Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Writes a block of pixel data using the given quantization table,
        /// returning the post-quantized DC value of the DCT-transformed block.
        /// The block is in natural (not zig-zag) order.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="index">The quantization table index.</param>
        /// <param name="prevDC">The previous DC value.</param>
        /// <param name="src">Source block</param>
        /// <param name="tempDest1">Temporal block to be used as FDCT Destination</param>
        /// <param name="tempDest2">Temporal block 2</param>
        /// <param name="quant">Quantization table</param>
        /// <param name="unZig">The 8x8 Unzig block.</param>
        /// <param name="emitBufferBase">The reference to the emit buffer.</param>
        /// <returns>The <see cref="int"/>.</returns>
        private int WriteBlock(
            QuantIndex index,
            int prevDC,
            ref Block8x8F src,
            ref Block8x8F tempDest1,
            ref Block8x8F tempDest2,
            ref Block8x8F quant,
            ref ZigZag unZig,
            ref byte emitBufferBase)
            FastFloatingPointDCT.TransformFDCT(ref src, ref tempDest1, ref tempDest2);

            Block8x8F.Quantize(ref tempDest1, ref tempDest2, ref quant, ref unZig);

            int dc = (int)tempDest2[0];

            // Emit the DC delta.
            this.EmitHuffRLE((HuffIndex)((2 * (int)index) + 0), 0, dc - prevDC, ref emitBufferBase);

            // Emit the AC components.
            var h         = (HuffIndex)((2 * (int)index) + 1);
            int runLength = 0;

            for (int zig = 1; zig < Block8x8F.Size; zig++)
                int ac = (int)tempDest2[zig];

                if (ac == 0)
                    while (runLength > 15)
                        this.EmitHuff(h, 0xf0, ref emitBufferBase);
                        runLength -= 16;

                    this.EmitHuffRLE(h, runLength, ac, ref emitBufferBase);
                    runLength = 0;

            if (runLength > 0)
                this.EmitHuff(h, 0x00, ref emitBufferBase);

Example #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Writes a block of pixel data using the given quantization table,
        /// returning the post-quantized DC value of the DCT-transformed block.
        /// The block is in natural (not zig-zag) order.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="index">The quantization table index.</param>
        /// <param name="prevDC">The previous DC value.</param>
        /// <param name="src">Source block</param>
        /// <param name="tempDest1">Temporal block to be used as FDCT Destination</param>
        /// <param name="tempDest2">Temporal block 2</param>
        /// <param name="quant">Quantization table</param>
        /// <param name="unzigPtr">The 8x8 Unzig block pointer</param>
        /// <returns>
        /// The <see cref="int"/>
        /// </returns>
        private int WriteBlock(
            QuantIndex index,
            int prevDC,
            Block8x8F *src,
            Block8x8F *tempDest1,
            Block8x8F *tempDest2,
            Block8x8F *quant,
            byte *unzigPtr)
            FastFloatingPointDCT.TransformFDCT(ref *src, ref *tempDest1, ref *tempDest2);

            Block8x8F.Quantize(tempDest1, tempDest2, quant, unzigPtr);
            float *unziggedDestPtr = (float *)tempDest2;

            int dc = (int)unziggedDestPtr[0];

            // Emit the DC delta.
            this.EmitHuffRLE((HuffIndex)((2 * (int)index) + 0), 0, dc - prevDC);

            // Emit the AC components.
            var h         = (HuffIndex)((2 * (int)index) + 1);
            int runLength = 0;

            for (int zig = 1; zig < Block8x8F.Size; zig++)
                int ac = (int)unziggedDestPtr[zig];

                if (ac == 0)
                    while (runLength > 15)
                        this.EmitHuff(h, 0xf0);
                        runLength -= 16;

                    this.EmitHuffRLE(h, runLength, ac);
                    runLength = 0;

            if (runLength > 0)
                this.EmitHuff(h, 0x00);

Example #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Encodes the image with no subsampling.
        /// </summary>
        /// <typeparam name="TPixel">The pixel format.</typeparam>
        /// <param name="pixels">The pixel accessor providing access to the image pixels.</param>
        private void Encode444 <TPixel>(Image <TPixel> pixels)
            where TPixel : struct, IPixel <TPixel>
            // TODO: Need a JpegScanEncoder<TPixel> class or struct that encapsulates the scan-encoding implementation. (Similar to JpegScanDecoder.)
            // (Partially done with YCbCrForwardConverter<TPixel>)
            Block8x8F temp1 = default;
            Block8x8F temp2 = default;

