internal static DataTable SelectAmenities(int argCCID, string argType) { BsfGlobal.OpenCRMDB(); string ssql = ""; DataTable dtAme = null; SqlDataAdapter sda; try { if (argType == "P") { ssql = String.Format("Select A.AmenityId, A.AmenityName, Case When B.AmenityId IS NULL then" + " Convert(bit, 0, 0) else CONVERT(bit, 1, 1) End as Sel from AmenityMaster A" + " Left Join CCAmentityTrans B ON A.AmenityId=B.AmenityId AND B.CostCentreId={0}", argCCID); } else { ssql = String.Format("Select A.AmenityId, A.AmenityName, Case When B.AmenityId IS NULL then" + " Convert(bit, 0, 0) else CONVERT(bit, 1, 1) End as Sel from AmenityMaster A" + " Left Join CompetitorAmenityTrans B ON A.AmenityId=B.AmenityId AND B.ProjectId={0}", argCCID); } sda = new SqlDataAdapter(ssql, BsfGlobal.g_CRMDB); dtAme = new DataTable(); sda.Fill(dtAme); } catch (Exception ex) { BsfGlobal.CustomException(ex.Message, ex.StackTrace); } finally { BsfGlobal.g_CRMDB.Close(); } return(dtAme); }
public DataTable GetOpportunity() { DataTable dt = null; try { BsfGlobal.OpenCRMDB(); string sSql = "Select RequestNo,RequestId,OpportunityName,C.CostCentreName,C.CostCentreId From dbo.OpportunityRequest O" + " Inner Join [" + BsfGlobal.g_sWorkFlowDBName + "].dbo.OperationalCostCentre C On O.CCId=C.CostCentreId" + " Order By OpportunityName"; SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(sSql, BsfGlobal.g_CRMDB); dt = new DataTable(); da.Fill(dt); da.Dispose(); dt.Dispose(); } catch (Exception e) { BsfGlobal.CustomException(e.Message, e.StackTrace); } finally { BsfGlobal.g_CRMDB.Close(); } return(dt); }
public DataTable GetCampaignDetails() { DataTable dt = null; string sSql = ""; try { BsfGlobal.OpenCRMDB(); SqlCommand cmd; sSql = "Update CampaignDetails Set NetAmount=TotAmount Where NetAmount=0"; cmd = new SqlCommand(sSql, BsfGlobal.g_CRMDB); cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); cmd.Dispose(); sSql = "Select Distinct A.RequestId,A.CampaignId,A.CampaignName From dbo.CampaignDetails A" + " Order By CampaignName"; SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(sSql, BsfGlobal.g_CRMDB); dt = new DataTable(); da.Fill(dt); da.Dispose(); dt.Dispose(); } catch (Exception e) { BsfGlobal.CustomException(e.Message, e.StackTrace); } finally { BsfGlobal.g_CRMDB.Close(); } return(dt); }
public DataTable GetPhotos(string argStr, int argCCID) { DataTable dt = new DataTable(); string sSql = ""; try { sSql = "Select ImageId,PhotoImage,ImageDate,Description from dbo.ProjectPhoto " + "Where CostCentreId = " + argCCID; BsfGlobal.OpenCRMDB(); if (argStr != "All") { sSql = sSql + " And CONVERT(CHAR(10),ImageDate,120) = '" + Convert.ToDateTime(argStr).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "'"; } sSql = sSql + " Order by ImageDate,ImageId"; SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(sSql, BsfGlobal.g_CRMDB); SqlDataReader dr = cmd.ExecuteReader(); dt.Load(dr); dr.Close(); } catch (Exception e) { BsfGlobal.CustomException(e.Message, e.StackTrace); } finally { BsfGlobal.g_CRMDB.Close(); } return(dt); }
