Example #1
 protected internal override void TakeStep(AbstractStochasticCachingDiffFunction dfunction)
     for (int i = 0; i < x.Length; i++)
         double thisGain = fixedGain * GainSchedule(k, 5 * numBatches) / (diag[i]);
         newX[i] = x[i] - thisGain * grad[i];
     //Get a new pair...
     Say(" A ");
     double[] s;
     double[] y;
     if (pairMem > 0 && sList.Count == pairMem || sList.Count == pairMem)
         s = sList.Remove(0);
         y = yList.Remove(0);
         s = new double[x.Length];
         y = new double[x.Length];
     s = ArrayMath.PairwiseSubtract(newX, x);
     dfunction.recalculatePrevBatch = true;
     System.Array.Copy(dfunction.DerivativeAt(newX, bSize), 0, y, 0, grad.Length);
     ArrayMath.PairwiseSubtractInPlace(y, newGrad);
     // newY = newY-newGrad
     double[] comp = new double[x.Length];
     UpdateDiag(diag, s, y);
Example #2
        public void TestForExample()
            int[] expectedFactorial = new int[] { 3, 6, 2, 8, 8, 0, 0 };
            int[] factorial         = ArrayMath.Factorial(10);

            Assert.AreEqual(expectedFactorial, factorial);
        private double CalculateZExpectationsScaled()
            var residuals  = ArrayMath.Pow(dys - predY, 2.0);
            var residuals1 = residuals / (-2 * dsds[0] * dsds[0]);
            var residuals2 = residuals / (-2 * dsds[1] * dsds[1]);
            var weights = dpAs.ElementDivide(dsds);
            var t1      = weights[0] * ArrayMath.Exp(residuals1);
            var t2      = weights[1] * ArrayMath.Exp(residuals2);
            var l       = t1.Zip(t2, (x, y) => (x + y));
            var ll      = l.Select(x => Math.Log(x)).Sum();
            var denom   = t1 + t2;

            t1 = t1.ElementDivide(denom);
            t2 = t2.ElementDivide(denom);
            for (int i = 0; i < ys.Length; i++)
                zs[i, 0] = t1[i];
                zs[i, 1] = t2[i];
            //return the log likelihood
Example #4
        /// <summary>Samples a single position in the sequence.</summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Samples a single position in the sequence.
        /// Does not modify the sequence passed in.
        /// returns the score of the new label for the position to sample
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="sequence">the sequence to start with</param>
        /// <param name="pos">the position to sample.</param>
        /// <param name="temperature">the temperature to control annealing</param>
        private Pair <int, double> SamplePositionHelper(ISequenceModel model, int[] sequence, int pos, double temperature)
            double[] distribution = model.ScoresOf(sequence, pos);
            if (temperature != 1.0)
                if (temperature == 0.0)
                    // set the max to 1.0
                    int argmax = ArrayMath.Argmax(distribution);
                    Arrays.Fill(distribution, double.NegativeInfinity);
                    distribution[argmax] = 0.0;
                    // take all to a power
                    // use the temperature to increase/decrease the entropy of the sampling distribution
                    ArrayMath.MultiplyInPlace(distribution, 1.0 / temperature);
            int    newTag  = ArrayMath.SampleFromDistribution(distribution, random);
            double newProb = distribution[newTag];

            return(new Pair <int, double>(newTag, newProb));
        /// <summary>Feed a feature vector forward through the network.</summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Feed a feature vector forward through the network. Returns the
        /// values of the output layer.
        /// </remarks>
        private double[] ComputeScores(int[] feature, IDictionary <int, int> preMap)
            double[] hidden        = new double[config.hiddenSize];
            int      numTokens     = config.numTokens;
            int      embeddingSize = config.embeddingSize;
            int      offset        = 0;

            for (int j = 0; j < feature.Length; j++)
                int tok       = feature[j];
                int index     = tok * numTokens + j;
                int idInteger = preMap[index];
                if (idInteger != null)
                    ArrayMath.PairwiseAddInPlace(hidden, saved[idInteger]);
                    MatrixMultiplySliceSum(hidden, W1, E[tok], offset);
                offset += embeddingSize;
            AddCubeInPlace(hidden, b1);
            return(MatrixMultiply(W2, hidden));
Example #6
        private async void MergeBuffersGPU(float[] color, float[] normal, float[] p3D, float[] tex)

            var specular = Settings.Specular;