            Block8x8F onStackLuminanceQuantTable   = this.luminanceQuantTable;
            Block8x8F onStackChrominanceQuantTable = this.chrominanceQuantTable;

            var unzig = ZigZag.CreateUnzigTable();

            // ReSharper disable once InconsistentNaming
            int prevDCY = 0, prevDCCb = 0, prevDCCr = 0;

            var pixelConverter = YCbCrForwardConverter <TPixel> .Create();

            for (int y = 0; y < pixels.Height; y += 8)
                for (int x = 0; x < pixels.Width; x += 8)
                    pixelConverter.Convert(pixels.Frames.RootFrame, x, y);

                    prevDCY = this.WriteBlock(
                    prevDCCb = this.WriteBlock(
                    prevDCCr = this.WriteBlock(
Example #4
        public RgbForwardConverter(ImageFrame <TPixel> frame)
            this.R = default;
            this.G = default;
            this.B = default;

            // temporal pixel buffers
            this.pixelSpan = new TPixel[PixelsPerSample].AsSpan();
            this.rgbSpan   = MemoryMarshal.Cast <byte, Rgb24>(new byte[RgbSpanByteSize + RgbToYCbCrConverterVectorized.AvxCompatibilityPadding].AsSpan());

            // frame data
            this.samplingAreaSize = new Size(frame.Width, frame.Height);
            this.config           = frame.GetConfiguration();
Example #5
        public void MultiplyInplace_ByOtherBlock()
            Block8x8F original = CreateRandomFloatBlock(-500, 500, 42);
            Block8x8F m        = CreateRandomFloatBlock(-500, 500, 42);

            Block8x8F actual = original;

            actual.MultiplyInplace(ref m);

            for (int i = 0; i < Block8x8F.Size; i++)
                Assert.Equal(original[i] * m[i], actual[i]);
Example #6
            public void LLM_TransformIDCT_CompareToAccurate(int seed)
                float[] sourceArray = Create8x8RoundedRandomFloatData(-1000, 1000, seed);

                var srcBlock = Block8x8F.Load(sourceArray);

                Block8x8F expected = ReferenceImplementations.AccurateDCT.TransformIDCT(ref srcBlock);

                var temp = default(Block8x8F);

                FastFloatingPointDCT.TransformIDCT(ref srcBlock, ref temp);

                this.CompareBlocks(expected, srcBlock, 1f);
Example #7
            public static Block8x8F TransformFDCT_UpscaleBy8(ref Block8x8F source)
                var s = new float[64];

                var d    = new float[64];
                var temp = new float[64];

                fDCT2D_llm(s, d, temp);
                Block8x8F result = default;

        private static Block8x8F Create8x8FloatData()
            Block8x8F block = default;

            for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++)
                    block[(i * 8) + j] = (i * 10) + j;

Example #9
        public unsafe void DequantizeBlock(int seed)
            Block8x8F original = CreateRandomFloatBlock(-500, 500, seed);
            Block8x8F qt       = CreateRandomFloatBlock(0, 10, seed + 42);

            var unzig = ZigZag.CreateUnzigTable();

            Block8x8F expected = original;
            Block8x8F actual   = original;

            ReferenceImplementations.DequantizeBlock(&expected, &qt, unzig.Data);
            Block8x8F.DequantizeBlock(&actual, &qt, unzig.Data);

            this.CompareBlocks(expected, actual, 0);
Example #10
        public void TestConverterLut444()
            int dataSize = 8 * 8;

            Rgb24[] data   = CreateTestData(dataSize);
            var     target = RgbToYCbCrConverterLut.Create();

            Block8x8F y  = default;
            Block8x8F cb = default;
            Block8x8F cr = default;

            target.Convert444(data.AsSpan(), ref y, ref cb, ref cr);

            Verify444(data, ref y, ref cb, ref cr, new ApproximateColorSpaceComparer(1F));
Example #11
        public void TestConverterLut420()
            int          dataSize = 16 * 16;
            Span <Rgb24> data     = CreateTestData(dataSize).AsSpan();
            var          target   = RgbToYCbCrConverterLut.Create();

            var yBlocks = new Block8x8F[4];
            var cb      = default(Block8x8F);
            var cr      = default(Block8x8F);

            target.Convert420(data, ref yBlocks[0], ref yBlocks[1], ref cb, ref cr, 0);
            target.Convert420(data.Slice(16 * 8), ref yBlocks[2], ref yBlocks[3], ref cb, ref cr, 1);

