public static void GetChildrenComp(ModelDoc2 Doc) { if (Doc.GetType() == (int)swDocumentTypes_e.swDocASSEMBLY) { AssemblyDoc Assem = (AssemblyDoc)Doc; #region 顶底层零部件 StringBuilder topsb = new StringBuilder("顶层部件:\r\n"); object[] Comps = Assem.GetComponents(true); foreach (object cp in Comps) { topsb.Append(((Component2)cp).Name2 + "\r\n"); } #endregion #region 所有零部件 StringBuilder allsb = new StringBuilder("所有部件:\r\n"); Comps = Assem.GetComponents(false); foreach (object cp in Comps) { allsb.Append(((Component2)cp).Name2 + "\r\n"); } #endregion System.Windows.MessageBox.Show(topsb + "\r\n" + allsb); } }
public List <Item> GetItems() { var list = new List <Item>(); assembly.ResolveAllLightWeightComponents(false); var assemblyComponents = ((Array)assembly.GetComponents(TopLevelOnly)) .Cast <Component2>() .Where(c => !c.IsHidden(true)); var componentGroups = assemblyComponents .GroupBy(c => c.GetTitle() + c.ReferencedConfiguration); foreach (var group in componentGroups) { var component = group.First(); var model = component.GetModelDoc2() as ModelDoc2; if (model == null) { continue; } var name = GetComponentName(component); list.Add(new Item { PartName = name, Quantity = group.Count(), Component = component }); } return(list); }
public void TestHideComponents(string modelName) { ModelDoc2 doc = OpenSWDocument(modelName); AssemblyDoc assyDoc = (AssemblyDoc)doc; List <string> hiddenComponentNames = Common.FindHiddenComponents(assyDoc.GetComponents(false)); List <Component2> hiddenComponents = hiddenComponentNames.Select(name => assyDoc.GetComponentByName(name)).ToList(); Common.ShowAllComponents(doc, new List <string>()); Common.HideComponents(doc, hiddenComponents); List <string> hiddenComponentNames2 = Common.FindHiddenComponents(assyDoc.GetComponents(false)); Assert.Equal(hiddenComponentNames.Count, hiddenComponentNames2.Count); SwApp.CloseAllDocuments(true); }
private SWglTFModel ConvertAssemblyToglTF(ModelDoc2 swModel) { SWglTFModel Model = new SWglTFModel(); AssemblyDoc swAssDoc = (AssemblyDoc)swModel; object[] comps = swAssDoc.GetComponents(false); foreach (Component2 item in comps) { double[] MaterialValue = item.MaterialPropertyValues; if (MaterialValue == null) { ModelDoc2 swCompModel = item.GetModelDoc2(); if (swCompModel != null) { MaterialValue = swCompModel.MaterialPropertyValues; } } object[] bodys = item.GetBodies2((int)swBodyType_e.swAllBodies); if (bodys != null) { foreach (Body2 swBody in bodys) { var bodymodel = GetglTFBodyModel(swBody); if (bodymodel.BodyMaterialValue == null && MaterialValue != null) { bodymodel.BodyMaterialValue = MaterialValue; } bodymodel.SWMathTran = item.Transform2; Model.BodyList.Add(bodymodel); } } } return(Model); }
private void ReplaceBolsaCP(Coletor coletor) { swApp.ActivateDoc(coletor.CodigoColetor + ".SLDASM"); swModel = swApp.ActiveDoc; AssemblyDoc swAssembly = (AssemblyDoc)swModel; Object[] components = swAssembly.GetComponents(true); foreach (var componente in components) { Component2 component = (Component2)componente; swModel = component.GetModelDoc2(); string nomeCompletoDoComponente = swModel.GetPathName(); string nomeComExtensao = Path.GetFileName(nomeCompletoDoComponente); if (String.Equals(nomeComExtensao, "BOLSA SOLDA SUCCAO CP TEMPLATE.SLDPRT")) { component.Select(true); break; } } swAssembly.ReplaceComponents($@"C:\ELETROFRIO\ENGENHARIA SMR\PRODUTOS FINAIS ELETROFRIO\MECÂNICA\RACK PADRAO\COLETOR SUCCAO\{coletor.CodigoBolsaSoldaSuccaoCompressor}.SLDPRT", "", true, true); swModel = swApp.ActiveDoc; swModel.Save(); }
/// <summary> /// Выполняет метод для компонентов сборки (подсборки и детали) /// </summary> /// <param name="assemblyDoc">Сборка</param> /// <param name="actionForPart">Метод для детали</param> /// <param name="actionForAssembly">Метод для подсборок</param> public static void DoSmthForEachComponent(AssemblyDoc assemblyDoc, Action<ModelDoc2> actionForPart, Action<ModelDoc2> actionForAssembly) { object[] components = (object[])assemblyDoc.GetComponents(true); if (components.Length == 0) return; foreach (var item in components) { Component2 component = (Component2)item; ModelDoc2 model = component.IGetModelDoc(); if (model != null) { AssemblyDoc ad = model as AssemblyDoc; if (ad != null) { actionForAssembly(model); DoSmthForEachComponent(ad, actionForPart, actionForAssembly); continue; } PartDoc pd = model as PartDoc; if (pd != null) actionForPart(model); } } }
