public static Panel ToSAM(this gbXMLSerializer.Surface surface, double tolerance = Tolerance.MicroDistance) { if (surface == null) { return(null); } Polygon3D polygon3D = surface.PlanarGeometry.ToSAM(tolerance); if (polygon3D == null) { return(null); } PanelType panelType = Query.PanelType(surface.surfaceType); Construction construction = new Construction(surface.Name); Panel result = new Panel(construction, panelType, new Face3D(polygon3D)); Opening[] openings = surface.Opening; if (openings != null) { foreach (Opening opening in openings) { Aperture aperture = opening.ToSAM(tolerance); if (aperture != null) { result.AddAperture(aperture); } } } return(result); }
public static HoneybeeSchema.Door ToLadybugTools_Door(this Aperture aperture, MaterialLibrary materialLibrary = null, int index = -1, int index_Adjacent = -1, string adjacentPanelUniqueName = null, string adjacentSpaceUniqueName = null) { if (aperture == null) { return(null); } ApertureConstruction apertureConstruction = aperture.ApertureConstruction; if (apertureConstruction == null) { return(null); } MaterialType materialType = apertureConstruction.PaneConstructionLayers.MaterialType(materialLibrary); if (aperture.ApertureType != ApertureType.Door) { //Opaque Windows to be replaced by Doors if (materialType != MaterialType.Opaque) { return(null); } } PlanarBoundary3D planarBoundary3D = aperture.PlanarBoundary3D; if (planarBoundary3D == null) { return(null); } HoneybeeSchema.AnyOf <Outdoors, Surface> anyOf = new Outdoors(); Face3D face3D = planarBoundary3D.ToLadybugTools(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(adjacentPanelUniqueName) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(adjacentSpaceUniqueName)) { List <string> uniqueNames = new List <string>(); uniqueNames.Add(Core.LadybugTools.Query.UniqueName(aperture, index_Adjacent)); uniqueNames.Add(adjacentPanelUniqueName); uniqueNames.Add(adjacentSpaceUniqueName); anyOf = new Surface(uniqueNames); } DoorEnergyPropertiesAbridged apertureEnergyPropertiesAbridged = new DoorEnergyPropertiesAbridged(Query.UniqueName(apertureConstruction, !(index_Adjacent != -1 && index <= index_Adjacent))); HoneybeeSchema.Door door = new HoneybeeSchema.Door( identifier: Core.LadybugTools.Query.UniqueName(aperture, index), geometry: face3D, boundaryCondition: anyOf, properties: new DoorPropertiesAbridged(apertureEnergyPropertiesAbridged), displayName: aperture.Name); door.IsGlass = materialType == MaterialType.Transparent; return(door); }
public void ToStringTest() { IsoSpeed isoSpeed = (IsoSpeed)IsoSpeed.IsoSpeeds.AtKey(IsoSpeedEnum.iso50); Aperture aperture = (Aperture)Aperture.Apertures.AtKey(ApertureEnum.f10); Exposal exposal = (Exposal)Exposal.Exposals.AtKey(ExposalEnum.t1_100); Assert.AreEqual("Iso 50, F10, 1/100", new ShootParameters(isoSpeed, aperture, exposal).ToString()); Assert.AreEqual("Iso 50, F10, 1/100", new ShootParameters(isoSpeed, aperture, exposal).DisplayString); }
public static Log Log(this Aperture aperture) { if (aperture == null) { return(null); } return(Log((IIDdBase)aperture)); }
public static HostObject HostObject(this Aperture aperture, Document document) { HostObject result = null; PanelGroup panelGroup = Analytical.Query.PanelGroup(Analytical.Query.PanelType(aperture.Plane.Normal)); switch (panelGroup) { case PanelGroup.Wall: IEnumerable <Wall> walls = Geometry.Revit.Query.Elements <Wall>(document, aperture.GetBoundingBox()); if (walls != null && walls.Count() != 0) { result = walls.First(); } break; case PanelGroup.Floor: IEnumerable <Element> elements_Floor = Geometry.Revit.Query.Elements(document, aperture.GetBoundingBox(), Autodesk.Revit.DB.BuiltInCategory.OST_Floors); if (elements_Floor != null && elements_Floor.Count() != 0) { result = elements_Floor.First() as HostObject; } break; case PanelGroup.Roof: IEnumerable <Element> elements_Roof = Geometry.Revit.Query.Elements(document, aperture.GetBoundingBox(), Autodesk.Revit.DB.BuiltInCategory.OST_Roofs); if (elements_Roof != null && elements_Roof.Count() != 0) { result = elements_Roof.First() as HostObject; } break; } if (result == null) { switch (panelGroup) { case PanelGroup.Roof: IEnumerable <Element> elements_Floor = Geometry.Revit.Query.Elements(document, aperture.GetBoundingBox(), Autodesk.Revit.DB.BuiltInCategory.OST_Floors); if (elements_Floor != null && elements_Floor.Count() != 0) { result = elements_Floor.First() as HostObject; } break; case PanelGroup.Floor: IEnumerable <Element> elements_Roof = Geometry.Revit.Query.Elements(document, aperture.GetBoundingBox(), Autodesk.Revit.DB.BuiltInCategory.OST_Roofs); if (elements_Roof != null && elements_Roof.Count() != 0) { result = elements_Roof.First() as HostObject; } break; } } return(result); }
