public CMSResult Delete(int boardId) { CMSResult result = new CMSResult(); var model = _repository.Load <Board>(b => b.BoardId == boardId); if (model == null) { result.Results.Add(new Result { IsSuccessful = false, Message = string.Format("Board '{0}' already exists!", model.Name) }); } else { var isExists = _repository.Project <Student, bool>(students => ( from s in students where s.BoardId == boardId select s ).Any()); if (isExists) { result.Results.Add(new Result { IsSuccessful = false, Message = string.Format("You can not delete Board '{0}'. Because it belongs to student!", model.Name) }); } else { _repository.Delete(model); result.Results.Add(new Result { IsSuccessful = true, Message = string.Format("Board '{0}' deleted successfully!", model.Name) }); } } return(result); }
public CMSResult Update(Subject subject) { CMSResult result = new CMSResult(); var isExists = _repository.Project <Subject, bool>(subjects => (from subj in subjects where subj.SubjectId != subject.SubjectId && subj.Name == subject.Name && subj.ClassId == subject.ClassId select subj).Any()); if (isExists) { result.Results.Add(new Result { IsSuccessful = false, Message = string.Format("Subject '{0}' already exists!", subject.Name) }); } else { var sub = _repository.Load <Subject>(x => x.SubjectId == subject.SubjectId); sub.ClassId = subject.ClassId; sub.Name = subject.Name; _repository.Update(sub); result.Results.Add(new Result { IsSuccessful = true, Message = string.Format("Subject '{0}' successfully updated!", subject.Name) }); } return(result); }
public CMSResult Update(UploadAssignments uploadNewAssignments) { CMSResult result = new CMSResult(); var isExists = _repository.Project <UploadAssignments, bool>(uploadAssignments => ( from p in uploadAssignments where p.FileName == uploadNewAssignments.FileName && p.UploadAssignmentsId != uploadNewAssignments.UploadAssignmentsId select p ).Any()); if (isExists) { result.Results.Add(new Result { IsSuccessful = false, Message = string.Format("Assignments file '{0}' already exists!", uploadNewAssignments.FileName) }); } else { var Assignments = _repository.Load <UploadAssignments>(x => x.UploadAssignmentsId == uploadNewAssignments.UploadAssignmentsId); Assignments.ClassName = uploadNewAssignments.ClassName; Assignments.Title = uploadNewAssignments.Title; Assignments.FileName = uploadNewAssignments.FileName; Assignments.LogoName = uploadNewAssignments.LogoName; Assignments.BoardName = uploadNewAssignments.BoardName; Assignments.SubjectName = uploadNewAssignments.SubjectName; Assignments.UploadDate = uploadNewAssignments.UploadDate; Assignments.IsVisible = uploadNewAssignments.IsVisible; _repository.Update(Assignments); result.Results.Add(new Result { IsSuccessful = true, Message = string.Format("Assignments updated successfully!") }); } return(result); }
public CMSResult SendAppNotification(StudentTimetableViewModel viewModel, int studentClassTimetableId) { CMSResult cmsResult = new CMSResult(); var notificationList = new List <SendNotificationByPlayerId>(); try { var studentsList = _studentService.GetAllStudentParentList(); if (viewModel.SelectedBranches != null) { var branches = viewModel.SelectedBranches.Split(',').Select(x => int.Parse(x)).ToList(); studentsList = studentsList.Where(x => branches.Contains(x.BranchId)); } if (viewModel.SelectedClasses != null) { var classes = viewModel.SelectedClasses.Split(',').Select(x => int.Parse(x)).ToList(); studentsList = studentsList.Where(x => classes.Contains(x.ClassId)); } if (viewModel.SelectedBatches != null) { var batches = viewModel.SelectedBatches.Split(',').Select(x => int.Parse(x)).ToList(); studentsList = studentsList.Where(x => batches.Contains(x.BatchId)); } var parentPlayerIds = studentsList.Where(x => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(x.parentAppPlayerId)).ToList(); foreach (var playerId in parentPlayerIds) { var studentSId = playerId.SId; var sendAppNotification = new SendNotificationByPlayerId { Message = "CTT-" + viewModel.Description + "$^$" + playerId.SId + "@" + studentClassTimetableId, PlayerIds = playerId.parentAppPlayerId, AppIds = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings[Common.Constants.ParentAppId], RestApiKey = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings[Common.Constants.ParentRestAppId] }; notificationList.Add(sendAppNotification); } var notification = notificationList.ToArray(); if (notificationList.Count > 0) { HostingEnvironment.QueueBackgroundWorkItem(cancellationToken => _sendNotificationService.StartProcessingByPlayerId(notification, cancellationToken)); cmsResult.Results.Add(new Result { Message = "App Notification sent successfully.", IsSuccessful = true }); } else { cmsResult.Results.Add(new Result { Message = "No one is registered in parent app.", IsSuccessful = true }); } } catch (Exception ex) { cmsResult.Results.Add(new Result { Message = ex.Message, IsSuccessful = true }); } return(cmsResult); }
public CMSResult Update(School oldSchool) { CMSResult result = new CMSResult(); var isExists = _repository.Project <School, bool>(schools => (from s in schools where s.SchoolId != oldSchool.SchoolId && s.Name == oldSchool.Name select s).Any()); var isExistsCenterNumber = _repository.Project <School, bool>(schools => (from s in schools where s.SchoolId != oldSchool.SchoolId && s.CenterNumber == oldSchool.CenterNumber select s).Any()); if (isExists) { result.Results.Add(new Result { IsSuccessful = false, Message = string.Format("School '{0}' already exists!", oldSchool.Name) }); } else if (isExistsCenterNumber) { result.Results.Add(new Result { IsSuccessful = false, Message = string.Format("CenterNumber '{0}' already exists!", oldSchool.CenterNumber) }); } else { var school = _repository.Load <School>(x => x.SchoolId == oldSchool.SchoolId); school.SchoolId = oldSchool.SchoolId; school.Name = oldSchool.Name; school.CenterNumber = oldSchool.CenterNumber; _repository.Update(school); result.Results.Add(new Result { IsSuccessful = true, Message = string.Format("School '{0}' successfully updated!", oldSchool.Name) }); } return(result); }
public CMSResult Save(StudentTimetable studentTimetable) { CMSResult result = new CMSResult(); var isExists = _repository.Project <StudentTimetable, bool>(studentTimetables => ( from p in studentTimetables where p.Description == studentTimetable.Description && p.Category == studentTimetable.Category select p ).Any()); if (isExists) { result.Results.Add(new Result { IsSuccessful = false, Message = string.Format("Time table '{0}' already exists !", studentTimetable.Description) }); } else { _repository.Add(studentTimetable); _repository.CommitChanges(); result.Results.Add(new Result { IsSuccessful = true, Message = string.Format("Time Table added successfully!") }); } return(result); }
public CMSResult Update(Branch branch) { CMSResult result = new CMSResult(); var isExists = _repository.Project <Branch, bool>(branches => (from b in branches where b.BranchId != branch.BranchId && b.Name == branch.Name select b).Any()); if (isExists) { result.Results.Add(new Result { IsSuccessful = false, Message = string.Format("Branch '{0}' already exists!", branch.Name) }); } else { var brch = _repository.Load <Branch>(x => x.BranchId == branch.BranchId); brch.Name = branch.Name; brch.Address = branch.Address; if (brch.IsChangeDetected) { _repository.Update(brch); result.Results.Add(new Result { IsSuccessful = true, Message = string.Format("Branch '{0}' successfully updated!", branch.Name) }); } else { _repository.Detach(brch); result.Results.Add(new Result { IsSuccessful = true, Message = "No Change Detected!" }); } } return(result); }