// Beginning method for exporting the full package public void exportRobot() { //Setting up the progress bar int progressBarBound = Common.getCount(mRobot.BaseLink); progressBar.Start(0, progressBarBound, "Creating package directories"); //Creating package directories URDFPackage package = new URDFPackage(mPackageName, mSavePath); package.createDirectories(); = mPackageName; string windowsURDFFileName = package.WindowsRobotsDirectory + + ".URDF"; string windowsManifestFileName = package.WindowsPackageDirectory + "manifest.xml"; //Creating manifest file manifestWriter manifestWriter = new manifestWriter(windowsManifestFileName); manifest Manifest = new manifest(mPackageName); Manifest.writeElement(manifestWriter); //Creating RVIZ launch file Rviz rviz = new Rviz(mPackageName, + ".URDF"); rviz.writeFiles(package.WindowsLaunchDirectory); //Creating Gazebo launch file Gazebo gazebo = new Gazebo(, this.mPackageName, + ".URDF"); gazebo.writeFile(package.WindowsLaunchDirectory); //Customizing STL preferences to how I want them saveUserPreferences(); setSTLExportPreferences(); //Saving part as STL mesh AssemblyDoc assyDoc = (AssemblyDoc)ActiveSWModel; List <string> hiddenComponents = Common.findHiddenComponents(assyDoc.GetComponents(false)); ActiveSWModel.Extension.SelectAll(); ActiveSWModel.HideComponent2(); string filename = exportFiles(mRobot.BaseLink, package, 0); mRobot.BaseLink.Visual.Geometry.Mesh.filename = filename; mRobot.BaseLink.Collision.Geometry.Mesh.filename = filename; Common.showAllComponents(ActiveSWModel, hiddenComponents); //Writing URDF to file URDFWriter uWriter = new URDFWriter(windowsURDFFileName); mRobot.writeURDF(uWriter.writer); resetUserPreferences(); progressBar.End(); }
public void TestFindHiddenComponens(string modelName, int expected) { ModelDoc2 doc = OpenSWDocument(modelName); AssemblyDoc assyDoc = (AssemblyDoc)doc; Assert.Equal(expected, Common.FindHiddenComponents(assyDoc.GetComponents(false)).Count); SwApp.CloseAllDocuments(true); }
/// <summary> /// action for each of component in assemblydoc /// </summary> /// <param name="doc">assemblydoc instance</param> /// <param name="action">action you need todo</param> /// <param name="topOnly">toponly option</param> public static void UsingAllComponents(this AssemblyDoc doc, Action <Component2> action, bool topOnly = false) { var comps = doc.GetComponents(topOnly) as Object[]; foreach (Component2 comp in comps) { action(comp); } }
public void TestShowAllComponents(string modelName) { ModelDoc2 doc = OpenSWDocument(modelName); AssemblyDoc assyDoc = (AssemblyDoc)doc; Common.ShowAllComponents(doc, new List <string>()); Assert.Equal(0, Common.FindHiddenComponents(assyDoc.GetComponents(false)).Count); SwApp.CloseAllDocuments(true); }
public void TestShowComponents(string modelName) { ModelDoc2 doc = OpenSWDocument(modelName); AssemblyDoc assyDoc = (AssemblyDoc)doc; // AssemblyDoc.GetComponentsByName only works on top level components. List <string> hiddenComponentNames = Common.FindHiddenComponents(assyDoc.GetComponents(true)); List <Component2> hiddenComponents = new List <Component2>(); foreach (string name in hiddenComponentNames) { Component2 hiddenComp = assyDoc.GetComponentByName(name); Assert.NotNull(hiddenComp); hiddenComponents.Add(hiddenComp); } Common.ShowComponents(doc, hiddenComponents); Assert.Equal(0, Common.FindHiddenComponents(assyDoc.GetComponents(true)).Count); SwApp.CloseAllDocuments(true); }