protected override void TrySolveInstance(IGH_DataAccess dataAccess) { int index = -1; int index_familyInstance = -1; index_familyInstance = Params.IndexOfOutputParam("familyInstance"); if (index_familyInstance != -1) { dataAccess.SetData(index_familyInstance, null); } bool run = false; index = Params.IndexOfInputParam("_run"); if (index == -1 || !dataAccess.GetData(index, ref run) || !run) { return; } ConvertSettings convertSettings = null; index = Params.IndexOfInputParam("_convertSettings_"); if (index != -1) { dataAccess.GetData(index, ref convertSettings); } convertSettings = this.UpdateSolutionEndEventHandler(convertSettings); Aperture aperture = null; if (!dataAccess.GetData(0, ref aperture)) { return; } Document document = RhinoInside.Revit.Revit.ActiveDBDocument; StartTransaction(document); Core.Revit.Modify.RemoveExisting(convertSettings, document, aperture); HostObject hostObject = Analytical.Revit.Query.HostObject(aperture, document); if (hostObject == null) { return; } FamilyInstance familyInstance_Revit = Analytical.Revit.Convert.ToRevit(aperture, document, hostObject, convertSettings); if (index_familyInstance != -1) { dataAccess.SetData(index_familyInstance, familyInstance_Revit); } }
public override void Calculate() { mark = Block.GetPropValue <string>(propMark); length = Block.GetPropValue <int>(propLength); height = Block.GetPropValue <int>(propHeight); elev = Block.GetPropValue <string>(propElevation); desc = Block.GetPropValue <string>(propDesc, false); opening = GetAperture(); AddElement(opening); }
public string Generate() { string gerber = ""; gerber += Aperture.Generate(); gerber += Interpolation.Linear; gerber += Start.Generate(Operation.Move); gerber += End.Generate(Operation.Draw); return(gerber); }
public static Aperture ToSAM(this HoneybeeSchema.Aperture aperture, bool @internal, IEnumerable <ApertureConstruction> apertureConstructions = null) { if (aperture == null) { return(null); } Geometry.Spatial.Face3D face3D = Geometry.LadybugTools.Convert.ToSAM(aperture.Geometry); if (face3D == null) { return(null); } ApertureConstruction apertureConstruction = null; if (apertureConstructions != null && aperture.Properties?.Energy?.Construction != null) { foreach (ApertureConstruction apertureConstruction_Temp in apertureConstructions) { if (apertureConstruction_Temp == null) { continue; } if (apertureConstruction_Temp.ApertureType != ApertureType.Window) { continue; } if (aperture.Properties.Energy.Construction == apertureConstruction_Temp.Name) { apertureConstruction = apertureConstruction_Temp; break; } } } if (apertureConstruction == null) { AnyOf <OpaqueConstructionAbridged, WindowConstructionAbridged, ShadeConstruction, AirBoundaryConstructionAbridged> construction_Honeybee = Query.DefaultApertureConstruction(ApertureType.Window, @internal); if (construction_Honeybee != null) { apertureConstruction = construction_Honeybee.ToSAM_ApertureConstruction(); } } if (apertureConstruction == null) { apertureConstruction = new ApertureConstruction(aperture.DisplayName, ApertureType.Window); } Aperture result = new Aperture(apertureConstruction, face3D, Analytical.Query.OpeningLocation(face3D)); return(result); }
public static Aperture ToSAM(this EnergyAnalysisOpening energyAnalysisOpening, ConvertSettings convertSettings) { if (energyAnalysisOpening == null) { return(null); } Aperture result = convertSettings?.GetObject <Aperture>(energyAnalysisOpening.Id); if (result != null) { return(result); } Polygon3D polygon3D = energyAnalysisOpening.GetPolyloop().ToSAM(); if (polygon3D == null) { return(null); } FamilyInstance familyInstance = Core.Revit.Query.Element(energyAnalysisOpening) as FamilyInstance; if (familyInstance == null) { return(new Aperture(null, polygon3D)); } if (Core.Revit.Query.Simplified(familyInstance)) { result = Core.Revit.Query.IJSAMObjects <Aperture>(familyInstance)?.FirstOrDefault(); if (result != null) { return(result); } } ApertureConstruction apertureConstruction = ToSAM_ApertureConstruction(familyInstance, convertSettings); Point3D point3D_Location = Geometry.Revit.Query.LocationPoint3D(familyInstance); if (point3D_Location == null) { return(null); } result = new Aperture(apertureConstruction, polygon3D, point3D_Location); result.UpdateParameterSets(energyAnalysisOpening, ActiveSetting.Setting.GetValue <Core.TypeMap>(Core.Revit.ActiveSetting.Name.ParameterMap)); //result.UpdateParameterSets(familyInstance, ActiveSetting.Setting.GetValue<Core.TypeMap>(Core.Revit.ActiveSetting.Name.ParameterMap)); //result.Add(Core.Revit.Query.ParameterSet(familyInstance)); convertSettings?.Add(energyAnalysisOpening.Id, result); return(result); }
