public static unsafe void EXP_SingleLine(uint *bmpAddress, int bmpWidth, int bmpHeight, int x, int y, int width, uint exp, byte level, PBESpecies species, PBEForm form)
            if (level >= PkmnConstants.MaxLevel)
                EXP_SingleLine(bmpAddress, bmpWidth, bmpHeight, x, y, width, 0);
            PBEGrowthRate gr = BaseStats.Get(species, form, true).GrowthRate;

            EXP_SingleLine(bmpAddress, bmpWidth, bmpHeight, x, y, width, exp, level, gr);
Example #2
        public void Debug_Create()
            GameStats       = new GameStats();
            Pokedex         = new Pokedex();
            Flags           = new Flags();
            Vars            = new Vars();
            OT              = new OTInfo("Dawn", true);
            PlayerInventory = Inventory <InventorySlotNew> .CreatePlayerInventory();

            PlayerInventory.Add(ItemType.DuskBall, 995);
            PlayerInventory.Add(ItemType.RockyHelmet, 42);
            PlayerInventory.Add(ItemType.Leftovers, 473);
            PlayerInventory.Add(ItemType.Potion, 123);
            PlayerInventory.Add(ItemType.RedScarf, 230);
            PlayerInventory.Add(ItemType.PokeDoll, 130);
            PlayerInventory.Add(ItemType.XSpDef, 120);
            PlayerInventory.Add(ItemType.AirBalloon, 407);
            PlayerInventory.Add(ItemType.PokeBall, 73);
            PlayerInventory.Add(ItemType.DarkGem, 69);
            PlayerInventory.Add(ItemType.FluffyTail, 888);
            PlayerInventory.Add(ItemType.OvalCharm, 1);
            PlayerInventory.Add(ItemType.ShinyCharm, 1);
            Money = 473_123;
            PCBoxes = new PCBoxes();
            Daycare = new Daycare();
            Daycare.StorePokemon(PartyPokemon.CreatePlayerOwnedMon(PBESpecies.Blissey, 0, 47));
            Daycare.StorePokemon(PartyPokemon.CreatePlayerOwnedMon(PBESpecies.Ditto, 0, 82));
            PlayerParty = new Party();
                // To test evolution
                var evomon = PartyPokemon.CreatePlayerOwnedMon(PBESpecies.Burmy, PBEForm.Burmy_Trash, 19);
                evomon.Item = ItemType.Leftovers;
                evomon.EXP  = PBEEXPTables.GetEXPRequired(BaseStats.Get(evomon.Species, evomon.Form, true).GrowthRate, 20) - 1;
                // To pummel
                var victini = PartyPokemon.CreatePlayerOwnedMon(PBESpecies.Victini, 0, 67);
                victini.Ability         = PBEAbility.Compoundeyes;
                victini.Item            = ItemType.Leftovers;
                victini.Status1         = PBEStatus1.BadlyPoisoned;
                victini.Moveset[0].Move = PBEMove.Bounce;
                victini.Moveset[1].Move = PBEMove.ZenHeadbutt;
                victini.Moveset[2].Move = PBEMove.Surf;
                victini.Moveset[3].Move = PBEMove.VCreate;
            for (int i = 0; i < 44; i++)
                Debug_GiveRandomPokemon(i == 0 || i == 1 || i == 35);

            Overworld.UpdateGiratinaForms(); // Not really necessary, including for debug though
        public void Debug_LevelUpManually(int numTimes)
            var           bs         = BaseStats.Get(Pkmn.Species, Pkmn.Form, true);
            PBEGrowthRate growthRate = bs.GrowthRate;

            for (int i = 0; i < numTimes; i++)
                uint nextLevelAmt = PBEDataProvider.Instance.GetEXPRequired(growthRate, (byte)(Pkmn.Level + 1));
                Pkmn.EXP = nextLevelAmt;
        public void IncrementStep()
            if (Pkmn.Level >= PkmnConstants.MaxLevel)
                return; // Cannot level up anymore

            var           bs           = BaseStats.Get(Pkmn.Species, Pkmn.Form, true);
            PBEGrowthRate growthRate   = bs.GrowthRate;
            uint          nextLevelAmt = PBEDataProvider.Instance.GetEXPRequired(growthRate, (byte)(Pkmn.Level + 1));