public bool OppNameFound(int argReqId, string argoppName, int argCCId) { bool bans = false; try { DataTable dt; string sSql = "Select RequestId From dbo.OpportunityRequest Where RequestId <> " + argReqId + " " + "and OpportunityName = '" + argoppName + "' And CCId=" + argCCId + ""; BsfGlobal.OpenCRMDB(); SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(sSql, BsfGlobal.g_CRMDB); dt = new DataTable(); da.Fill(dt); da.Dispose(); if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { bans = true; } dt.Dispose(); } catch (Exception e) { BsfGlobal.CustomException(e.Message, e.StackTrace); } finally { BsfGlobal.g_CRMDB.Close(); } return(bans); }
public static DataTable PopulateProject(int Id) { DataTable dt = null; SqlDataAdapter sda; string sSql = ""; try { BsfGlobal.OpenCRMDB(); sSql = "SELECT CostCentreId,CostCentreName From [" + BsfGlobal.g_sWorkFlowDBName + "].dbo.OperationalCostCentre" + " Where ProjectDB in(Select ProjectName From [" + BsfGlobal.g_sRateAnalDBName + "].dbo.ConceptionRegister" + " Where BusinessType In('B','L')) and CostCentreId not in (Select CostCentreId " + " From [" + BsfGlobal.g_sWorkFlowDBName + "].dbo.UserCostCentreTrans Where " + " UserId=" + Id + ") Order By CostCentreName"; sda = new SqlDataAdapter(sSql, BsfGlobal.g_CRMDB); dt = new DataTable(); sda.Fill(dt); } catch (Exception e) { BsfGlobal.CustomException(e.Message, e.StackTrace); } finally { BsfGlobal.g_CRMDB.Close(); } return(dt); }
public static DataTable Populate_SerOrderBillRegisterChange(int argRegId) { DataTable dt = null; SqlDataAdapter sda; string sSql = ""; try { BsfGlobal.OpenCRMDB(); sSql = "SELECT A.RegBillId,A.Billdate,A.BillRefNo,A.CostcentreID,B.CostCentreName,S.RefNo QuoteNo,C.FlatNo,E.LeadName BuyerName,A.NetAmt,A.Approve FROM SerOrderBillReg A " + "Inner Join [" + BsfGlobal.g_sWorkFlowDBName + "].dbo.OperationalCostCentre B on A.CostCentreId=B.CostCentreId " + "Inner Join FlatDetails C on A.FlatId=C.FlatId " + "Left Join ServiceQuoteReg S on A.QuoteRegId=S.RegisterId " + "Left Join LeadRegister E on S.LeadId=E.LeadId " + "WHERE A.RegBillId=" + argRegId + ""; sda = new SqlDataAdapter(sSql, BsfGlobal.g_CRMDB); dt = new DataTable(); sda.Fill(dt); } catch (Exception e) { BsfGlobal.CustomException(e.Message, e.StackTrace); } finally { BsfGlobal.g_CRMDB.Close(); } return(dt); }
public DataTable GetCCTemplateView(string frmWhere, int argID, int argFlatId) { DataTable dt = null; SqlDataAdapter sda; string sql = ""; BsfGlobal.OpenCRMDB(); try { if (frmWhere == "P") { sql = "Select A.CostCentreId ID,B.TemplateName,A.TemplateDoc,A.Extension from CostCentreTemplate A" + "Inner join Template on B A.TemplateId=B.TemplateId Where A.CostCentreId=" + argID + ""; } else { sql = "Select A.FlatId ID,B.TemplateName,A.TemplateDoc,A.Extension from FlatTemplateUpload A " + "Inner join Template on B A.TemplateId=B.TemplateId Where A.FlatId=" + argFlatId + ""; } sda = new SqlDataAdapter(sql, BsfGlobal.g_CRMDB); dt = new DataTable(); sda.Fill(dt); sda.Dispose(); BsfGlobal.g_CRMDB.Close(); } catch (SqlException ee) { BsfGlobal.CustomException(ee.Message, ee.StackTrace); } return(dt); }
