Example #1
        private void DrawSpinner(BMAPI.v1.HitObjects.SpinnerObject hitObject, float alpha)
            float   diameter = 384;
            Vector2 pos      = new Vector2(hitObject.Location.X, hitObject.Location.Y);

            this.spinnerTexture.Draw(pos, diameter, diameter, new Vector2(diameter * 0.5f), new Color(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, alpha));
        private void DrawSpinner(BMAPI.v1.HitObjects.SpinnerObject hitObject, float alpha)
            int       diameter = (int)this.Size.Y;
            Vector2   pos      = this.InflateVector(new Vector2(hitObject.Location.X, hitObject.Location.Y));
            Rectangle rect     = new Rectangle((int)pos.X, (int)pos.Y, diameter, diameter);

            rect.X -= rect.Width / 2;
            rect.Y -= rect.Height / 2;
            this.spriteBatch.Draw(this.spinnerTexture, rect, null, new Color(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, alpha), 0f, Vector2.Zero, SpriteEffects.None, 0.1f);
Example #3
        private void DrawSpinnerApproachCircle(BMAPI.v1.HitObjects.SpinnerObject hitObject, float alpha, float value)
            if (value < 0)
                value = 0;
            else if (value > 1)
                value = 1;
            int diameter = (int)(384.0f * (1 - value));
            // TODO: flip when hardrock
            Vector2 pos = new Vector2(hitObject.Location.X, hitObject.Location.Y);

            this.spinnerTexture.Draw(pos, diameter, diameter, new Vector2(diameter * 0.5f), new Color(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, alpha));
        private void DrawSpinnerApproachCircle(BMAPI.v1.HitObjects.SpinnerObject hitObject, float alpha, float value)
            if (value < 0)
                value = 0;
            else if (value > 1)
                value = 1;
            int       diameter = (int)(this.spinnerTexture.Width * (1 - value) * 0.9);
            Vector2   pos      = this.InflateVector(new Vector2(hitObject.Location.X, hitObject.Location.Y), true);
            Rectangle rect     = new Rectangle((int)pos.X, (int)pos.Y, diameter, diameter);

            rect.X -= rect.Width / 2;
            rect.Y -= rect.Height / 2;
            this.spriteBatch.Draw(this.spinnerTexture, rect, null, new Color(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, alpha), 0f, Vector2.Zero, SpriteEffects.None, 0.0f);
Example #5
 private void Draw(bool isBackground)
     if (this.Visual_MapInvert)
     //this.spriteBatch.Begin(SpriteSortMode.BackToFront, BlendState.NonPremultiplied);
     for (int b = this.nearbyHitObjects.Count - 1; b >= 0; b--)
         BMAPI.v1.HitObjects.CircleObject hitObject = this.nearbyHitObjects[b];
         // the song time relative to the hitobject start time
         float diff = (float)(hitObject.StartTime - this.songPlayer.SongTime);
         // transparency of hitobject
         float alpha = 1.0f;
         // a percentage of how open a slider is, 1.0 is closed, 0.0 is open
         float approachCircleValue = 0.0f;
         // length in time of hit object (only applies to sliders and spinners)
         int hitObjectLength = 0;
         // Use these types if the hitobject is a slider or spinner
         BMAPI.v1.HitObjects.SliderObject  hitObjectAsSlider  = null;
         BMAPI.v1.HitObjects.SpinnerObject hitObjectAsSpinner = null;
         if (hitObject.Type.HasFlag(BMAPI.v1.HitObjectType.Spinner))
             hitObjectAsSpinner = (BMAPI.v1.HitObjects.SpinnerObject)hitObject;
             hitObjectLength    = (int)(hitObjectAsSpinner.EndTime - hitObjectAsSpinner.StartTime);
         else if (hitObject.Type.HasFlag(BMAPI.v1.HitObjectType.Slider))
             hitObjectAsSlider = (BMAPI.v1.HitObjects.SliderObject)hitObject;
             hitObjectLength   = (int)((hitObjectAsSlider.SegmentEndTime - hitObjectAsSlider.StartTime) * hitObjectAsSlider.RepeatCount);
             //hitObjectLength = 500;
         // for reference: this.approachRate is the time in ms it takes for approach circle to close
         if (diff < this.approachRate + this.State_FadeTime && diff > -(hitObjectLength + this.State_FadeTime))
             if (diff < -hitObjectLength)
                 // fade out
                 alpha = 1 - ((diff + hitObjectLength) / -(float)this.State_FadeTime);
             else if (!hitObject.Type.HasFlag(BMAPI.v1.HitObjectType.Spinner) && diff >= this.approachRate && diff < this.approachRate + this.State_FadeTime)
                 // fade in
                 alpha = 1 - (diff - this.approachRate) / (float)this.State_FadeTime;
             else if (hitObject.Type.HasFlag(BMAPI.v1.HitObjectType.Spinner))
                 // because spinners don't have an approach circle before they appear
                 if (diff >= 0 && diff < this.State_FadeTime)
