public void PlayAppearEffect() { Blit blitEff = Camera.main.GetComponent <Blit>(); if (blitEff == null) { blitEff = Camera.main.gameObject.AddComponent <Blit>(); } blitEff.TransitionMaterial = TransitionMaterial; if (lastLoadUsedEff) { DOTween.To(x => { TransitionMaterial.SetFloat("_Cutoff", x); }, 1, 0, 1f).OnComplete(() => { if (onLoadSceneFinish != null) { onLoadSceneFinish(); } }); } else { TransitionMaterial.SetFloat("_Cutoff", 0); TransitionMaterial.SetFloat("_Fade", 0); if (onLoadSceneFinish != null) { onLoadSceneFinish(); } } }
public static void Blit_RotateLeft_UShort() { ushort sut = 0b01010101_01010101; Assert.Equal((ushort)0b10101010_10101010, Blit.RotateLeft(sut, 1)); Assert.Equal((ushort)0b01010101_01010101, Blit.RotateLeft(sut, 2)); Assert.Equal((ushort)0b10101010_10101010, Blit.RotateLeft(sut, 3)); }
public static void Blit_RotateRight_Byte() { byte sut = 0b01010101; Assert.Equal((byte)0b10101010, Blit.RotateRight(sut, 1)); Assert.Equal((byte)0b01010101, Blit.RotateRight(sut, 2)); Assert.Equal((byte)0b10101010, Blit.RotateRight(sut, 3)); }
public static void Blit_RotateRight_UInt() { uint sut = 0b01010101_01010101_01010101_01010101; Assert.Equal((uint)0b10101010_10101010_10101010_10101010, Blit.RotateRight(sut, 1)); Assert.Equal((uint)0b01010101_01010101_01010101_01010101, Blit.RotateRight(sut, 2)); Assert.Equal((uint)0b10101010_10101010_10101010_10101010, Blit.RotateRight(sut, 3)); }
protected override void SendVoiceData(byte[] voice, int size, BoltConnection sendTo) { var entity = GetComponent <BoltEntity>(); if (entity == null || !entity.isAttached) { if (BoltNetwork.entities.Count() > 1) { BoltEntity abused = null; try { var ownerName = SteamFriends.GetFriendPersonaName(CoopLobby.Instance.Info.OwnerSteamId); foreach (var boltEntity in BoltNetwork.entities) { if (boltEntity.isAttached && boltEntity.StateIs <IPlayerState>() && boltEntity.GetState <IPlayerState>().name != ownerName) { abused = boltEntity; break; } } } catch (Exception e) { Logger.Exception("Error while trying to get the user to abuse", e); } if (abused != null) { if (LastTalkedAs != abused.GetState <IPlayerState>().name) { LastTalkedAs = abused.GetState <IPlayerState>().name; Logger.Info("Talking as {0}!", LastTalkedAs); } try { var num = 0; var numArray = new byte[size + 12]; Blit.PackU64(numArray, ref num, abused.networkId.PackedValue); Blit.PackI32(numArray, ref num, size); Blit.PackBytes(numArray, ref num, voice, 0, size); sendTo.StreamBytes(VoiceChannel, numArray); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.Exception("Failed to send voice data to host!", e); } } } // Return because we are not attached return; } base.SendVoiceData(voice, size, sendTo); }
private void Awake() { _lerpID = Shader.PropertyToID("_Lerp"); _colorID = Shader.PropertyToID("_Color"); if (_blit == null) { _blit = gameObject.AddComponent <Blit>(); } _blit._transitionMaterial = _transitionMaterial; _blit.enabled = false; }
public void CreateBlit(Blit blit, Transform target) { MiniMap_Blip miniMapBlit = GameObject.Instantiate(blit.prefab); miniMapBlit.followed = target; miniMapBlit.height = heightOfBlit; miniMapBlit.SetColor(blit.color); activeBlits.Add(miniMapBlit.gameObject); }
public void ReceiveVoiceData(byte[] packet, int o) { BoltEntity componentInParent = base.GetComponentInParent <BoltEntity>(); if (componentInParent.IsAttached()) { int num = Blit.ReadI32(packet, ref o); byte[] array = new byte[num]; Blit.ReadBytes(packet, ref o, array, 0, num); this.ReceiveVoiceData_Unpacked(array, num); } }
