//private void Awake()
    //    //sets a random Seed ~ this should be done in the game manager later
    //    if (RandomSeed)
    //        seed = Random.Range(-10000, 10000);
    //    Generate();

    public void Generate()
        //Creates the village gameobject
        village      = new GameObject();
        village.name = "Village";
        village.transform.position = Vector3.zero;
        village.isStatic           = true;

        //Sets up for the shuffle
        for (int i = 0; i < VillageSize.x; i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < VillageSize.y; j++)
                Tiles.Add(new Coord(i, j));

        //queues shuffle
        shuffledCoords = new Queue <Coord>(Shuffle.ShuffleArray(Tiles.ToArray()));
        //sets up the center of the map to be empty
        MapCenter = new Coord((int)(VillageSize.x * .5f), (int)(VillageSize.y * .5f));
        //sets up the village map
        buildingMap = new bool[(int)VillageSize.x, (int)VillageSize.y];

        //max number of houses allowed
        int houseCount        = (int)(VillageSize.x * VillageSize.y * percentage);
        int currentHouseCount = 0;

        //while under the max number of houses
        for (int i = 0; i < houseCount; i++)
            //get the next coord
            Coord rnd = GetRandomCoord();
            buildingMap[rnd.x, rnd.y] = true;

            //if its the map center of the building isnt accessible anymore and checks its within the radius
            if (rnd == MapCenter || !IsAccessible(buildingMap, currentHouseCount) || (new Vector2(rnd.x, rnd.y) - new Vector2(MapCenter.x, MapCenter.y)).magnitude > radius)
                buildingMap[rnd.x, rnd.y] = false;

        //smooth out the houses into blocks
        for (int i = 0; i < numOfIterations; i++)

        //build the connected cells together into blocks
        for (int x = 0; x < VillageSize.x; x++)
            for (int y = 0; y < VillageSize.y; y++)
                //local function ~ if its within the list then return true
                bool inList(Coord c)
                    for (int i = 0; i < buildings.Count; i++)
                        if (buildings[i].tiles.Contains(c))


                if (buildingMap[x, y] && !inList(new Coord(x, y)))
                    //create a new object
                    GameObject buildingGroup = new GameObject();
                    buildingGroup.name             = "Building Group";
                    buildingGroup.transform.parent = village.transform;
                    buildingGroup.isStatic         = true;

                    //add the building component to it
                    Building b = buildingGroup.AddComponent <Building>();

                    //add in the current coord to that list
                    b.AddCoord(new Coord(x, y));
                    //create a temporary search list
                    List <Coord> toSearch = new List <Coord>();

                    //add in the close coords
                    if (x + 1 < VillageSize.x)
                        toSearch.Add(new Coord(x + 1, y));
                    if (x - 1 >= 0)
                        toSearch.Add(new Coord(x - 1, y));
                    if (y + 1 < VillageSize.y)
                        toSearch.Add(new Coord(x, y + 1));
                    if (y - 1 >= 0)
                        toSearch.Add(new Coord(x, y - 1));

                    //while there are still coords to search through
                    while (toSearch.Count > 0)
                        //take the first element in the array
                        Coord searchingCoord = toSearch[0];

                        //if this is a taken space on the map
                        if (buildingMap[searchingCoord.x, searchingCoord.y])
                            //add the coord to the buildings list

                            //searches through all the next coords
                            if (searchingCoord.x + 1 < VillageSize.x)
                                if (!b.tiles.Contains(new Coord(searchingCoord.x + 1, searchingCoord.y)) && !toSearch.Contains(new Coord(searchingCoord.x + 1, searchingCoord.y)))
                                    toSearch.Add(new Coord(searchingCoord.x + 1, searchingCoord.y));

                            if (searchingCoord.x - 1 >= 0)
                                if (!b.tiles.Contains(new Coord(searchingCoord.x - 1, searchingCoord.y)) && !toSearch.Contains(new Coord(searchingCoord.x - 1, searchingCoord.y)))
                                    toSearch.Add(new Coord(searchingCoord.x - 1, searchingCoord.y));

                            if (searchingCoord.y + 1 < VillageSize.y)
                                if (!b.tiles.Contains(new Coord(searchingCoord.x, searchingCoord.y + 1)) && !toSearch.Contains(new Coord(searchingCoord.x, searchingCoord.y + 1)))
                                    toSearch.Add(new Coord(searchingCoord.x, searchingCoord.y + 1));

                            if (searchingCoord.y - 1 >= 0)
                                if (!b.tiles.Contains(new Coord(searchingCoord.x, searchingCoord.y - 1)) && !toSearch.Contains(new Coord(searchingCoord.x, searchingCoord.y - 1)))
                                    toSearch.Add(new Coord(searchingCoord.x, searchingCoord.y - 1));

                        //remove it from the search list

                    //building validating
                    if (b.Size <= MinBuildingSize || b.Size > MaxBuildingSize)
                        foreach (Coord c in b.tiles)
                            buildingMap[c.x, c.y] = false;

                        //if its a valid building, make it more blocky
                        for (int j = 0; j < 20; j++)
                            List <Coord> changed = b.Smooth();

                            foreach (Coord c in changed)
                                buildingMap[c.x, c.y] = true;

                        //adds the building component to a list

        //create paths around buildings.

        //sort buildings
        buildings = BuildingSorter(buildings, true);
        //assign buildings
        //create buildings

    public void CreateBuildings()
        int i = 0;

        for (int j = 0; j < buildings.Count; j++)
            buildings[j].identifier = districtColors[i % districtColors.Length];
            buildings[j].Build(BuildingList, animate);

            buildings[j].gameObject.name = (j.ToString());

        //create unique buildings first
        bool castle = false, barracks = false, square = false;
        int  startingIndex = 0;

        //quest generation first
        if (data != null)
            if (!data.requiresCastle)
                startingIndex = 1;
                castle        = true;

        for (int index = startingIndex; index < buildings.Count; index++)
            if (buildings[index].containsUniqueBuilding)

            int neededBuilding = (!castle ? 1 : (!barracks ? 2 : 3));

            int j = buildings[index].CreateUnique(neededBuilding);

            if (j == 1)
                buildings[index].containsUniqueBuilding = true;
                castle = true;
                index  = 0;
            if (j == 2)
                buildings[index].containsUniqueBuilding = true;
                barracks = true;
                index    = 0;
            if (j == 3)
                buildings[index].containsUniqueBuilding = true;
                square = true;

            if (index == buildings.Count - 1)
                if (!castle)

                    castle = true;
                    index  = 0;

                if (!barracks)
                    barracks = true;
                    index    = 0;

                if (!square)
                    square = true;
                    index  = 0;

        foreach (Building b in buildings)


        //moves the village to have its ceneter at 0,0
        //village.transform.position = new Vector3(-VillageSize.x * 4f, 0, -VillageSize.y * 4f);

        //create the terrain
        StartCoroutine(TerrainGenerator.instance.Generate(buildingMap, lowresPathMap, radius));

        List <Coord> terrainMapReturn = TerrainGenerator.instance.GetMap();

        //create a new object
        GameObject buildingGroup = new GameObject();

        buildingGroup.name             = "Envioment Group";
        buildingGroup.transform.parent = village.transform;
        buildingGroup.isStatic         = true;

        //add the building component to it
        Building enviomentGroup = buildingGroup.AddComponent <Building>();

        foreach (Coord c in terrainMapReturn)
            buildingMap[c.x, c.y] = true;

        enviomentGroup.functionType = Building.Function.Envioment;

        enviomentGroup.identifier = districtColors[0];
        enviomentGroup.Build(BuildingList, animate);