public string GetDocumentPath() { string sPath = ""; BsfGlobal.OpenWorkFlowDB(); try { string sql = "Select DocumentFilePath from CompanyMailSetting"; SqlDataAdapter sda = new SqlDataAdapter(sql, BsfGlobal.g_WorkFlowDB); DataTable dt = new DataTable(); sda.Fill(dt); sda.Dispose(); if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { sPath = CommFun.IsNullCheck(dt.Rows[0]["DocumentFilePath"].ToString(), CommFun.datatypes.vartypestring).ToString(); } dt.Dispose(); BsfGlobal.g_WorkFlowDB.Close(); } catch (SqlException ee) { BsfGlobal.CustomException(ee.Message, ee.StackTrace); } return(sPath); }
public void InsertCCTempname(string frmWhere, int argTempID) { SqlConnection conn; conn = new SqlConnection(); conn = BsfGlobal.OpenCRMDB(); SqlTransaction tran = conn.BeginTransaction(); string sSql = ""; try { if (frmWhere == "P") { sSql = "Insert into CostCentreTemplate(TemplateId) Values('" + argTempID + "')"; } else { sSql = "Insert into FlatTemplateUpload(TemplateId) Values('" + argTempID + "')"; } SqlCommand Command = new SqlCommand(sSql, conn, tran); Command.ExecuteNonQuery(); tran.Commit(); } catch (Exception e) { BsfGlobal.CustomException(e.Message, e.StackTrace); } finally { conn.Close(); } }
public void DeleteCCTempate(string frmWhere, int argTempId, int argCCId, int argFlatId) { BsfGlobal.OpenCRMDB(); string sSql = ""; try { if (frmWhere == "P") { sSql = "Delete from CostCentreTemplate Where TemplateId = " + argTempId + " and CostCentreId= " + argCCId; } else { sSql = "Delete from FlatTemplateUpload Where TemplateId = " + argTempId + " and FlatId = " + argFlatId; } SqlCommand Command = new SqlCommand(sSql, BsfGlobal.g_CRMDB); Command.ExecuteNonQuery(); } catch (Exception e) { BsfGlobal.CustomException(e.Message, e.StackTrace); } finally { BsfGlobal.g_CRMDB.Close(); } }
internal static DataTable GetOtherCost(int argCCId) { BsfGlobal.OpenCRMDB(); string sSql = ""; DataTable dtOC = null; SqlDataAdapter sda; try { //sSql = "Select A.OtherCostId,A.OtherCostName, Case When B.OtherCostId IS NULL then " + // " Convert(bit, 0, 0) else CONVERT(bit, 1, 1) End as Sel from dbo.OtherCostMaster A " + // " Left Join dbo.CCOtherCost B ON A.OtherCostId=B.OtherCostId AND B.CostCentreId=" + argCCId + ""; sSql = "Select SysDefault,A.OtherCostId,A.OtherCostName, " + " Case When B.OtherCostId IS NOT NULL OR SysDefault=1 then Convert(bit, 1, 1) " + " else CONVERT(bit, 0, 0) End as Sel from dbo.OtherCostMaster A " + " Left Join dbo.CCOtherCost B ON A.OtherCostId=B.OtherCostId " + " AND B.CostCentreId=" + argCCId + " Order By A.SortOrder"; sda = new SqlDataAdapter(sSql, BsfGlobal.g_CRMDB); dtOC = new DataTable(); sda.Fill(dtOC); } catch (Exception ex) { BsfGlobal.CustomException(ex.Message, ex.StackTrace); } finally { BsfGlobal.g_CRMDB.Close(); } return(dtOC); }
internal static DataTable SelectCompetitor(ProjectInfoBO CompBO) { BsfGlobal.OpenCRMDB(); string ssql = ""; DataTable dtComp = null; SqlDataAdapter sda; try { ssql = " Select A.ProjectId,A.CompetitorId,C.CompetitorName,A.ProjectName,Case When B.ProjectId IS NULL " + " then Convert(bit, 0, 0) else CONVERT(bit, 1, 1) End as Sel from dbo.CompetitiveProjects A " + " LEFT JOIN dbo.CompetitorMaster C ON A.CompetitorId=C.CompetitorId " + " Left Join dbo.CCCompetitorTrans B ON A.ProjectId=B.ProjectId AND B.CostCentreId=" + CompBO.i_CostCentreId + ""; sda = new SqlDataAdapter(ssql, BsfGlobal.g_CRMDB); dtComp = new DataTable(); sda.Fill(dtComp); } catch (Exception ex) { BsfGlobal.CustomException(ex.Message, ex.StackTrace); } finally { BsfGlobal.g_CRMDB.Close(); } return(dtComp); }