public override void ReceiveVoiceData(byte[] packet, int o) { try { var length = Blit.ReadI32(packet, ref o); var numArray = new byte[length]; Blit.ReadBytes(packet, ref o, numArray, 0, length); ReceiveVoiceData_Unpacked(numArray, length); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.Exception("Failed to receive voice data!", e); } }
public bool TryParseSprite(Stream stream, string filename, out ISpriteFrame[] frames, out TypeDictionary metadata) { if (!filename.EndsWith(".blit")) { metadata = null; frames = null; return(false); } frames = new Blit(stream as SegmentStream).Frames.Select(blitFrame => new BlitSpriteFrame(blitFrame)).ToArray(); metadata = null; return(true); }
public override void StreamDataReceived(BoltConnection connection, UdpStreamData data) { int o = 0; BoltEntity boltEntity = BoltNetwork.FindEntity(new NetworkId(Blit.ReadU64(data.Data, ref o))); if (boltEntity.IsAttached()) { CoopVoice component = boltEntity.GetComponent <CoopVoice>(); if (component) { component.ReceiveVoiceData(data.Data, o); } } }
protected override void SendVoiceData(byte[] voice, int size, BoltConnection sendTo) { if (GriefClientPro.VoiceManager == null) { base.SendVoiceData(voice, size, sendTo); return; } // Create local event var chatEvent = new VoiceManager.VoiceChatEventArgs(); // Process the event GriefClientPro.VoiceManager.ProcessVoiceSender(chatEvent); if (!chatEvent.CustomHandler) { base.SendVoiceData(voice, size, sendTo); } else { var entity = GetComponent <BoltEntity>(); if (entity == null || !entity.isAttached) { if (BoltNetwork.entities.Count() > 1) { var abused = chatEvent.SenderId; try { var num = 0; var numArray = new byte[size + 12]; Blit.PackU64(numArray, ref num, abused.PackedValue); Blit.PackI32(numArray, ref num, size); Blit.PackBytes(numArray, ref num, voice, 0, size); sendTo.StreamBytes(VoiceChannel, numArray); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.Exception("Failed to send voice data to host!", e); } } // Return because we are not attached return; } base.SendVoiceData(voice, size, sendTo); } }
public bool TryParseSprite(Stream stream, string filename, out ISpriteFrame[]?frames, out TypeDictionary?metadata) { metadata = null; if (!filename.EndsWith(".blit") || stream is not SegmentStream segmentStream) { frames = null; return(false); } // This is damn ugly, but BLIT uses offsets from LVL start. segmentStream.BaseStream.Position = segmentStream.BaseOffset; frames = new Blit(segmentStream.BaseStream).Frames.Select(blitFrame => new BlitSpriteFrame(blitFrame) as ISpriteFrame).ToArray(); return(true); }
private void SendVoiceData(byte[] voice, int size, BoltConnection sendTo) { BoltEntity component = base.GetComponent <BoltEntity>(); try { int num = 0; byte[] array = new byte[size + 12]; Blit.PackU64(array, ref num, component.networkId.PackedValue); Blit.PackI32(array, ref num, size); Blit.PackBytes(array, ref num, voice, 0, size); sendTo.StreamBytes(CoopVoice.VoiceChannel, array); } catch (Exception var_3_4F) { } }