            if (++Pkmn.EXP < nextLevelAmt)
                return; // No level up
Example #5
        private unsafe void DrawStatsPage(uint *bmpAddress, int bmpWidth, int bmpHeight)
            const float winX            = 0.03f;
            const float winY            = 0.15f;
            const float winW            = 0.97f - winX;
            const float winH            = 0.995f - winY;
            const float leftColX        = winX + 0.02f;
            const float rightColX       = winX + 0.52f;
            const float rightColY       = winY + 0.02f;
            const float rightColW       = 0.95f - rightColX;
            const float rightColH       = 0.535f;
            const float rightColCenterX = rightColX + (rightColW / 2f);
            const float textStartY      = rightColY + 0.01f;
            const float textStart2Y     = rightColY + 0.13f;
            const float textSpacingY    = 0.08f;
            const float abilTextY       = textStart2Y + (5.5f * textSpacingY);
            const float abilDescX       = leftColX + 0.03f;
            const float abilDescY       = textStart2Y + (6.6f * textSpacingY);
            const float abilX           = winX + 0.18f;
            const float abilTextX       = abilX + 0.03f;
            const float abilY           = abilTextY;
            const float abilW           = 0.95f - abilX;
            const float abilH           = 0.075f;
            int         hpW             = (int)(bmpWidth * 0.3f);
            int         hpX             = RenderUtils.GetCoordinatesForCentering(bmpWidth, hpW, rightColCenterX);
            int         hpY             = (int)(bmpHeight * (rightColY + 0.09f));

            RenderUtils.FillRoundedRectangle(bmpAddress, bmpWidth, bmpHeight, winX, winY, winX + winW, winY + winH, 12, RenderUtils.Color(135, 145, 250, 255));
            // Stats
            RenderUtils.FillRoundedRectangle(bmpAddress, bmpWidth, bmpHeight, rightColX, rightColY, rightColX + rightColW, rightColY + rightColH, 8, RenderUtils.Color(210, 210, 210, 255));
            // Abil
            RenderUtils.FillRoundedRectangle(bmpAddress, bmpWidth, bmpHeight, abilX, abilY, abilX + abilW, abilY + abilH, 5, RenderUtils.Color(210, 210, 210, 255));
            // Abil desc
            RenderUtils.FillRoundedRectangle(bmpAddress, bmpWidth, bmpHeight, leftColX, abilDescY, 0.95f, 0.98f, 5, RenderUtils.Color(210, 210, 210, 255));

            Font leftColFont = Font.Default;

            uint[] leftColColors = Font.DefaultWhite_DarkerOutline_I;
            Font   rightColFont  = Font.Default;

            uint[] rightColColors = Font.DefaultBlack_I;
            uint[] boostedColors  = Font.DefaultRed_Lighter_O;
            uint[] dislikedColors = Font.DefaultCyan_O;

            void PlaceLeftCol(int i, string leftColStr, bool boosted, bool disliked)
                float y;

                if (i == -1)
                    y = abilTextY;
                else if (i == -2)
                    y = textStartY;
                    y = textStart2Y + (i * textSpacingY);
                uint[] colors;
                if (boosted)
                    colors = boostedColors;
                else if (disliked)
                    colors = dislikedColors;
                    colors = leftColColors;
                leftColFont.DrawString(bmpAddress, bmpWidth, bmpHeight, leftColX, y, leftColStr, colors);

            void PlaceRightCol(int i, string rightColStr, uint[] colors)
                float y = i == -2 ? textStartY : textStart2Y + (i * textSpacingY);

                rightColFont.MeasureString(rightColStr, out int strW, out _);
                rightColFont.DrawString(bmpAddress, bmpWidth, bmpHeight,
                                        RenderUtils.GetCoordinatesForCentering(bmpWidth, strW, rightColCenterX), (int)(bmpHeight * y), rightColStr, colors);

            BaseStats          bs;
            PBEAbility         abil;
            PBENature          nature;
            IPBEStatCollection evs;
            IVs    ivs;
            byte   level;
            ushort hp;
            ushort maxHP;