            Gpu.Default.For(0, _imgHeight * _imgWidth, i =>
                var k = i * 3;

                ColorPass(_enviromentLight, color, normal, p3D, tex, specular, k);

                ArrayMath.Clamp(color, 0, 255, k, 3);

                _pixelBufferImg[k + 0] = (byte)(color[k + 0]);
                _pixelBufferImg[k + 1] = (byte)(color[k + 1]);
                _pixelBufferImg[k + 2] = (byte)(color[k + 2]);


            await App.Current?.Dispatcher.InvokeAsync(() =>
                if (Bitmap == null)
                WriteToBitmap(Bitmap, _pixelBufferImg);
Example #7
        /// <summary>Read the Word2Vec word vector flat txt file.</summary>
        /// <param name="file">The word2vec text file.</param>
        /// <returns>The word vectors in the file.</returns>
        public static VectorMap ReadWord2Vec(string file)
            VectorMap vectors = new VectorMap();
            int       dim     = -1;

            foreach (string line in IOUtils.ReadLines(file))
                string[] split = line.ToLower().Split("\\s+");
                if (split.Length < 100)
                float[] vector = new float[split.Length - 1];
                if (dim == -1)
                    dim = vector.Length;
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(dim == vector.Length);
                for (int i = 1; i < split.Length; i++)
                    vector[i - 1] = float.ParseFloat(split[i]);
                vectors[split[0]] = vector;
Example #8
 public virtual double ComputeStochastic(double[] x, double[] grad, double fractionOfData)
     if (type == LogPrior.LogPriorType.Adapt)
         double[] newX = ArrayMath.PairwiseSubtract(x, means);
         return(otherPrior.ComputeStochastic(newX, grad, fractionOfData));
         if (type == LogPrior.LogPriorType.MultipleQuadratic)
             double[] sigmaSquaredOld  = GetSigmaSquaredM();
             double[] sigmaSquaredTemp = sigmaSquaredOld.MemberwiseClone();
             for (int i = 0; i < x.Length; i++)
                 sigmaSquaredTemp[i] /= fractionOfData;
             double val = Compute(x, grad);
             double sigmaSquaredOld = GetSigmaSquared();
             SetSigmaSquared(sigmaSquaredOld / fractionOfData);
             double val = Compute(x, grad);
 protected internal override void TakeStep(AbstractStochasticCachingDiffFunction dfunction)
     dfunction.returnPreviousValues = true;
     System.Array.Copy(dfunction.HdotVAt(x, v, grad, bSize), 0, Hv, 0, Hv.Length);
     //Update the weights
     for (int i = 0; i < x.Length; i++)
         meta = 1 - mu * grad[i] * v[i];
         if (0.5 > meta)
             gains[i] = gains[i] * 0.5;
             gains[i] = gains[i] * meta;
         //Update gain history
         v[i] = lam * (1 + cPosDef * gains[i]) * v[i] - gains[i] * (grad[i] + lam * Hv[i]);
         //Get the next X
         newX[i] = x[i] - gains[i] * grad[i];
     if (printMinMax)
         Say("vMin = " + ArrayMath.Min(v) + "  ");
         Say("vMax = " + ArrayMath.Max(v) + "  ");
         Say("gainMin = " + ArrayMath.Min(gains) + "  ");
         Say("gainMax = " + ArrayMath.Max(gains) + "  ");
 public virtual void TestFliterNaNAndInfinite()
     double[] f_d3 = ArrayMath.FilterNaNAndInfinite(d3);
     NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(ArrayMath.NumRows(f_d3), 1);
     NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(ArrayMath.CountInfinite(f_d3), 0);
     NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(ArrayMath.CountNaN(f_d3), 0);
Example #11
        private void ColorPass(float[] eniromentLight, float[] color, float[] normal, float[] p3D, float[] tex,
                               bool specular, int from)
            ArrayMath.Sub(_lightPosArray, p3D, _l, 0, from, from, 3);
            ArrayMath.Normalize(_l, from, 3);

            var dotNl = ArrayMath.Dot(normal, _l, from, from, 3);

            ArrayMath.Mul(color, Math.Max(0f, dotNl), _Id, from, from, 3);