            Verify420(data, yBlocks, ref cb, ref cr, new ApproximateFloatComparer(1F));
Example #12
        public void QualityEstimationFromStandardEncoderTables_Chrominance()
            int firstIndex = JpegQuantization.QualityEstimationConfidenceLowerThreshold;
            int lastIndex  = JpegQuantization.QualityEstimationConfidenceUpperThreshold;

            for (int quality = firstIndex; quality <= lastIndex; quality++)
                Block8x8F table            = JpegQuantization.ScaleChrominanceTable(quality);
                int       estimatedQuality = JpegQuantization.EstimateChrominanceQuality(ref table);

                    $"Failed to estimate chrominance quality for standard table at quality level {quality}");
Example #13
        private static void Verify(ReadOnlySpan <Rgb24> data, ref Block8x8F yResult, ref Block8x8F cbResult, ref Block8x8F crResult, ApproximateColorSpaceComparer comparer)
            for (int i = 0; i < data.Length; i++)
                int r = data[i].R;
                int g = data[i].G;
                int b = data[i].B;

                float y  = (0.299F * r) + (0.587F * g) + (0.114F * b);
                float cb = 128F + ((-0.168736F * r) - (0.331264F * g) + (0.5F * b));
                float cr = 128F + ((0.5F * r) - (0.418688F * g) - (0.081312F * b));

                Assert.True(comparer.Equals(new YCbCr(y, cb, cr), new YCbCr(yResult[i], cbResult[i], crResult[i])), $"Pos {i}, Expected {y} == {yResult[i]}, {cb} == {cbResult[i]}, {cr} == {crResult[i]}");
Example #14
            public void LLM_FDCT_IsEquivalentTo_AccurateImplementation(int seed)
                float[] floatData = JpegFixture.Create8x8RandomFloatData(-1000, 1000);

                Block8x8F source = default;


                Block8x8F expected = ReferenceImplementations.AccurateDCT.TransformFDCT(ref source);
                Block8x8F actual   = ReferenceImplementations.LLM_FloatingPoint_DCT.TransformFDCT_UpscaleBy8(ref source);

                actual /= 8;

                this.CompareBlocks(expected, actual, 1f);
Example #15
            public void LLM_TransformIDCT_CompareToNonOptimized(int seed)
                float[] sourceArray = Create8x8RoundedRandomFloatData(-1000, 1000, seed);

                var source = Block8x8F.Load(sourceArray);

                Block8x8F expected = ReferenceImplementations.LLM_FloatingPoint_DCT.TransformIDCT(ref source);

                var temp   = default(Block8x8F);
                var actual = default(Block8x8F);

                FastFloatingPointDCT.TransformIDCT(ref source, ref actual, ref temp);

                this.CompareBlocks(expected, actual, 1f);
Example #16
        /// <summary>
        /// Convert raw spectral DCT data to color data and copy it to the color buffer <see cref="ColorBuffer"/>.
        /// </summary>
        public void CopyBlocksToColorBuffer(int spectralStep)
            Buffer2D <Block8x8> spectralBuffer = this.component.SpectralBlocks;

            float maximumValue = this.frame.MaxColorChannelValue;

            int destAreaStride = this.ColorBuffer.Width;

            int yBlockStart = spectralStep * this.blockRowsPerStep;

            Size subSamplingDivisors = this.component.SubSamplingDivisors;

            Block8x8F dequantTable   = this.rawJpeg.QuantizationTables[this.component.QuantizationTableIndex];
            Block8x8F workspaceBlock = default;

            for (int y = 0; y < this.blockRowsPerStep; y++)
                int yBuffer = y * this.blockAreaSize.Height;

                Span <float>    colorBufferRow = this.ColorBuffer.DangerousGetRowSpan(yBuffer);
                Span <Block8x8> blockRow       = spectralBuffer.DangerousGetRowSpan(yBlockStart + y);

                for (int xBlock = 0; xBlock < spectralBuffer.Width; xBlock++)
                    // Integer to float
                    workspaceBlock.LoadFrom(ref blockRow[xBlock]);

                    // Dequantize
                    workspaceBlock.MultiplyInPlace(ref dequantTable);

                    // Convert from spectral to color
                    FastFloatingPointDCT.TransformIDCT(ref workspaceBlock);

                    // To conform better to libjpeg we actually NEED TO loose precision here.
                    // This is because they store blocks as Int16 between all the operations.
                    // To be "more accurate", we need to emulate this by rounding!