public static void Set_transparency(ModelDoc2 swModel, string name) { AssemblyDoc swAssembly = null; Component2 swComp = null; ModelDoc2 swCompDoc = null; bool boolstatus = false; try { if (swModel.GetType() == (int)swDocumentTypes_e.swDocASSEMBLY) { swModel.ClearSelection2(true); // boolstatus = swModel.Extension.SelectByID2(name + "@" + docname, "COMPONENT", 0, 0, 0, true, 0, null, 0); // SelectionMgr SwSelMgr = swModel.SelectionManager; swAssembly = (AssemblyDoc)swModel; var Components = swAssembly.GetComponents(false); for (int i = 0; i < Components.Length; i++) { //swComp = swAssembly.GetComponentByName(name); swComp = Components[i]; if (swComp != null) { if (swComp.Name2.Contains(name)) { // MessageBox.Show(name); var vMatProps = swComp.MaterialPropertyValues; if (vMatProps == null) { swCompDoc = swComp.GetModelDoc(); if (swCompDoc == null) { return; } vMatProps = swCompDoc.MaterialPropertyValues; } vMatProps[7] = 1; //Transparency swComp.MaterialPropertyValues = vMatProps; swModel.ClearSelection2(true); } } } } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message + ex.StackTrace); } }
public void TestSaveSWComponentsList(string modelName) { ModelDoc2 doc = OpenSWDocument(modelName); AssemblyDoc assyDoc = (AssemblyDoc)doc; object[] componentObjs = assyDoc.GetComponents(false); List <Component2> components = componentObjs.Cast <Component2>().ToList(); List <byte[]> pids = Common.SaveSWComponents(doc, components); Assert.Equal(pids.Count, components.Count); SwApp.CloseAllDocuments(true); }
//Except for an exclusionary list, this shows all the components public static void ShowAllComponents(ModelDoc2 model, List <string> hiddenComponents) { AssemblyDoc assyDoc = (AssemblyDoc)model; List <Component2> componentsToShow = new List <Component2>(); object[] varComps = assyDoc.GetComponents(false); foreach (Component2 comp in varComps) { if (!hiddenComponents.Contains(comp.Name2)) { componentsToShow.Add(comp); } } ShowComponents(model, componentsToShow); }
/// <summary> /// Gets the children for the document /// Document must be an assembly document /// </summary> /// <param name="toplevelOnly">If true only the direct children of the document</param> /// <param name="refresh">If collection should be refreshed</param> /// <returns></returns> public SolidworksComponents Children(bool toplevelOnly = false, bool refresh = false) { if (!IsAssemblyDoc) { return(null); } if (_children == null || refresh) { AssemblyDoc adoc = _doc as AssemblyDoc; if (adoc == null) { return(null); } _children = new SolidworksComponents(adoc.GetComponents(toplevelOnly)); } return(_children); }
public static List <Comp> GetColl(AssemblyDoc swAssy, SldWorks swApp) { Comp component; List <Comp> coll; object[] comps; Component2 comp; ModelDoc2 compDoc, swModel; CustomPropertyManager prpMgr; ModelDocExtension swModelDocExt; swDocumentTypes_e docType = swDocumentTypes_e.swDocPART; ConfigurationManager confManager; string configuration; double[] aTrans; string path; coll = new List <Comp>(); swAssy.ResolveAllLightWeightComponents(false); comps = (object[])swAssy.GetComponents(true); for (int i = 0; i < comps.Length; i++) { component = new Comp(); swModel = (ModelDoc2)swAssy; swModelDocExt = swModel.Extension; confManager = (ConfigurationManager)swModel.ConfigurationManager; configuration = confManager.ActiveConfiguration.Name; prpMgr = swModelDocExt.get_CustomPropertyManager(configuration); prpMgr.Get4("Обозначение", true, out string valOut, out _); component.used = valOut; comp = (Component2)comps[i]; path = comp.GetPathName(); if ((comp.GetSuppression() != (int)swComponentSuppressionState_e.swComponentSuppressed) & (comps[i] != null)) { aTrans = (double[])comp.Transform2.ArrayData; if (path.ToUpper().EndsWith(".SLDASM")) { docType = (swDocumentTypes_e)swDocumentTypes_e.swDocASSEMBLY; } if (path.ToUpper().EndsWith(".SLDPRT")) { docType = (swDocumentTypes_e)swDocumentTypes_e.swDocPART; } int errs = 0, wrns = 0; compDoc = swApp.OpenDoc6(path, (int)docType, (int)swOpenDocOptions_e.swOpenDocOptions_Silent, "", ref errs, ref wrns); if (compDoc == null) { compDoc = (ModelDoc2)comp.GetModelDoc2(); } if (compDoc == null) { swApp.SendMsgToUser2("Не могу загрузить " + path, 4, 2); swApp.ExitApp(); System.Environment.Exit(0); } configuration = (string)comp.ReferencedConfiguration; swModelDocExt = (ModelDocExtension)compDoc.Extension; prpMgr = (CustomPropertyManager)swModelDocExt.get_CustomPropertyManager(configuration); prpMgr.Get4("Формат", true, out valOut, out _); component.format = valOut; prpMgr.Get4("Обозначение", true, out valOut, out _); component.designation = valOut; prpMgr.Get4("Наименование", true, out valOut, out _); = valOut; prpMgr.Get4("Примечание", true, out valOut, out _); component.note = valOut; prpMgr.Get4("Раздел", true, out valOut, out _); component.chapter = valOut; prpMgr.Get4("Перв.