            ArrayMath.Mul(normal, dotNl * 2, _r, from, from, 3);
            ArrayMath.Sub(_r, _l, _r, from, from, from, 3);
            ArrayMath.Normalize(_r, from, 3);
            ArrayMath.Normalize(p3D, from, 3);

            var rDotP3D = -ArrayMath.Dot(_r, p3D, from, from, 3);

            var Is = 0f;

            if (specular)
                var max = Math.Max(0, rDotP3D);
                Is = DeviceFunction.Pow(max, 50);

            ArrayMath.Mul(eniromentLight, color, color, 0, from, from, 3);
            ArrayMath.Mul(tex, _Id, tex, from, from, from, 3);

            ArrayMath.Add(color, tex, color, from, from, from, 3);

            ArrayMath.Add(color, Is, color, from, 3);
            ArrayMath.Mul(color, 255, color, from, from, 3);
        // Create chart
        private void createChart(RazorChartViewer viewer)
            // 4 data points to represent the cash flow for the Q1 - Q4
            double[] data = { 230, 140, 220, 330, 150 };

            // We want to plot a waterfall chart showing the 4 quarters as well as the total
            string[] labels = { "Product 1", "Product 2", "Product 3", "Product 4", "Product 5", "Total" };

            // The top side of the bars in a waterfall chart is the accumulated data. We use the
            // ChartDirector ArrayMath utility to accumulate the data. The "total" is handled by
            // inserting a zero point at the end before accumulation (after accumulation it will become
            // the total).
            double[] boxTop = new ArrayMath(data).insert2(0, 1).acc().result();

            // The botom side of the bars is just the top side of the previous bar. So we shifted the top
            // side data to obtain the bottom side data.
            double[] boxBottom = new ArrayMath(boxTop).shift(1, 0).result();

            // The last point (total) is different. Its bottom side is always 0.
            boxBottom[boxBottom.Length - 1] = 0;

            // Create a XYChart object of size 500 x 280 pixels. Set background color to light blue
            // (ccccff), with 1 pixel 3D border effect.
            XYChart c = new XYChart(500, 290, 0xccccff, 0x000000, 1);

            // Add a title to the chart using 13 points Arial Bold Itatic font, with white (ffffff) text
            // on a deep blue (0x80) background
            c.addTitle("Product Revenue - Year 2004", "Arial Bold Italic", 13, 0xffffff).setBackground(

            // Set the plotarea at (55, 50) and of size 430 x 215 pixels. Use alternative white/grey
            // background.
            c.setPlotArea(55, 45, 430, 215, 0xffffff, 0xeeeeee);

            // Set the labels on the x axis using Arial Bold font
            c.xAxis().setLabels(labels).setFontStyle("Arial Bold");

            // Set the x-axis ticks and grid lines to be between the bars

            // Use Arial Bold as the y axis label font
            c.yAxis().setLabelStyle("Arial Bold");

            // Add a title to the y axis
            c.yAxis().setTitle("USD (in millions)");

            // Add a multi-color box-whisker layer to represent the waterfall bars
            BoxWhiskerLayer layer = c.addBoxWhiskerLayer2(boxTop, boxBottom);

            // Put data labels on the bars to show the cash flow using Arial Bold font
            layer.setDataLabelStyle("Arial Bold").setAlignment(Chart.Center);

            // Output the chart
            viewer.Image = c.makeWebImage(Chart.PNG);

            // Include tool tip for the chart
            viewer.ImageMap = c.getHTMLImageMap("", "", "title='{xLabel}: {={top}-{bottom}} millions'");
 public virtual void TestPairwiseSubtract()
     double[] diff = ArrayMath.PairwiseSubtract(d1, d2);
     for (int i = 0; i < ArrayMath.NumRows(d1); i++)
         NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(d1[i] - d2[i], 1e-5, diff[i]);
 public virtual void TestPowInPlace()
     ArrayMath.PowInPlace(d1, 3);
     for (int i = 0; i < ArrayMath.NumRows(d1); i++)
         NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(System.Math.Pow(d2[i], 3), 1e-5, d1[i]);
 public virtual void TestMultiplyInPlace()
     ArrayMath.MultiplyInPlace(d1, 3);
     for (int i = 0; i < ArrayMath.NumRows(d1); i++)
         NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(d2[i] * 3, 1e-5, d1[i]);
        public virtual void TestInnerProduct()
            double inner = ArrayMath.InnerProduct(d4, d4);