internal static string UnitUsed(int argCCId) { string sUnit = ""; try { BsfGlobal.OpenCRMDB(); string sSql = "Select Unit_Name From dbo.ProjectInfo A Inner Join [" + BsfGlobal.g_sRateAnalDBName + "].dbo.UOM B On A.UnitId=B.Unit_ID" + " Where CostCentreId=" + argCCId + ""; SqlDataAdapter sda = new SqlDataAdapter(sSql, BsfGlobal.g_CRMDB); DataTable dt = new DataTable(); sda.Fill(dt); if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { sUnit = dt.Rows[0]["Unit_Name"].ToString(); } dt.Dispose(); sda.Dispose(); } catch (Exception ex) { BsfGlobal.CustomException(ex.Message, ex.StackTrace); } finally { BsfGlobal.g_CRMDB.Close(); } return(sUnit); }
public static DataTable Fill_TenantDetChange(int TenantId) { DataTable dt = null; SqlDataAdapter sda; string sSql = ""; try { BsfGlobal.OpenCRMDB(); sSql = "SELECT A.TenantId,A.TransDate,A.RefNo,C.CostCentreName,D.FlatNo,A.TenantName,B.CityName,A.Mobile,A.Email,A.Approve " + " From TenantRegister A " + " Left Join [" + BsfGlobal.g_sWorkFlowDBName + "].dbo.CityMaster B on A.CityId=B.CityId " + " Left Join [" + BsfGlobal.g_sWorkFlowDBName + "].dbo.OperationalCostCentre C on A.CostCentreId=C.CostCentreId " + " Left join FlatDetails D on A.FlatId=D.FlatId " + "where A.TenantId=" + TenantId + ""; sda = new SqlDataAdapter(sSql, BsfGlobal.g_CRMDB); dt = new DataTable(); sda.Fill(dt); } catch (Exception e) { BsfGlobal.CustomException(e.Message, e.StackTrace); } finally { BsfGlobal.g_CRMDB.Close(); } return(dt); }
public DataTable GetFlatDocCreate(int argCCId, int argTempId) { DataTable dt = null; SqlDataAdapter sda; string sql = ""; BsfGlobal.OpenCRMDB(); try { sql = "Select A.FlatId,A.FlatNo,B.BlockName,'' Path,Convert(bit,0,0) Sel from FlatDetails A " + "Left Join BlockMaster B on A.BlockId=B.BlockId " + "Where A.Status='S' and A.CostCentreId=" + argCCId + " and " + "A.FlatId not in (Select FlatId from FlatTemplateDocTrans Where TemplateId=" + argTempId + ")"; sda = new SqlDataAdapter(sql, BsfGlobal.g_CRMDB); dt = new DataTable(); sda.Fill(dt); sda.Dispose(); BsfGlobal.g_CRMDB.Close(); } catch (SqlException ee) { BsfGlobal.CustomException(ee.Message, ee.StackTrace); } return(dt); }
private void btnDel_ItemClick(object sender, DevExpress.XtraBars.ItemClickEventArgs e) { if (grdDescView.FocusedRowHandle < 0) { return; } int iSchId = Convert.ToInt32(CommFun.IsNullCheck(grdDescView.GetFocusedRowCellValue("SchDescId"), CommFun.datatypes.vartypenumeric)); if (PaymentScheduleBL.CheckPaymentScheduleDesUsed(iSchId) == true) { MessageBox.Show("Schedule Description Used, Do not Delete"); return; } try { if (MessageBox.Show("Do you want to Delete Row?", "", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question) == DialogResult.Yes) { string sSql = "DELETE FROM dbo.SchDescription WHERE SchDescId=" + iSchId + " AND Type='" + m_cDescType + "'"; CommFun.CRMExecute(sSql); grdDescView.DeleteRow(grdDescView.FocusedRowHandle); } } catch (Exception ex) { BsfGlobal.CustomException(ex.Message, ex.StackTrace); } }
