} // end of BaseMouseEditTool Update() /// <summary> /// Override this to provide a place to initialize /// anything that needs to be done on a per-use basis. /// </summary> public virtual void OnActivate() { // Get references. We can't do this in the // c'tor since not all of these exist yet. inGame = Boku.InGame.inGame; shared = inGame.shared; materialPicker = inGame.mouseEditUpdateObj.ToolBox.MaterialPicker; waterPicker = inGame.mouseEditUpdateObj.ToolBox.WaterPicker; brushPicker = inGame.mouseEditUpdateObj.ToolBox.BrushPicker; starting = true; StretchPhase = Phase.Open; shared.editBrushIndex = prevBrushIndex; shared.editBrushStart = shared.editBrushPosition; //HelpOverlay.Push(helpOverlayID); inGame.Cursor3D.Rep = Cursor3D.Visual.Pointy; inGame.Cursor3D.DiffuseColor = Vector4.One; terrainSpeed = Common.Xml.XmlOptionsData.TerrainSpeed; // just cache this. isInAction = false; }
} // end of MaterialPicker DecrementFocus() private void RefreshPositions() { // Handy references. Boku.InGame inGame = Boku.InGame.inGame; Boku.InGame.Shared shared = inGame.shared; OnSetType(curIndex); lastChangedTime = Time.WallClockTotalSeconds; } // end of MaterialPicker RefreshPositions()
} // end of DecrementFocus() protected override void UpdateIndex() { // Handy references. Boku.InGame inGame = Boku.InGame.inGame; Boku.InGame.Shared shared = inGame.shared; UIGrid2DBrushElement e = (UIGrid2DBrushElement)grid.SelectionElement; shared.editBrushIndex = e.BrushIndex; lastChangedTime = Time.WallClockTotalSeconds; } // end of BrushPicker UpdateIndex()