Example #1
        private static VBRData getXingInfo(BufferedBinaryReader source)
            VBRData result = new VBRData();

            byte[] data = new byte[8];

            result.Found = true;
            result.ID    = VBR_ID_XING.ToCharArray();
            source.Seek(4, SeekOrigin.Current);
            source.Read(data, 0, 8);

            result.Frames =
                data[0] * 0x1000000 +
                data[1] * 0x10000 +
                data[2] * 0x100 +
            result.Bytes =
                data[4] * 0x1000000 +
                data[5] * 0x10000 +
                data[6] * 0x100 +

            source.Seek(103, SeekOrigin.Current);

            result.Scale = source.ReadByte();
            source.Read(data, 0, 8);
            result.VendorID = Utils.Latin1Encoding.GetString(data, 0, 8);

Example #2
        private static VBRData findVBR(BufferedBinaryReader source, long position)
            VBRData result;

            byte[] data = new byte[4];

            // Check for VBR header at given position
            source.Seek(position, SeekOrigin.Begin);

            source.Read(data, 0, 4);
            string vbrId = Utils.Latin1Encoding.GetString(data);

            if (VBR_ID_XING.Equals(vbrId))
                result = getXingInfo(source);
            else if (VBR_ID_FHG.Equals(vbrId))
                result = getFhGInfo(source);
                result = new VBRData();

Example #3
        private static VBRData getFhGInfo(BufferedBinaryReader source)
            VBRData result = new VBRData();

            byte[] data = new byte[9];

            // Extract FhG VBR info at given position
            result.Found = true;
            result.ID    = VBR_ID_FHG.ToCharArray();
            source.Seek(5, SeekOrigin.Current);
            source.Read(data, 0, 9);

            result.Scale = data[0];
            result.Bytes =
                data[1] * 0x1000000 +
                data[2] * 0x10000 +
                data[3] * 0x100 +
            result.Frames =
                data[5] * 0x1000000 +
                data[6] * 0x10000 +
                data[7] * 0x100 +

            result.VendorID = "";

Example #4
        private protected override IEnumerable <float> DoEnumerateDataValues(BufferedBinaryReader reader, DataSection dataSection, long dataPointsNumber)
            var data = reader.Read((int)dataSection.DataLength);
            var img  = J2kImage.FromBytes(data);

            if (img.NumberOfComponents <= 0)
                return(new float[0]);

            var values = img.GetComponent(0);

Example #5
        // ********************* Auxiliary functions & voids ********************

        private Boolean ReadTag(BufferedBinaryReader source)
            var result = false;

            // Read tag
            source.Seek(-ID3V1_TAG_SIZE, SeekOrigin.End);

            // ID3v1 tags are C-String(null-terminated)-based tags encoded in ASCII
            var data = new Byte[ID3V1_TAG_SIZE];

            source.Read(data, 0, ID3V1_TAG_SIZE);

            var header = Utils.Latin1Encoding.GetString(data, 0, 3);

            if (header.Equals(ID3V1_ID))
                var endComment = new Byte[2];
                structureHelper.AddZone(source.Position - ID3V1_TAG_SIZE, ID3V1_TAG_SIZE);

                tagData.Title         = Utils.Latin1Encoding.GetString(data, 3, 30).Replace("\0", "");
                tagData.Artist        = Utils.Latin1Encoding.GetString(data, 33, 30).Replace("\0", "");
                tagData.Album         = Utils.Latin1Encoding.GetString(data, 63, 30).Replace("\0", "");
                tagData.RecordingYear = Utils.Latin1Encoding.GetString(data, 93, 4).Replace("\0", "");
                tagData.Comment       = Utils.Latin1Encoding.GetString(data, 97, 28).Replace("\0", "");

                Array.Copy(data, 125, endComment, 0, 2);
                tagVersion = GetTagVersion(endComment);

                // Fill properties using tag data
                if (TAG_VERSION_1_0 == tagVersion)
                    Comment = tagData.Comment + Utils.Latin1Encoding.GetString(endComment, 0, 2).Replace("\0", "");
                    Comment = tagData.Comment;
                    Track   = endComment[1];

                tagData.Genre = (data[127] < MAX_MUSIC_GENRES) ? MusicGenre[data[127]] : "";

                result = true;

Example #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Inflate compressed swf
        /// </summary>
        private void Inflate()
            // read size
            br.BaseStream.Position = 4;             // skip signature
            int size = Convert.ToInt32(br.ReadUInt32());

            // read swf head
            byte[] uncompressed = new byte[size];
            br.BaseStream.Position = 0;
            br.Read(uncompressed, 0, 8);           // header data is not compress

            // un-zip
            byte[] compressed = br.ReadBytes(size);
            uncompressed = DeflatorWraper.Decompress(compressed);