public CMSResult Save(OfflineTestPaper offlineTestPaper) { CMSResult result = new CMSResult(); var isExists = _repository.Project <OfflineTestPaper, bool>(OfflineTestPapers => ( from offlineTest in OfflineTestPapers where offlineTest.Title == offlineTestPaper.Title select offlineTest) .Any()); if (isExists) { result.Results.Add(new Result { IsSuccessful = false, Message = string.Format("Exam schedule '{0}' already exists!", offlineTestPaper.Title) }); } else { _repository.Add(offlineTestPaper); _repository.CommitChanges(); result.Results.Add(new Result { IsSuccessful = true, Message = string.Format("Exam schedule Notification added successfully!") }); } return(result); }
public CMSResult Delete(int OfflineTestPaperId) { CMSResult result = new CMSResult(); var model = _repository.Load <OfflineTestPaper>(m => m.OfflineTestPaperId == OfflineTestPaperId); if (model == null) { result.Results.Add(new Result { IsSuccessful = false, Message = string.Format("Offline Test Paper '{0}' already exists!", model.Title) }); } else { var isExistsOfflineTestStudentMarks = _repository.Project <OfflineTestStudentMarks, bool>(offlineMarks => ( from offlineMark in offlineMarks where offlineMark.OfflineTestPaperId == OfflineTestPaperId select offlineMark) .Any()); if (isExistsOfflineTestStudentMarks) { result.Results.Add(new Result { IsSuccessful = false, Message = string.Format("You can not delete Exam Schedule '{0}'. Because it belongs to {1}!", model.Title, "UploadMarks") }); } else { _repository.Delete(model); result.Results.Add(new Result { IsSuccessful = true, Message = string.Format("Exam schedule '{0}' deleted successfully!", model.Title) }); } } return(result); }
public CMSResult DeleteImage(int questionId, int imageType) { CMSResult result = new CMSResult(); var model = _repository.Load <Question>(x => x.QuestionId == questionId); if (model == null) { result.Results.Add(new Result { IsSuccessful = false, Message = "Question image not exists!" }); } else { if (imageType == 1) { model.QuestionImagePath = string.Empty; } if (imageType == 2) { model.OptionImagePath = string.Empty; } if (imageType == 3) { model.HintImagePath = string.Empty; } _repository.Update(model); result.Results.Add(new Result { IsSuccessful = true, Message = "Question image deleted successfully!" }); } return(result); }
public CMSResult Update(Question oldQuestion) { CMSResult cmsresult = new CMSResult(); var result = new Result(); var ques = _repository.Load <Question>(x => x.QuestionId == oldQuestion.QuestionId && x.ChapterId == oldQuestion.ChapterId); if (ques == null) { result.IsSuccessful = false; result.Message = "Question not exist!"; } else { ques.QuestionInfo = oldQuestion.QuestionInfo; ques.OptionA = oldQuestion.OptionA; ques.OptionB = oldQuestion.OptionB; ques.OptionC = oldQuestion.OptionC; ques.OptionD = oldQuestion.OptionD; ques.Hint = oldQuestion.Hint; ques.Numerical_Answer = oldQuestion.Numerical_Answer; ques.Unit = oldQuestion.Unit; ques.QuestionLevel = oldQuestion.QuestionLevel; ques.QuestionType = oldQuestion.QuestionType; ques.QuestionYear = oldQuestion.QuestionYear; ques.Answer = oldQuestion.Answer; ques.ChapterId = oldQuestion.ChapterId; _repository.Update(ques); result.IsSuccessful = true; result.Message = string.Format("Question updated successfully!"); } cmsresult.Results.Add(result); return(cmsresult); }
public CMSResult UpdateMultipleFeedback(string selectedFeedback, string status) { var commaseperatedList = selectedFeedback ?? string.Empty; var FeedbackIds = commaseperatedList.Split(',').Where(x => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(x)).Select(int.Parse); CMSResult cmsresult = new CMSResult(); var result = new Result(); var feedback = _repository.LoadList <StudentFeedback>(x => FeedbackIds.Contains(x.StudentFeedbackId)).ToList(); if (feedback == null) { result.IsSuccessful = false; result.Message = "Feedback not exists!"; } else { feedback.ForEach(x => x.Status = status); _repository.CommitChanges(); result.IsSuccessful = true; result.Message = string.Format("Student Feedback updated successfully!"); } cmsresult.Results.Add(result); return(cmsresult); }