public void InsertFlatDocTrans(DataTable argDtTrans, int argTempId) { SqlConnection conn; conn = new SqlConnection(); conn = BsfGlobal.OpenCRMDB(); SqlTransaction tran = conn.BeginTransaction(); SqlCommand cmd = null; string sSql = ""; try { //sSql = "Delete from FlatTemplateDocTrans where TemplateId=" + argTempId; //cmd = new SqlCommand(sSql, conn, tran); //cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); for (int s = 0; s < argDtTrans.Rows.Count; s++) { sSql = "Insert into FlatTemplateDocTrans(FlatId,TemplateId,DocPath) Values(" + argDtTrans.Rows[s]["FlatId"].ToString() + "," + argTempId + ",'" + argDtTrans.Rows[s]["Path"].ToString() + "')"; cmd = new SqlCommand(sSql, conn, tran); cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); } tran.Commit(); } catch (SqlException ee) { BsfGlobal.CustomException(ee.Message, ee.StackTrace); } finally { conn.Close(); } }
public static DataTable Populate_SerOrderBillRegister(DateTime frmDate, DateTime toDate) { DataTable dt = null; SqlDataAdapter sda; string sSql = ""; try { BsfGlobal.OpenCRMDB(); string frmdat = string.Format("{0:dd MMM yyyy}", frmDate); string tdat = string.Format("{0:dd MMM yyyy}", toDate.AddDays(0)); sSql = "SELECT A.RegBillId,A.Billdate,A.BillRefNo,A.CostcentreID,B.CostCentreName,S.RefNo QuoteNo,C.FlatNo,E.LeadName BuyerName,A.NetAmt,A.Approve FROM SerOrderBillReg A " + "Inner Join [" + BsfGlobal.g_sWorkFlowDBName + "].dbo.OperationalCostCentre B on A.CostCentreId=B.CostCentreId " + "Inner Join FlatDetails C on A.FlatId=C.FlatId " + "Left Join ServiceQuoteReg S on A.QuoteRegId=S.RegisterId " + "Left Join LeadRegister E on S.LeadId=E.LeadId " + "WHERE A.Billdate between '" + frmdat + "' And '" + tdat + "' Order by A.Billdate,A.BillRefNo"; sda = new SqlDataAdapter(sSql, BsfGlobal.g_CRMDB); dt = new DataTable(); sda.Fill(dt); } catch (Exception e) { BsfGlobal.CustomException(e.Message, e.StackTrace); } finally { BsfGlobal.g_CRMDB.Close(); } return(dt); }
public string CCGetExtension(int argTempId, string argFrom) { SqlCommand Cmd = null; BsfGlobal.OpenCRMDB(); string extn = ""; string sql = ""; try { if (argFrom == "P") { sql = "SELECT Extension From CostCentreTemplate Where TemplateId=" + argTempId + ""; } else { sql = "SELECT Extension From FlatTemplateUpload Where TemplateId=" + argTempId + ""; } Cmd = new SqlCommand(sql, BsfGlobal.g_CRMDB); extn = CommFun.IsNullCheck(Cmd.ExecuteScalar(), CommFun.datatypes.vartypestring).ToString(); BsfGlobal.g_CRMDB.Close(); } catch (SqlException ee) { BsfGlobal.CustomException(ee.Message, ee.StackTrace); } return(extn); }
public void UpdatePhoto(byte[] FileByteArray, System.IO.FileStream o, int argCCId, string argDesc) { SqlCommand cmd = default(SqlCommand); BsfGlobal.OpenCRMDB(); try { string sSql = ""; if (FileByteArray != null) { sSql = "Insert into dbo.ProjectPhoto(CostCentreId,PhotoImage,Description) " + "Values(" + argCCId + ",@Logo,'" + argDesc + "')"; cmd = new SqlCommand(sSql, BsfGlobal.g_CRMDB); cmd.Parameters.Add("@Logo", SqlDbType.Binary, Convert.ToInt32(o.Length)).Value = FileByteArray; cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); cmd.Dispose(); } } catch (Exception e) { BsfGlobal.CustomException(e.Message, e.StackTrace); } finally { BsfGlobal.g_CRMDB.Close(); } }
