Example #1
        public static void Build(
            BuildTarget buildTarget,
            BuildOptions options = BuildOptions.None,
            string targetDirName = null)
            string[]     scenes           = { "Assets/Scenes/InitScene.unity" };
            const string basePath         = "Build";
            string       locationPathName = Path.Combine(
                targetDirName ?? buildTarget.ToString(),
                buildTarget.HasFlag(BuildTarget.StandaloneWindows64) ? $"{PlayerName}.exe" : PlayerName);

            BuildPlayerOptions buildPlayerOptions = new BuildPlayerOptions
                scenes           = scenes,
                locationPathName = locationPathName,
                target           = buildTarget,
                options          = options | BuildOptions.Development,

            BuildReport  report  = BuildPipeline.BuildPlayer(buildPlayerOptions);
            BuildSummary summary = report.summary;

            if (summary.result == BuildResult.Succeeded)
                Debug.Log("Build succeeded: " + summary.totalSize + " bytes");

            if (summary.result == BuildResult.Failed)
                Debug.LogError("Build failed");
Example #2
        public static void Build(
            BuildTarget buildTarget,
            BuildOptions options = BuildOptions.None,
            string targetDirName = null,
            string scriptName    = null,
            string snapshotName  = null)
            string[] scenes = { "Assets/_Scenes/Game.unity" };

            targetDirName = targetDirName ?? buildTarget.ToString();
            string locationPathName = Path.Combine(
                buildTarget.HasFlag(BuildTarget.StandaloneWindows64) ? $"{PlayerName}.exe" : PlayerName);

            BuildPlayerOptions buildPlayerOptions = new BuildPlayerOptions
                scenes           = scenes,
                locationPathName = locationPathName,
                target           = buildTarget,
                options          = EditorUserBuildSettings.development ? options | BuildOptions.Development : options,

            BuildReport report = BuildPipeline.BuildPlayer(buildPlayerOptions);

            BuildSummary summary = report.summary;

            if (summary.result == BuildResult.Succeeded)
                Debug.Log("Build succeeded: " + summary.totalSize + " bytes");

            if (summary.result == BuildResult.Failed)
                Debug.LogError("Build failed");
Example #3
        public static int Main(string[] args)
            const string DefaultTocFileName                = "toc.yml";
            const string DefaultIndexFileName              = "index.yml";
            const string DefaultMarkdownFileName           = "md.yml";
            const string DefaultMdFolderName               = "md";
            const string DefaultReferenceFolderName        = "reference";
            const string DefaultApiFolderName              = "api";
            const string DefaultOutputFolderName           = "output";
            const string DefaultIntermediateOutputListFile = "obj/output.list";
            string       inputProjectList           = null;
            string       outputFolder               = null;
            string       inputMarkdownList          = null;
            string       outputMarkdownIndexFile    = null;
            string       outputTocFile              = null;
            string       outputIndexFile            = null;
            string       intermediateOutputListFile = null;
            string       outputApiFolder            = null;
            string       outputMarkdownFolder       = null;
            string       outputReferenceFolder      = null;
            BuildTarget  target = BuildTarget.All;

                var options = new Option[]
                    new Option(null, p => inputProjectList                   = p, helpName: "inputProjectList", required: false, helpText: "Required. Specify the list of project files to generate documentation. Supported input types are: [1. the file path with extension .list | 2. the file paths seperated by comma(,)]."),
                    new Option("m", s => inputMarkdownList                   = s, defaultValue: null, helpName: "inputMarkdownList", helpText: "Specify the list of markdown files that contains all the additional documentations to the members in projects files. Supported input types are: [1. the file path with extension .list | 2. the file paths seperated by comma(,)]."),
                    new Option("o", s => outputFolder                        = s, defaultValue: DefaultOutputFolderName, helpName: "outputFolder", helpText: "Specify the output folder that contains all the generated metadata files. (default: " + DefaultOutputFolderName + ")."),
                    new Option("i", s => intermediateOutputListFile          = s, defaultValue: DefaultIntermediateOutputListFile, helpName: "intermediateOutputListFile", helpText: "Specify the intermediate output file name for the metadata file generated by each project. (default: " + DefaultIntermediateOutputListFile + ")."),
                    new Option("toc", s => outputTocFile                     = s, defaultValue: DefaultTocFileName, helpName: "outputTocFile", helpText: "Specify the file name containing all the namespace yaml file paths. (default: " + DefaultTocFileName + ")."),
                    new Option("index", s => outputIndexFile                 = s, defaultValue: DefaultIndexFileName, helpName: "outputIndexFile", helpText: "Specify the file name containing all the available yaml files. (default: " + DefaultIndexFileName + ")."),
                    new Option("md", s => outputMarkdownIndexFile            = s, defaultValue: DefaultMarkdownFileName, helpName: "outputMarkdownIndexFile", helpText: "Specify the file name containing all the markdown index. (default: " + DefaultMarkdownFileName + ")."),
                    new Option("folder", s => outputApiFolder                = s, defaultValue: DefaultApiFolderName, helpName: "outputApiFolder", helpText: "Specify the output subfolder name containing all the member's yaml file. (default: " + DefaultApiFolderName + ")."),
                    new Option("mdFolder", s => outputMarkdownFolder         = s, defaultValue: DefaultMdFolderName, helpName: "outputMarkdownFolder", helpText: "Specify the output subfolder name containing all the markdown files copied. (default: " + DefaultMdFolderName + ")."),
                    new Option("referenceFolder", s => outputReferenceFolder = s, defaultValue: DefaultReferenceFolderName, helpName: "outputReferenceFolder", helpText: "Specify the output subfolder name containing all the files copied referenced by markdown files. (default: " + DefaultReferenceFolderName + ")."),
                    new Option("target", s => target = (BuildTarget)Enum.Parse(typeof(BuildTarget), s, true), defaultValue: BuildTarget.All.ToString(), helpName: "buildTarget", helpText: "Specify the output target. (default: All)."),

                if (!ConsoleParameterParser.ParseParameters(options, args))

                if (target.HasFlag(BuildTarget.Build))
                    if (inputProjectList == null || inputProjectList.Length == 0)
                        ParseResult.WriteToConsole(ResultLevel.Warn, "No source project files are referenced. No documentation will be generated.");

                    BuildMetaHelper.GenerateMetadataFromProjectListAsync(inputProjectList, intermediateOutputListFile).Wait();

                if (target.HasFlag(BuildTarget.Merge))
                    BuildMetaHelper.MergeMetadataFromMetadataListAsync(intermediateOutputListFile, outputFolder, outputIndexFile, outputTocFile, outputApiFolder, BuildMetaHelper.MetadataType.Yaml).Wait();
                if (target.HasFlag(BuildTarget.Markdown))
                    BuildMetaHelper.GenerateIndexForMarkdownListAsync(outputFolder, outputIndexFile, inputMarkdownList, outputMarkdownIndexFile, outputMarkdownFolder, outputReferenceFolder).Wait();
            catch (Exception e)
                Console.Error.WriteLine("Failing in generating metadata from {0}: {1}", inputProjectList, e);