Example #1
        public Tile CreateGrass(byte index)
            Base.CollisionLayer collisionMask = Base.CollisionLayer.Terrain;
            IntRect             bounds;
            Texture             tileSheet = textureAtlases.GetTexture("grassTilesheet", out bounds);

            return(new Tile(tileSheet, bounds, index, "Grass", 1.1f, defaultShade, new Color(45, 128, 64), collisionMask, 0.5f, 0.2f, 0.25f));
Example #2
        public Tile CreateSnow(byte index)
            Base.CollisionLayer collisionMask = Base.CollisionLayer.Terrain;
            IntRect             bounds;
            Texture             tileSheet = textureAtlases.GetTexture("snowTilesheet", out bounds);

            return(new Tile(tileSheet, bounds, index, "Snow", 0.9f, defaultShade, new Color(12, 12, 12), collisionMask, 0.6f, 0.2f, 0.5f));
Example #3
        public Tile CreateDesert(byte index)
            Base.CollisionLayer collisionMask = Base.CollisionLayer.Terrain;
            IntRect             bounds;
            Texture             tileSheet = textureAtlases.GetTexture("desertTilesheet", out bounds);

            return(new Tile(tileSheet, bounds, index, "Desert", 0.85f, defaultShade, new Color(160, 64, 0), collisionMask, 0.75f, 0.25f, 0.75f));
Example #4
        public Tile CreateVoid(byte index)
            Base.CollisionLayer collisionMask = Base.CollisionLayer.Void | Base.CollisionLayer.TerrainSolid;
            IntRect             bounds;
            Texture             tileSheet = textureAtlases.GetTexture("", out bounds);

            return(new Tile(tileSheet, bounds, index, "Void", 0, defaultShade, new Color(0, 0, 0), collisionMask, -1.0f, -1.0f, -1.0f));
Example #5
        public Tile CreateBeachSand(byte index)
            Base.CollisionLayer collisionMask = Base.CollisionLayer.Terrain;
            IntRect             bounds;
            Texture             tileSheet = textureAtlases.GetTexture("sandTilesheet", out bounds);

            return(new Tile(tileSheet, bounds, index, "Beach Sand", 0.85f, defaultShade, new Color(160, 64, 0), collisionMask, 0.6f, 0.0f, 0.7f));
Example #6
        public Tile CreateShallowWater(byte index)
            Base.CollisionLayer collisionMask = Base.CollisionLayer.TerrainSolid;
            IntRect             bounds;
            Texture             tileSheet = textureAtlases.GetTexture("shallowwaterTilesheet", out bounds);

            return(new Tile(tileSheet, bounds, index, "Shallow Water", 0, new Color(255, 255, 255), new Color(0, 0, 255), collisionMask, 1.0f, 0.25f, 0.0f));
Example #7
        public Tile CreateDeepWater(byte index)
            Base.CollisionLayer collisionMask = Base.CollisionLayer.TerrainSolid;
            IntRect             bounds;
            Texture             tileSheet = textureAtlases.GetTexture("deepwaterTilesheet", out bounds);

            return(new Tile(tileSheet, bounds, index, "Deep Water", 0, defaultShade, new Color(0, 45, 200), collisionMask, 1.0f, 0.5f, 0.0f));
Example #8
        public static bool CheckForPlacementCollision(BoundingBox collisionBox, Vector2 position, SurfaceContainer surface, Base.CollisionLayer collisionMask)
            int[]   chunkList = BoundingBox.GetChunkBounds(collisionBox, position, surface);
            int[][] tileList  = BoundingBox.GetTileBounds(collisionBox, position);
            for (int i = 0; i < chunkList.Length; i++)
                Chunk chunk = surface.GetChunk(chunkList[i], false);
                if (chunk == null)
                //entity collision checks
                List <Entity> collisionList = chunk.entityCollisionList;
                for (int j = 0; j < collisionList.Count; j++)
                    if ((collisionList[j].collisionMask & collisionMask) != 0)
                        if (BoundingBox.CheckCollision(collisionBox, collisionList[j].collisionBox, position, collisionList[j].position))

                //tile collision checks
                //Perhaps switch to continually checking whether the player is colliding with a tile at his position until he isnt colliding with a tile?
                //Would fix the situation where getting stuck in water still allows movement within
                //TODO: try solution outline above
                for (int j = 0; j < tileList[i].Length; j++)
                    Tile tile = surface.tileCollection.GetTerrainTile(chunk.GetTile(tileList[i][j]));
                    if ((collisionMask & tile.collisionMask) != 0)
                        Vector2 tilePos = surface.WorldToTileVector(chunkList[i], tileList[i][j]);
                        if (BoundingBox.CheckCollision(collisionBox, surface.tileBox, position, tilePos))
Example #9
        public PathNode GetPath(SurfaceContainer surface, Vector2 start, Vector2 target, int pathTimeout, Base.CollisionLayer unwalkableMask, Base.CollisionLayer collisionMask, float frictionFactor)
            this.frictionFactor = frictionFactor;
            int frictionMask = (int)(collisionMask & Base.CollisionLayer.Terrain); //a nonzero value means the pathcost is higher for lower frictions

            frictionMask = frictionMask / (1 + frictionMask);                      //Normalize the frictionmask to 0 or 1 using +1 trick
            int[] startCoords = surface.WorldToAbsoluteTileCoords(start.x, start.y);
            int[] endCoords   = surface.WorldToAbsoluteTileCoords(target.x, target.y);
            float heuristic   = CalculateHeuristic(startCoords, endCoords);

            PathNode        startNode  = new PathNode(null, 0, 0, heuristic, startCoords);
            List <PathNode> openList   = new List <PathNode>();
            List <PathNode> closedList = new List <PathNode>();
            PathNode        endNode    = null;

            while (openList.Count > 0 && pathTimeout > 0)
                PathNode curNode     = null;
                int      removeIndex = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < openList.Count; i++)
                    if (curNode == null || openList[i].cost < curNode.cost)
                        removeIndex = i;
                        curNode     = openList[i];
                if (pathTimeout == 0 || (curNode.coords[0] == endCoords[0] && curNode.coords[1] == endCoords[1]))
                    endNode = curNode;
                for (int i = curNode.coords[0] - 1; i <= curNode.coords[0] + 1; i++)
                    for (int j = curNode.coords[1] - 1; j <= curNode.coords[1] + 1; j++)
                        bool ignore = false;
                        if (i < 0 || j < 0) //Check if coords are outside worldSize
                            ignore = true;
                        if (ignore == false) //else check that coords are not already in closedList
                            for (int k = 0; k < closedList.Count; k++)
                                if (closedList[k].coords[0] == i && closedList[k].coords[1] == j)
                                    ignore = true;
                        if (ignore == false) //else check that coords are not already in openList
                            for (int k = 0; k < openList.Count; k++)
                                if (openList[k].coords[0] == i && openList[k].coords[1] == j)
                                    ignore = true;
                        if (!ignore) //if neither of the preceding conditiosn set ignore to false, add tile to open list on path search
                            Tile tile      = tileCollection.GetTerrainTile(surface.GetTileFromWorldInt(i, j));
                            int  solidMask = (int)((unwalkableMask & collisionMask) & tile.collisionMask); // a zero value when the tile is walkable
                            if (solidMask == 0)
                                int[]    coords  = new int[] { i, j };
                                PathNode newNode = new PathNode(curNode, frictionMask * (frictionFactor * (1 / tile.frictionModifier)), curNode.begin + 1, CalculateHeuristic(coords, endCoords), coords);