public static DataTable GetTenant() { DataTable dtTen = null; SqlDataAdapter sda; // string sSql = ""; BsfGlobal.OpenCRMDB(); try { // sSql = "select TenantId,TenantName from TenantDet where TenantId <> 0 "; //// sda = new SqlDataAdapter(sSql, BsfGlobal.OpenWorkFlowDB()); // sda = new SqlDataAdapter(sSql, BsfGlobal.g_CRMDB); // dtTen = new DataTable(); // sda.Fill(dtTen); // BsfGlobal.g_CRMDB.Close(); sda = new SqlDataAdapter("SELECT TenantId,TenantName from TenantRegister where TenantId <> 0", BsfGlobal.g_CRMDB); dtTen = new DataTable(); sda.Fill(dtTen); BsfGlobal.g_CRMDB.Close(); } catch (Exception e) { BsfGlobal.CustomException(e.Message, e.StackTrace); } return(dtTen); }
public void UpdateData() { try { DataTable dtM = new DataTable(); DataTable dtA = new DataTable(); dtA = m_dt.GetChanges(DataRowState.Added); dtM = m_dt.GetChanges(DataRowState.Modified); if (dtA != null) { for (int i = 0; i < dtA.Rows.Count; i++) { ComplaintDetBL.InsertCompliantMaater(dtA.Rows[i]["NatureComplaint"].ToString()); //sql = String.Format("INSERT INTO Nature_Complaint (NatureComplaint) VALUES('{0}')", dtA.Rows[i]["NatureComplaint"]); // CommFun.CRMExecute(sql); } } if (dtM != null) { for (int i = 0; i < dtM.Rows.Count; i++) { ComplaintDetBL.UpdateCompliantMaater(dtM.Rows[i]["NatureComplaint"].ToString(), Convert.ToInt32(dtM.Rows[i]["ComplaintId"])); //sql = String.Format("UPDATE Nature_Complaint SET NatureComplaint='{0}' WHERE ComplaintId={1} ", dtM.Rows[i]["NatureComplaint"], dtM.Rows[i]["ComplaintId"]); // CommFun.CRMExecute(sql); } } } catch (Exception ex) { BsfGlobal.CustomException(ex.Message, ex.StackTrace); } }
public static DataTable PopulateFlat(int ProId, int FlatId) { DataTable dt = null; SqlDataAdapter sda; string sSql = ""; try { BsfGlobal.OpenCRMDB(); sSql = "SELECT A.FlatId,A.FlatNo FROM FlatDetails A LEFT OUTER JOIN TenantRegister B on A.FlatId=B.FlatId where B.FlatId IS NULL and A.CostCentreId=" + ProId + " and A.BlockId=" + FlatId + " and A.Status in('S','R') ORDER BY A.FlatNo "; sda = new SqlDataAdapter(sSql, BsfGlobal.g_CRMDB); dt = new DataTable(); sda.Fill(dt); } catch (Exception e) { BsfGlobal.CustomException(e.Message, e.StackTrace); } finally { BsfGlobal.g_CRMDB.Close(); } return(dt); }
public static void InsertCampaignAmount(DataTable argDt, int argCampId) { try { SqlCommand cmd; string sSql = ""; if (argDt.Rows.Count > 0) { sSql = "Delete From dbo.CampaignAmount Where CampaignId=" + argCampId + ""; BsfGlobal.OpenCRMDB(); cmd = new SqlCommand(sSql, BsfGlobal.g_CRMDB); cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); cmd.Dispose(); for (int i = 0; i < argDt.Rows.Count; i++) { sSql = "Insert Into dbo.CampaignAmount(CampaignId,Description,Flag,Amount)Values(" + argCampId + "," + " '" + argDt.Rows[i]["Description"] + "','" + argDt.Rows[i]["Flag"] + "'," + argDt.Rows[i]["Amount"] + ")"; BsfGlobal.OpenCRMDB(); cmd = new SqlCommand(sSql, BsfGlobal.g_CRMDB); cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); cmd.Dispose(); } } } catch (Exception e) { BsfGlobal.CustomException(e.Message, e.StackTrace); } finally { BsfGlobal.g_CRMDB.Close(); } }
