public static bool IsValidTransNumber(string sFrmFlag, string sTranFlag, string sTransNo, int iMode, int iCCId, int iCompanyId) { bool bRetVal = false; if (BsfGlobal.g_bAssetDB == true) { try { BsfGlobal.OpenAssetDB(); string sSql = ""; if (sFrmFlag == "Buyer") { if (sFrmFlag == "Buyer" && (sTranFlag == " " || sTranFlag == "GE")) { sSql = "Select AllotmentNo From BuyerDetail Where AllotmentNo='" + sTransNo + "' "; } else if (sFrmFlag == "Buyer" && sTranFlag == "CC") { sSql = "Select CCAllotNo From BuyerDetail Where CCAllotNo='" + sTransNo + "' And CostCentreId=" + iCCId + " "; } else if (sFrmFlag == "Buyer" && sTranFlag == "CO") { sSql = "Select COAllotNo From BuyerDetail Where CostCentreId IN ( " + "Select CostCentreId From [" + BsfGlobal.g_sWorkFlowDBName + "]..OperationalCostCentre Where FACostCentreId IN ( " + "Select CostCentreId From [" + BsfGlobal.g_sWorkFlowDBName + "]..CostCentre Where CompanyId=" + iCompanyId + ")) And COAllotNo='" + sTransNo + "' "; } } if (sSql != "") { SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(sSql, BsfGlobal.g_AssetDB); SqlDataReader sdr = cmd.ExecuteReader(); DataTable dt = new DataTable(); dt.Load(sdr); sdr.Close(); cmd.Dispose(); if (iMode == 0) { if (dt.Rows.Count == 0) { bRetVal = true; } else { bRetVal = false; } } else { if (dt.Rows.Count == 1) { bRetVal = true; } else { bRetVal = false; } } } } catch (Exception ex) { BsfGlobal.CustomException(ex.Message, ex.StackTrace); } finally { BsfGlobal.g_AssetDB.Close(); } } return(bRetVal); }