public string Generate() { string gerber = ""; gerber += Aperture.Generate(); gerber += QuadrantMode.Multi; gerber += Interpolation.CircularClockwise; gerber += Start.Generate(Operation.Move); gerber += Draw(Start, End, Centre); return(gerber); }
public override int GetHashCode() { unchecked { var hashCode = Aperture.GetHashCode(); hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ Gap.GetHashCode(); hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ Annulus.GetHashCode(); hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ (int)Type; return(hashCode); } }
public static Aperture Transform(this Transform transform, Aperture aperture) { if (transform == null || aperture == null) { return(null); } if (transform.IsIdentity) { return(new Aperture(aperture)); } return(new Aperture(aperture, Transform(transform, aperture.PlanarBoundary3D))); }
public void AvailableAperturesTest() { ApertureEnum[] apertures = new[] { ApertureEnum.f9_5, ApertureEnum.f64 }; ConfigureMockCamera(null, null, null, new IsoSpeedEnum[] { }, apertures, new ExposalEnum[] { }, new ImageQualityEnum[] { }, IsoSpeedEnum.iso6, ApertureEnum.f0, ExposalEnum.tBulb, ImageQualityEnum.PPT_sRAW1); CameraInfo cameraInfo = new CameraInfo(_camera); Assert.AreEqual(apertures.Length, cameraInfo.AvailableApertures.Count); Assert.That(cameraInfo.AvailableApertures, NUnit.Framework.Has.Member(Aperture.With(apertures[0]))); Assert.That(cameraInfo.AvailableApertures, NUnit.Framework.Has.Member(Aperture.With(apertures[1]))); _mockery.VerifyAllExpectationsHaveBeenMet(); }
public static Opening TogbXML(this Aperture aperture, int cADObjectIdSufix = -1, double tolerance = Core.Tolerance.MicroDistance) { if (aperture == null) { return(null); } PlanarBoundary3D planarBoundary3D = aperture.PlanarBoundary3D; if (planarBoundary3D == null) { return(null); } ApertureConstruction apertureConstruction = aperture.ApertureConstruction; if (apertureConstruction == null) { return(null); } string name = aperture.Name; if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(name)) { name = aperture.ApertureConstruction.Name; } Opening opening = new Opening(); //opening.constructionIdRef = Core.gbXML.Query.Id(aperture.ApertureConstruction, typeof(gbXMLSerializer.Construction)); opening.Description = name; = Core.gbXML.Query.Id(aperture, typeof(Opening)); if (cADObjectIdSufix == -1) { opening.Name = string.Format("{0} [{1}]", name, aperture.Guid); } else { opening.Name = string.Format("{0} [{1}]", name, cADObjectIdSufix); } opening.openingType = Query.OpeningTypeEnum(aperture.ApertureConstruction.ApertureType); = planarBoundary3D.TogbXML(tolerance); opening.rg = planarBoundary3D.TogbXML_RectangularGeometry(tolerance); opening.CADObjectId = Query.CADObjectId(aperture, cADObjectIdSufix); return(opening); }
void Awake() { if (Aperture.i != null) { Destroy(gameObject); } else { i = this; // DontDestroyOnLoad(gameObject); } cam = GetComponent <Camera>(); }
public void GetApertureAvailableValuesTest() { int[] rawValues = new int[] { (int)ApertureEnum.f1, (int)ApertureEnum.f64, (int)ApertureEnum.f9 }; Expect.Once.On(_camera).Method("GetAvailableValues").With(EDSDKLib.EDSDK.PropID_Av).Will(Return.Value(rawValues)); EnumValueCollection values = Aperture.GetListFrom(_camera); Assert.AreEqual(rawValues.Length, values.Count); CheckValue(rawValues, values, 0, "F1"); CheckValue(rawValues, values, 1, "F64"); CheckValue(rawValues, values, 2, "F9"); _mockery.VerifyAllExpectationsHaveBeenMet(); }
public static Aperture ToSAM(this TAS3D.window window) { if (window == null) { return(null); } ParameterSet parameterSet = Create.ParameterSet(ActiveSetting.Setting, window); Aperture aperture = new Aperture(new ApertureConstruction(, ApertureType.Window), null); aperture.Add(parameterSet); return(aperture); }
public static window ToT3D(this Aperture aperture, Building building) { if (aperture == null) { return(null); } uint colour; if (!Core.Query.TryGetValue(aperture, "Colour", out colour)) { colour = Core.Convert.ToUint(Color.Black); } double width = double.NaN; double height = double.NaN; double level = double.NaN; PlanarBoundary3D planarBoundary3D = aperture.PlanarBoundary3D; if (planarBoundary3D == null) { if (!Core.Query.TryGetValue(aperture, "Width", out width)) { return(null); } if (!Core.Query.TryGetValue(aperture, "Height", out height)) { return(null); } if (!Core.Query.TryGetValue(aperture, "Level", out level)) { return(null); } } else { width = planarBoundary3D.Width(); height = planarBoundary3D.Height(); level = Analytical.Query.MinElevation(planarBoundary3D); } window result = building.AddWindow(aperture.Name, Query.OpeningType(aperture), colour, height, width, level); return(result); }