Примен.", true, out valOut, out _); component.included = valOut; if ((component.chapter == "Стандартные изделия") | (component.chapter == "Прочие изделия")) { prpMgr.Get4("Документ на поставку", true, out valOut, out _); component.doc = valOut; component.type =,; } component.x = Math.Round((aTrans[9] * 1000), 2); component.y = Math.Round((aTrans[10] * 1000), 2); component.z = Math.Round((aTrans[11] * 1000), 2); component.rotation = Euler(aTrans); component.quantity = 1; coll.Add(component); } } foreach (Comp k in coll) { if (k.chapter != "Сборочные единицы" & k.chapter != "Детали" & k.chapter != "Документация" & k.chapter != "Комплекты") { k.format = ""; } if (k.chapter != "Сборочные единицы" & k.chapter != "Детали" & k.chapter != "Документация" & k.chapter != "Комплекты" & k.chapter != "Стандартные изделия") { k.designation = ""; } if (k.format.Contains("*)")) { k.note = k.format.Substring(2); k.format = "*)"; } } return(coll); }
public static void Change_Color(ModelDoc2 swModel, string name, string color) { AssemblyDoc swAssembly = null; Component2 swComp = null; ModelDoc2 swCompDoc = null; string compare_name = ""; string[] Componentsubstring; bool boolstatus = false; try { if (swModel.GetType() == (int)swDocumentTypes_e.swDocASSEMBLY) { swModel.ClearSelection2(true); // boolstatus = swModel.Extension.SelectByID2(name + "@" + docname, "COMPONENT", 0, 0, 0, true, 0, null, 0); // SelectionMgr SwSelMgr = swModel.SelectionManager; swAssembly = (AssemblyDoc)swModel; var Components = swAssembly.GetComponents(false); // MessageBox.Show(Components.Length.ToString()); for (int i = 0; i < Components.Length; i++) { //swComp = swAssembly.GetComponentByName(name); swComp = Components[i]; // MessageBox.Show(swComp.Name2); if (swComp != null) { if (swComp.Name2.Contains(name)) { var vMatProps = swComp.MaterialPropertyValues; if (vMatProps == null) { swCompDoc = swComp.GetModelDoc(); if (swCompDoc == null) { return; } vMatProps = swCompDoc.MaterialPropertyValues; } if (color != "") { switch (color) { case "Green": vMatProps[0] = 0; //Red vMatProps[1] = 1; //Green vMatProps[2] = 0; //Blue break; case "Blue": vMatProps[0] = 0; //Red vMatProps[1] = 0; //Green vMatProps[2] = 1; //Blue break; case "Red": vMatProps[0] = 1; //Red vMatProps[1] = 0; //Green vMatProps[2] = 0; //Blue break; default: vMatProps[0] = 1; //Red vMatProps[1] = 0; //Green vMatProps[2] = 0; //Blue break; } } swComp.MaterialPropertyValues = vMatProps; swModel.ClearSelection2(true); } } } } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message + ex.StackTrace); } // boolstatus = swDoc.Extension.SelectByID2("195599_GRLA_F_1_8_QS_8_D-3@toolbox-tutorial", "COMPONENT", 0, 0, 0, false, 0, null, 0); }
public void CeilingAssyToPackingList(SldWorks swApp, string assyPath, Project objProject, int userId) { swApp.CommandInProgress = true; List <CeilingAccessory> celingAccessories = new List <CeilingAccessory>(); try { //打开模型 ModelDoc2 swModel = swApp.OpenDoc6(assyPath, (int)swDocumentTypes_e.swDocASSEMBLY, (int)swOpenDocOptions_e.swOpenDocOptions_Silent, "", ref errors, ref warnings) as ModelDoc2; if (swModel == null) { MessageBox.Show("模型不存在,请认真检查", "模型不存在"); return; } swModel.ForceRebuild3(true); AssemblyDoc swAssy = swModel as AssemblyDoc; //获取所有零部件集合 var compList = swAssy.GetComponents(false); //遍历集合中的所有零部件对象 foreach (var swComp in compList) { //判断零件是否被压缩,不显示,封套,零件名称不是以sldprt或SLDPRT结尾,(导出发货清单无需判断可见,封套,无需判断钣金,只要没有被压缩就行了) if (!swComp.IsSuppressed() && (swComp.GetPathName().EndsWith(".sldprt") || swComp.GetPathName().EndsWith(".SLDPRT"))) { Component2 swParentComp = swComp.GetParent(); //总装没有父装配体 if (swParentComp == null) { ConfigurationManager swConfigMgr = swModel.ConfigurationManager; Configuration swConfig2 = swConfigMgr.ActiveConfiguration; swParentComp = swConfig2.GetRootComponent3(true); } //判断父装配体是否可视,并且不封套(导出发货清单无需判断可见,封套,无需判断钣金,只要没有被压缩就行了) if (swParentComp.Visible == 1 && !swComp.IsSuppressed()) { //过滤需要的零件,全部转换成大写 if (swComp.GetPathName().Contains("[")) { //截取关键字 string keyWord = swComp.GetPathName(); if (keyWord.Contains(")")) { keyWord = keyWord.Substring(0, keyWord.IndexOf(")") + 1); keyWord = keyWord.Substring(keyWord.IndexOf("[")).ToUpper(); } else if (keyWord.Contains("}")) { keyWord = keyWord.Substring(0, keyWord.IndexOf("}") + 1); keyWord = keyWord.Substring(keyWord.IndexOf("[")).ToUpper(); } else { keyWord = keyWord.Substring(0, keyWord.IndexOf("]") + 1); keyWord = keyWord.Substring(keyWord.IndexOf("[")).ToUpper(); } if (sheetMetaDic.ContainsKey(keyWord)) { sheetMetaDic[keyWord] += 1; } else { sheetMetaDic.Add(keyWord, 1); } } } } } //关闭装配体零件 //swApp.CloseDoc(assyPath); foreach (var item in sheetMetaDic) { //获取关键字,查找对象 string partNo = ""; string length = ""; string width = ""; if (item.Key.Contains("-")) { partNo = item.Key.Substring(1, item.Key.IndexOf("-") - 1); } else { partNo = item.Key.Substring(1, item.Key.IndexOf("]") - 1); } CeilingAccessory objCeilingAccessory = objCeilingAccessoryService.GetCeilingAccessoryByPartNo(partNo); if (objCeilingAccessory == null) { continue; } //给对象赋值 objCeilingAccessory.PartNo = item.Key.Substring(1, item.Key.IndexOf("]") - 1); objCeilingAccessory.Quantity = item.Value; objCeilingAccessory.ProjectId = objProject.ProjectId; objCeilingAccessory.UserId = userId; objCeilingAccessory.Location = objDrawingPlanService.GetDrawingPlanByProjectId(objProject.ProjectId.ToString())[0].Item; if (item.Key.Contains(")")) { width = item.Key.Substring(0, item.Key.IndexOf(")")); width = width.Substring(width.IndexOf("(") + 1); objCeilingAccessory.Width = width; } if (item.Key.Contains("}")) { length = item.Key.Substring(0, item.Key.IndexOf("}")); length = length.Substring(length.IndexOf("{") + 1); objCeilingAccessory.Length = length; } //添加list ceilingAccessories.Add(objCeilingAccessory); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception(assyPath + "装配体导出发货清单过程发生异常,详细:" + ex.Message); } finally { sheetMetaDic.Clear(); swApp.CloseDoc(assyPath); //关闭,很快 swApp.CommandInProgress = false; //及时关闭外部命令调用,否则影响SolidWorks的使用 } //基于事务ceilingCutLists提交SQLServer if (ceilingAccessories.Count == 0) { return; } try { if (objCeilingAccessoryService.ImportCeilingPackingListByTran(ceilingAccessories)) { ceilingAccessories.Clear(); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception("Cutlist导入数据库失败" + ex.Message); } }
// Beginning method for exporting the full package public void ExportRobot(bool exportSTL = true) { //Setting up the progress bar logger.Info("Beginning the export process"); int progressBarBound = Common.GetCount(URDFRobot.BaseLink); iSwApp.GetUserProgressBar(out progressBar); progressBar.Start(0, progressBarBound, "Creating package directories"); //Creating package directories logger.Info("Creating package directories with name " + PackageName + " and save path " + SavePath); URDFPackage package = new URDFPackage(PackageName, SavePath); package.CreateDirectories(); URDFRobot.Name = PackageName; string windowsURDFFileName = package.WindowsRobotsDirectory + URDFRobot.Name + ".urdf"; string windowsCSVFileName = package.WindowsRobotsDirectory + URDFRobot.Name + ".csv"; string windowsPackageXMLFileName = package.WindowsPackageDirectory + "package.xml"; //Create CMakeLists logger.Info("Creating CMakeLists.txt at " + package.WindowsCMakeLists); package.CreateCMakeLists(); //Create Config joint names, not sure how this is used... logger.Info("Creating joint names config at " + package.WindowsConfigYAML); package.CreateConfigYAML(URDFRobot.GetJointNames(false)); //Creating package.xml file logger.Info("Creating package.xml at " + windowsPackageXMLFileName); PackageXMLWriter packageXMLWriter = new PackageXMLWriter(windowsPackageXMLFileName); PackageXML packageXML = new PackageXML(PackageName); packageXML.WriteElement(packageXMLWriter); //Creating RVIZ launch file Rviz rviz = new Rviz(PackageName, URDFRobot.Name + ".urdf"); logger.Info("Creating RVIZ launch file in " + package.WindowsLaunchDirectory); rviz.WriteFiles(package.WindowsLaunchDirectory); //Creating Gazebo launch file Gazebo gazebo = new Gazebo(URDFRobot.Name, PackageName, URDFRobot.Name + ".urdf"); logger.Info("Creating Gazebo launch file in " + package.WindowsLaunchDirectory); gazebo.WriteFile(package.WindowsLaunchDirectory); //Customizing STL preferences to how I want them logger.Info("Saving existing STL preferences"); SaveUserPreferences(); logger.Info("Modifying STL preferences"); SetSTLExportPreferences(); //Saving part as STL mesh AssemblyDoc assyDoc = (AssemblyDoc)ActiveSWModel; List <string> hiddenComponents = Common.FindHiddenComponents(assyDoc.GetComponents(false)); logger.Info("Found " + hiddenComponents.Count + " hidden components " + String.Join(", ", hiddenComponents)); logger.Info("Hiding all components"); ActiveSWModel.Extension.SelectAll(); ActiveSWModel.HideComponent2(); bool success = false; try { logger.Info("Beginning individual files export"); ExportFiles(URDFRobot.BaseLink, package, 0, exportSTL); success = true; } catch (Exception e) { logger.Error("An exception was thrown attempting to export the URDF", e); } finally { logger.Info("Showing all components except previously hidden components"); Common.ShowAllComponents(ActiveSWModel, hiddenComponents); logger.Info("Resetting STL preferences"); ResetUserPreferences(); } if (!success) { MessageBox.Show("Exporting the URDF failed unexpectedly. Email your maintainer " + "with the log file found at " + Logger.GetFileName()); return; } logger.Info("Writing URDF file to " + windowsURDFFileName); URDFWriter uWriter = new URDFWriter(windowsURDFFileName); URDFRobot.WriteURDF(uWriter.writer); ImportExport.WriteRobotToCSV(URDFRobot, windowsCSVFileName); logger.Info("Copying log file"); CopyLogFile(package); logger.Info("Resetting STL preferences"); ResetUserPreferences(); progressBar.End(); }
/// <summary> /// 天花子装配导出DXF图纸 /// </summary> /// <param name="swApp"></param> /// <param name="tree"></param> /// <param name="dxfPath"></param> /// <param name="userId"></param> public void CeilingAssyToDxf(SldWorks swApp, SubAssy subAssy, string dxfPath, int userId) { swApp.CommandInProgress = true; List <CeilingCutList> celingCutLists = new List <CeilingCutList>(); string assyPath = subAssy.SubAssyPath; if (assyPath.Length == 0) { return; } try { //打开模型 ModelDoc2 swModel = swApp.OpenDoc6(assyPath, (int)swDocumentTypes_e.swDocASSEMBLY, (int)swOpenDocOptions_e.swOpenDocOptions_Silent, "", ref errors, ref warnings) as ModelDoc2; if (swModel == null) { MessageBox.Show("模型不存在,请认真检查", "模型不存在"); return; } string modulePath = dxfPath + @"\" + subAssy.SubAssyName; if (!Directory.Exists(modulePath)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(modulePath); } swModel.ForceRebuild3(true); AssemblyDoc swAssy = swModel as AssemblyDoc; //获取所有零部件集合 var compList = swAssy.GetComponents(false); //遍历集合中的所有零部件对象 foreach (var swComp in compList) { //判断零件是否被压缩,不显示,封套,零件名称不是以sldprt或SLDPRT结尾 if (swComp.Visible == 1 && !swComp.IsEnvelope() && !swComp.IsSuppressed() && (swComp.GetPathName().EndsWith(".sldprt") || swComp.GetPathName().EndsWith(".SLDPRT"))) { Component2 swParentComp = swComp.GetParent(); //总装没有父装配体 if (swParentComp == null) { ConfigurationManager swConfigMgr = swModel.ConfigurationManager; Configuration swConfig2 = swConfigMgr.ActiveConfiguration; swParentComp = swConfig2.GetRootComponent3(true); } //判断父装配体是否可视,并且不封套 if (swParentComp.Visible == 1 && !swParentComp.IsEnvelope() && !swComp.IsSuppressed()) { PartDoc swPart = swComp.GetModelDoc2(); //获取文档中的额Body对象集合 var bodyList = swPart.GetBodies2(0, false); //遍历集合中的所有Body对象,判断是否为钣金 foreach (var swBody in bodyList) { //如果是钣金则将零件地址添加到列表中 if (swBody.IsSheetMetal()) { if (sheetMetaDic.ContainsKey(swComp.GetPathName())) { sheetMetaDic[swComp.GetPathName()] += 1; } else { sheetMetaDic.Add(swComp.GetPathName(), 1); } } } } } } //关闭装配体零件 swApp.CloseDoc(assyPath); //遍历钣金零件 foreach (var sheetMeta in sheetMetaDic) { //打开模型 ModelDoc2 swPart = swApp.OpenDoc6(sheetMeta.Key, (int)swDocumentTypes_e.swDocPART, (int)swOpenDocOptions_e.swOpenDocOptions_Silent, "", ref