public static ResultPush Ios(IosMessage iosMessage)
            ResultPush       resultPush  = new ResultPush();
            X509Certificate2 certificate = new X509Certificate2(File.ReadAllBytes(GetConfig.Certificate.IOS), GetConfig.Certificate.IOSPassword);

            var        appleCert = File.ReadAllBytes(GetConfig.Certificate.IOS);
            PushBroker push      = Pusher(resultPush);

            push.RegisterAppleService(new ApplePushChannelSettings(false, certificate));

            AppleNotificationPayload appleNotificationPayload = new AppleNotificationPayload(iosMessage.Alert, iosMessage.Badge.Value, iosMessage.Sound.ToString());

            var appleNotification = new AppleNotification()

            if (iosMessage.Sound.HasValue)

            if (iosMessage.Badge.HasValue)


Example #2
        public static void NotifyIOSUser(string token, string message, NotificationType type)
            /// /Fluent construction of an iOS notification
            ////IMPORTANT: For iOS you MUST MUST MUST use your own DeviceToken here that gets generated within your iOS app itself when the Application Delegate
            ////  for registered for remote notifications is called, and the device token is passed back to you
            //------------------------- // APPLE NOTIFICATIONS //-------------------------
            //Configure and start Apple APNS // IMPORTANT: Make sure you use the right Push certificate.  Apple allows you to
            //generate one for connecting to Sandbox, and one for connecting to Production.  You must
            // use the right one, to match the provisioning profile you build your
            //   app with!
            var appleCert = File.ReadAllBytes(HostingEnvironment.MapPath(APNSCerticateFile));
            //IMPORTANT: If you are using a Development provisioning Profile, you must use
            // the Sandbox push notification server
            //  (so you would leave the first arg in the ctor of ApplePushChannelSettings as
            // 'false')
            //  If you are using an AdHoc or AppStore provisioning profile, you must use the
            //Production push notification server
            //  (so you would change the first arg in the ctor of ApplePushChannelSettings to

            var payLoad = new AppleNotificationPayload();

            payLoad.AddCustom("NotificationType", NotificationType.MessageAlert);
            payLoad.AddCustom("Badge", 7);
            payLoad.AddCustom("DeviceID", token);
            PushBroker.QueueNotification(new AppleNotification(token, payLoad) //the recipient device id
                                         .WithAlert(message)                   //the message
        public static AppleNotification WithPasskitUpdate(this AppleNotification n)
            var payLoad = new AppleNotificationPayload();

            payLoad.AddCustom("aps", string.Empty);

            n.Payload = payLoad;

Example #4
        public void Push(DeviceSubscription subscription, Payload payload)
            var context = new PushContext {
                Subscription = subscription, Payload = payload

            if (OperationContext.Current != null)
                context.Callback = OperationContext.Current.GetCallbackChannel <IPushCallback>();

            if (subscription.Channel.PlatformType == PlatformType.Apple)
                var notification = new AppleNotification(subscription.SubscriptionId)
                    Tag = context
                if (payload != null)
                    var p = new AppleNotificationPayload();
                    p.Alert = new AppleNotificationAlert {
                        Body = payload.Alert
                    p.Badge              = payload.Badge;
                    p.Sound              = payload.Sound;
                    p.CustomJson         = payload.Custom; //
                    notification.Payload = p;

                PushBrokerManager.Broker.QueueNotification(notification, subscription.Channel.ApplicationId);
            else if (subscription.Channel.PlatformType == PlatformType.Beyondbit)
                var notification = new BeyondBit.PushClientLib.BeyondBitNotification {
                    DeviceToken = subscription.SubscriptionId, Tag = context
                if (payload != null)
                    var bnp = new BeyondBit.PushClientLib.BeyondbitNotificationPayload();
                    bnp.Alert            = payload.Alert;
                    bnp.Badge            = payload.Badge;
                    bnp.Sound            = payload.Sound;
                    bnp.CustomJson       = payload.Custom;
                    notification.Payload = bnp;