public CMSResult Save(Attendance attendance) { var result = new CMSResult(); var isExists = _repository.Project <Attendance, bool>(attendances => (from a in attendances where a.ClassId == attendance.ClassId && a.BatchId == attendance.BatchId && a.Date == attendance.Date && a.BranchId == attendance.BranchId select a).Any()); if (isExists) { result.Results.Add(new Result { IsSuccessful = false, Message = string.Format("Attendance already exists!") }); } else { _repository.Add(attendance); result.Results.Add(new Result { IsSuccessful = true, Message = string.Format("Attendance successfully added!") }); } return(result); }
public HttpResponseMessage SubmitTest(TestResult testDetails) { try { CMSResult cmsResult = new CMSResult(); var questions = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(testDetails.Questions); var result = _arrangeTestService.Save(new ArrangeTestResult { UserId = testDetails.UserId, TestPaperId = testDetails.TestPaperId, TestDate = testDetails.TestDate, TimeDuration = testDetails.TimeDuration, StartTime = testDetails.StartTime, Questions = questions, ObtainedMarks = testDetails.ObtainedMarks, OutOfMarks = testDetails.OutOfMarks }); return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, "OK")); } catch (Exception ex) { _logger.Warn(ex.Message); return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, "Error")); } }
public CMSResult Update(Client client) { CMSResult result = new CMSResult(); var isExists = _repository.Project <Client, bool>(clients => (from b in clients where b.ClientId != client.ClientId && b.Name == client.Name select b).Any()); if (isExists) { result.Results.Add(new Result { IsSuccessful = false, Message = string.Format("Client '{0}' already exists!", client.Name) }); } else { var brch = _repository.Load <Client>(x => x.ClientId == client.ClientId); brch.Name = client.Name; brch.Address = client.Address; if (brch.IsChangeDetected) { _repository.Update(brch); result.Results.Add(new Result { IsSuccessful = true, Message = string.Format("Client '{0}' successfully updated!", client.Name) }); } else { _repository.Detach(brch); result.Results.Add(new Result { IsSuccessful = true, Message = "No Change Detected!" }); } } return(result); }
public CMSResult Update(OfflineTestPaper OfflineTestPaper) { CMSResult result = new CMSResult(); var isExists = _repository.Project <OfflineTestPaper, bool>(ofline => (from b in ofline where b.OfflineTestPaperId != OfflineTestPaper.OfflineTestPaperId && b.Title == OfflineTestPaper.Title select b).Any()); if (isExists) { result.Results.Add(new Result { IsSuccessful = false, Message = string.Format("Offline Test '{0}' already exists!", OfflineTestPaper.Title) }); } else { var offlineTests = _repository.Load <OfflineTestPaper>(x => x.OfflineTestPaperId == OfflineTestPaper.OfflineTestPaperId); offlineTests.Title = OfflineTestPaper.Title; offlineTests.TestDate = OfflineTestPaper.TestDate; offlineTests.TestInTime = OfflineTestPaper.TestInTime; offlineTests.TestOutTime = OfflineTestPaper.TestOutTime; offlineTests.TotalMarks = OfflineTestPaper.TotalMarks; _repository.Update(offlineTests); result.Results.Add(new Result { IsSuccessful = true, Message = string.Format("Exam schedule '{0}' updated successfully!", offlineTests.Title) }); } return(result); }
public CMSResult Update(Chapter oldChapter) { CMSResult result = new CMSResult(); var isExists = _repository.Project <Chapter, bool>(chapters => (from chap in chapters where chap.ChapterId != oldChapter.ChapterId && chap.SubjectId == oldChapter.SubjectId && chap.Name == oldChapter.Name select chap).Any()); if (isExists) { result.Results.Add(new Result { IsSuccessful = false, Message = string.Format("Chapter '{0}' already exists!", oldChapter.Name) }); } else { var chapt = _repository.Load <Chapter>(x => x.ChapterId == oldChapter.ChapterId); chapt.SubjectId = oldChapter.SubjectId; chapt.Name = oldChapter.Name; chapt.Weightage = oldChapter.Weightage; _repository.Update(chapt); result.Results.Add(new Result { IsSuccessful = true, Message = string.Format("Chapter '{0}' successfully updated!", oldChapter.Name) }); } return(result); }
