).questnum = i Then
            //            Name = "[!]"
            //            TextX = ConvertMapX(Map.MapEvents(Index).X * PicX) + Map.MapEvents(Index).XOffset + (PicX \ 2) - GetTextWidth((Trim$("[!]"))) + 8
            //            TextY = TextY - 16
            //            If Quest(i).Repeat = 1 Then
            //                DrawText(TextX, TextY, Trim$(Name), Color.White, backcolor, GameWindow)
            //            Else
            //                DrawText(TextX, TextY, Trim$(Name), color, backcolor, GameWindow)
            //            End If
            //            Exit For
            //        End If
            //    ElseIf Player(MyIndex).PlayerQuest(i).Status = QuestStatusType.Started Then
            //        If Map.MapEvents(Index).questnum = i Then
            //            Name = "[*]"
            //            TextX = ConvertMapX(Map.MapEvents(Index).X * PicX) + Map.MapEvents(Index).XOffset + (PicX \ 2) - GetTextWidth((Trim$("[*]"))) + 8
            //            TextY = TextY - 16
            //            DrawText(TextX, TextY, Trim$(Name), color, backcolor, GameWindow)
            //            Exit For
            //        End If
            //    End If
Example #7
        internal static void DrawChatBubble(int index)
            List <string> theArray = default(List <string>);
            int           x        = 0;
            int           y        = 0;
            int           i        = 0;
            int           maxWidth = 0;
            int           x2       = 0;
            int           y2       = 0;

            if (C_Variables.ChatBubble[index].TargetType == (byte)Enums.TargetType.Player)
                // it's a player
                if (C_Player.GetPlayerMap((C_Variables.ChatBubble[index].Target)) == C_Player.GetPlayerMap(C_Variables.Myindex))
                    // it's on our map - get co-ords
                    x = C_Graphics.ConvertMapX((C_Types.Player[C_Variables.ChatBubble[index].Target].X * 32) + C_Types.Player[C_Variables.ChatBubble[index].Target].XOffset) + 16;
                    y = C_Graphics.ConvertMapY((C_Types.Player[C_Variables.ChatBubble[index].Target].Y * 32) + C_Types.Player[C_Variables.ChatBubble[index].Target].YOffset) - 40;
            else if (C_Variables.ChatBubble[index].TargetType == (byte)Enums.TargetType.Npc)
                // it's on our map - get co-ords
                x = C_Graphics.ConvertMapX((C_Maps.MapNpc[C_Variables.ChatBubble[index].Target].X * 32) + C_Maps.MapNpc[C_Variables.ChatBubble[index].Target].XOffset) + 16;
                y = C_Graphics.ConvertMapY((C_Maps.MapNpc[C_Variables.ChatBubble[index].Target].Y * 32) + C_Maps.MapNpc[C_Variables.ChatBubble[index].Target].YOffset) - 40;
            else if (C_Variables.ChatBubble[index].TargetType == (byte)Enums.TargetType.Event)
                x = C_Graphics.ConvertMapX((C_Maps.Map.MapEvents[C_Variables.ChatBubble[index].Target].X * 32) + C_Maps.Map.MapEvents[C_Variables.ChatBubble[index].Target].XOffset) + 16;
                y = C_Graphics.ConvertMapY((C_Maps.Map.MapEvents[C_Variables.ChatBubble[index].Target].Y * 32) + C_Maps.Map.MapEvents[C_Variables.ChatBubble[index].Target].YOffset) - 40;
            // word wrap the text
            theArray = WordWrap(System.Convert.ToString(C_Variables.ChatBubble[index].Msg), C_Constants.ChatBubbleWidth, WrapMode.Font, WrapType.Smart, 13);
            // find max width
            for (i = 0; i <= theArray.Count - 1; i++)
                if (GetTextWidth(theArray[i]) > maxWidth)
                    maxWidth = GetTextWidth(theArray[i]);
            // calculate the new position
            x2 = x - (maxWidth / 2);
            y2 = y - (theArray.Count * 12);

            // render bubble - top left
            C_Graphics.RenderTextures(C_Graphics.ChatBubbleGfx, C_Graphics.GameWindow, x2 - 9, y2 - 5, 0, 0, 9, 5, 9, 5);
            // top right
            C_Graphics.RenderTextures(C_Graphics.ChatBubbleGfx, C_Graphics.GameWindow, x2 + maxWidth, y2 - 5, 119, 0, 9, 5, 9, 5);
            // top
            C_Graphics.RenderTextures(C_Graphics.ChatBubbleGfx, C_Graphics.GameWindow, x2, y2 - 5, 10, 0, maxWidth, 5, 5, 5);
            // bottom left
            C_Graphics.RenderTextures(C_Graphics.ChatBubbleGfx, C_Graphics.GameWindow, x2 - 9, y, 0, 19, 9, 6, 9, 6);
            // bottom right
            C_Graphics.RenderTextures(C_Graphics.ChatBubbleGfx, C_Graphics.GameWindow, x2 + maxWidth, y, 119, 19, 9, 6, 9, 6);
            // bottom - left half
            C_Graphics.RenderTextures(C_Graphics.ChatBubbleGfx, C_Graphics.GameWindow, x2, y, 10, 19, System.Convert.ToSingle((maxWidth / 2) - 5), 6, 9, 6);
            // bottom - right half
            C_Graphics.RenderTextures(C_Graphics.ChatBubbleGfx, C_Graphics.GameWindow, x2 + (maxWidth / 2) + 6, y, 10, 19, System.Convert.ToSingle((maxWidth / 2) - 5), 6, 9, 6);
            // left
            C_Graphics.RenderTextures(C_Graphics.ChatBubbleGfx, C_Graphics.GameWindow, x2 - 9, y2, 0, 6, 9, theArray.Count * 12, 9, 1);
            // right
            C_Graphics.RenderTextures(C_Graphics.ChatBubbleGfx, C_Graphics.GameWindow, x2 + maxWidth, y2, 119, 6, 9, theArray.Count * 12, 9, 1);
            // center
            C_Graphics.RenderTextures(C_Graphics.ChatBubbleGfx, C_Graphics.GameWindow, x2, y2, 9, 5, maxWidth, theArray.Count * 12, 1, 1);
            // little pointy bit
            C_Graphics.RenderTextures(C_Graphics.ChatBubbleGfx, C_Graphics.GameWindow, x - 5, y, 58, 19, 11, 11, 11, 11);