errors, ref warnings) as ModelDoc2; Feature swFeat = (Feature)swPart.FirstFeature(); CeilingCutList cutRecord = new CeilingCutList() { SubAssyId = subAssy.SubAssyId, Quantity = sheetMeta.Value, UserId = userId }; while (swFeat != null) { var suppStatus = swFeat.IsSuppressed2((int)swInConfigurationOpts_e.swThisConfiguration, null); if (suppStatus[0] == false && swFeat.GetTypeName() == "SolidBodyFolder") { BodyFolder swBodyFolder = (BodyFolder)swFeat.GetSpecificFeature2(); swBodyFolder.SetAutomaticCutList(true); swBodyFolder.SetAutomaticUpdate(true); Feature SubFeat = swFeat.GetFirstSubFeature(); if (SubFeat != null) { Feature ownerFeature = SubFeat.GetOwnerFeature(); BodyFolder swSubBodyFolder = ownerFeature.GetSpecificFeature2(); swSubBodyFolder.UpdateCutList(); string val = string.Empty; string valout = string.Empty; bool wasResolved = false; bool linkToProp = false; SubFeat.CustomPropertyManager.Get4("Bounding Box Length", false, out val, out valout); cutRecord.Length = Convert.ToDecimal(valout); SubFeat.CustomPropertyManager.Get4("Bounding Box Width", false, out val, out valout); cutRecord.Width = Convert.ToDecimal(valout); SubFeat.CustomPropertyManager.Get4("Sheet Metal Thickness", false, out val, out valout); cutRecord.Thickness = Convert.ToDecimal(valout); SubFeat.CustomPropertyManager.Get4("Material", false, out val, out valout); cutRecord.Materials = valout; swPart.GetActiveConfiguration().CustomPropertyManager.Get6("Description", false, out valout, out val, out wasResolved, out linkToProp); cutRecord.PartDescription = valout; cutRecord.PartNo = swPart.GetTitle().Substring(0, swPart.GetTitle().Length - 7); celingCutLists.Add(cutRecord);//将信息添加到集合中 } } swFeat = swFeat.GetNextFeature(); } PartToDxf(swApp, swPart, modulePath); //关闭零件 swApp.CloseDoc(sheetMeta.Key); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception(assyPath + "导图过程发生异常,详细:" + ex.Message); } finally { sheetMetaDic.Clear(); swApp.CloseDoc(assyPath); //关闭,很快 swApp.CommandInProgress = false; //及时关闭外部命令调用,否则影响SolidWorks的使用 } //基于事务ceilingCutLists提交SQLServer if (celingCutLists.Count == 0) { return; } try { if (objCeilingCutListService.ImportCutList(celingCutLists)) { celingCutLists.Clear(); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception("Cutlist导入数据库失败" + ex.Message); } }
public void Main() { swSuccess = false; errors = 0; warnings = 0; string swSourcePath = swApp.GetCurrentWorkingDirectory(); string swExportPath = Path.Combine(swSourcePath, "IGS"); string[] tmp = Directory.GetFiles(swSourcePath, "*.SLDPRT", SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly); if (Directory.Exists(swExportPath)) { Directory.Delete(swExportPath, true); } Directory.CreateDirectory(swExportPath); ModelDoc2 swModel = swApp.ActiveDoc as ModelDoc2; AssemblyDoc swAssem = (AssemblyDoc)swModel; #region TopLevel string igsFileName = MakeFileName(swModel.Extension.Document.GetTitle()); swModel.Extension.SaveAs(Path.Combine(swExportPath, igsFileName), (int)swSaveAsVersion_e.swSaveAsCurrentVersion, (int)swSaveAsOptions_e.swSaveAsOptions_Copy, null, ref errors, ref warnings); //PrintSaveResults(); #endregion TopLevel #region Subassemblies string swExportSubPath = Path.Combine(swExportPath, "Subassemblies"); Directory.CreateDirectory(swExportSubPath); object[] objComps = (object[])swAssem.GetComponents(true); ModelDoc2 igsModel; foreach (object obj in objComps) { swComponent = obj as Component2; Debug.WriteLine(String.Format("Working on {0}.. \n\t {1}", swComponent.Name2, swComponent.GetPathName())); igsModel = swApp.OpenDoc6(swComponent.GetPathName(), (int)swDocumentTypes_e.swDocASSEMBLY, (int)swOpenDocOptions_e.swOpenDocOptions_ReadOnly, null, ref errors, ref warnings); swApp.ActivateDoc2(igsModel.GetTitle(), true, ref errors); igsFileName = MakeFileName(igsModel.Extension.Document.GetTitle()); igsModel.Extension.SaveAs(Path.Combine(swExportSubPath, igsFileName), (int)swSaveAsVersion_e.swSaveAsCurrentVersion, (int)swSaveAsOptions_e.swSaveAsOptions_Copy, null, ref errors, ref warnings); swApp.CloseDoc(igsModel.GetTitle()); } #endregion