public string Generate() { string gerber = ""; if (Points.Count > 1) { gerber += Aperture.Generate(); gerber += Interpolation.Linear; gerber += Points[0].Generate(Operation.Move); for (int i = 1; i < Points.Count; i++) { gerber += Points[i].Generate(Operation.Draw); } } return(gerber); }
public static FamilyInstance ToRevit(this Aperture aperture, Document document, Core.Revit.ConvertSettings convertSettings) { if (aperture == null || document == null) { return(null); } HostObject hostObject = Query.HostObject(aperture, document); if (hostObject == null) { return(null); } return(ToRevit(aperture, document, hostObject, convertSettings)); }
public void EnumFieldsTest() { IsoSpeedEnum iso = IsoSpeedEnum.iso640; ApertureEnum aperture = ApertureEnum.f72; ExposalEnum exposal = ExposalEnum.t6; ImageQualityEnum imageQuality = ImageQualityEnum.PPT_sRAW1; ConfigureMockCamera(null, null, null, new IsoSpeedEnum[] { }, new ApertureEnum[] { }, new ExposalEnum[] { }, new ImageQualityEnum[] { }, iso, aperture, exposal, imageQuality); CameraInfo cameraInfo = new CameraInfo(_camera); Assert.AreEqual(IsoSpeed.With(iso), cameraInfo.CurrentIsoSpeed); Assert.AreEqual(Aperture.With(aperture), cameraInfo.CurrentAperture); Assert.AreEqual(Exposal.With(exposal), cameraInfo.CurrentExposal); Assert.AreEqual(ImageQuality.With(imageQuality), cameraInfo.CurrentImageQuality); _mockery.VerifyAllExpectationsHaveBeenMet(); }
public static CADObjectId CADObjectId(this Aperture aperture, int cADObjectIdSufix = -1) { if (aperture == null) { return(null); } string uniqueName = Analytical.Query.UniqueName(aperture, cADObjectIdSufix); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(uniqueName)) { return(null); } CADObjectId cADObjectId = new CADObjectId(); = uniqueName; return(cADObjectId); }
public void CreateApertureBracketingTest() { ShootParameters parameters = new ShootParameters(IsoSpeedEnum.iso50, ApertureEnum.f5_6, ExposalEnum.t1_80); Aperture[] apertures = new Aperture[] { (Aperture)Aperture.Apertures.AtKey(ApertureEnum.f2), (Aperture)Aperture.Apertures.AtKey(ApertureEnum.f91) }; Expect.Once.On(_camera).Method("GetAvailableValues").With(EDSDK.PropID_Tv).Will(Return.Value( new int[] { (int)ExposalEnum.t30, (int)ExposalEnum.t1, (int)ExposalEnum.t1_60, (int)ExposalEnum.t1_80, (int)ExposalEnum.t1_100, (int)ExposalEnum.t1_125, (int)ExposalEnum.t1_4000 })); Expect.Once.On(_camera).Method("GetAvailableValues").With(EDSDK.PropID_Av).Will(Return.Value( new int[] { (int)ApertureEnum.f1, (int)ApertureEnum.f2, (int)ApertureEnum.f3_5, (int)ApertureEnum.f5_6, (int)ApertureEnum.f8, (int)ApertureEnum.f11, (int)ApertureEnum.f91 })); CameraProcessor processor = new CameraProcessor(_camera, _cameraInfo); IShootParameters[] apertureBracketing = processor.CreateApertureBracketing(parameters, apertures); Assert.AreEqual(2, apertureBracketing.Length); Assert.AreEqual(new ShootParameters(IsoSpeedEnum.iso50, ApertureEnum.f2, ExposalEnum.t1_125), apertureBracketing[0]); Assert.AreEqual(new ShootParameters(IsoSpeedEnum.iso50, ApertureEnum.f91, ExposalEnum.t30), apertureBracketing[1]); _mockery.VerifyAllExpectationsHaveBeenMet(); }
public static Aperture ToSAM(this gbXMLSerializer.Opening opening, double tolerance = Tolerance.MicroDistance) { if (opening == null) { return(null); } Polygon3D polygon3D =; if (polygon3D == null) { return(null); } ApertureType apertureType = Query.ApertureType(opening.openingType); ApertureConstruction apertureConstruction = new ApertureConstruction(opening.Name, apertureType); Aperture result = new Aperture(apertureConstruction, polygon3D); return(result); }
public static Log Log(this Aperture aperture, Document document) { if (aperture == null || document == null) { return(null); } Log result = new Log(); Core.Modify.AddRange(result, Core.Revit.Create.Log(aperture, document)); ApertureConstruction apertureConstruction = aperture.ApertureConstruction; if (apertureConstruction == null) { result.Add("Aperture {0} is missing ApertureConstruction Guid: {1}", LogRecordType.Error, aperture.Name, aperture.Guid); } result.AddRange(Log(apertureConstruction, document)); return(result); }