            // render each line centralised
            for (i = 0; i <= theArray.Count - 1; i++)
                DrawText((int)(x - ((double)GetTextWidth(theArray[i]) / 2)), y2, theArray[i], C_Graphics.ToSfmlColor(System.Drawing.ColorTranslator.FromOle(Information.QBColor((int)(C_Variables.ChatBubble[index].Colour)))), Color.Black, C_Graphics.GameWindow);
                y2 = y2 + 12;
            // check if it's timed out - close it if so
            if (C_Variables.ChatBubble[index].Timer + 5000 < C_General.GetTickCount())
                C_Variables.ChatBubble[index].Active = false;
Example #8
        public static void DrawActionMsg(int index)
            int x    = 0;
            int y    = 0;
            int i    = 0;
            int time = 0;

            // how long we want each message to appear
            switch (C_Types.ActionMsg[index].Type)
            case (int)Enums.ActionMsgType.Static:
                time = 1500;

                if (C_Types.ActionMsg[index].Y > 0)
                    x = (int)(C_Types.ActionMsg[index].X + Conversion.Int(C_Constants.PicX / 2) - ((Microsoft.VisualBasic.Strings.Trim(C_Types.ActionMsg[index].Message).Length / 2) * 8));
                    y = C_Types.ActionMsg[index].Y - Conversion.Int(C_Constants.PicY / 2) - 2;
                    x = (int)(C_Types.ActionMsg[index].X + Conversion.Int(C_Constants.PicX / 2) - ((Microsoft.VisualBasic.Strings.Trim(C_Types.ActionMsg[index].Message).Length / 2) * 8));
                    y = C_Types.ActionMsg[index].Y - Conversion.Int(C_Constants.PicY / 2) + 18;

            case (int)Enums.ActionMsgType.Scroll:
                time = 1500;

                if (C_Types.ActionMsg[index].Y > 0)
                    x = (int)(C_Types.ActionMsg[index].X + Conversion.Int(C_Constants.PicX / 2) - ((Microsoft.VisualBasic.Strings.Trim(C_Types.ActionMsg[index].Message).Length / 2) * 8));
                    y = (int)(C_Types.ActionMsg[index].Y - Conversion.Int(C_Constants.PicY / 2) - 2 - (C_Types.ActionMsg[index].Scroll * 0.6));
                    C_Types.ActionMsg[index].Scroll = C_Types.ActionMsg[index].Scroll + 1;
                    x = (int)(C_Types.ActionMsg[index].X + Conversion.Int(C_Constants.PicX / 2) - ((Microsoft.VisualBasic.Strings.Trim(C_Types.ActionMsg[index].Message).Length / 2) * 8));
                    y = (int)(C_Types.ActionMsg[index].Y - Conversion.Int(C_Constants.PicY / 2) + 18 + (C_Types.ActionMsg[index].Scroll * 0.6));
                    C_Types.ActionMsg[index].Scroll = C_Types.ActionMsg[index].Scroll + 1;

            case (int)Enums.ActionMsgType.Screen:
                time = 3000;

                // This will kill any action screen messages that there in the system
                for (i = byte.MaxValue; i >= 1; i--)
                    if (C_Types.ActionMsg[i].Type == (int)Enums.ActionMsgType.Screen)
                        if (i != index)
                            index = i;
                x = (int)((FrmGame.Default.picscreen.Width / 2) - ((Microsoft.VisualBasic.Strings.Trim(C_Types.ActionMsg[index].Message).Length / 2) * 8));
                y = 425;

            x = C_Graphics.ConvertMapX(x);
            y = C_Graphics.ConvertMapY(y);

            if (C_General.GetTickCount() < C_Types.ActionMsg[index].Created + time)
                DrawText(x, y, C_Types.ActionMsg[index].Message, GetSfmlColor((byte)(C_Types.ActionMsg[index].Color)), Color.Black, C_Graphics.GameWindow);
Example #9
        internal static void DrawWeather()
            int i          = 0;
            int spriteLeft = 0;

            for (i = 1; i <= MaxWeatherParticles; i++)
                if (System.Convert.ToBoolean(WeatherParticle[i].InUse))
                    if (WeatherParticle[i].Type == (int)Enums.WeatherType.Storm)
                        spriteLeft = 0;
                        spriteLeft = WeatherParticle[i].Type - 1;

                    C_Graphics.RenderSprite(C_Graphics.WeatherSprite, C_Graphics.GameWindow, C_Graphics.ConvertMapX(WeatherParticle[i].X), C_Graphics.ConvertMapY(WeatherParticle[i].Y), spriteLeft * 32, 0, 32, 32);