            if (_pPkmn is not null)
                bs     = BaseStats.Get(_pPkmn.Species, _pPkmn.Form, true);
                abil   = _pPkmn.Ability;
                nature = _pPkmn.Nature;
                evs    = _pPkmn.EffortValues;
                ivs    = _pPkmn.IndividualValues;
                level  = _pPkmn.Level;
                hp     = _pPkmn.HP;
                maxHP  = _pPkmn.MaxHP;
            else if (_pcPkmn is not null)
                bs     = BaseStats.Get(_pcPkmn.Species, _pcPkmn.Form, true);
                abil   = _pcPkmn.Ability;
                nature = _pcPkmn.Nature;
                evs    = _pcPkmn.EffortValues;
                ivs    = _pcPkmn.IndividualValues;
                level  = _pcPkmn.Level;
                hp     = maxHP = PBEDataUtils.CalculateStat(bs, PBEStat.HP, nature, evs.GetStat(PBEStat.HP), ivs.HP, level, PkmnConstants.PBESettings);
                PartyPokemon     pPkmn = _bPkmn.PartyPkmn;
                PBEBattlePokemon bPkmn = _bPkmn.Pkmn;
                bs     = BaseStats.Get(pPkmn.Species, bPkmn.RevertForm, true);
                abil   = pPkmn.Ability;
                nature = pPkmn.Nature;
                evs    = bPkmn.EffortValues;
                ivs    = pPkmn.IndividualValues;
                level  = bPkmn.Level;
                hp     = bPkmn.HP;
                maxHP  = bPkmn.MaxHP;
            ushort  atk      = PBEDataUtils.CalculateStat(bs, PBEStat.Attack, nature, evs.GetStat(PBEStat.Attack), ivs.Attack, level, PkmnConstants.PBESettings);
            ushort  def      = PBEDataUtils.CalculateStat(bs, PBEStat.Defense, nature, evs.GetStat(PBEStat.Defense), ivs.Defense, level, PkmnConstants.PBESettings);
            ushort  spAtk    = PBEDataUtils.CalculateStat(bs, PBEStat.SpAttack, nature, evs.GetStat(PBEStat.SpAttack), ivs.SpAttack, level, PkmnConstants.PBESettings);
            ushort  spDef    = PBEDataUtils.CalculateStat(bs, PBEStat.SpDefense, nature, evs.GetStat(PBEStat.SpDefense), ivs.SpDefense, level, PkmnConstants.PBESettings);
            ushort  speed    = PBEDataUtils.CalculateStat(bs, PBEStat.Speed, nature, evs.GetStat(PBEStat.Speed), ivs.Speed, level, PkmnConstants.PBESettings);
            PBEStat?favored  = nature.GetLikedStat();
            PBEStat?disliked = nature.GetDislikedStat();

            PlaceLeftCol(-2, "HP", false, false);
            PlaceLeftCol(0, "Attack", favored == PBEStat.Attack, disliked == PBEStat.Attack);
            PlaceLeftCol(1, "Defense", favored == PBEStat.Defense, disliked == PBEStat.Defense);
            PlaceLeftCol(2, "Special Attack", favored == PBEStat.SpAttack, disliked == PBEStat.SpAttack);
            PlaceLeftCol(3, "Special Defense", favored == PBEStat.SpDefense, disliked == PBEStat.SpDefense);
            PlaceLeftCol(4, "Speed", favored == PBEStat.Speed, disliked == PBEStat.Speed);
            PlaceLeftCol(-1, "Ability", false, false);

            // HP
            string str = string.Format("{0}/{1}", hp, maxHP);

            PlaceRightCol(-2, str, rightColColors);
            double percent = (double)hp / maxHP;

            RenderUtils.HP_TripleLine(bmpAddress, bmpWidth, bmpHeight, hpX, hpY, hpW, percent);
            // Attack
            str = atk.ToString();
            PlaceRightCol(0, str, rightColColors);
            // Defense
            str = def.ToString();
            PlaceRightCol(1, str, rightColColors);
            // Sp. Attack
            str = spAtk.ToString();
            PlaceRightCol(2, str, rightColColors);
            // Sp. Defense
            str = spDef.ToString();
            PlaceRightCol(3, str, rightColColors);
            // Speed
            str = speed.ToString();
            PlaceRightCol(4, str, rightColColors);
            // Ability
            str = PBELocalizedString.GetAbilityName(abil).English;
            rightColFont.DrawString(bmpAddress, bmpWidth, bmpHeight, abilTextX, abilTextY, str, rightColColors);
            // Ability desc
            str = PBELocalizedString.GetAbilityDescription(abil).English;
            leftColFont.DrawString(bmpAddress, bmpWidth, bmpHeight, abilDescX, abilDescY, str, rightColColors);
Example #6
        private unsafe void DrawInfoPage(uint *bmpAddress, int bmpWidth, int bmpHeight)
            const float winX            = 0.03f;
            const float winY            = 0.15f;
            const float winW            = 0.97f - winX;
            const float winH            = 0.85f - winY;
            const float leftColX        = winX + 0.02f;
            const float rightColX       = winX + 0.52f;
            const float rightColY       = winY + 0.03f;
            const float rightColW       = 0.95f - rightColX;
            const float rightColH       = 0.82f - rightColY;
            const float rightColCenterX = rightColX + (rightColW / 2f);
            const float textStartY      = rightColY + 0.02f;
            const float textSpacingY    = 0.1f;
            int         xpW             = (int)(bmpWidth * 0.3f);
            int         xpX             = RenderUtils.GetCoordinatesForCentering(bmpWidth, xpW, rightColCenterX);
            int         xpY             = (int)(bmpHeight * (rightColY + 0.61f));