public static DataTable PopulateFlatSt(int ProId, int FlatId) { DataTable dt = null; SqlDataAdapter sda; string sSql = ""; try { BsfGlobal.OpenCRMDB(); sSql = "SELECT FlatId,FlatNo FROM FlatDetails WHERE CostCentreId=" + ProId + " and BlockId=" + FlatId + " and Status in('S','R') ORDER BY FlatNo"; sda = new SqlDataAdapter(sSql, BsfGlobal.g_CRMDB); dt = new DataTable(); sda.Fill(dt); } catch (Exception e) { BsfGlobal.CustomException(e.Message, e.StackTrace); } finally { BsfGlobal.g_CRMDB.Close(); } return(dt); }
public DataTable GetCampaign(int argCCId) { DataTable dt = null; try { string sSql = "Select A.RequestId,A.CampaignId,A.CampaignName From dbo.CampaignDetails A" + " Inner Join dbo.OpportunityRequest B On A.RequestId=B.RequestId Where B.CCId=" + argCCId + "" + " Order By CampaignName "; BsfGlobal.OpenCRMDB(); SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(sSql, BsfGlobal.g_CRMDB); dt = new DataTable(); da.Fill(dt); da.Dispose(); dt.Dispose(); } catch (Exception e) { BsfGlobal.CustomException(e.Message, e.StackTrace); } finally { BsfGlobal.g_CRMDB.Close(); } return(dt); }
public static DataTable Fill_Tenantregister(DateTime frmDate, DateTime toDate) { DataTable dt = null; SqlDataAdapter sda; string sSql = ""; try { BsfGlobal.OpenCRMDB(); string frmdat = string.Format("{0:dd MMM yyyy}", frmDate); string tdat = string.Format("{0:dd MMM yyyy}", toDate.AddDays(0)); sSql = "SELECT A.TenantId,A.TransDate,A.RefNo,C.CostCentreName,D.FlatNo,A.TenantName,B.CityName,A.Mobile,A.Email,A.Approve " + " From TenantRegister A " + " Left Join [" + BsfGlobal.g_sWorkFlowDBName + "].dbo.CityMaster B on A.CityId=B.CityId " + " Left Join [" + BsfGlobal.g_sWorkFlowDBName + "].dbo.OperationalCostCentre C on A.CostCentreId=C.CostCentreId " + " Left join FlatDetails D on A.FlatId=D.FlatId " + "Where A.TransDate between '" + frmdat + "' And '" + tdat + "' ORDER BY A.TransDate,A.RefNo"; sda = new SqlDataAdapter(sSql, BsfGlobal.g_CRMDB); dt = new DataTable(); sda.Fill(dt); } catch (Exception e) { BsfGlobal.CustomException(e.Message, e.StackTrace); } finally { BsfGlobal.g_CRMDB.Close(); } return(dt); }
public DataTable GetOPPReqDetails(int argReqId) { DataTable dt = null; try { string sSql = "Select A.*,B.CostCentreName From dbo.OpportunityRequest A Inner Join [" + BsfGlobal.g_sWorkFlowDBName + "].dbo.OperationalCostCentre B" + " On A.CCId=B.CostCentreId where RequestId=" + argReqId + " "; BsfGlobal.OpenCRMDB(); SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(sSql, BsfGlobal.g_CRMDB); dt = new DataTable(); da.Fill(dt); da.Dispose(); dt.Dispose(); } catch (Exception e) { BsfGlobal.CustomException(e.Message, e.StackTrace); } finally { BsfGlobal.g_CRMDB.Close(); } return(dt); }
internal static bool CheckAmenityUsed(int argAId) { bool bAns = false; try { BsfGlobal.OpenCRMDB(); string sSql = "Select AmenityId from CCAmentityTrans Where AmenityId = " + argAId + " " + "Union All " + "Select AmenityId from CompetitorAmenityTrans Where AmenityId = " + argAId; SqlDataAdapter sda = new SqlDataAdapter(sSql, BsfGlobal.g_CRMDB); DataTable dt = new DataTable(); sda.Fill(dt); if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { bAns = true; } dt.Dispose(); sda.Dispose(); } catch (Exception ex) { BsfGlobal.CustomException(ex.Message, ex.StackTrace); } finally { BsfGlobal.g_CRMDB.Close(); } return(bAns); }