Example #1
        public void Create_Choice_Object_From_Yaml()
            // arrange
            String testString = @"graph:
                                  - decision:
                                    - choice: This is a choice
                                    - choice: This is another choice";

            var expected = new BrigitGraph();
            var decision = new Decision();

            decision.Choices.Add(new Choice("This is a choice"));
            decision.Choices.Add(new Choice("This is another choice"));
            expected.AddNode(new Node(decision));

            var yaml = new YamlStream();

            yaml.Load(new StringReader(testString));
            var mapping     = (YamlMappingNode)yaml.Documents[0].RootNode;
            var brigitNodes = (YamlSequenceNode)mapping.Children[new YamlScalarNode("graph")];
            var parser      = new BrigitYamlParser();

            // act
            var descision = parser.CreateDecision((YamlMappingNode)brigitNodes.Children[0]);

            // assert
            Assert.AreEqual(expected, descision);
Example #2
        public void Create_Dialog_Object_From_Yaml()
            // arrange
            String testString = @"graph:
                                - dialog:
                                  character: Person 1
                                    - text: Hello how are you

            var yaml = new YamlStream();

            yaml.Load(new StringReader(testString));
            var mapping     = (YamlMappingNode)yaml.Documents[0].RootNode;
            var brigitNodes = (YamlSequenceNode)mapping.Children[new YamlScalarNode("graph")];
            var parser      = new BrigitYamlParser();

            // what it should be
            var expected = new Dialog("Person 1", "Hello how are you");

            // act
            var dialog = parser.CreateDialog((YamlMappingNode)brigitNodes.Children[0]);

            // assert
            Assert.AreEqual(expected, dialog);
Example #3
        public static Conversation CreateConversation(string filepath)
            // Getting the text file
            var yaml   = new YamlStream();
            var reader = new StringReader(File.ReadAllText(filepath));

            // preprocess
            var rootMapNode = (YamlMappingNode)yaml.Documents[0].RootNode;

            // parsing here
            var brigitParser = new BrigitYamlParser(rootMapNode);
            var bg           = brigitParser.CreateGraphFromYaml();

            return(new Conversation(bg));
Example #4
        public void Parse_Multi_Character_Exchange()
            var yaml = new YamlStream();

            var mapping    = (YamlMappingNode)yaml.Documents[0].RootNode;
            var yamlParser = new BrigitYamlParser(mapping);
            var conv       = yamlParser.CreateGraphFromYaml();

            var constructed = new BrigitGraph();

            constructed.AddNode(new Node()
                Data = new Dialog("Diego", "Heyo!", "How ya doing?", "You look cute today")
            constructed.AddNode(new Node()
                Data = new Dialog("Diana", "Haha thanks.", "I'm fine, how are you?")

            Assert.AreEqual(constructed, conv);
Example #5
        public void Parse_TomeTest1()
            var yaml = new YamlStream();

            var mapping    = (YamlMappingNode)yaml.Documents[0].RootNode;
            var yamlParser = new BrigitYamlParser(mapping);
            var conv       = yamlParser.CreateGraphFromYaml();

            BrigitGraph constructed = new BrigitGraph();

            constructed.AddNode(new Node()
                Data = new Dialog("Diego", "Hello")
            constructed.AddNode(new Node()
                Data = new Decision()
                    Choices = new List <Choice>()
                        new Choice("F**k you"),
                        new Choice("Hello"),
                        new Choice("Blahblah")
            constructed.AddNode(new Node()
                Data = new Dialog("Diego", "Ok")

            bool checker = conv.Equals(constructed);

            Assert.AreEqual(true, checker);
Example #6
        public void Parse_TomeTest4()
            var yaml = new YamlStream();

            var mapping    = (YamlMappingNode)yaml.Documents[0].RootNode;
            var yamlParser = new BrigitYamlParser(mapping);
            var conv       = yamlParser.CreateGraphFromYaml();

            var constructed = new BrigitGraph();

            constructed.AddNode(new Node
                Data = new Dialog("Diego", "Hey what's happening")

            // first choice
            Choice ch1 = new Choice("This sets one to true", 0);

            ch1.Attributes.SetFlags.Add("one", Attributes.Flag.True);
            Choice ch2 = new Choice("This sets two to true", 0);

            ch2.Attributes.SetFlags.Add("two", Attributes.Flag.True);

            // the decsion block
            var choices = new Node()
                Data = new Decision()
                    Choices = new List <Choice>