public CMSResult Delete(int pdfCategoryId) { CMSResult result = new CMSResult(); var model = _repository.Load <PDFCategory>(p => p.PDFCategoryId == pdfCategoryId); if (model == null) { result.Results.Add(new Result { IsSuccessful = false, Message = string.Format("PDF Category '{0}' already exists!", model.Name) }); } else { var isExistsPDFUpload = _repository.Project <PDFUpload, bool>(pdfUploads => ( from s in pdfUploads where s.PDFCategoryId == pdfCategoryId select s) .Any()); if (isExistsPDFUpload) { result.Results.Add(new Result { IsSuccessful = false, Message = string.Format("You can not delete PDF Category '{0}'. Because it belongs to PDF Upload!", model.Name) }); } else { _repository.Delete(model); result.Results.Add(new Result { IsSuccessful = true, Message = string.Format("PDF Category '{0}' deleted successfully!", model.Name) }); } } return(result); }
public CMSResult Update(StudentTimetable oldTimeTable) { CMSResult result = new CMSResult(); var isExists = _repository.Project <StudentTimetable, bool>(timetables => (from timeTable in timetables where timeTable.StudentTimetableId != oldTimeTable.StudentTimetableId && timeTable.Description == oldTimeTable.Description && timeTable.Category == oldTimeTable.Category select timeTable).Any()); if (isExists) { result.Results.Add(new Result { IsSuccessful = false, Message = string.Format("Time table already exists!", "") }); } else { var timetable = _repository.Load <StudentTimetable>(x => x.StudentTimetableId == oldTimeTable.StudentTimetableId); timetable.Description = oldTimeTable.Description; timetable.AttachmentDescription = oldTimeTable.AttachmentDescription; timetable.StudentTimetableDate = oldTimeTable.StudentTimetableDate; timetable.FileName = oldTimeTable.FileName; _repository.Update(timetable); result.Results.Add(new Result { IsSuccessful = true, Message = string.Format("Time table successfully updated!", "") }); } return(result); }
public CMSResult Save(PDFUpload newPdfUpload) { CMSResult result = new CMSResult(); var isExists = _repository.Project <PDFUpload, bool>(pdfs => ( from p in pdfs where p.FileName == newPdfUpload.FileName select p ).Any()); if (isExists) { result.Results.Add(new Result { IsSuccessful = false, Message = string.Format("PDF file '{0}' already exists!", newPdfUpload.FileName) }); } else { _repository.Add(newPdfUpload); _repository.CommitChanges(); result.Results.Add(new Result { IsSuccessful = true, Message = string.Format("PDF file '{0}' added successfully!", newPdfUpload.FileName) }); } return(result); }
public CMSResult Update(Batch oldBatch) { CMSResult result = new CMSResult(); var isExists = _repository.Project <Batch, bool>(batches => (from batch in batches where batch.BatchId != oldBatch.BatchId && batch.ClassId == oldBatch.ClassId && batch.Name == oldBatch.Name select batch).Any()); if (isExists) { result.Results.Add(new Result { IsSuccessful = false, Message = string.Format("Batch '{0}' already exists!", oldBatch.Name) }); } else { var btch = _repository.Load <Batch>(x => x.BatchId == oldBatch.BatchId); // btch.ClassId = oldBatch.ClassId; btch.Name = oldBatch.Name; btch.InTime = oldBatch.InTime; btch.OutTime = oldBatch.OutTime; _repository.Update(btch); result.Results.Add(new Result { IsSuccessful = true, Message = string.Format("Batch '{0}' successfully updated!", oldBatch.Name) }); } return(result); }
public CMSResult Update(PDFUpload pdfUpload) { CMSResult result = new CMSResult(); var isExists = _repository.Project <PDFUpload, bool>(pdfs => ( from p in pdfs where p.FileName == pdfUpload.FileName && p.PDFUploadId != pdfUpload.PDFUploadId select p ).Any()); if (isExists) { result.Results.Add(new Result { IsSuccessful = false, Message = string.Format("PDF file '{0}' already exists!", pdfUpload.FileName) }); } else { var pdfs = _repository.Load <PDFUpload>(x => x.PDFUploadId == pdfUpload.PDFUploadId); pdfs.ClassId = pdfUpload.ClassId; pdfs.Title = pdfUpload.Title; pdfs.FileName = pdfUpload.FileName; pdfs.IsVisible = pdfUpload.IsVisible; pdfs.PDFCategoryId = pdfUpload.PDFCategoryId; if (!pdfs.IsSend) { pdfs.IsSend = pdfUpload.IsSend; } _repository.Update(pdfs); result.Results.Add(new Result { IsSuccessful = true, Message = string.Format("PDF '{0}' updated successfully!", pdfUpload.FileName) }); } return(result); }