            RenderUtils.FillRoundedRectangle(bmpAddress, bmpWidth, bmpHeight, winX, winY, winX + winW, winY + winH, 15, RenderUtils.Color(128, 215, 135, 255));
            RenderUtils.FillRoundedRectangle(bmpAddress, bmpWidth, bmpHeight, rightColX, rightColY, rightColX + rightColW, rightColY + rightColH, 8, RenderUtils.Color(210, 210, 210, 255));

            Font leftColFont = Font.Default;

            uint[] leftColColors = Font.DefaultWhite_DarkerOutline_I;
            Font   rightColFont  = Font.Default;

            uint[] rightColColors = Font.DefaultBlack_I;

            void PlaceLeftCol(int i, string leftColStr)
                float y = textStartY + (i * textSpacingY);

                leftColFont.DrawString(bmpAddress, bmpWidth, bmpHeight, leftColX, y, leftColStr, leftColColors);

            void PlaceRightCol(int i, string rightColStr, uint[] colors)
                float y = textStartY + (i * textSpacingY);

                rightColFont.MeasureString(rightColStr, out int strW, out _);
                rightColFont.DrawString(bmpAddress, bmpWidth, bmpHeight,
                                        RenderUtils.GetCoordinatesForCentering(bmpWidth, strW, rightColCenterX), (int)(bmpHeight * y), rightColStr, colors);

            PlaceLeftCol(0, "Species");
            PlaceLeftCol(1, "Type(s)");
            PlaceLeftCol(2, "OT");
            PlaceLeftCol(3, "OT ID");
            PlaceLeftCol(4, "Exp. Points");
            PlaceLeftCol(5, "Exp. To Next Level");

            PBESpecies species;
            PBEForm    form;
            OTInfo     ot;
            byte       level;
            uint       exp;

            if (_pPkmn is not null)
                species = _pPkmn.Species;
                form    = _pPkmn.Form;
                ot      = _pPkmn.OT;
                level   = _pPkmn.Level;
                exp     = _pPkmn.EXP;
            else if (_pcPkmn is not null)
                species = _pcPkmn.Species;
                form    = _pcPkmn.Form;
                ot      = _pcPkmn.OT;
                level   = _pcPkmn.Level;
                exp     = _pcPkmn.EXP;
                PartyPokemon     pPkmn = _bPkmn.PartyPkmn;
                PBEBattlePokemon bPkmn = _bPkmn.Pkmn;
                species = pPkmn.Species;
                form    = bPkmn.RevertForm;
                ot      = pPkmn.OT;
                level   = bPkmn.Level;
                exp     = bPkmn.EXP;

            var  bs = BaseStats.Get(species, form, true);
            uint toNextLvl;

            if (level >= PkmnConstants.MaxLevel)
                toNextLvl = 0;
                RenderUtils.EXP_SingleLine(bmpAddress, bmpWidth, bmpHeight, xpX, xpY, xpW, 0);
                PBEGrowthRate gr = bs.GrowthRate;
                toNextLvl = PBEEXPTables.GetEXPRequired(gr, (byte)(level + 1)) - exp;
                RenderUtils.EXP_SingleLine(bmpAddress, bmpWidth, bmpHeight, xpX, xpY, xpW, exp, level, gr);

            // Species
            string str = PBELocalizedString.GetSpeciesName(species).English;

            PlaceRightCol(0, str, rightColColors);
            // Types
            str = PBELocalizedString.GetTypeName(bs.Type1).English;
            if (bs.Type2 != PBEType.None)
                str += ' ' + PBELocalizedString.GetTypeName(bs.Type2).English;
            PlaceRightCol(1, str, rightColColors);
            // OT
            str = ot.TrainerName;
            PlaceRightCol(2, str, ot.TrainerIsFemale ? Font.DefaultRed_I : Font.DefaultBlue_I);
            // OT ID
            str = ot.TrainerID.ToString();
            PlaceRightCol(3, str, rightColColors);
            // Exp
            str = exp.ToString();
            PlaceRightCol(4, str, rightColColors);
            // To next level
            str = toNextLvl.ToString();
            PlaceRightCol(5, str, rightColColors);