            // Dialog Node
            var dialog  = new Dialog("Person");
            var speech1 = new SpeechText("Hello");

            speech1.Attributes.Expression = new Variable("one");
            var speech2 = new SpeechText("Hey");

            speech2.Attributes.Expression = new Variable("two");
            dialog.Text = new List <SpeechText>()
                new SpeechText("Blah")

            constructed.AddNode(new Node()
                Data = dialog

            // second dialog node
            var dialog2 = new Dialog("Other", "Heyo", "What's going on");

            dialog2.Attributes.Expression = new Variable("one");

            constructed.AddNode(new Node()
                Data = dialog2

            bool checker = conv.Equals(constructed);

            Assert.AreEqual(true, checker);
Example #7
        // The multiple lines to the tail node are being created
        // because of the recurisve nature of the ToString function i wrote
        public void Parse_TomeTest3()
            var yaml = new YamlStream();

            var mapping    = (YamlMappingNode)yaml.Documents[0].RootNode;
            var yamlParser = new BrigitYamlParser(mapping);
            var conv       = yamlParser.CreateGraphFromYaml();

            var constructed = new BrigitGraph();

            constructed.AddNode(new Node
                Data = new Dialog("Diana", "I didn't want to be the one to forget")
            constructed.AddNode(new Node
                Data = new Dialog("Diego", "I thought of everything I'd never regret")

            // looks like they're routing to the wrong places
            var choice = new Node()
                Data = new Decision()
                    Choices = new List <Choice>()
                        new Choice("A little time with you is all that I get", 0),
                        new Choice("That's all we need because that's all we can take", 1),
                        new Choice("I don't believe in him - his lips on the ground", 2),
                        new Choice("I wanna take you back to the place by the rock", 2)


            // chorus creation and then addition
            var chorusSubGraph = new BrigitGraph();

            chorusSubGraph.AddNode(new Node
                Data = new Dialog("Diego", "I gotta be in your arms baby", "But far away I seek for your light",
                                  "I hold on because for you my heart keeps beating")
            constructed.AddBranch(choice, chorusSubGraph);

            var diegoChoiceSubGraph = new BrigitGraph();

            diegoChoiceSubGraph.AddNode(new Node()
                Data = new Dialog("Diego", "One thing I never see the same when you're round")

            // will probably check here to make sure this works
            // the error may happen some where around here
            constructed.AddBranch(choice, diegoChoiceSubGraph);

            // everything seems fine up to this point
            constructed.AddNode(new Node()
                Data = new Dialog("Diana", "But no one gives us time anymore")

            constructed.AddNode(new Node()
                Data = new Dialog("Diego", "Will you be my light?")

            bool checker = conv.Equals(constructed);

            Assert.AreEqual(true, checker);
Example #8
        public void Parse_TomeTest2()
            var yaml = new YamlStream();

            var mapping    = (YamlMappingNode)yaml.Documents[0].RootNode;
            var yamlParser = new BrigitYamlParser(mapping);
            var conv       = yamlParser.CreateGraphFromYaml();

            BrigitGraph constructed = new BrigitGraph();

            constructed.AddNode(new Node()
                Data = new Dialog("Yulia", "What the f**k is this", "What are you doing?")

            // the choice sub graph
            BrigitGraph subGraph = new BrigitGraph();
            Decision    root     = new Decision()
                Choices = new List <Choice>()
                    new Choice("Nothing", 0),
                    new Choice("Everything", 2),
                    new Choice("Go away", 1),

            subGraph.AddNode(new Node()
                Data = root

            // the first branch
            BrigitGraph nothingBranch = new BrigitGraph();

            nothingBranch.AddNode(new Node()
                Data = new Dialog("Yulia", "You're lying")
            nothingBranch.AddNode(new Node()
                Data = new Dialog("Diego", "Yeah she is")

            subGraph.AddBranch(subGraph.Head, nothingBranch);

            // the second branch pointed to by the 3rd choice
            BrigitGraph goAwayBranch = new BrigitGraph();

            goAwayBranch.AddNode(new Node()
                Data = new Dialog("Yulia", "NO")
            subGraph.AddBranch(subGraph.Head, goAwayBranch);

            constructed.AddNode(new Node()
                Data = new Dialog("Diego", "There's a lot of yelling going on right now")

            bool checker = conv.Equals(constructed);

            Assert.AreEqual(true, checker);