            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual("Wrong inner product", 0.14, inner, 1e-6);
            inner = ArrayMath.InnerProduct(d5, d5);
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual("Wrong inner product", 0.78, inner, 1e-6);
 public virtual void TestSumAndMean()
     NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(ArrayMath.Mean(d1) * d1.Length, 1e-5, ArrayMath.Sum(d1));
     NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(ArrayMath.Mean(d2) * d2.Length, 1e-5, ArrayMath.Sum(d2));
     NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(ArrayMath.Mean(d3) * d3.Length, 1e-5, ArrayMath.Sum(d3));
     // comes out as NaN but works!
     NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(ArrayMath.Mean(d4) * d4.Length, 1e-5, ArrayMath.Sum(d4));
 public virtual void TestPairwiseMultiply()
     double[] product = ArrayMath.PairwiseMultiply(d1, d2);
     for (int i = 0; i < ArrayMath.NumRows(d1); i++)
         NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(d1[i] * d2[i], 1e-5, product[i]);
 public virtual void TestPairwiseAdd()
     double[] sum = ArrayMath.PairwiseAdd(d1, d2);
     for (int i = 0; i < ArrayMath.NumRows(d1); i++)
         NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(d1[i] + d2[i], 1e-5, sum[i]);
 public virtual void TestPow()
     double[] d1prime = ArrayMath.Pow(d1, 3);
     for (int i = 0; i < ArrayMath.NumRows(d1prime); i++)
         NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(System.Math.Pow(d1[i], 3), 1e-5, d1prime[i]);
 public virtual void TestMultiply()
     double[] d1prime = ArrayMath.Multiply(d1, 3);
     for (int i = 0; i < ArrayMath.NumRows(d1prime); i++)
         NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(d1[i] * 3, 1e-5, d1prime[i]);
        public virtual void TestExpLog()
            double[] d1prime = ArrayMath.Log(ArrayMath.Exp(d1));
            double[] diff    = ArrayMath.PairwiseSubtract(d1, d1prime);
            double   norm2   = ArrayMath.Norm(diff);

            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(norm2, 1e-5, 0.0);
 public virtual double[] GetConditionalDistribution(int[] sequence, int position)
     double[] probs = ScoresOf(sequence, position);
     probs = ArrayMath.Exp(probs);
Example #24
         * Gets arrays {xyz,uvw,rgb} of cell coordinates, normals and colors. In
         * these arrays, the specified cells are represented by quads with specified
         * size, and colors corresponding to a property gotten from each cell.
         * @param size the size (in samples) of the quads.
         * @param cmap the colormap used to compute rgb colors from floats.
         * @param cells the cells for which to compute quads.
         * @param get1 used to get the float from a cell to be colormapped.
         * @param lhc true, if left-handed coordinate system; false, otherwise.
         * @return arrays {xyz,uvw,rgb}.
        private static float[][] getXyzUvwRgb(
            float size, ColorMap cmap, FaultCell[] cells,
            Get1 get1, bool lhc)
            FloatList xyz = new FloatList();
            FloatList uvw = new FloatList();
            FloatList fcl = new FloatList();