            // new memory stream for uncompressed swf
            MemoryStream m = new MemoryStream(uncompressed);

            br = new BufferedBinaryReader(m);
            br.BaseStream.Position = 0;
Example #7
        internal static IndicatorSection BuildFrom(BufferedBinaryReader reader)
            var fileStart = reader.Read(Constants.GribFileStart.Length);

            if (!Constants.GribFileStart.SequenceEqual(fileStart))
                throw new BadGribFormatException("Invalid file start.");

            // Ignore the 2 reserved bytes

            var disciplineNumber = reader.ReadUInt8();
            var gribEdition      = reader.ReadUInt8();

            if (gribEdition != 2)
                throw new NotSupportedException($"Only GRIB edition 2 is supported. GRIB edition {gribEdition} is not yet supported");

            var totalLength = reader.ReadUInt64();

            return(new IndicatorSection(disciplineNumber, 2, totalLength));
Example #8
        // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

        // Read total samples of OGG file, which are located on the very last page of the file
        private ulong getSamples(BufferedBinaryReader source)
            OggHeader header = new OggHeader();

            string headerId;
            byte   typeFlag;

            byte[] lacingValues   = new byte[255];
            byte   nbLacingValues = 0;
            long   nextPageOffset = 0;

            // TODO - fine tune seekSize value
            int seekSize = (int)Math.Round(MAX_PAGE_SIZE * 0.75);

            if (seekSize > source.Length)
                seekSize = (int)Math.Round(source.Length * 0.5);
            source.Seek(-seekSize, SeekOrigin.End);
            if (!StreamUtils.FindSequence(source, Utils.Latin1Encoding.GetBytes(OGG_PAGE_ID)))
                LogDelegator.GetLogDelegate()(Log.LV_ERROR, "No OGG header found; aborting read operation"); // Throw exception ?
            source.Seek(-4, SeekOrigin.Current);

            // Iterate until last page is encountered
                if (source.Position + nextPageOffset + 27 > source.Length) // End of stream about to be reached => last OGG header did not have the proper type flag

                source.Seek(nextPageOffset, SeekOrigin.Current);

                headerId = Utils.Latin1Encoding.GetString(source.ReadBytes(4));

                if (headerId.Equals(OGG_PAGE_ID))
                    source.Seek(1, SeekOrigin.Current);
                    typeFlag = source.ReadByte();
                    source.Seek(20, SeekOrigin.Current);
                    nbLacingValues = source.ReadByte();
                    nextPageOffset = 0;
                    source.Read(lacingValues, 0, nbLacingValues);
                    for (int i = 0; i < nbLacingValues; i++)
                        nextPageOffset += lacingValues[i];
                    LogDelegator.GetLogDelegate()(Log.LV_ERROR, "Invalid OGG header found while looking for total samples; aborting read operation"); // Throw exception ?
            } while (0 == (typeFlag & 0x04)); // 0x04 marks the last page of the logical bitstream

            // Stream is positioned at the end of the last page header; backtracking to read AbsolutePosition field
            source.Seek(-nbLacingValues - 21, SeekOrigin.Current);

Example #9
        private static FrameHeader findFrame(BufferedBinaryReader source, ref VBRData oVBR, SizeInfo sizeInfo)
            byte[]      headerData = new byte[4];
            FrameHeader result     = new FrameHeader();

            source.Read(headerData, 0, 4);
            result.Found = isValidFrameHeader(headerData);

             * Many things can actually be found before a proper MP3 header :
             *    - Padding with 0x55, 0xAA and even 0xFF bytes
             *    - RIFF header declaring either MP3 or WAVE data
             *    - Xing encoder-specific frame
             *    - One of the above with a few "parasite" bytes before their own header
             * The most solid way to deal with all of them is to "scan" the file until proper MP3 header is found.
             * This method may not the be fastest, but ensures audio data is actually detected, whatever garbage lies before

            if (!result.Found)
                // "Quick win" for files starting with padding bytes
                // 4 identical bytes => MP3 starts with padding bytes => Skip padding
                if ((headerData[0] == headerData[1]) && (headerData[1] == headerData[2]) && (headerData[2] == headerData[3]))
                    // Scan the whole padding until it stops
                    while (headerData[0] == source.ReadByte())

                    source.Seek(-1, SeekOrigin.Current);

                    // If padding uses 0xFF bytes, take one step back in case MP3 header lies there
                    if (0xFF == headerData[0])
                        source.Seek(-1, SeekOrigin.Current);

                    source.Read(headerData, 0, 4);
                    result.Found = isValidFrameHeader(headerData);