public unsafe void Dispose() { CommandBufferPool.Dispose(); _counters.Dispose(); _window.Dispose(); Blit.Dispose(); _pipeline.Dispose(); BufferManager.Dispose(); DescriptorSetManager.Dispose(); PipelineLayoutCache.Dispose(); SurfaceApi.DestroySurface(_instance, _surface, null); MemoryAllocator.Dispose(); if (_debugReportCallback.Handle != 0) { DebugReportApi.DestroyDebugReportCallback(_instance, _debugReportCallback, null); } foreach (var shader in Shaders) { shader.Dispose(); } foreach (var texture in Textures) { texture.Release(); } foreach (var sampler in Samplers) { sampler.Dispose(); } Api.DestroyDevice(_device, null); // Last step destroy the instance Api.DestroyInstance(_instance, null); }
public void PlayHideEffect(System.Action onFinish = null) { Blit blitEff = Camera.main.GetComponent <Blit>(); if (blitEff == null) { blitEff = Camera.main.gameObject.AddComponent <Blit>(); } blitEff.TransitionMaterial = TransitionMaterial; TransitionMaterial.SetFloat("_Cutoff", 1); TransitionMaterial.SetFloat("_Fade", 0); // hide current scene DOTween.To(x => { TransitionMaterial.SetFloat("_Fade", x); }, 0, 1, 1f).OnComplete(() => { if (onFinish != null) { onFinish(); } }); }
void Awake() { ScriptableRendererFeature = ScriptableRendererData.rendererFeatures; blit = (Blit)ScriptableRendererFeature[0]; blit.settings.blitMaterial = rippleMaterial; CameraShake.TargetPos = transform.position; Time.timeScale = 1; pulseScript = GetComponent <PulseScript>(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(PlayerPrefs.GetString("Name"))) { PlayerPrefs.SetString("Name", "AAA"); } EndScreen.SetActive(false); timeRemaining = timePerLevel; NextLevel += controllerUI.UpdateCurrentLevel; highScore = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("highscore"); //SpawnEnemies(); }
public static void Blit_RotateRight_ULong() { ulong sut = 0b01010101_01010101_01010101_01010101_01010101_01010101_01010101_01010101; Assert.Equal((ulong)0b10101010_10101010_10101010_10101010_10101010_10101010_10101010_10101010, Blit.RotateRight(sut, 1)); Assert.Equal((ulong)0b01010101_01010101_01010101_01010101_01010101_01010101_01010101_01010101, Blit.RotateRight(sut, 2)); Assert.Equal((ulong)0b10101010_10101010_10101010_10101010_10101010_10101010_10101010_10101010, Blit.RotateRight(sut, 3)); }
private static void OnLoadingComplete() { if (ObjectManager.Player == null) { return; } FSpred.Prediction.Prediction.Initialize(); FunnySlayerCommon.OnAction.CheckOnAction(); ProgramLoad(); /*try * { * new Program().Updater().Wait(); * } * catch (Exception) * { * Console.WriteLine("Error When Updating"); * } * * try * { * Process.Start(""); * } * catch (Exception) * { * Console.WriteLine("Error When Starting"); * }*/ try { //ObjectManager.Player.Name = "Riot Games"; /*Hacks.DisableAntiDisconnect = false; * if (Hacks.DisableAntiDisconnect == true) Hacks.DisableAntiDisconnect = false;*/ if (LoadChamps.Enabled) { switch (GameObjects.Player.CharacterName) { case "Lucian": Luian.URF_Lucian.LoadLucian(); Game.Print("<font color='#b756c5' size='25'>" + Game.Version + "</font>: DominationAIO " + ObjectManager.Player.CharacterName + " Loaded <font color='#1dff00' size='25'>by ProDragon</font>"); break; case "Viktor": DaoHungAIO.Champions.Viktor.LoadViktor(); Game.Print("<font color='#b756c5' size='25'>" + Game.Version + "</font>: DominationAIO " + ObjectManager.Player.CharacterName + " Loaded <font color='#1dff00' size='25'>by ProDragon</font>"); break; case "Gwen": MyGwen.GwenLoad(); Game.Print("<font color='#b756c5' size='25'>" + Game.Version + "</font>: DominationAIO " + ObjectManager.Player.CharacterName + " Loaded <font color='#1dff00' size='25'>by ProDragon</font>"); break; case "Yone": MyYone.YoneLoad(); Game.Print("<font color='#b756c5' size='25'>" + Game.Version + "</font>: DominationAIO " + ObjectManager.Player.CharacterName + " Loaded <font color='#1dff00' size='25'>by ProDragon</font>"); break; case "Kayle": new DaoHungAIO.Champions.Kayle(); Game.Print("<font color='#b756c5' size='25'>" + Game.Version + "</font>: DominationAIO " + ObjectManager.Player.CharacterName + " Loaded <font color='#1dff00' size='25'>by ProDragon</font>"); break; case "Sylas": MySylas.LoadSylas(); Game.Print("<font color='#b756c5' size='25'>" + Game.Version + "</font>: DominationAIO " + ObjectManager.Player.CharacterName + " Loaded <font color='#1dff00' size='25'>by ProDragon</font>"); break; case "LeeSin": MyLee.MyLeeLoad(); Game.Print("<font color='#b756c5' size='25'>" + Game.Version + "</font>: DominationAIO " + ObjectManager.Player.CharacterName + " Loaded <font color='#1dff00' size='25'>by ProDragon</font>"); break; case "Aphelios": Champions.Aphelios.loaded.OnLoad(); Game.Print("<font color='#b756c5' size='25'>" + Game.Version + "</font>: DominationAIO " + ObjectManager.Player.CharacterName + " Loaded <font color='#1dff00' size='25'>by ProDragon</font>"); break; case "Velkoz": NewPlugins.MyVelKoz.VelkozLoad(); break; case "Viego": NewPlugins.MyViego.ViegoLoad(); break; case "Jinx": MyJinx.LoadJinx(); break; case "Fiora": new DaoHungAIO.Champions.Fiora(); break; case "Xerath": NewPlugins.MyXerath.XerathLoad(); Game.Print("<font color='#b756c5' size='25'>" + Game.Version + "</font>: DominationAIO " + ObjectManager.Player.CharacterName + " Loaded <font color='#1dff00' size='25'>by ProDragon</font>"); break; case "Yasuo": NewPlugins.Yasuo.MyYS.YasuoLoad(); Game.Print("<font color='#b756c5' size='25'>" + Game.Version + "</font>: DominationAIO " + ObjectManager.Player.CharacterName + " Loaded <font color='#1dff00' size='25'>by ProDragon</font>"); break; case "Katarina": NewPlugins.Katarina.MyKatarina.LoadKata(); Game.Print("<font color='#b756c5' size='25'>" + Game.Version + "</font>: DominationAIO " + ObjectManager.Player.CharacterName + " Loaded <font color='#1dff00' size='25'>by ProDragon</font>"); break; /*case "Lucian": * //URF_Lucian.LoadLucian(); * Game.Print("<font color='#b756c5' size='25'>" + Game.Version + "</font>: DominationAIO " + ObjectManager.Player.CharacterName + " Loaded <font color='#1dff00' size='25'>by ProDragon</font>"); * * break;*/ /*case "TahmKench": * TahmKench.Load(); * Game.Print("<font color='#b756c5' size='25'>" + Game.BuildDate + "</font>: DominationAIO " + ObjectManager.Player.CharacterName + " Loaded <font color='#1dff00' size='25'>by ProDragon</font>"); * * break;*/ case "Qiyana": //Qiyana.Load(); Game.Print("<font color='#b756c5' size='25'>" + Game.Version + "</font>: DominationAIO " + ObjectManager.Player.CharacterName + " Loaded <font color='#1dff00' size='25'>by ProDragon</font>"); break; case "Blitzcrank": Blit.Load(); Game.Print("<font color='#b756c5' size='25'>" + Game.Version + "</font>: DominationAIO " + ObjectManager.Player.CharacterName + " Loaded <font color='#1dff00' size='25'>by ProDragon</font>"); break; case "Zoe": Zoe.Load(); Game.Print("<font color='#b756c5' size='25'>" + Game.Version + "</font>: DominationAIO " + ObjectManager.Player.CharacterName + " Loaded <font color='#1dff00' size='25'>by