            size *= 0.5f;
            float[] qa = { 0.0f, -size, -size };
            float[] qb = { 0.0f, size, -size };
            float[] qc = { 0.0f, size, size };
            float[] qd = { 0.0f, -size, size };
            if (lhc)
                float[] qt = qb; qb = qc; qc = qt;
                qt = qd; qa = qd; qd = qt;
            foreach (FaultCell cell in cells)
                float   x1 = cell.x1;
                float   x2 = cell.x2;
                float   x3 = cell.x3;
                float   w1 = cell.w1;
                float   w2 = cell.w2;
                float   w3 = cell.w3;
                float   fp = ArrayMath.toRadians(cell.fp);
                float   ft = ArrayMath.toRadians(cell.ft);
                float   cp = (float)Math.Cos(fp);
                float   sp = (float)Math.Sin(fp);
                float   ct = (float)Math.Cos(ft);
                float   st = (float)Math.Sin(ft);
                float[] ra = rotatePoint(cp, sp, ct, st, qa);
                float[] rb = rotatePoint(cp, sp, ct, st, qb);
                float[] rc = rotatePoint(cp, sp, ct, st, qc);
                float[] rd = rotatePoint(cp, sp, ct, st, qd);
                float   a1 = x1 + ra[0], a2 = x2 + ra[1], a3 = x3 + ra[2];
                float   b1 = x1 + rb[0], b2 = x2 + rb[1], b3 = x3 + rb[2];
                float   c1 = x1 + rc[0], c2 = x2 + rc[1], c3 = x3 + rc[2];
                float   d1 = x1 + rd[0], d2 = x2 + rd[1], d3 = x3 + rd[2];
                xyz.add(a3); xyz.add(a2); xyz.add(a1);
                xyz.add(b3); xyz.add(b2); xyz.add(b1);
                xyz.add(c3); xyz.add(c2); xyz.add(c1);
                xyz.add(d3); xyz.add(d2); xyz.add(d1);
                uvw.add(w3); uvw.add(w2); uvw.add(w1);
                uvw.add(w3); uvw.add(w2); uvw.add(w1);
                uvw.add(w3); uvw.add(w2); uvw.add(w1);
                uvw.add(w3); uvw.add(w2); uvw.add(w1);
                float fc = get1(cell);
            float[] fc2 = fcl.trim();
            float[] rgb = cmap.getRgbFloats(fc2);
            return(new float[][] { xyz.trim(), uvw.trim(), rgb });
Example #25
         * This function is used to get a lower bound on the condition number.  as it stands this is pretty straight forward:
         * a random point (x) and vector (v) are generated, the Raleigh quotient ( v.H(x).v / v.v ) is then taken which provides both
         * a lower bound on the largest eigenvalue, and an upper bound on the smallest eigenvalue.  This can then be used to
         * come up with a lower bound on the condition number of the hessian.
        public virtual double TestConditionNumber(int samples)
            double maxSeen = 0.0;
            double minSeen = 0.0;

            double[] thisV = new double[thisFunc.DomainDimension()];
            double[] thisX = new double[thisV.Length];
            gradFD = new double[thisV.Length];
            HvFD   = new double[thisV.Length];
            double thisVHV;
            bool   isNeg  = false;
            bool   isPos  = false;
            bool   isSemi = false;