                PushBrokerManager.Broker.QueueNotification(notification, subscription.Channel.ApplicationId);
                throw new NotImplementedException();
Example #5
        public void NotifyIOSUserCustom(string token, string message, NotificationType type, IOSNOtifcationModel requestModel)
            /// /Fluent construction of an iOS notification
            ////IMPORTANT: For iOS you MUST MUST MUST use your own DeviceToken here that gets generated within your iOS app itself when the Application Delegate
            ////  for registered for remote notifications is called, and the device token is passed back to you
            //------------------------- // APPLE NOTIFICATIONS //-------------------------
            //Configure and start Apple APNS // IMPORTANT: Make sure you use the right Push certificate.  Apple allows you to
            //generate one for connecting to Sandbox, and one for connecting to Production.  You must
            // use the right one, to match the provisioning profile you build your
            //   app with!
            var appleCert = File.ReadAllBytes(HostingEnvironment.MapPath(APNSCerticateFile));
            //IMPORTANT: If you are using a Development provisioning Profile, you must use
            // the Sandbox push notification server
            //  (so you would leave the first arg in the ctor of ApplePushChannelSettings as
            // 'false')
            //  If you are using an AdHoc or AppStore provisioning profile, you must use the
            //Production push notification server
            //  (so you would change the first arg in the ctor of ApplePushChannelSettings to

            var payLoad = new AppleNotificationPayload();

            payLoad.AddCustom("NotificationType", requestModel.Request.NotificationType);
            payLoad.AddCustom("SenderName", requestModel.Request.SenderName);
            payLoad.AddCustom("Badge", requestModel.Request.Badge);
            payLoad.AddCustom("SenderID", requestModel.Request.SenderID);
            payLoad.AddCustom("Message", requestModel.Request.Message);
            payLoad.AddCustom("DeviceType", requestModel.DeviceModel.DeviceType);
            payLoad.AddCustom("ExpertResponse", requestModel.Request.ExpertResponse);
            payLoad.AddCustom("DeviceToken", requestModel.DeviceModel.DeviceToken);
            payLoad.AddCustom("WorkOrderScopeID", requestModel.Request.WorkOrderScopeID);
            payLoad.AddCustom("ExpertID", requestModel.Request.ExpertID);
            payLoad.AddCustom("ReceiverROle", requestModel.Request.ReceiverRole);
            if (_pushBroker == null)
            //_pushBroker = new PushBroker();
            _pushBroker.RegisterAppleService(new ApplePushChannelSettings(true, appleCert, APNSCerticateFilePassword, true));
            _pushBroker.QueueNotification(new AppleNotification(token, payLoad) //the recipient device id
                                          .WithAlert(message)                   //the message
Example #6
        public static async Task Run(
            [HttpTrigger(AuthorizationLevel.Anonymous, "get", "post", Route = null)]
            HttpRequestMessage req,
            [NotificationHub(ConnectionStringSetting = "NotificationHubConnectionString", HubName = "%NotificationHubName%")]
            IAsyncCollector <Notification> notification,
            ILogger log)
            log.LogInformation("C# HTTP trigger function processed a request.");

            const string message = "A new software update is available.";

            NotificationPayloadBase payload = new GcmNotificationPayload(message);
            await notification.AddAsync(new GcmNotification(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(payload)));

            payload = new AppleNotificationPayload(message);
            await notification.AddAsync(new AppleNotification(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(payload)));
Example #7
        public static async Task SoftwareUpdateNotification(
            EventGridEvent eventGridEvent,
            [NotificationHub(ConnectionStringSetting = "NotificationHubConnectionString", HubName = "%NotificationHubName%")]
            IAsyncCollector <Notification> notification,
            ILogger log)
            log.LogInformation("EventGridEvent trigger." +
                               $"\n\tId:{eventGridEvent.Id}" +
                               $"\n\tTopic:{eventGridEvent.Topic}" +
                               $"\n\tSubject:{eventGridEvent.Subject}" +
                               $"\n\tType:{eventGridEvent.EventType}" +

            // TODO: check event grid data for correct data - and use file version info to embed it in the push payload
            const string message = "A new software update is available.";

            NotificationPayloadBase payload = new GcmNotificationPayload(message);
            await notification.AddAsync(new GcmNotification(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(payload)));

            payload = new AppleNotificationPayload(message);
            await notification.AddAsync(new AppleNotification(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(payload)));
        public static AppleNotification WithPayload(this AppleNotification n, AppleNotificationPayload payload)
            n.Payload = payload;

Example #9
        public static String SendAPNSBroadCast(String message, int baget, bool mute, List <String> devices)
            ApplePushChannelSettings setting = new ApplePushChannelSettings(true, KEYPATH, PASS, true);
            ApplePushService         service = new ApplePushService(setting);
            AppleNotificationPayload payload = new AppleNotificationPayload();

            List <String> valids   = new List <string>();
            List <String> invalids = new List <string>();

            if (mute)
                payload.Sound = "";
                payload.Alert = new AppleNotificationAlert()
                    Body = ""
                payload.Sound = "default";
                payload.Alert = new AppleNotificationAlert()
                    Body = message
            payload.Badge = baget;

            object obj   = new object();
            int    total = 0;

            service.OnNotificationFailed += (object sender, INotification notification, Exception error) =>
                lock (obj)
                Console.WriteLine("Fail / " + notification.Tag + "/ " + total);

            service.OnNotificationSent += (object sender, INotification notification) =>
                lock (obj)
                Console.WriteLine("Ok / " + total);

            foreach (var item in devices)
                AppleNotification sendNotify = new AppleNotification(item, payload);
                sendNotify.Tag = item;

            while (total != devices.Count)