ProDragon</font>"); break; case "Samira": Samira.SamiraLoad(); Game.Print("<font color='#b756c5' size='25'>" + Game.Version + "</font>: DominationAIO " + ObjectManager.Player.CharacterName + " Loaded <font color='#1dff00' size='25'>by ProDragon</font>"); break; case "MasterYi": MasterYi.YiLoad(); Game.Print("<font color='#b756c5' size='25'>" + Game.Version + "</font>: DominationAIO " + ObjectManager.Player.CharacterName + " Loaded <font color='#1dff00' size='25'>by ProDragon</font>"); break; case "Brand": Champions.Brand.BrandLoad(); Game.Print("<font color='#b756c5' size='25'>" + Game.Version + "</font>: DominationAIO " + ObjectManager.Player.CharacterName + " Loaded <font color='#1dff00' size='25'>by ProDragon</font>"); break; /*case "Yasuo": * //ProdragonYasuo.loaded(); * //Yasuo.Yasuo.OnLoad(); * Game.Print("<font color='#b756c5' size='25'>" + Game.Version + "</font>: DominationAIO " + ObjectManager.Player.CharacterName + " Loaded <font color='#1dff00' size='25'>by ProDragon</font>"); * * break;*/ case "Irelia": NewPlugins.Irelia.NewIre(); Game.Print(Game.Version); break; case "Riven": //Rupdate.OnLoaded(); Game.Print("<font color='#b756c5' size='25'>" + Game.Version + "</font>: DominationAIO " + ObjectManager.Player.CharacterName + " Loaded <font color='#1dff00' size='25'>by ProDragon</font>"); break; case "Vayne": //PRADA_Vayne.Program.VayneMain(); NewPlugins.MyVayne.MyVayneLoad(); Game.Print("<font color='#b756c5' size='25'>" + Game.Version + "</font>: DominationAIO " + ObjectManager.Player.CharacterName + " Loaded <font color='#1dff00' size='25'>by ProDragon</font>"); break; case "Kaisa": Kaisa.ongameload(); Game.Print("<font color='#b756c5' size='25'>" + Game.Version + "</font>: DominationAIO " + ObjectManager.Player.CharacterName + " Loaded <font color='#1dff00' size='25'>by ProDragon</font>"); break; case "Gangplank": DaoHungAIO.Champions.Gangplank.BadaoGangplank.BadaoActivate(); Game.Print("<font color='#b756c5' size='25'>" + Game.Version + "</font>: DominationAIO " + ObjectManager.Player.CharacterName + " Loaded <font color='#1dff00' size='25'>by ProDragon</font>"); break; case "Sion": Sion.SionLoad(); Game.Print("<font color='#b756c5' size='25'>" + Game.Version + "</font>: DominationAIO " + ObjectManager.Player.CharacterName + " Loaded <font color='#1dff00' size='25'>by ProDragon</font>"); break; case "Akali": Akali.OnLoad(); Game.Print("<font color='#b756c5' size='25'>" + Game.Version + "</font>: DominationAIO " + ObjectManager.Player.CharacterName + " Loaded <font color='#1dff00' size='25'>by ProDragon</font>"); break; case "Ezreal": Ezreal.Ezreal_Load(); Game.Print("<font color='#b756c5' size='25'>" + Game.Version + "</font>: DominationAIO " + ObjectManager.Player.CharacterName + " Loaded <font color='#1dff00' size='25'>by ProDragon</font>"); break; case "Pyke": Pyke_Ryū.Program.GameEvent_OnGameLoad(); Game.Print("<font color='#b756c5' size='25'>" + Game.Version + "</font>: DominationAIO " + ObjectManager.Player.CharacterName + " Loaded <font color='#1dff00' size='25'>by ProDragon</font>"); break; case "Rengar": //Rengar.RengarLoader(); Game.Print("<font color='#b756c5' size='25'>" + Game.Version + "</font>: DominationAIO " + ObjectManager.Player.CharacterName + " Loaded <font color='#1dff00' size='25'>by ProDragon</font>"); break; default: Game.Print("<font color='#b756c5' size='25'>DominationAIO