            thisFunc.method = StochasticCalculateMethods.ExternalFiniteDifference;
            for (int j = 0; j < samples; j++)
                for (int i = 0; i < thisV.Length; i++)
                    thisV[i] = generator.NextDouble();
                for (int i_1 = 0; i_1 < thisX.Length; i_1++)
                    thisX[i_1] = generator.NextDouble();
                log.Info("Evaluating Hessian Product");
                System.Array.Copy(thisFunc.DerivativeAt(thisX, thisV, testBatchSize), 0, gradFD, 0, gradFD.Length);
                thisFunc.recalculatePrevBatch = true;
                System.Array.Copy(thisFunc.HdotVAt(thisX, thisV, gradFD, testBatchSize), 0, HvFD, 0, HvFD.Length);
                thisVHV = ArrayMath.InnerProduct(thisV, HvFD);
                if (System.Math.Abs(thisVHV) > maxSeen)
                    maxSeen = System.Math.Abs(thisVHV);
                if (System.Math.Abs(thisVHV) < minSeen)
                    minSeen = System.Math.Abs(thisVHV);
                if (thisVHV < 0)
                    isNeg = true;
                if (thisVHV > 0)
                    isPos = true;
                if (thisVHV == 0)
                    isSemi = true;
                log.Info("It:" + j + "  C:" + maxSeen / minSeen + "N:" + isNeg + "P:" + isPos + "S:" + isSemi);
            System.Console.Out.WriteLine("Condition Number of: " + maxSeen / minSeen);
            System.Console.Out.WriteLine("Is negative: " + isNeg);
            System.Console.Out.WriteLine("Is positive: " + isPos);
            System.Console.Out.WriteLine("Is semi:     " + isSemi);
            return(maxSeen / minSeen);
Example #26
 protected internal virtual Pair <double[][][], double[][][]> GetCondProbs(CRFCliqueTree <string> cTree, int[][][] docData)
     // first index position is curr index, second index curr-class, third index prev-class
     // e.g. [1][2][3] means curr is at position 1 with class 2, prev is at position 0 with class 3
     double[][][] prevGivenCurr = new double[docData.Length][][];
     // first index position is curr index, second index curr-class, third index next-class
     // e.g. [0][2][3] means curr is at position 0 with class 2, next is at position 1 with class 3
     double[][][] nextGivenCurr = new double[docData.Length][][];
     for (int i = 0; i < docData.Length; i++)
         prevGivenCurr[i] = new double[numClasses][];
         nextGivenCurr[i] = new double[numClasses][];
         for (int j = 0; j < numClasses; j++)
             prevGivenCurr[i][j] = new double[numClasses];
             nextGivenCurr[i][j] = new double[numClasses];
     // computing prevGivenCurr and nextGivenCurr
     for (int i_1 = 0; i_1 < docData.Length; i_1++)
         int[] labelPair = new int[2];
         for (int l1 = 0; l1 < numClasses; l1++)
             labelPair[0] = l1;
             for (int l2 = 0; l2 < numClasses; l2++)
                 labelPair[1] = l2;
                 double prob = cTree.LogProb(i_1, labelPair);
                 // log.info(prob);
                 if (i_1 - 1 >= 0)
                     nextGivenCurr[i_1 - 1][l1][l2] = prob;
                 prevGivenCurr[i_1][l2][l1] = prob;
         for (int j = 0; j < numClasses; j++)
             if (i_1 - 1 >= 0)
                 // ArrayMath.normalize(nextGivenCurr[i-1][j]);
                 ArrayMath.LogNormalize(nextGivenCurr[i_1 - 1][j]);
                 for (int k = 0; k < nextGivenCurr[i_1 - 1][j].Length; k++)
                     nextGivenCurr[i_1 - 1][j][k] = System.Math.Exp(nextGivenCurr[i_1 - 1][j][k]);
             // ArrayMath.normalize(prevGivenCurr[i][j]);
             for (int k_1 = 0; k_1 < prevGivenCurr[i_1][j].Length; k_1++)
                 prevGivenCurr[i_1][j][k_1] = System.Math.Exp(prevGivenCurr[i_1][j][k_1]);
     return(new Pair <double[][][], double[][][]>(prevGivenCurr, nextGivenCurr));
 // extracting these small methods makes things faster; hotspot likes them
 private static double[] MatrixMultiply(double[][] matrix, double[] vector)
     double[] result = new double[matrix.Length];
     for (int i = 0; i < matrix.Length; i++)
         result[i] = ArrayMath.DotProduct(matrix[i], vector);
 /// <summary>
 /// Merge the given
 /// <c>Cost</c>
 /// data with the data in this
 /// instance.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="otherCost"/>
 public virtual void Merge(Classifier.Cost otherCost)
     this.cost           += otherCost.GetCost();
     this.percentCorrect += otherCost.GetPercentCorrect();
     ArrayMath.AddInPlace(this.gradW1, otherCost.GetGradW1());
     ArrayMath.PairwiseAddInPlace(this.gradb1, otherCost.GetGradb1());
     ArrayMath.AddInPlace(this.gradW2, otherCost.GetGradW2());
     ArrayMath.AddInPlace(this.gradE, otherCost.GetGradE());
 public virtual void TestJensenShannon()
     double[] a = new double[] { 0.1, 0.1, 0.7, 0.1, 0.0, 0.0 };
     double[] b = new double[] { 0.0, 0.1, 0.1, 0.7, 0.1, 0.0 };
     NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(ArrayMath.JensenShannonDivergence(a, b), 1e-5, 0.46514844544032313);
     double[] c = new double[] { 1.0, 0.0, 0.0 };
     double[] d = new double[] { 0.0, 0.5, 0.5 };
     NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(ArrayMath.JensenShannonDivergence(c, d), 1e-5, 1.0);
        public virtual void TestExpLogInplace()
            ArrayMath.PairwiseSubtractInPlace(d1, d2);
            double norm2 = ArrayMath.Norm(d1);

            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(norm2, 1e-5, 0.0);
Example #31
        private void UpdateM2()
            double[] calcData;
            if (radioM1FromGraphData.Checked == true)
                calcData = chartLayers.Items[0].subDataGetTable();
                CDetector.session ses = detector.getSession(sourceIp, sourcePort, destinationIp, destinationPort);
                calcData = ses.getLastNTimes(ses.Packets.Count);
            if (calcData.Length == 0)
                txtRegularity.Text = "";


            int blockSize = (int)Math.Ceiling((double)calcData.Count() / (double)txtWindowsCount.Value);
            txtWindowSize.Value = blockSize;
            double[] S = new double[(int)txtWindowsCount.Value];
            for (int i = 0; i < S.Count(); i++)
                double[] tmp = Util.subTable(calcData, i * blockSize, (i + 1) * blockSize);

                double Si = new ArrayMath(tmp).stdDev();
                S[i] = Si;
            double[] X = new double[S.Count() * S.Count() - S.Count()];
            int cnt = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < S.Count(); i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < S.Count(); j++)
                    if (i != j)

