public static void Main(string[] args) { ManualResetEvent Terminated = new ManualResetEvent(false); Initialize(); Console.Out.WriteLine("Move the mouse to move the pointer on the screen."); Console.Out.WriteLine("Press left mouse button while moving to draw."); Console.Out.WriteLine("Press the ESC key to close the application."); Console.Out.WriteLine("You will be able to see what others draw as well."); OnKeyDown += (sender, e) => { if (e.Key == Key.Escape || (e.Key == Key.C && e.Control)) { Terminated.Set(); } }; FillRectangle(0, 0, ScreenWidth, ScreenHeight, C64Colors.Blue); int PointerTexture = AddSpriteTexture(GetResourceBitmap("Pointer.png"), System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(0, 0, 255), true); Point P = GetMousePointer(); Point LastP = P; Sprite Pointer = CreateSprite(P.X, P.Y, PointerTexture); Random Rnd = new System.Random(); int R = Rnd.Next(128, 255); int G = Rnd.Next(128, 255); int B = Rnd.Next(128, 255); Color Color = Color.FromArgb(R, G, B); bool Draw = false; BinaryOutput Payload; using (MqttConnection MqttConnection = ConnectToMqttServer("", false, string.Empty, string.Empty)) { WriteLine("<" + MqttConnection.State.ToString() + ">", C64Colors.LightGreen); MqttConnection.TrustServer = true; MqttConnection.OnConnectionError += (sender, ex) => { WriteLine("Unable to connect:", C64Colors.Red); }; MqttConnection.OnError += (sender, ex) => { WriteLine(ex.Message, C64Colors.Red); }; MqttConnection.OnStateChanged += (sender, state) => { WriteLine("<" + MqttConnection.State.ToString() + ">", C64Colors.LightGreen); if (state == MqttState.Connected) { MqttConnection.SUBSCRIBE("RetroSharp/Examples/Networking/MultiUserDraw"); } }; OnMouseMove += (sender, e) => { P = e.Position; Pointer.SetPosition(P); int DX = P.X - RasterWidth / 2; int DY = P.Y - RasterHeight / 2; Pointer.Angle = 90 + 22.5 + System.Math.Atan2(DY, DX) * 180 / System.Math.PI; if (Draw) { Payload = new BinaryOutput(); Payload.WriteString(MqttConnection.ClientId); Payload.WriteInt(LastP.X); Payload.WriteInt(LastP.Y); Payload.WriteInt(P.X); Payload.WriteInt(P.Y); Payload.WriteColor(Color); MqttConnection.PUBLISH("RetroSharp/Examples/Networking/MultiUserDraw", MqttQualityOfService.AtMostOne, false, Payload); DrawLine(LastP.X, LastP.Y, P.X, P.Y, Color); } LastP = P; }; OnMouseDown += (sender, e) => { Draw = e.LeftButton; }; OnMouseUp += (sender, e) => { Draw = e.LeftButton; }; MqttConnection.OnContentReceived += (sender, Content) => { BinaryInput Input = Content.DataInput; string ClientId = Input.ReadString(); if (ClientId != MqttConnection.ClientId) { int X1 = (int)Input.ReadInt(); int Y1 = (int)Input.ReadInt(); int X2 = (int)Input.ReadInt(); int Y2 = (int)Input.ReadInt(); Color cl = Input.ReadColor(); DrawLine(X1, Y1, X2, Y2, cl); } }; while (!Terminated.WaitOne(1000)) { ; } } Terminate(); }