Subassemblies #region Parts string swExportPartPath = Path.Combine(swExportPath, "Parts"); Directory.CreateDirectory(swExportPartPath); string[] swPartFiles = Directory.GetFiles(swSourcePath, "*.SLDPRT", SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly); foreach (string partFile in swPartFiles) { try { igsModel = swApp.OpenDoc6(partFile, (int)swDocumentTypes_e.swDocPART, (int)swOpenDocOptions_e.swOpenDocOptions_ReadOnly, null, ref errors, ref warnings); swApp.ActivateDoc2(igsModel.GetTitle(), true, ref errors); string[] swConfigs = (string[])igsModel.GetConfigurationNames(); int swConfigCount = igsModel.GetConfigurationCount(); string swConfigFilename; for (int i = 0; i < swConfigCount; i++) { igsModel.ShowConfiguration2(swConfigs[i]); swConfigFilename = igsModel.Extension.Document.GetTitle(); if (swConfigCount > 1) { swConfigFilename += String.Format("-CFG{0}", (i + 1).ToString()); } igsFileName = MakeFileName(swConfigFilename); igsModel.Extension.SaveAs(Path.Combine(swExportPartPath, igsFileName), (int)swSaveAsVersion_e.swSaveAsCurrentVersion, (int)swSaveAsOptions_e.swSaveAsOptions_Copy, null, ref errors, ref warnings); } swApp.CloseDoc(igsModel.GetTitle()); } catch (NullReferenceException e) { Debug.WriteLine(e.Message); } } #endregion Parts string timeFilename = Path.Combine(swExportPath, "Timestamp.txt"); using (StreamWriter swTimeStamper = new StreamWriter(timeFilename)) { swTimeStamper.WriteLine("Exported on {0} at {1}", System.DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString(), System.DateTime.Now.ToShortTimeString()); swTimeStamper.Flush(); } }
// Beginning method for exporting the full package public void exportRobot() { //Setting up the progress bar System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Beginning the export process"); int progressBarBound = Common.getCount(mRobot.BaseLink); progressBar.Start(0, progressBarBound, "Creating package directories"); //Creating package directories System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Creating package directories"); URDFPackage package = new URDFPackage(mPackageName, mSavePath); package.createDirectories(); = mPackageName; string windowsURDFFileName = package.WindowsRobotsDirectory + + ".urdf"; string windowsPackageXMLFileName = package.WindowsPackageDirectory + "package.xml"; //Create CMakeLists System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Creating CMakeLists.txt at " + package.WindowsCMakeLists); package.createCMakeLists(); //Create Config joint names, not sure how this is used... System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Creating joint names config at " + package.WindowsConfigYAML); package.createConfigYAML(mRobot.getJointNames(false)); //Creating package.xml file PackageXMLWriter packageXMLWriter = new PackageXMLWriter(windowsPackageXMLFileName); PackageXML packageXML = new PackageXML(mPackageName); packageXML.writeElement(packageXMLWriter); //Creating RVIZ launch file Rviz rviz = new Rviz(mPackageName, + ".urdf"); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Creating RVIZ launch file"); rviz.writeFiles(package.WindowsLaunchDirectory); //Creating Gazebo launch file System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Creating Gazebo launch file"); Gazebo gazebo = new Gazebo(, this.mPackageName, + ".urdf"); gazebo.writeFile(package.WindowsLaunchDirectory); //Customizing STL preferences to how I want them saveUserPreferences(); setSTLExportPreferences(); //Saving part as STL mesh AssemblyDoc assyDoc = (AssemblyDoc)ActiveSWModel; List <string> hiddenComponents = Common.findHiddenComponents(assyDoc.GetComponents(false)); ActiveSWModel.Extension.SelectAll(); ActiveSWModel.HideComponent2(); string filename = exportFiles(mRobot.BaseLink, package, 0); mRobot.BaseLink.Visual.Geometry.Mesh.filename = filename; mRobot.BaseLink.Collision.Geometry.Mesh.filename = filename; Common.showAllComponents(ActiveSWModel, hiddenComponents); //Writing URDF to file URDFWriter uWriter = new URDFWriter(windowsURDFFileName); mRobot.writeURDF(uWriter.writer); resetUserPreferences(); progressBar.End(); }