protected override void TrySolveInstance(IGH_DataAccess dataAccess) { bool run = false; if (!dataAccess.GetData(2, ref run) || !run) { return; } ConvertSettings convertSettings = null; dataAccess.GetData(1, ref convertSettings); convertSettings = this.UpdateSolutionEndEventHandler(convertSettings); Aperture aperture = null; if (!dataAccess.GetData(0, ref aperture)) { return; } Document document = RhinoInside.Revit.Revit.ActiveDBDocument; Core.Revit.Modify.RemoveExisting(convertSettings, document, aperture); HostObject hostObject = Analytical.Revit.Query.HostObject(aperture, document); if (hostObject == null) { dataAccess.SetData(0, null); return; } FamilyInstance familyInstance_Revit = Analytical.Revit.Convert.ToRevit(aperture, document, hostObject, convertSettings); dataAccess.SetData(0, familyInstance_Revit); }
public string Generate() { string gerber = ""; gerber += Aperture.Generate(); gerber += Region.Enable; gerber += QuadrantMode.Multi; gerber += OutsideArc.Start.Generate(Operation.Move); gerber += Interpolation.CircularClockwise; gerber += Arc.Draw(OutsideArc.Start, OutsideArc.End, OutsideArc.Centre); gerber += Interpolation.Linear; gerber += InsideArc.End.Generate(Operation.Draw); gerber += Interpolation.CircularCounterClockwise; gerber += Arc.Draw(InsideArc.End, InsideArc.Start, InsideArc.Centre); gerber += Interpolation.Linear; gerber += OutsideArc.Start.Generate(Operation.Draw); gerber += Region.Disable; return(gerber); }
public static List <object> ToRhino(this Topology topology, double tolerance = Core.Tolerance.Distance) { if (topology == null) { return(null); } List <Object> geometries = new List <Object>(); Vertex vertex = topology as Vertex; if (vertex != null) { geometries.Add(ToRhino(vertex)); return(geometries); } Edge edge = topology as Edge; if (edge != null) { geometries.Add(ToRhino(edge)); return(geometries); } Wire wire = topology as Wire; if (wire != null) { return(ToRhino(wire)?.Cast <object>().ToList()); } global::Topologic.Face face = topology as global::Topologic.Face; if (face != null) { geometries.Add(ToRhino(face, tolerance)); return(geometries); } Shell shell = topology as Shell; if (shell != null) { return(ToRhino_Breps(shell, tolerance)?.Cast <object>().ToList()); } Cell cell = topology as Cell; if (cell != null) { return(ToRhino_Breps(cell, tolerance)?.Cast <object>().ToList()); } CellComplex cellComplex = topology as CellComplex; if (cellComplex != null) { return(ToRhino_Breps((CellComplex)cellComplex, tolerance)?.Cast <object>().ToList()); } Cluster cluster = topology as Cluster; if (cluster != null) { return(ToRhino(cluster.SubTopologies, tolerance)); } Aperture aperture = topology as Aperture; if (aperture != null) { return(ToRhino(aperture.Topology, tolerance)); } throw new Exception("The type of the input topology is not recognized."); }
public MyForm() { //ClientSize = new Eto.Drawing.Size(400, 300); Title = "Eto.Forms"; Width = 400; var md = new Model("id", new ModelProperties(ModelEnergyProperties.Default, ModelRadianceProperties.Default)); var panel = new DynamicLayout(); var ltn = new LightingAbridged("lnt", 12, "Always On"); var ltn2 = new LightingAbridged("lnt", 15, "Always On"); var dlightCtrl = new DaylightingControl(new List <double>() { 0.5, 0.1, 0.5 }, offAtMinimum: true); var ppl = new PeopleAbridged("ppl", 0.1, "Always On", "Always On", latentFraction: new Autocalculate()); var RoomPropertybtn = new Button() { Text = "2 Rooms Property" }; var rm1 = new Room($"Room1_{Guid.NewGuid()}_01021odjs", new List <Face>(), new RoomPropertiesAbridged(new RoomEnergyPropertiesAbridged("aaa", lighting: ltn)), "name1", multiplier: 1, story: "11"); var rm2 = new Room($"Room2_{Guid.NewGuid()}_01021odjs", new List <Face>(), new RoomPropertiesAbridged(new RoomEnergyPropertiesAbridged("bbb", lighting: ltn2, people: ppl, daylightingControl: dlightCtrl)), "name2", multiplier: 2, story: "22"); rm2.UserData = new { RhinoLayer = "layer 01", Color = "Red" }; rm2 = rm2.DuplicateRoom(); var rms = new List <Room>() { rm1, rm2 }; RoomPropertybtn.Click += (s, e) => { var dialog = new Honeybee.UI.Dialog_RoomProperty(md.Properties, rms); //dialog.SetSensorPositionPicker(() => { return new List<double>(); }); var dialog_rc = dialog.ShowModal(this); if (dialog_rc != null) { foreach (var item in dialog_rc) { Console.WriteLine(item.ToJson(true)); } rms = dialog_rc; } }; var RoomPropertybtn2 = new Button() { Text = "1 Room Property" }; RoomPropertybtn2.Click += (s, e) => { //md.Properties.Energy?.Hvacs = null; var dialog = new Honeybee.UI.Dialog_RoomProperty(md.Properties, new List <Room>() { rm2 }); //dialog.SetSensorPositionPicker(() => { return new List<double>(); }); dialog.SetInternalMassPicker(() => 22); var dialog_rc = dialog.ShowModal(this); if (dialog_rc != null) { rm2 = dialog_rc.FirstOrDefault(); Console.WriteLine(rm2.ToJson(true)); } }; var facePropertybtn = new Button() { Text = "2 Faces Property" }; var face = new Face($"faceId_{Guid.NewGuid()}_01021odjs", new Face3D(new List <List <double> >()), FaceType.Floor, new Ground(), new FacePropertiesAbridged(new FaceEnergyPropertiesAbridged("aa"), new FaceRadiancePropertiesAbridged("bb", "cc"))); var face2 = new Face($"Face_{Guid.NewGuid()}_01021odjs", new Face3D(new List <List <double> >()), FaceType.Wall, new Outdoors(), new FacePropertiesAbridged(new FaceEnergyPropertiesAbridged("Generic Exterior Wall")), "Face name"); facePropertybtn.Click += (s, e) => { var dialog = new Honeybee.UI.Dialog_FaceProperty(md.Properties, new List <Face>() { face, face2 }); var dialog_rc = dialog.ShowModal(this); if (dialog_rc != null) { foreach (var item in dialog_rc) { Console.WriteLine(item.ToJson(true)); } } }; var facePropertybtn2 = new Button() { Text = "1 Face Property" }; facePropertybtn2.Click += (s, e) => { var dialog = new Honeybee.UI.Dialog_FaceProperty(md.Properties, new List <Face>() { face2 }); var dialog_rc = dialog.ShowModal(this); if (dialog_rc != null) { foreach (var item in dialog_rc) { Console.WriteLine(item.ToJson(true)); } } }; var aptPropertybtn = new Button() { Text = "1 Apt Property" }; var apt = new Aperture($"aptId_{Guid.NewGuid()}_01021odjs", new Face3D(new List <List <double> >()), new Outdoors(), new AperturePropertiesAbridged(new ApertureEnergyPropertiesAbridged("aa"), new ApertureRadiancePropertiesAbridged("bb", "cc"))); var apt2 = new Aperture($"Aperture_{Guid.NewGuid()}_01021odjs", new Face3D(new List <List <double> >()), new Outdoors(), new AperturePropertiesAbridged(new ApertureEnergyPropertiesAbridged("Generic Exterior Wall")), "apt name", isOperable: true); aptPropertybtn.Click += (s, e) => { var dialog = new Honeybee.UI.Dialog_ApertureProperty(md.Properties, new List <Aperture>() { apt2 }); var dialog_rc = dialog.ShowModal(this); if (dialog_rc != null) { apt2 = dialog_rc.First(); foreach (var item in dialog_rc) { Console.WriteLine(item.ToJson(true)); } } }; var aptPropertybtn2 = new Button() { Text = "2 Apts Property" }; aptPropertybtn2.Click += (s, e) => { var dialog = new Honeybee.UI.Dialog_ApertureProperty(md.Properties, new List <Aperture>() { apt, apt2 }); var dialog_rc = dialog.ShowModal(this); if (dialog_rc != null) { foreach (var item in dialog_rc) { Console.WriteLine(item.ToJson(true)); } } }; var doorPropertybtn = new Button() { Text = "1 Door Property" }; var door = new Door($"aptId_{Guid.NewGuid()}_01021odjs", new Face3D(new List <List <double> >()), new Outdoors(), new DoorPropertiesAbridged()); doorPropertybtn.Click += (s, e) => { var dialog = new Honeybee.UI.Dialog_DoorProperty(md.Properties, new List <Door>() { door }); var dialog_rc = dialog.ShowModal(this); if (dialog_rc != null) { foreach (var item in dialog_rc) { Console.WriteLine(item.ToJson(true)); } } }; var shdPropertybtn = new Button() { Text = "1 Shade Property" }; var shd = new Shade($"shdId_{Guid.NewGuid()}_01021odjs", new Face3D(new List <List <double> >()), new ShadePropertiesAbridged(new ShadeEnergyPropertiesAbridged("aa"), new ShadeRadiancePropertiesAbridged("bb", "cc"))); var shd2 = new Shade($"Shade_{Guid.NewGuid()}_01021odjs", new Face3D(new List <List <double> >()), new ShadePropertiesAbridged(new ShadeEnergyPropertiesAbridged("Generic Exterior Wall")), "shd name", isDetached: true); shdPropertybtn.Click += (s, e) => { var dialog = new Honeybee.UI.Dialog_ShadeProperty(md.Properties, new List <Shade>() { shd2 }); var dialog_rc = dialog.ShowModal(this); if (dialog_rc != null) { shd2 = dialog_rc.FirstOrDefault(); foreach (var item in dialog_rc) { Console.WriteLine(item.ToJson(true)); } } }; var shdPropertybtn2 = new Button() { Text = "2 Shade Property" }; shdPropertybtn2.Click += (s, e) => { var dialog = new Honeybee.UI.Dialog_ShadeProperty(md.Properties, new List <Shade>() { shd, shd2 }); var dialog_rc = dialog.ShowModal(this); if (dialog_rc != null) { foreach (var item in dialog_rc) { Console.WriteLine(item.ToJson(true)); } } }; var view = new HoneybeeSchema.View("id", new List <double>() { 1, 1, 1 }, new List <double>() { 2, 2, 2 }, new List <double>() { 0, 0, 1 }, viewType: ViewType.c); var view2 = new HoneybeeSchema.View("id2", new List <double>() { 1, 1, 1 }, new List <double>() { 2, 2, 2 }, new List <double>() { 0, 0, 1 }, hSize: 120, vSize: 120); var viewPropertybtn = new Button() { Text = "1 view Property" }; viewPropertybtn.Click += (s, e) => { var dialog = new Honeybee.UI.Dialog_ViewProperty(new