                // Blindly look for the MP3 header
                if (!result.Found)
                    source.Seek(-4, SeekOrigin.Current);
                    long limit = sizeInfo.ID3v2Size + (long)Math.Round((source.Length - sizeInfo.ID3v2Size) * 0.3);

                    // Look for the beginning of the MP3 header (2nd byte is variable, so it cannot be searched that way)
                    while (!result.Found && source.Position < limit)
                        while (0xFF != source.ReadByte() && source.Position < limit)

                        source.Seek(-1, SeekOrigin.Current);
                        source.Read(headerData, 0, 4);
                        result.Found = isValidFrameHeader(headerData);

                        // Valid header candidate found
                        // => let's see if it is a legit MP3 header by using its Size descriptor to find the next header
                        if (result.Found)

                            result.Position = source.Position - 4;
                            result.Size     = getFrameSize(result);

                            byte[] nextHeaderData = new byte[4];
                            source.Seek(result.Position + result.Size, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                            source.Read(nextHeaderData, 0, 4);
                            result.Found = isValidFrameHeader(nextHeaderData);

                            if (result.Found)
                                source.Seek(result.Position + 4, SeekOrigin.Begin); // Go back to header candidate position
                                // Restart looking for a candidate
                                source.Seek(result.Position + 1, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                            source.Seek(-3, SeekOrigin.Current);

            if (result.Found)

                result.Position = source.Position - 4;

                // result.Xing = isXing(i + 4, Data); // Will look into it when encoder ID is needed by upper interfaces

                // Look for VBR signature
                oVBR = findVBR(source, result.Position + getVBRDeviation(result));

Example #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Загрузка базы данных в память
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public void Load()
            string      filePath = Path.Combine(_environment.ContentRootPath, _dbFileName);
            BinGeoModel binModel;

            using (FileStream stream = new FileStream(filePath, FileMode.Open))
                Stopwatch stopwatch = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.StartNew();

                using (BufferedBinaryReader bufferedReader = new BufferedBinaryReader(stream, 65536))


                    int    version         = bufferedReader.ReadInt32();
                    byte[] nameBytes       = bufferedReader.Read(0, 32);
                    ulong  timestamp       = bufferedReader.ReadUInt64();
                    int    records         = bufferedReader.ReadInt32();
                    uint   offsetRanges    = bufferedReader.ReadUInt32();
                    uint   offsetCities    = bufferedReader.ReadUInt32();
                    uint   offsetLocations = bufferedReader.ReadUInt32();

                    binModel = new BinGeoModel(version, nameBytes, timestamp, records, offsetRanges, offsetCities, offsetLocations);

                    int currentIndex = 0;
                    binModel.IpRangeCollection = new BinIpRange[binModel.RecordsCount];
                    while (bufferedReader.FillBuffer() && currentIndex < binModel.RecordsCount)
                        for (; currentIndex < binModel.RecordsCount && bufferedReader.NumBytesAvailable >= IpRangeBytesCount; currentIndex++)
                            binModel.IpRangeCollection[currentIndex] = new BinIpRange()
                                IpFrom        = bufferedReader.ReadUInt32(),
                                IpTo          = bufferedReader.ReadUInt32(),
                                LocationIndex = bufferedReader.ReadUInt32()

                    currentIndex = 0;
                    binModel.LocationCollection = new BinLocation[binModel.RecordsCount];
                    while (bufferedReader.FillBuffer() && currentIndex < binModel.RecordsCount)
                        for (; currentIndex < binModel.RecordsCount && bufferedReader.NumBytesAvailable >= LocationBytesCount; currentIndex++)
                            byte[] country      = bufferedReader.Read(0, 8);
                            byte[] region       = bufferedReader.Read(0, 12);
                            byte[] postal       = bufferedReader.Read(0, 12);
                            byte[] city         = bufferedReader.Read(0, 24);
                            byte[] organization = bufferedReader.Read(0, 32);
                            float  latitude     = bufferedReader.ReadSingle();
                            float  longitude    = bufferedReader.ReadSingle();

                            binModel.LocationCollection[currentIndex] = new BinLocation(country, region, postal, city, organization, latitude, longitude);

                    currentIndex     = 0;
                    binModel.Indexes = new uint[binModel.RecordsCount];
                    while (bufferedReader.FillBuffer() && currentIndex < binModel.RecordsCount)
                        for (; currentIndex < binModel.RecordsCount && bufferedReader.NumBytesAvailable >= IndexBytesCount; currentIndex++)
                            binModel.Indexes[currentIndex] = bufferedReader.ReadUInt32();

                    DatabaseLoadedTimeMs = stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds;
                    _logger.LogInformation($"Database loading time: {stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds} ms");

                // Отображение объектов сущностей двоичной базы в объекты бизнес сущностей
                GeoModel = _mapper.Map <GeoModel>(binModel);