public TVProgram(string title, string episodeTitle, string description, BroadcastStation Channel, DateTime StartTime, int duration) { this.Title = title; this.EpisodeTitle = episodeTitle; this.Description = description; this.Channel = Channel; this.StartTime = StartTime; this.Duration = duration; }
//To display all programs based on selecting datetime and channel. private void displayPrograms(object sender, EventArgs e) { DateTime chosenDate = dateTimePicker.Value; BroadcastStation selectedChannel = (BroadcastStation)channelList.SelectedItem; IEnumerable <TVProgram> tvps = from t in table.AsEnumerable() where chosenDate.Month == t.Field <DateTime>("starttime").Month where chosenDate.Day == t.Field <DateTime>("starttime").Day where chosenDate.Year == t.Field <DateTime>("starttime").Year where selectedChannel == (BroadcastStation)Enum.Parse(typeof(BroadcastStation), t.Field <string>("channel")) select new TVProgram { Title = t.Field <string>("title"), EpisodeTitle = t.Field <string>("episodetitle"), Description = t.Field <string>("description"), Duration = t.Field <int>("duration"), Channel = (BroadcastStation)Enum.Parse(typeof(BroadcastStation), t.Field <string>("channel")), StartTime = t.Field <DateTime>("starttime") }; programView.DataSource = tvps.ToList <TVProgram>(); programView.DisplayMember = "GuideTitle"; }
public SeasonProgram(string title, BroadcastStation Channel, DateTime StartTime, int duration) { this.Title = title; }
//the season pass button method to record into tbl_seasonpass and tbl_todolist from tbl_tvguide. private void createSeasonPass(object sender, EventArgs e) { TVProgram tvp = (TVProgram)programView.SelectedItem; bool noSelectedSeason = true; //to check if current title have already stored in the tbl_seasonpass. bool noSelectedList = true; //to check if current title have already stored in the tbl_todolist. SeasonProgram sp = new SeasonProgram(); //intial the seasonProgram to using Priority. //To search the current title from tbl_SeasonPass and if there are any value and return noSelectedSeason a false. using (MySqlCommand checkRecordCmd = new MySqlCommand("select title from tbl_SeasonPass where title = ?title", conn)) { checkRecordCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("?title", tvp.Title); using (MySqlDataReader rdr = checkRecordCmd.ExecuteReader()) { if (rdr.Read()) { noSelectedSeason = false; } } } //To search the current title from tbl_ToDoList and if there are any value and return noSelectedList a false. using (MySqlCommand checkRecordCmd = new MySqlCommand("select * from tbl_ToDoList where title = ?title", conn)) { checkRecordCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("?title", tvp.Title); using (MySqlDataReader rdr = checkRecordCmd.ExecuteReader()) { if (rdr.Read()) { noSelectedList = false; } } } //To get the max priority value from tbl_SeasonPass. If return a null then set Priority to 0 and if not, then increase the Priority. using (MySqlCommand maxPriorityCmd = new MySqlCommand("select max(priority) from tbl_SeasonPass", conn)) { using (MySqlDataReader rdr = maxPriorityCmd.ExecuteReader()) { if (rdr.Read() && rdr.IsDBNull(0)) { sp.Priority = 0; } else { sp.Priority = rdr.GetInt16(rdr.GetOrdinal("max(priority)")) + 1; } } } //Check if current title did not exist in tbl_seasonPass and if so, then insert the new priority and title into tbl_seasonPass. if (noSelectedSeason) { using (MySqlCommand insertPriorityCmd = new MySqlCommand("insert into tbl_SeasonPass (title,priority) values (?title,?priority)", conn)) { insertPriorityCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("?title", tvp.Title); insertPriorityCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("?priority", sp.Priority); insertPriorityCmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); } } //Check if current title did not exist in tbl_ToDoList and if so, then insert all match value from tbl_tvguide to tbl_ToDoList. if (noSelectedList) { using (MySqlCommand findCmd = new MySqlCommand("select * from tbl_tvguide where title = ?title", conn)) { findCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("?title", tvp.Title); TVProgramIndexer list = new TVProgramIndexer(20); using (MySqlDataReader rdr = findCmd.ExecuteReader()) { int count = 0; //To store all value from tbl_tvguide using ToRecordProgram class as a list. while (rdr.Read()) { BroadcastStation bcs = (BroadcastStation)Enum.Parse(typeof(BroadcastStation), (string)rdr[2]); list[count] = new ToRecordProgram((string)rdr["title"], (string)rdr["episodetitle"], (string)rdr["description"], bcs, rdr.GetDateTime(rdr.GetOrdinal("starttime")), rdr.GetInt16(rdr.GetOrdinal("duration"))); count++; } rdr.Close(); //To insert all value from list. for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { using (MySqlCommand insertCmd = new MySqlCommand("insert into tbl_ToDoList (title, episodetitle, description, channel, starttime, duration) values (?title,?episodetitle,?description,?channel,?starttime,?duration)", conn)) { insertCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("?title", list[i].Title); insertCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("?episodetitle", list[i].EpisodeTitle); insertCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("?description", list[i].Description); insertCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("?channel", list[i].Channel.ToString()); insertCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("?starttime", list[i].StartTime); insertCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("?duration", list[i].Duration); insertCmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); } } } } } }