                     alpha = 1 - diff / (float)this.State_FadeTime;
                 else if (diff > 0)
                     alpha = 0;
             if (diff < this.approachRate + this.State_FadeTime && diff > 0)
                 // hitcircle percentage from open to closed
                 approachCircleValue = diff / (float)(this.approachRate + this.State_FadeTime);
             else if (diff > 0)
                 approachCircleValue = 1.0f;
             if (hitObject.Type.HasFlag(BMAPI.v1.HitObjectType.Circle))
                 if (isBackground)
                     this.DrawHitcircle(hitObject, alpha);
                     this.DrawApproachCircle(hitObject, alpha, approachCircleValue);
             else if (hitObject.Type.HasFlag(BMAPI.v1.HitObjectType.Slider))
                 this.DrawSlider(hitObjectAsSlider, alpha, approachCircleValue, isBackground);
             else if (hitObject.Type.HasFlag(BMAPI.v1.HitObjectType.Spinner))
                 if (!isBackground)
                     this.DrawSpinner(hitObjectAsSpinner, alpha);
                     this.DrawSpinnerApproachCircle(hitObjectAsSpinner, alpha, (float)(this.songPlayer.SongTime - hitObjectAsSpinner.StartTime) / (hitObjectAsSpinner.EndTime - hitObjectAsSpinner.StartTime));
     if (this.Visual_MapInvert)
     if (!isBackground)
         bool forceFlip = false;
         if (this.State_PlaybackMode == 0)
             if (MainForm.self.CurrentReplays[this.State_ReplaySelected] != null)
                 forceFlip = MainForm.self.CurrentReplays[this.State_ReplaySelected].AxisFlip;
             if (forceFlip)
             Vector2 currentPos = Vector2.Zero;
             Vector2 lastPos    = new Vector2(-222, 0);
             for (int i = 0; i < this.nearbyFrames[this.state_ReplaySelected].Count; i++)
                 ReplayAPI.ReplayFrame currentFrame = this.nearbyFrames[this.state_ReplaySelected][i];
                 float alpha = i / (float)this.nearbyFrames[this.state_ReplaySelected].Count;
                 currentPos = new Vector2(currentFrame.X, currentFrame.Y);
                 if (lastPos.X != -222)
                     this.DrawLine(lastPos, currentPos, new Color(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, alpha));
                 Color nodeColor = Color.Gray;
                 if (currentFrame.Keys.HasFlag(ReplayAPI.Keys.K1))
                     nodeColor = Color.Cyan;
                 else if (currentFrame.Keys.HasFlag(ReplayAPI.Keys.K2))
                     nodeColor = Color.Magenta;
                 else if (currentFrame.Keys.HasFlag(ReplayAPI.Keys.M1))
                     nodeColor = Color.Lime;
                 else if (currentFrame.Keys.HasFlag(ReplayAPI.Keys.M2))
                     nodeColor = Color.Yellow;
                 this.nodeTexture.Draw(currentPos - new Vector2(5, 5), Vector2.Zero, nodeColor);
                 lastPos = currentPos;
             if (forceFlip)
         else if (this.State_PlaybackMode == 1)
             for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++)
                 if (this.nearbyFrames[i] != null && this.nearbyFrames[i].Count >= 1)
                     forceFlip = MainForm.self.CurrentReplays[i].AxisFlip;
                     if (forceFlip)
                     Vector2 cursorPos = this.GetInterpolatedFrame(i);
                     float   diameter  = 32.0f;
                     this.cursorTexture.Draw(cursorPos, diameter, diameter, new Vector2(diameter * 0.5f), Canvas.Color_Cursor[i]);
                     if (forceFlip)
         if (this.ShowHelp != 0)
             GL.Ortho(0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
             this.helpTexture.Draw(Vector2.Zero, 1.0f, 1.0f, Vector2.Zero, Color.White);
 protected override void Draw(GameTime gameTime)
     this.spriteBatch.Begin(SpriteSortMode.BackToFront, BlendState.NonPremultiplied);
     for (int b = this.nearbyHitObjects.Count - 1; b >= 0; b--)
         BMAPI.v1.HitObjects.CircleObject hitObject = this.nearbyHitObjects[b];
         // the song time relative to the hitobject start time
         float diff = (float)(hitObject.StartTime - this.songPlayer.SongTime);
         // transparency of hitobject
         float alpha = 1.0f;
         // a percentage of how open a slider is, 1.0 is closed, 0.0 is open
         float approachCircleValue = 0.0f;
         // length in time of hit object (only applies to sliders and spinners)
         int hitObjectLength = 0;
         // Use these types if the hitobject is a slider or spinner
         BMAPI.v1.HitObjects.SliderObject  hitObjectAsSlider  = null;
         BMAPI.v1.HitObjects.SpinnerObject hitObjectAsSpinner = null;
         if (hitObject.Type.HasFlag(BMAPI.v1.HitObjectType.Spinner))