                    // Write to color buffer acording to sampling factors
                    int xColorBufferStart = xBlock * this.blockAreaSize.Width;
                        ref colorBufferRow[xColorBufferStart],
Example #17
        public unsafe void ZigZag_CreateDequantizationTable_MultiplicationShouldQuantize(int seed)
            Block8x8F original = CreateRandomFloatBlock(-500, 500, seed);
            Block8x8F qt       = CreateRandomFloatBlock(0, 10, seed + 42);

            var       unzig = ZigZag.CreateUnzigTable();
            Block8x8F zigQt = ZigZag.CreateDequantizationTable(ref qt);

            Block8x8F expected = original;
            Block8x8F actual   = original;

            ReferenceImplementations.DequantizeBlock(&expected, &qt, unzig.Data);

            actual.MultiplyInplace(ref zigQt);

            this.CompareBlocks(expected, actual, 0);
        public static void Convert(ReadOnlySpan <Rgb24> rgbSpan, ref Block8x8F yBlock, ref Block8x8F cbBlock, ref Block8x8F crBlock)
            Debug.Assert(IsSupported, "AVX2 is required to run this converter");

            var f0299      = Vector256.Create(0.299f);
            var f0587      = Vector256.Create(0.587f);
            var f0114      = Vector256.Create(0.114f);
            var fn0168736  = Vector256.Create(-0.168736f);
            var fn0331264  = Vector256.Create(-0.331264f);
            var f128       = Vector256.Create(128f);
            var fn0418688  = Vector256.Create(-0.418688f);
            var fn0081312F = Vector256.Create(-0.081312F);
            var f05        = Vector256.Create(0.5f);
            var zero       = Vector256.Create(0).AsByte();

            ref Vector256 <byte>  inRef     = ref Unsafe.As <Rgb24, Vector256 <byte> >(ref MemoryMarshal.GetReference(rgbSpan));
        public void Setup()
            var random = new Random();

            float[] f = new float[8 * 8];
            for (int i = 0; i < f.Length; i++)
                f[i] = (float)random.NextDouble();

            for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                this.target[i] = Block8x8F.Load(f);

            this.source = Block8x8F.Load(f);
Example #20
            public void Copy1x1Scale()
                Block8x8F block = CreateRandomFloatBlock(0, 100);

                using (Buffer2D <float> buffer = Configuration.Default.MemoryAllocator.Allocate2D <float>(20, 20, AllocationOptions.Clean))
                    Buffer2DRegion <float> region = buffer.GetRegion(5, 10, 8, 8);
                    block.Copy1x1Scale(ref region.GetReferenceToOrigin(), region.Stride);

                    Assert.Equal(block[0, 0], buffer[5, 10]);
                    Assert.Equal(block[1, 0], buffer[6, 10]);
                    Assert.Equal(block[0, 1], buffer[5, 11]);
                    Assert.Equal(block[0, 7], buffer[5, 17]);
                    Assert.Equal(block[63], buffer[12, 17]);

                    VerifyAllZeroOutsideSubArea(buffer, 5, 10);
Example #21
        public void TestVectorizedConverter()
            if (!RgbToYCbCrConverterVectorized.IsSupported)
                this.Output.WriteLine("No AVX and/or FMA present, skipping test!");

            Rgb24[] data = CreateTestData();

            Block8x8F y  = default;
            Block8x8F cb = default;
            Block8x8F cr = default;

            RgbToYCbCrConverterVectorized.Convert(data.AsSpan(), ref y, ref cb, ref cr);

            Verify(data, ref y, ref cb, ref cr, new ApproximateColorSpaceComparer(0.0001F));
Example #22
        private void ConvertPixelInto(
            int r,
            int g,
            int b,
            ref Block8x8F yResult,
            ref Block8x8F cbResult,
            ref Block8x8F crResult,
            int i)
            // float y = (0.299F * r) + (0.587F * g) + (0.114F * b);
            yResult[i] = (this.YRTable[r] + this.YGTable[g] + this.YBTable[b]) >> ScaleBits;

            // float cb = 128F + ((-0.168736F * r) - (0.331264F * g) + (0.5F * b));
            cbResult[i] = (this.CbRTable[r] + this.CbGTable[g] + this.CbBTable[b]) >> ScaleBits;

            // float cr = 128F + ((0.5F * r) - (0.418688F * g) - (0.081312F * b));
            crResult[i] = (this.CbBTable[r] + this.CrGTable[g] + this.CrBTable[b]) >> ScaleBits;
            public void Copy1x1Scale()
                Block8x8F block = CreateRandomFloatBlock(0, 100);

                using (Buffer2D <float> buffer = Configuration.Default.MemoryAllocator.Allocate2D <float>(20, 20, AllocationOptions.Clean))
                    BufferArea <float> area = buffer.GetArea(5, 10, 8, 8);

