public void SetContent(ITooltipContent content) { bool wasVisible = Visible; Visible = false; Content = content; var pos = content.Location; var sz = content.Size; SetBounds(pos.X, pos.Y, sz.Width, sz.Height); UpdateRegion(); Refresh(); if (!wasVisible) { Show(Owner); } else { Visible = true; } }
public bool TryAddContent([CanBeNull] ITooltipContent content) { if (content == null || content.Text.IsNullOrEmpty()) { return(false); } var identifierContent = content as IdentifierTooltipContent; if (identifierContent != null) { _identifierContents.Add(identifierContent); return(true); } var issueContent = content as IssueTooltipContent; if (issueContent != null) { _issueContents.Add(issueContent); return(true); } var rsContent = content as MiscTooltipContent; if (rsContent != null) { _miscContents.Add(rsContent); return(true); } return(false); }
public void Show(ITooltipContent content) { DescriptionText.text = content.GetDescriptionText(); _descriptionContainer.gameObject.SetActive(true); ActionText.text = content.GetActionText(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ActionText.text)) { _actionContainer.gameObject.SetActive(true); } }
internal void OnDrawerHovered(ITooltipContent drawer, PointerEventData pointer, bool isHovering) { // Hide tooltip if it is currently visible RuntimeInspectorUtils.HideTooltip(); if (isHovering) { hoveredDrawer = drawer; hoveringPointer = pointer; hoveredDrawerTooltipShowTime = Time.realtimeSinceStartup + manager.TooltipDelay; } else if (drawer == null || hoveredDrawer == drawer) { hoveredDrawer = null; hoveringPointer = null; } }
private void Update() { // Check if a pointer has remained static over a drawer for a while; if so, show a tooltip float time = Time.realtimeSinceStartup; if (hoveringPointer != null) { #if ENABLE_INPUT_SYSTEM && !ENABLE_LEGACY_INPUT_MANAGER // isn't set to (0,0) for static pointers in the new Input System, so we use the active Pointer's delta instead // The default value isn't but because we don't want to show tooltip if there is no pointer Vector2 pointerDelta = Pointer.current != null? :; #else Vector2 pointerDelta =; #endif if (pointerDelta.x != 0f || pointerDelta.y != 0f) { hoveredDrawerTooltipShowTime = time + manager.TooltipDelay; } else if (time > hoveredDrawerTooltipShowTime) { // Make sure that everything is OK if (!hoveredDrawer.IsActive) { hoveredDrawer = null; hoveringPointer = null; } else { RuntimeInspectorUtils.ShowTooltip(hoveredDrawer.TooltipText, hoveringPointer, manager.Skin, manager.Canvas); // Don't show the tooltip again until the pointer moves hoveredDrawerTooltipShowTime = float.PositiveInfinity; } } } }
public void Initialize(TooltipListener tooltipListener, ITooltipContent tooltipContent) { this.tooltipListener = tooltipListener; this.tooltipContent = tooltipContent; }
public static void FitContentOnScreen( Graphics g, ITooltipContent content, ref Font font, ref Point tooltipPosition, ref Size tooltipSize ) { var screen = Screen.FromPoint(tooltipPosition); var screenBounds = screen.WorkingArea; var fontSize = font.Size; Font tempFont = null; // Iterate a few times to shrink the tooltip's font size if it's too big for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { var size = content.Measure(g); tooltipSize.Width = size.Width; tooltipSize.Height = size.Height; if (fontSize <= MinTooltipSizeEm) { break; } if (size.Width < (screenBounds.Width * MaxTooltipWidthPercent / 100) && size.Height < (screenBounds.Height * MaxTooltipHeightPercent / 100)) { break; } fontSize *= FontSizeShrinkMultiplier; if (fontSize < MinTooltipSizeEm) { fontSize = MinTooltipSizeEm; } font = new Font( font.FontFamily, Math.Min(fontSize, MinTooltipSizeEm), font.Style ); if (tempFont != null) { tempFont.Dispose(); } tempFont = font; } var maxWidth = (screenBounds.Width * MaxTooltipWidthPercent / 100); var maxHeight = (screenBounds.Height * MaxTooltipHeightPercent / 100); if (tooltipSize.Width > maxWidth) { tooltipSize.Width = maxWidth; } if (tooltipSize.Height > maxHeight) { tooltipSize.Height = maxHeight; } if (tooltipPosition.X < screenBounds.Left) { tooltipPosition.X = screenBounds.Left; } if (tooltipPosition.Y < screenBounds.Top) { tooltipPosition.Y = screenBounds.Top; } if ((tooltipPosition.X + tooltipSize.Width) >= screenBounds.Right) { tooltipPosition.X = (screenBounds.Right - tooltipSize.Width - 1); } if ((tooltipPosition.Y + tooltipSize.Height) >= screenBounds.Bottom) { tooltipPosition.Y = (screenBounds.Bottom - tooltipSize.Height - 1); } }
public void SetContent(ITooltipContent content) { bool wasVisible = Visible; Visible = false; Content = content; var pos = content.Location; var sz = content.Size; SetBounds(pos.X, pos.Y, sz.Width, sz.Height); UpdateRegion(); Refresh(); if (!wasVisible) Show(Owner); else Visible = true; }
public static void FitContentOnScreen( Graphics g, ITooltipContent content, ref Font font, ref Point tooltipPosition, ref Size tooltipSize ) { var screen = Screen.FromPoint(tooltipPosition); var screenBounds = screen.WorkingArea; var fontSize = font.Size; Font tempFont = null; // Iterate a few times to shrink the tooltip's font size if it's too big for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { var size = content.Measure(g); tooltipSize.Width = size.Width; tooltipSize.Height = size.Height; if (fontSize <= MinTooltipSizeEm) break; if (size.Width < (screenBounds.Width * MaxTooltipWidthPercent / 100) && size.Height < (screenBounds.Height * MaxTooltipHeightPercent / 100)) break; fontSize *= FontSizeShrinkMultiplier; if (fontSize < MinTooltipSizeEm) fontSize = MinTooltipSizeEm; font = new Font( font.FontFamily, Math.Min(fontSize, MinTooltipSizeEm), font.Style ); if (tempFont != null) tempFont.Dispose(); tempFont = font; } var maxWidth = (screenBounds.Width * MaxTooltipWidthPercent / 100); var maxHeight = (screenBounds.Height * MaxTooltipHeightPercent / 100); if (tooltipSize.Width > maxWidth) tooltipSize.Width = maxWidth; if (tooltipSize.Height > maxHeight) tooltipSize.Height = maxHeight; if (tooltipPosition.X < screenBounds.Left) tooltipPosition.X = screenBounds.Left; if (tooltipPosition.Y < screenBounds.Top) tooltipPosition.Y = screenBounds.Top; if ((tooltipPosition.X + tooltipSize.Width) >= screenBounds.Right) tooltipPosition.X = (screenBounds.Right - tooltipSize.Width - 1); if ((tooltipPosition.Y + tooltipSize.Height) >= screenBounds.Bottom) tooltipPosition.Y = (screenBounds.Bottom - tooltipSize.Height - 1); }