            PushCallBack pushcallback = new APNSCallBack("iOS")
                valids   = valids,
                invalids = invalids,
                success  = valids.Count,
                failure  = invalids.Count,
                Devices  = devices

        /// <summary>
        /// The main processor method used to process a single push notification, checks if the processing will be an immediate single push or regular thread looping model.
        /// Looks up for a single (or more if you wish) entity in the databae which has not been processed.
        /// Puts the fetched unprocessed push notification entity to processing over the Push Sharp API.
        /// Finally saves the state of processing.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="databaseContext">The current database context to be used for processing to the database.</param>
        /// <param name="pushNotification">A single push notification entity to be processed and saved.</param>
        /// <param name="isDirectSinglePush">Decides wethere the processing will take place immediately for the sent notification or will the method lookup from the database for a first unprocessed push notification.</param>
        /// <returns>True if all OK, false if not.</returns>
        public bool ProcessNotification(PushSharpDatabaseContext dbContext, PushNotification pushNotification = null, bool isDirectSinglePush = false)
            _databaseContext    = dbContext;
            _isDirectSinglePush = isDirectSinglePush;

            if (_isDirectSinglePush)

            On(DisplayMessage, "Checking for unprocessed notifications...");
            PushNotification notificationEntity = pushNotification;

                if (notificationEntity != null)
                    // save a new immediate unprocessed push notification

                    // reload the entity
                    notificationEntity = _databaseContext.PushNotification
                                         .Where(x => x.ID == pushNotification.ID)
                                         .Include(x => x.MobileDevice)
                                         .Include(x => x.MobileDevice.Client)
                else // take one latest unprocessed notification, this can be changed to take any set size instead of one
                    notificationEntity = _databaseContext.PushNotification.FirstOrDefault(s =>
                                                                                          s.Status == (int)PushNotificationStatus.Unprocessed &&
                                                                                          s.CreatedAt <= DateTime.Now);
            catch (Exception ex)
                On(DisplayErrorMessage, "EX. ERROR: Check for unprocessed notifications: " + ex.Message);

            // Process i.e. push the push notification via PushSharp...
            if (notificationEntity != null)
                bool messagePushed = true;

                On(DisplayStatusMessage, "Processing notification...");
                On(DisplayMessage, "ID " + notificationEntity.ID + " for " + notificationEntity.MobileDevice.Client.Username + " -> " + notificationEntity.Message);

                if (notificationEntity.MobileDevice.SmartphonePlatform == "android")
                    var gcmNotif = new GcmNotification()
                        Tag = notificationEntity.ID
                    string msg = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { message = notificationEntity.Message });


                //// APPLE iOS NOTIFICATIONS
                else if (notificationEntity.MobileDevice.SmartphonePlatform == "ios")
                    var appleNotif = new AppleNotification()
                        Tag = notificationEntity.ID
                    var msg = new AppleNotificationPayload(notificationEntity.Message);


                // WINDOWS NOTIFICATIONS
                else if (notificationEntity.MobileDevice.SmartphonePlatform.Equals("wp") || notificationEntity.MobileDevice.SmartphonePlatform.Equals("wsa"))
                    var wNotif = new WindowsToastNotification()
                        Tag = notificationEntity.ID

                    .AsToastText02("PushSharp Notification", notificationEntity.Message);

                    On(DisplayErrorMessage, "ERROR: Unsupported device OS: " + notificationEntity.MobileDevice.SmartphonePlatform);

                    notificationEntity.Status      = (int)PushNotificationStatus.Error;
                    notificationEntity.ModifiedAt  = DateTime.Now;
                    notificationEntity.Description = "(Processor) Unsupported device OS: " + notificationEntity.MobileDevice.SmartphonePlatform;
                    SimpleErrorLogger.LogError(new Exception("EX. ERROR: " + notificationEntity.Description));
                    messagePushed = false;

                    // Save changes to DB to keep the correct state of messages

                    // bubble out the single push error, else return true to continue iteration
                    if (_isDirectSinglePush)

                catch (Exception ex)
                    On(DisplayErrorMessage, "EX. ERROR: Updating notification, DB save failed: " + ex.Message);

                    // bubble out the single push error, else return true to continue iteration
                    if (_isDirectSinglePush)

                    if (_isDirectSinglePush)
                if (_isDirectSinglePush)

                // no messages were queued, take a nap...