protected static void BuildModBundle(bool useMSBuild) { Debug.LogFormat("Creating \"{0}\" AssetBundle...", BUNDLE_FILENAME); if (ModConfig.Instance == null || ModConfig.ID == "" || ModConfig.OutputFolder == "") { Debug.LogError("You must configure your mod from the \"Keep Talking ModKit / Configure Mod\" menu first."); return; } AssetBundler bundler = new AssetBundler(); bundler.assemblyName = ModConfig.ID; bundler.outputFolder = ModConfig.OutputFolder + "/" + bundler.assemblyName; bool success = false; try { bundler.WarnIfExampleAssetsAreIncluded(); bundler.WarnIfAssetsAreNotTagged(); bundler.CheckForAssets(); //Delete the cotnents of OUTPUT_FOLDER bundler.CleanBuildFolder(); //Change all non-Editor scripts to reference ASSEMBLY_NAME instead of Assembly-CSharp bundler.AdjustMonoScripts(); //Build the assembly using either MSBuild or Unity EditorUtility methods if (useMSBuild) { bundler.CompileAssemblyWithMSBuild(); } else { bundler.CompileAssemblyWithEditor(); } //Copy any other non-Editor managed assemblies to the output folder bundler.CopyManagedAssemblies(); //Create the modInfo.json file bundler.CreateModInfo(); //Copy the modSettings.json file from Assets into the build bundler.CopyModSettings(); //Copy PDF manual pages to Manual folder in build bundler.CopyManual(); //Lastly, create the asset bundle itself and copy it to the output folder bundler.CreateAssetBundle(); success = true; } catch (Exception e) { Debug.LogErrorFormat("Failed to build AssetBundle: {0}\n{1}", e.Message, e.StackTrace); } finally { //Restore script references to Assembly-CSharp, as expected by the Unity Editor bundler.RestoreMonoScripts(); } if (success) { Debug.LogFormat("{0} Build complete! Output: {1}", System.DateTime.Now.ToLocalTime(), bundler.outputFolder); } }