             hitObjectAsSpinner = (BMAPI.v1.HitObjects.SpinnerObject)hitObject;
             hitObjectLength    = (int)(hitObjectAsSpinner.EndTime - hitObjectAsSpinner.StartTime);
         else if (hitObject.Type.HasFlag(BMAPI.v1.HitObjectType.Slider))
             hitObjectAsSlider = (BMAPI.v1.HitObjects.SliderObject)hitObject;
             hitObjectLength   = (int)((hitObjectAsSlider.SegmentEndTime - hitObjectAsSlider.StartTime) * hitObjectAsSlider.RepeatCount);
             //hitObjectLength = 500;
         // for reference: this.approachRate is the time in ms it takes for approach circle to close
         if (diff < this.approachRate + this.State_FadeTime && diff > -(hitObjectLength + this.State_FadeTime))
             if (diff < -hitObjectLength)
                 // fade out
                 alpha = 1 - ((diff + hitObjectLength) / -(float)this.State_FadeTime);
             else if (!hitObject.Type.HasFlag(BMAPI.v1.HitObjectType.Spinner) && diff >= this.approachRate && diff < this.approachRate + this.State_FadeTime)
                 // fade in
                 alpha = 1 - (diff - this.approachRate) / (float)this.State_FadeTime;
             else if (hitObject.Type.HasFlag(BMAPI.v1.HitObjectType.Spinner))
                 // because spinners don't have an approach circle before they appear
                 if (diff >= 0 && diff < this.State_FadeTime)
                     alpha = 1 - diff / (float)this.State_FadeTime;
                 else if (diff > 0)
                     alpha = 0;
             if (diff < this.approachRate + this.State_FadeTime && diff > 0)
                 // hitcircle percentage from open to closed
                 approachCircleValue = diff / (float)(this.approachRate + this.State_FadeTime);
             else if (diff > 0)
                 approachCircleValue = 1.0f;
             if (hitObject.Type.HasFlag(BMAPI.v1.HitObjectType.Circle))
                 this.DrawHitcircle(hitObject, alpha, b);
                 this.DrawApproachCircle(hitObject, alpha, approachCircleValue);
             else if (hitObject.Type.HasFlag(BMAPI.v1.HitObjectType.Slider))
                 this.DrawSlider(hitObjectAsSlider, alpha, b, approachCircleValue);
             else if (hitObject.Type.HasFlag(BMAPI.v1.HitObjectType.Spinner))
                 this.DrawSpinner(hitObjectAsSpinner, alpha);
                 this.DrawSpinnerApproachCircle(hitObjectAsSpinner, alpha, (float)(this.songPlayer.SongTime - hitObjectAsSpinner.StartTime) / (hitObjectAsSpinner.EndTime - hitObjectAsSpinner.StartTime));
     if (this.State_PlaybackMode == 0)
         Vector2 currentPos = Vector2.Zero;
         Vector2 lastPos    = new Vector2(-222, 0);
         for (int i = 0; i < this.nearbyFrames[this.state_ReplaySelected].Count; i++)
             ReplayAPI.ReplayFrame currentFrame = this.nearbyFrames[this.state_ReplaySelected][i];
             float alpha = i / (float)this.nearbyFrames[this.state_ReplaySelected].Count;
             currentPos = this.InflateVector(new Vector2(currentFrame.X, currentFrame.Y));
             bool selected = false;
             if (this.selectedFrames != null)
                 selected = this.selectedFrames.Contains(currentFrame);
             if (lastPos.X != -222)
                 Color linecolor;
                 if (selected)
                     linecolor = Color.White;
                     linecolor = new Color(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, alpha);
                 this.DrawLine(lastPos, currentPos, linecolor);
             Color nodeColor = Color.Gray;
             if (currentFrame.Keys.HasFlag(ReplayAPI.Keys.K1))
                 nodeColor = Color.Cyan;
             else if (currentFrame.Keys.HasFlag(ReplayAPI.Keys.K2))
                 nodeColor = Color.Magenta;
             else if (currentFrame.Keys.HasFlag(ReplayAPI.Keys.M1))
                 nodeColor = Color.Lime;
             else if (currentFrame.Keys.HasFlag(ReplayAPI.Keys.M2))
                 nodeColor = Color.Yellow;
             if (!selected)
                 nodeColor.A = (byte)(alpha * 255);
             this.spriteBatch.Draw(this.nodeTexture, currentPos - new Vector2(5, 5), nodeColor);
             lastPos = currentPos;
         if (this.ToolRect.Width != 0 && this.ToolRect.Height != 0)
     else if (this.State_PlaybackMode == 1)
         for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++)
             if (this.nearbyFrames[i] != null && this.nearbyFrames[i].Count >= 1)
                 this.spriteBatch.Draw(this.cursorTexture, this.InflateVector(this.GetInterpolatedFrame(i)) - new Vector2(this.cursorTexture.Width, this.cursorTexture.Height) / 2f, Canvas.Color_Cursor[i]);
     if (this.ShowHelp != 0)
         this.spriteBatch.Draw(this.helpTexture, Vector2.Zero, Color.White);