Example #1
        //constOne - c for gamma\log (multCoeff); m for stretch
        //constTwo - e for stretch; gamma for gammaCorr :o
        private static void BrightTransformationShapka(Bitmap img, string operation, BrightConvPlane plane, double constOne, double constTwo)
            string imgExtension = GetImageInfo.Imginfo(Imageinfo.Extension);
            string imgName      = GetImageInfo.Imginfo(Imageinfo.FileName);
            string defPath      = GetImageInfo.MyPath("BrightConv");

            Bitmap image   = new Bitmap(img.Width, img.Height, PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb);
            double Depth   = System.Drawing.Image.GetPixelFormatSize(img.PixelFormat);
            string outName = string.Empty;

            image = BrightTransformationHelper(img, operation, plane, constOne, constTwo);

            int index = 0;

            foreach (var n in Enum.GetValues(typeof(BrightConvPlane)).Cast <BrightConvPlane>())
                if (Depth == 8)
                    index = 3; break;
                }                                    //ugly
                if (n == plane)
                    index = (int)n; break;

            if (operation == "stretch")
                outName = defPath + imgName + StretchContrastVariant.ElementAt(index) + "_m_" + constOne + "_E_" + constTwo + imgExtension;
            else if (operation == "log")
                outName = defPath + imgName + LogTransVariant.ElementAt(index) + "_c_" + constOne + imgExtension;
            else if (operation == "gamma")
                outName = defPath + imgName + GammaVariant.ElementAt(index) + "_c_" + constOne + "_gamma_" + constTwo + imgExtension;

            Helpers.SaveOptions(image, outName, imgExtension);
Example #2
 //s = c * r^gamma, r - pixel values. c & gama - const, c & gamma > 0
 public static void GammaCorrection(Bitmap img, BrightConvPlane plane, double multCoeff, double gamma)
     BrightTransformationShapka(img, "gamma", plane, multCoeff, gamma);
Example #3
 public static Bitmap GammaCorrectionBitmap(Bitmap img, BrightConvPlane plane, double multCoeff, double gamma)
     return(BrightTransformationHelper(img, "gamma", plane, multCoeff, gamma));
Example #4
 public static Bitmap LogTransformationBitmap(Bitmap img, BrightConvPlane plane, double multCoeff)
     return(BrightTransformationHelper(img, "log", plane, multCoeff, 0));
Example #5
 //s = c * log(1 + r), r - pixel values. c - constant, c > 0
 public static void LogTransformation(Bitmap img, BrightConvPlane plane, double multCoeff)
     BrightTransformationShapka(img, "log", plane, multCoeff, 0);
Example #6
 public static Bitmap StretchContrastBitmap(Bitmap img, BrightConvPlane plane, double m, double e)
     return(BrightTransformationHelper(img, "stretch", plane, m, e));
Example #7
 // S = 1/(1 + (m/r)^E); r - image array, m - coef, E - controls function incline. m & E > 0
 //m recomended average value of the color plane, E 4-5
 public static void StretchContrast(Bitmap img, BrightConvPlane plane, double m, double e)
     BrightTransformationShapka(img, "stretch", plane, m, e);
Example #8
        private static Bitmap BrightTransformationHelper(Bitmap img, string operation, BrightConvPlane plane, double constOne, double constTwo)
            Bitmap image = new Bitmap(img.Width, img.Height, PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb);
            double Depth = System.Drawing.Image.GetPixelFormatSize(img.PixelFormat);

            int[,] resultR = new int[img.Height, img.Width];
            int[,] resultG = new int[img.Height, img.Width];
            int[,] resultB = new int[img.Height, img.Width];
            List <ArraysListInt> ColorList = Helpers.GetPixels(img);

            if (constOne > 0 && constTwo > 0)
                if (!Checks.BinaryInput(img))
                    if (Depth == 8)
                        if (operation == "stretch")
                            resultR = ColorList[0].Color.StretchContrastFunc(constOne, constTwo);
                        else if (operation == "log")
                            resultR = ColorList[0].Color.LogTransformationFunc(constOne);
                        else if (operation == "gamma")
                            resultR = ColorList[0].Color.GammaCorrectionFunc(constOne, constTwo);

                        resultG = resultR; resultB = resultR;
                        switch (plane)
                        case BrightConvPlane.Rplane:     //R plane
                            if (operation == "stretch")
                                resultR = ColorList[0].Color.StretchContrastFunc(constOne, constTwo);
                            else if (operation == "log")
                                resultR = ColorList[0].Color.LogTransformationFunc(constOne);
                            else if (operation == "gamma")
                                resultR = ColorList[0].Color.GammaCorrectionFunc(constOne, constTwo);

                            resultG = ColorList[1].Color; resultB = ColorList[2].Color;

                        case BrightConvPlane.Gplane:     //G plane
                            if (operation == "stretch")
                                resultG = ColorList[1].Color.StretchContrastFunc(constOne, constTwo);
                            else if (operation == "log")
                                resultG = ColorList[1].Color.LogTransformationFunc(constOne);
                            else if (operation == "gamma")
                                resultG = ColorList[1].Color.GammaCorrectionFunc(constOne, constTwo);

                            resultR = ColorList[0].Color; resultB = ColorList[2].Color;

                        case BrightConvPlane.Bplane:     //B plane
                            if (operation == "stretch")
                                resultB = ColorList[2].Color.StretchContrastFunc(constOne, constTwo);
                            else if (operation == "log")
                                resultB = ColorList[2].Color.LogTransformationFunc(constOne);
                            else if (operation == "gamma")
                                resultB = ColorList[2].Color.GammaCorrectionFunc(constOne, constTwo);

                            resultR = ColorList[0].Color; resultG = ColorList[1].Color;

                        case BrightConvPlane.RGB:
                            if (operation == "stretch")
                                resultR = ColorList[0].Color.StretchContrastFunc(constOne, constTwo);
                                resultG = ColorList[1].Color.StretchContrastFunc(constOne, constTwo);
                                resultB = ColorList[2].Color.StretchContrastFunc(constOne, constTwo);
                            else if (operation == "log")
                                resultR = ColorList[0].Color.LogTransformationFunc(constOne);
                                resultG = ColorList[1].Color.LogTransformationFunc(constOne);
                                resultB = ColorList[2].Color.LogTransformationFunc(constOne);
                            else if (operation == "gamma")
                                resultR = ColorList[0].Color.GammaCorrectionFunc(constOne, constTwo);
                                resultG = ColorList[1].Color.GammaCorrectionFunc(constOne, constTwo);
                                resultB = ColorList[2].Color.GammaCorrectionFunc(constOne, constTwo);

                    image = Helpers.SetPixels(image, resultR, resultG, resultB);

                    if (Depth == 8)
                        image = PixelFormatWorks.Bpp24Gray2Gray8bppBitMap(image);
                    Console.WriteLine("What did you expected to make log transformation with binary image? Return black square.");
                Console.WriteLine("Input constants must be positive value. Return black square.");