                    Assert.Equal(block[0, 0], buffer[5, 10]);
                    Assert.Equal(block[1, 0], buffer[6, 10]);
                    Assert.Equal(block[0, 1], buffer[5, 11]);
                    Assert.Equal(block[0, 7], buffer[5, 17]);
                    Assert.Equal(block[63], buffer[12, 17]);

                    VerifyAllZeroOutsideSubArea(buffer, 5, 10);
Example #24
        public void TransposeInto()
            float[] expected = Create8x8FloatData();

            var source = new Block8x8F();


            var dest = new Block8x8F();

            source.TransposeInto(ref dest);

            float[] actual = new float[64];

            Assert.Equal(expected, actual);
            public void Unscaled()
                Block8x8F block = CreateRandomFloatBlock(0, 100);

                using (var buffer = Configuration.Default.MemoryManager.Allocate2D <float>(20, 20))
                    BufferArea <float> area = buffer.GetArea(5, 10, 8, 8);

                    Assert.Equal(block[0, 0], buffer[5, 10]);
                    Assert.Equal(block[1, 0], buffer[6, 10]);
                    Assert.Equal(block[0, 1], buffer[5, 11]);
                    Assert.Equal(block[0, 7], buffer[5, 17]);
                    Assert.Equal(block[63], buffer[12, 17]);

                    VerifyAllZeroOutsideSubArea(buffer, 5, 10);
Example #26
        public void ConvertPixelInto(
            int r,
            int g,
            int b,
            ref Block8x8F yResult,
            ref Block8x8F cbResult,
            ref Block8x8F crResult,
            int i)
            // float y = (0.299F * r) + (0.587F * g) + (0.114F * b);
            yResult[i] = (this.YRTable[r] + this.YGTable[g] + this.YBTable[b]) >> ScaleBits;

            // float cb = 128F + ((-0.168736F * r) - (0.331264F * g) + (0.5F * b));
            cbResult[i] = (this.CbRTable[r] + this.CbGTable[g] + this.CbBTable[b]) >> ScaleBits;

            // float cr = MathF.Round(y + (1.772F * cb), MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero);
            crResult[i] = (this.CbBTable[r] + this.CrGTable[g] + this.CrBTable[b]) >> ScaleBits;
Example #27
 private static void DivideRoundAll(ref Block8x8F a, ref Block8x8F b)
     a.V0L = DivideRound(a.V0L, b.V0L);
     a.V0R = DivideRound(a.V0R, b.V0R);
     a.V1L = DivideRound(a.V1L, b.V1L);
     a.V1R = DivideRound(a.V1R, b.V1R);
     a.V2L = DivideRound(a.V2L, b.V2L);
     a.V2R = DivideRound(a.V2R, b.V2R);
     a.V3L = DivideRound(a.V3L, b.V3L);
     a.V3R = DivideRound(a.V3R, b.V3R);
     a.V4L = DivideRound(a.V4L, b.V4L);
     a.V4R = DivideRound(a.V4R, b.V4R);
     a.V5L = DivideRound(a.V5L, b.V5L);
     a.V5R = DivideRound(a.V5R, b.V5R);
     a.V6L = DivideRound(a.V6L, b.V6L);
     a.V6R = DivideRound(a.V6R, b.V6R);
     a.V7L = DivideRound(a.V7L, b.V7L);
     a.V7R = DivideRound(a.V7R, b.V7R);
Example #28
        public int BySimdMagic()
            int sum = 0;

            Block8x8F bDividend = this.inputDividend;
            Block8x8F bDivisor  = this.inputDivisior;
            float *   pDividend = (float *)&bDividend;

            for (int cnt = 0; cnt < ExecutionCount; cnt++)
                sum = 0;
                DivideRoundAll(ref bDividend, ref bDivisor);
                for (int i = 0; i < Block8x8F.ScalarCount; i++)
                    sum += (int)pDividend[i];
Example #29
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes quantization table.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="i">The quantization index.</param>
        /// <param name="scale">The scaling factor.</param>
        /// <param name="quant">The quantization table.</param>
        private static void InitQuantizationTable(int i, int scale, ref Block8x8F quant)
            for (int j = 0; j < Block8x8F.Size; j++)
                int x = UnscaledQuant[i, j];
                x = ((x * scale) + 50) / 100;
                if (x < 1)
                    x = 1;

                if (x > 255)
                    x = 255;

                quant[j] = x;
Example #30
        public void RoundInplaceSlow(int seed)
            Block8x8F s = CreateRandomFloatBlock(-500, 500, seed);

            Block8x8F d = s;



            for (int i = 0; i < 64; i++)
                float expected = (float)Math.Round(s[i]);
                float actual   = d[i];

                Assert.Equal(expected, actual);