public CMSResult Update(UploadInbuiltquestionbank uploadNewInbuiltquestionbank) { CMSResult result = new CMSResult(); var isExists = _repository.Project <UploadInbuiltquestionbank, bool>(uploadInbuiltquestionbank => ( from p in uploadInbuiltquestionbank where p.FileName == uploadNewInbuiltquestionbank.FileName && p.UploadInbuiltquestionbankId != uploadNewInbuiltquestionbank.UploadInbuiltquestionbankId select p ).Any()); if (isExists) { result.Results.Add(new Result { IsSuccessful = false, Message = string.Format("Inbuiltquestionbank file '{0}' already exists!", uploadNewInbuiltquestionbank.FileName) }); } else { var Inbuiltquestionbank = _repository.Load <UploadInbuiltquestionbank>(x => x.UploadInbuiltquestionbankId == uploadNewInbuiltquestionbank.UploadInbuiltquestionbankId); Inbuiltquestionbank.ClassName = uploadNewInbuiltquestionbank.ClassName; Inbuiltquestionbank.Title = uploadNewInbuiltquestionbank.Title; Inbuiltquestionbank.FileName = uploadNewInbuiltquestionbank.FileName; Inbuiltquestionbank.LogoName = uploadNewInbuiltquestionbank.LogoName; Inbuiltquestionbank.BoardName = uploadNewInbuiltquestionbank.BoardName; Inbuiltquestionbank.SubjectName = uploadNewInbuiltquestionbank.SubjectName; Inbuiltquestionbank.UploadDate = uploadNewInbuiltquestionbank.UploadDate; Inbuiltquestionbank.IsVisible = uploadNewInbuiltquestionbank.IsVisible; _repository.Update(Inbuiltquestionbank); result.Results.Add(new Result { IsSuccessful = true, Message = string.Format("Inbuiltquestionbank updated successfully!") }); } return(result); }
public CMSResult Update(DailyPracticePaper oldPaper) { CMSResult result = new CMSResult(); var isExists = _repository.Project <DailyPracticePaper, bool>(papers => (from paper in papers where paper.DailyPracticePaperId != oldPaper.DailyPracticePaperId && paper.Description == oldPaper.Description select paper).Any()); if (isExists) { result.Results.Add(new Result { IsSuccessful = false, Message = string.Format("Practice paper already exists!", "") }); } else { var paper = _repository.Load <DailyPracticePaper>(x => x.DailyPracticePaperId == oldPaper.DailyPracticePaperId); paper.Description = oldPaper.Description; paper.AttachmentDescription = oldPaper.AttachmentDescription; paper.DailyPracticePaperDate = oldPaper.DailyPracticePaperDate; paper.FileName = oldPaper.FileName; _repository.Update(paper); result.Results.Add(new Result { IsSuccessful = true, Message = string.Format("Time table successfully updated!", "") }); } return(result); }
public CMSResult Save(School newSchool) { CMSResult result = new CMSResult(); var isExistsCenterNumber = false; var isExistsName = _repository.Project <School, bool>(schools => (from s in schools where s.Name == newSchool.Name select s).Any()); if (newSchool.CenterNumber != null) { isExistsCenterNumber = _repository.Project <School, bool>(schools => (from s in schools where s.CenterNumber == newSchool.CenterNumber select s).Any()); } if (isExistsName) { result.Results.Add(new Result { IsSuccessful = false, Message = string.Format("School '{0}' already exists!", newSchool.Name) }); } else if (isExistsCenterNumber) { result.Results.Add(new Result { IsSuccessful = false, Message = string.Format("CenterNumber '{0}' already exists!", newSchool.CenterNumber) }); } else { _repository.Add(newSchool); result.Results.Add(new Result { IsSuccessful = true, Message = string.Format("School '{0}' successfully added!", newSchool.Name) }); } return(result); }