List <HoneybeeSchema.View>() { view }); var dialog_rc = dialog.ShowModal(this); if (dialog_rc != null) { foreach (var item in dialog_rc) { Console.WriteLine(item.ToJson(true)); } } }; var viewPropertybtn2 = new Button() { Text = "2 view Property" }; viewPropertybtn2.Click += (s, e) => { var dialog = new Honeybee.UI.Dialog_ViewProperty(new List <HoneybeeSchema.View>() { view, view2 }); var dialog_rc = dialog.ShowModal(this); if (dialog_rc != null) { foreach (var item in dialog_rc) { Console.WriteLine(item.ToJson(true)); } } }; var sensorGrid = new SensorGrid("id", new List <Sensor>()); var sensorGrid2 = new SensorGrid("id2", new List <Sensor>(), groupIdentifier: "sdfd"); var sensorGridPropertybtn = new Button() { Text = "1 sensor grid Property" }; sensorGridPropertybtn.Click += (s, e) => { var dialog = new Honeybee.UI.Dialog_SensorGridProperty(new List <SensorGrid>() { sensorGrid2 }); var dialog_rc = dialog.ShowModal(this); if (dialog_rc != null) { foreach (var item in dialog_rc) { Console.WriteLine(item.ToJson(true)); } } }; var sensorGridPropertybtn2 = new Button() { Text = "2 sensor grid Property" }; sensorGridPropertybtn2.Click += (s, e) => { var dialog = new Honeybee.UI.Dialog_SensorGridProperty(new List <SensorGrid>() { sensorGrid, sensorGrid2 }); var dialog_rc = dialog.ShowModal(this); if (dialog_rc != null) { foreach (var item in dialog_rc) { Console.WriteLine(item.ToJson(true)); } } }; var Messagebtn = new Button() { Text = "message text" }; Messagebtn.Click += (s, e) => { var energyProp = new HoneybeeSchema.RoomEnergyPropertiesAbridged(); Dialog_Message.Show(this, energyProp.ToJson()); }; var cSetbtn = new Button() { Text = "ConstructionSet" }; cSetbtn.Click += (s, e) => { var lib = md.Properties.Energy; var cSet = new HoneybeeSchema.ConstructionSetAbridged(identifier: Guid.NewGuid().ToString()); var dialog = new Honeybee.UI.Dialog_ConstructionSet(ref lib, cSet); var rs = dialog.ShowModal(this); if (rs != null) { Dialog_Message.Show(this, rs.ToJson()); } }; var pTypebtn = new Button() { Text = "ProgramType" }; pTypebtn.Click += (s, e) => { var pType = new HoneybeeSchema.ProgramTypeAbridged(identifier: Guid.NewGuid().ToString()); var lib = md.Properties; var dialog = new Honeybee.UI.Dialog_ProgramType(ref lib, pType); dialog.ShowModal(this); }; var pTypeMngbtn = new Button() { Text = "ProgramTypeManager" }; pTypeMngbtn.Click += (s, e) => { var lib = md.Properties; var dialog = new Honeybee.UI.Dialog_ProgramTypeManager(ref lib); var dialog_rc = dialog.ShowModal(this); }; var schbtn = new Button() { Text = "ScheduleRulesetManager" }; schbtn.Click += (s, e) => { var lib = md.Properties.Energy; var dialog = new Honeybee.UI.Dialog_ScheduleRulesetManager(ref lib); var dialog_rc = dialog.ShowModal(this); }; var conbtn = new Button() { Text = "ConstructionManager" }; conbtn.Click += (s, e) => { var lib = md.Properties.Energy; var dialog = new Honeybee.UI.Dialog_ConstructionManager(ref lib); dialog.ShowModal(this); }; var cSetManager = new Button() { Text = "ConstructionSet Manager" }; cSetManager.Click += (s, e) => { var lib = md.Properties.Energy; var dialog = new Dialog_ConstructionSetManager(ref lib); dialog.ShowModal(this); }; var simuParam = new Button() { Text = "Simulation Parameter" }; simuParam.Click += (s, e) => { var sP = new SimulationParameter(); var dialog = new Honeybee.UI.Dialog_SimulationParameter(sP); dialog.ShowModal(this); }; var modelManager = new Button() { Text = "Model Resource" }; modelManager.Click += (s, e) => { var dialog = new Honeybee.UI.Dialog_ModelResources(md); dialog.ShowModal(this); }; var materialBtn = new Button() { Text = "Material Manager" }; materialBtn.Click += (s, e) => { var lib = md.Properties.Energy; var dialog = new Honeybee.UI.Dialog_MaterialManager(ref lib); var newMaterials = dialog.ShowModal(this); if (newMaterials != null) { md.Properties.Energy.Materials.Clear(); md.AddMaterials(newMaterials); } }; var modifierBtn = new Button() { Text = "Modifier Manager" }; modifierBtn.Click += (s, e) => { var lib = md.Properties.Radiance; var dialog = new Honeybee.UI.Dialog_ModifierManager(ref lib); var dialog_rc = dialog.ShowModal(this); if (dialog_rc != null) { md.Properties.Radiance.Modifiers.Clear(); md.AddModifiers(dialog_rc); } }; var modifierSetMngBtn = new Button() { Text = "ModifierSet Manager" }; modifierSetMngBtn.Click += (s, e) => { var lib = md.Properties.Radiance; var dialog = new Honeybee.UI.Dialog_ModifierSetManager(ref lib); var dialog_rc = dialog.ShowModal(this); if (dialog_rc != null) { md.Properties.Radiance.ModifierSets.Clear(); md.AddModifierSets(dialog_rc); } }; var