                        double tmp = Math.Abs(S[i] - S[j]);// / S[i];
                        if (double.IsNaN(tmp))
                              tmp = double.MaxValue;
                        X[cnt++] = tmp;
            txtRegularity.Text = new ArrayMath(X).stdDev().ToString();
Example #32
        public override void UpdateVisualization()
            List<string>[] chartLabels = null;
            double[] dataArray = null;
            Image img = new Image();
            int i = 0;
            List<string> xLabels = new List<string>();
            List<string> yLabels = new List<string>();

            // Get the Factor Labels
            chartLabels = GetConfigDisplayLabels();
            if (chartLabels == null)

            int zCount = 0;
            if (chartLabels[2] == null)
                zCount = 1;
                zCount = chartLabels[2].Count;

            for (i = 0; i < chartLabels[0].Count; i++)
            for (i = 0; i < chartLabels[1].Count; i++)

            // Obtain grid
            if ((configDisplayPanel.Children == null) || (configDisplayPanel.Children.Count != 1) ||
                (!(configDisplayPanel.Children[0] is Grid)))
            Grid grid = configDisplayPanel.Children[0] as Grid;

            // Clear the grid images
            List<UIElement> removalList = new List<UIElement>();
            foreach (UIElement child in grid.Children)
                if (child is Image)
            if (removalList.Count > 0)
                foreach (UIElement child in removalList)

            // Create the Stacked Histogram
            XYChart c = new XYChart(configDisplay.Width, configDisplay.Height);
            c.setPlotArea(100, 0, configDisplay.Width - 200, configDisplay.Height - 100);


            // Create x and y value list
            List<double>[] dataX = new List<double>[zCount];
            List<double>[] dataY = new List<double>[zCount];

            for (int z = 0; z < zCount; z++)
                dataX[z] = new List<double>();
                dataY[z] = new List<double>();

                for (int y = 0; y < chartLabels[1].Count; y++)
                    for (int x = 0; x < chartLabels[0].Count; x++)
                        dataX[z].Add(x + 1 + xOffsets[z]);
                        dataY[z].Add(y + 1 + yOffsets[z]);
            List<double> dataZ = new List<double>();
            double maxBubbleSize = (configDisplay.Width - 200) / xLabels.Count / 2.0;

            i = 0;
            for (int z = 0; z < zCount; z++)
                if (GetConfigDisplayData(i, ref dataArray))
                    ArrayMath a = new ArrayMath(dataArray.ToArray());
                    double maxValue = a.max();

                    if (maxValue < maxBubbleSize)
                        for (int j = 0; j < dataArray.Length; j++)
                            if (dataArray[j] == 0)
                                dataZ.Add(dataArray[j] + 10);
                        for (int j = 0; j < dataArray.Length; j++)
                            if (dataArray[j] == 0)
                                dataZ.Add(dataArray[j] / maxValue * maxBubbleSize + 10);

                if (chartLabels[2] == null)
                    c.addScatterLayer(dataX[z].ToArray(), dataY[z].ToArray(), configDisplay.MetricName, Chart.CircleSymbol, 9,
                        (int) barcodeColorsTrans[z], (int) barcodeColorsTrans[z]).setSymbolScale(dataZ.ToArray());
                    c.addScatterLayer(dataX[z].ToArray(), dataY[z].ToArray(), chartLabels[2][z], Chart.CircleSymbol, 9,
                        (int) barcodeColorsTrans[z], (int) barcodeColorsTrans[z]).setSymbolScale(dataZ.ToArray());

            // Generate an image of the chart
            System.Drawing.Image imgWinForms = c.makeImage();
            BitmapImage bi = new BitmapImage();


            MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream();

            // Save to a memory stream...

            imgWinForms.Save(ms, ImageFormat.Bmp);

            // Rewind the stream...

            ms.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);

            // Tell the WPF image to use this stream...
            bi.StreamSource = ms;

            img.Source = bi;
            img.Stretch = Stretch.Uniform;

            Grid.SetColumn(img, 0);
            Grid.SetRow(img, 2);