public CMSResult Save(DailyPracticePaper dailyPracticePaper) { CMSResult result = new CMSResult(); var isExists = _repository.Project <DailyPracticePaper, bool>(dailyPracticePapers => ( from p in dailyPracticePapers where p.Description == dailyPracticePaper.Description select p ).Any()); if (isExists) { result.Results.Add(new Result { IsSuccessful = false, Message = string.Format("PDF file '{0}' already exists!", dailyPracticePaper.Description) }); } else { _repository.Add(dailyPracticePaper); _repository.CommitChanges(); result.Results.Add(new Result { IsSuccessful = true, Message = string.Format("Daily Practice Paper added successfully!") }); } return(result); }
public CMSResult Save(Subject subject, List <ClassProjection> classList) { CMSResult result = new CMSResult(); foreach (var cls in classList) { var isExists = _repository.Project <Subject, bool>(subjects => (from subj in subjects where subj.Name == subject.Name && subj.ClassId == cls.ClassId select subj).Any()); if (isExists) { result.Results.Add(new Result { IsSuccessful = false, Message = string.Format("Subject '{0}' already exists!", subject.Name + " - " + cls.Name) }); } else { subject.ClassId = cls.ClassId; _repository.Add(subject); _repository.CommitChanges(); result.Results.Add(new Result { IsSuccessful = true, Message = string.Format("Subject '{0}' successfully added!", subject.Name + " - " + cls.Name) }); } } return(result); }
public CMSResult SendNotification(int classId, string title, string filename, string pdfCategory, int pdfuploadId) { var getStudentAppPlayerList = _studentService.GetStudentsAppPlayerIdByClass(classId); var sortlist = getStudentAppPlayerList.Where(x => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(x.studentAppPlayerId)) .Select(y => y.studentAppPlayerId).ToList(); if (sortlist.Count > 0) { var result = _sendNotificationService.SendNotificationByPlayersId(new SendNotification { Message = "PDF-" + title + "$^$ File - " + filename + "$^$ Category - " + pdfCategory + "$^$" + pdfuploadId, PlayerIds = sortlist, AppIds = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings[Common.Constants.StudentAppId], RestApiKey = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings[Common.Constants.StudentRestAppId] }); return(result); } else { var result = new CMSResult(); result.Results.Add(new Result { IsSuccessful = false, Message = "There is no student register." }); return(result); } }
public CMSResult Update(Installment oldInstallment) { CMSResult result = new CMSResult(); var isExists = _repository.Project <Installment, bool>( installments => (from installment in installments where installment.InstallmentId != oldInstallment.InstallmentId && installment.ReceiptBookNumber == oldInstallment.ReceiptBookNumber && installment.ReceiptNumber == oldInstallment.ReceiptNumber select installment).Any()); if (isExists) { result.Results.Add(new Result { IsSuccessful = false, Message = string.Format("Receipt Number already exists!") }); } else { var installment = _repository.Load <Installment>(x => x.InstallmentId == oldInstallment.InstallmentId); installment.Payment = oldInstallment.Payment; installment.ReceiptNumber = oldInstallment.ReceiptNumber; installment.ReceiptBookNumber = oldInstallment.ReceiptBookNumber; installment.ReceivedFee = oldInstallment.ReceivedFee; _repository.Update(installment); result.Results.Add(new Result { IsSuccessful = true, Message = string.Format("Payment updated successfully!") }); } return(result); }
public CMSResult Save(MasterFee masterfee) { var result = new CMSResult(); var isExists = _repository.Project <MasterFee, bool> (masterfees => (from mfee in masterfees where mfee.Year == masterfee.Year && mfee.SubjectId == masterfee.SubjectId && mfee.ClassId == masterfee.ClassId select mfee).Any()); if (isExists) { result.Results.Add(new Result { IsSuccessful = false, Message = string.Format("MasterFee already exists!") }); } else { _repository.Add(masterfee); result.Results.Add(new Result { IsSuccessful = true, Message = string.Format("MasterFee added successfully!") }); } return(result); }