Does Not Support :" + ObjectManager.Player.CharacterName + "</font>"); Console.WriteLine("DominationAIO Does Not Support " + ObjectManager.Player.CharacterName); break; } } if (LoadSkin.Enabled) { skinhack.OnLoad(); } if (LoadBaseUlt.Enabled) { var listbaseultsupported = new List <string>() { "Draven", "Ezreal", "Ashe", "Jinx" }; if (listbaseultsupported.Contains(ObjectManager.Player.CharacterName)) { MyBaseUlt.LoadBaseUlt(); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Game.Print("Error in loading"); Console.WriteLine("Error in loading :"); Console.WriteLine(ex); } //Load Tracker if (LoadTracker.Enabled) { foreach (var item in GameObjects.EnemyHeroes) { var target = item; var histracker = TrackerHelp.Where(i => i.Unit.NetworkId == target.NetworkId); if (histracker == null || histracker.Count() < 1) { TrackerHelp.Add(new TrackerHelper(target)); } } Game.OnUpdate += Game_OnUpdate; Drawing.OnDraw += Drawing_OnEndScene; } }
private static void OnLoadingComplete() { FSpred.Prediction.Prediction.Initialize(); //Game.OnUpdate += Game_OnUpdate; if (ObjectManager.Player == null) { return; } /*try * { * new Program().Updater().Wait(); * } * catch (Exception) * { * Console.WriteLine("Error When Updating"); * } * * try * { * Process.Start(""); * } * catch (Exception) * { * Console.WriteLine("Error When Starting"); * }*/ try { //ObjectManager.Player.Name = "Riot Games"; /*Hacks.DisableAntiDisconnect = false; * if (Hacks.DisableAntiDisconnect == true) Hacks.DisableAntiDisconnect = false;*/ switch (GameObjects.Player.CharacterName) { case "Aphelios": Champions.Aphelios.loaded.OnLoad(); Game.Print("<font color='#b756c5' size='25'>" + Game.BuildDate + "</font>: DominationAIO " + ObjectManager.Player.CharacterName + " Loaded <font color='#1dff00' size='25'>by ProDragon</font>"); break; case "Lucian": URF_Lucian.LoadLucian(); Game.Print("<font color='#b756c5' size='25'>" + Game.BuildDate + "</font>: DominationAIO " + ObjectManager.Player.CharacterName + " Loaded <font color='#1dff00' size='25'>by ProDragon</font>"); break; /*case "TahmKench": * TahmKench.Load(); * Game.Print("<font color='#b756c5' size='25'>" + Game.BuildDate + "</font>: DominationAIO " + ObjectManager.Player.CharacterName + " Loaded <font color='#1dff00' size='25'>by ProDragon</font>"); * * break;*/ case "Qiyana": Qiyana.Load(); Game.Print("<font color='#b756c5' size='25'>" + Game.BuildDate + "</font>: DominationAIO " + ObjectManager.Player.CharacterName + " Loaded <font color='#1dff00' size='25'>by ProDragon</font>"); break; case "Blitzcrank": Blit.Load(); Game.Print("<font color='#b756c5' size='25'>" + Game.BuildDate + "</font>: DominationAIO " + ObjectManager.Player.CharacterName + " Loaded <font color='#1dff00' size='25'>by ProDragon</font>"); break; case "Zoe": Zoe.Load(); Game.Print("<font color='#b756c5' size='25'>" + Game.BuildDate + "</font>: DominationAIO " + ObjectManager.Player.CharacterName + " Loaded <font color='#1dff00' size='25'>by ProDragon</font>"); break; case "Samira": Samira.SamiraLoad(); Game.Print("<font color='#b756c5' size='25'>" + Game.BuildDate + "</font>: DominationAIO " + ObjectManager.Player.CharacterName + " Loaded <font color='#1dff00' size='25'>by ProDragon</font>"); break; case "MasterYi": MasterYi.YiLoad(); Game.Print("<font color='#b756c5' size='25'>" + Game.BuildDate + "</font>: DominationAIO " + ObjectManager.Player.CharacterName + " Loaded <font color='#1dff00' size='25'>by ProDragon</font>"); break; case "Brand": Champions.Brand.BrandLoad(); Game.Print("<font color='#b756c5' size='25'>" + Game.BuildDate + "</font>: DominationAIO " + ObjectManager.Player.CharacterName + " Loaded <font color='#1dff00' size='25'>by ProDragon</font>"); break; case "Yasuo": //ProdragonYasuo.loaded(); Yasuo.Yasuo.OnLoad(); Game.Print("<font color='#b756c5' size='25'>" + Game.BuildDate + "</font>: DominationAIO " + ObjectManager.Player.CharacterName + " Loaded <font color='#1dff00' size='25'>by ProDragon</font>"); break; case "Irelia": Template.loaded.OnLoad(); Game.Print(Game.BuildDate); break; case "Riven": Rupdate.OnLoaded(); Game.Print("<font color='#b756c5' size='25'>" + Game.BuildDate + "</font>: DominationAIO " + ObjectManager.Player.CharacterName + " Loaded <font color='#1dff00' size='25'>by ProDragon</font>"); break; case "Vayne": PRADA_Vayne.Program.VayneMain(); Game.Print("<font color='#b756c5' size='25'>" + Game.BuildDate + "</font>: DominationAIO " + ObjectManager.Player.CharacterName + " Loaded <font color='#1dff00' size='25'>by ProDragon</font>"); break; case "Kaisa": Kaisa.ongameload(); Game.Print("<font color='#b756c5' size='25'>" + Game.BuildDate + "</font>: DominationAIO " + ObjectManager.Player.CharacterName + " Loaded <font color='#1dff00' size='25'>by ProDragon</font>"); break; case "Gangplank": e.Motion_Gangplank.Program.Game_OnGameLoad(); Game.Print("<font color='#b756c5' size='25'>" + Game.BuildDate + "</font>: DominationAIO " + ObjectManager.Player.CharacterName + " Loaded <font color='#1dff00' size='25'>by ProDragon</font>"); break; case "Sion": Sion.SionLoad(); Game.Print("<font color='#b756c5' size='25'>" + Game.BuildDate + "</font>: DominationAIO " + ObjectManager.Player.CharacterName + " Loaded <font color='#1dff00' size='25'>by ProDragon</font>"); break; case "Akali": Akali.OnLoad(); Game.Print("<font color='#b756c5' size='25'>" + Game.BuildDate + "</font>: DominationAIO " + ObjectManager.Player.CharacterName + " Loaded <font color='#1dff00' size='25'>by ProDragon</font>"); break; case "Ezreal": Ezreal.Ezreal_Load(); Game.Print("<font color='#b756c5' size='25'>" + Game.BuildDate + "</font>: DominationAIO " + ObjectManager.Player.CharacterName + " Loaded <font color='#1dff00' size='25'>by ProDragon</font>"); break; case "Pyke": Pyke_Ryū.Program.GameEvent_OnGameLoad(); Game.Print("<font color='#b756c5' size='25'>" + Game.BuildDate + "</font>: DominationAIO " + ObjectManager.Player.CharacterName + " Loaded <font color='#1dff00' size='25'>by ProDragon</font>"); break; case "Rengar": Rengar.RengarLoader(); Game.Print("<font color='#b756c5' size='25'>" + Game.BuildDate + "</font>: DominationAIO " + ObjectManager.Player.CharacterName + " Loaded <font color='#1dff00' size='25'>by ProDragon</font>"); break; default: Game.Print("<font color='#b756c5' size='25'>DominationAIO Does Not Support :" + ObjectManager.Player.CharacterName + "</font>"); Console.WriteLine("DominationAIO Does Not Support " + ObjectManager.Player.CharacterName); break; } //skinhack.OnLoad(); //Troll_Chat_xD.Program.OnLoad(); } catch (Exception ex) { Game.Print("Error in loading"); Console.WriteLine("Error in loading :"); Console.WriteLine(ex); } }
void Awake() { self = this; blit = GetComponent <Blit>(); Observers.Subscribe(this, GoalScoredMessage.classMessageType); }