modifierSetBtn = new Button() { Text = "ModifierSet Editor" }; modifierSetBtn.Click += (s, e) => { var dup = new ModifierSetAbridged("NewModifierSet"); var lib = md.Properties.Radiance; var dialog = new Honeybee.UI.Dialog_ModifierSet(ref lib, dup); var dialog_rc = dialog.ShowModal(this); }; var shwMngBtn = new Button() { Text = "SHW Manager" }; shwMngBtn.Click += (s, e) => { var lib = md.Properties.Energy; var dialog = new Honeybee.UI.Dialog_SHWManager(ref lib); var dialog_rc = dialog.ShowModal(this); }; var shwBtn = new Button() { Text = "SHW Editor" }; shwBtn.Click += (s, e) => { var dialog = new Honeybee.UI.Dialog_SHW(); var dialog_rc = dialog.ShowModal(this); }; var outputs = new Button() { Text = "EPOutputs" }; outputs.Click += (s, e) => { var epoutput = new SimulationOutput(); var dialog = new Honeybee.UI.Dialog_EPOutputs(epoutput); dialog.ShowModal(this); }; var opsHVACs = new Button() { Text = "OpenStudioHVACs" }; opsHVACs.Click += (s, e) => { var lib = md.Properties.Energy; var dialog = new Honeybee.UI.Dialog_OpsHVACs(ref lib); dialog.ShowModal(this); }; var HVACManager = new Button() { Text = "HVACsManager" }; HVACManager.Click += (s, e) => { var lib = md.Properties.Energy; var dialog = new Honeybee.UI.Dialog_HVACManager(ref lib); dialog.ShowModal(this); }; var cSetSel_btn = new Button() { Text = "CSetSelector" }; cSetSel_btn.Click += (s, e) => { var lib = md.Properties.Energy; var cSetSel = new Dialog_ConstructionSetManager(ref lib, true); var cSetSel_rc = cSetSel.ShowModal(Config.Owner); if (cSetSel_rc != null) { foreach (var item in md.Properties.Energy.ConstructionSets) { Console.WriteLine(item.Obj); } } }; var cIntSetSel_btn = new Button() { Text = "ConstructionSet Interior" }; var cInt = new InteriorSet(); cIntSetSel_btn.Click += (s, e) => { var lib = md.Properties.Energy; var cSetSel = new Dialog_ConstructionSet_Interior(ref lib, cInt); var cSetSel_rc = cSetSel.ShowModal(Config.Owner); if (cSetSel_rc != null) { cInt = cSetSel_rc; Console.WriteLine(cSetSel_rc); } }; var mIntSetSel_btn = new Button() { Text = "ModifierSet Interior" }; var mInt = new InteriorSet(); mIntSetSel_btn.Click += (s, e) => { var lib = md.Properties.Radiance; var cSetSel = new Dialog_ModifierSet_Interior(ref lib, mInt); var cSetSel_rc = cSetSel.ShowModal(Config.Owner); if (cSetSel_rc != null) { mInt = cSetSel_rc; Console.WriteLine(cSetSel_rc); } }; var matchRooms_btn = new Button() { Text = "MatchRooms" }; matchRooms_btn.Click += (s, e) => { var source = new Room("id", new List <Face>(), new RoomPropertiesAbridged(energy: new RoomEnergyPropertiesAbridged("my construction")), displayName: "SourceName"); var target = new Room("id", new List <Face>(), new RoomPropertiesAbridged()); var dia = new Dialog_MatchRoomProperties(source, new List <Room>() { target }); var rc = dia.ShowModal(Config.Owner); if (rc != null) { foreach (var item in rc) { Console.WriteLine(item.ToJson()); } } }; var lockedUnits = new Dictionary <Honeybee.UI.Units.UnitType, System.Enum>() { { Honeybee.UI.Units.UnitType.Length, Units.LengthUnit.Millimeter } }; var unit_btn = new Button() { Text = "Unit setting" }; unit_btn.Click += (s, e) => { var dia = new Dialog_UnitSetting(lockedUnits); dia.ShowModal(Config.Owner); }; var legend_btn = new Button() { Text = "Legend" }; legend_btn.Click += (s, e) => { var dia = new Dialog_Legend(null); dia.ShowModal(Config.Owner); }; var errors_btn = new Button() { Text = "Errors" }; //var validationReport = new ValidationReport() //var path = @"D:\Dev\Pollination\rhino-plugin\error.json"; //var json = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(path); var report = new ValidationReport("1.1.0", "1.2.0", false, "Error"); errors_btn.Click += (s, e) => { var dia = Dialog_Error.Instance; dia.Update(report); dia.Show(); }; panel.AddSeparateRow(RoomPropertybtn, RoomPropertybtn2, null); panel.AddSeparateRow(facePropertybtn, facePropertybtn2, null); panel.AddSeparateRow(aptPropertybtn, aptPropertybtn2, null); panel.AddSeparateRow(doorPropertybtn, null); panel.AddSeparateRow(shdPropertybtn, shdPropertybtn2, null); panel.AddSeparateRow(viewPropertybtn, viewPropertybtn2, null); panel.AddSeparateRow(sensorGridPropertybtn, sensorGridPropertybtn2, null); panel.AddSeparateRow(Messagebtn); panel.AddSeparateRow(conbtn, cSetbtn, cIntSetSel_btn, cSetManager, cSetSel_btn, null); panel.AddSeparateRow(pTypebtn, pTypeMngbtn, null); panel.AddSeparateRow(schbtn); panel.AddSeparateRow(simuParam); panel.AddSeparateRow(modelManager); panel.AddSeparateRow(materialBtn); panel.AddSeparateRow(modifierBtn, modifierSetMngBtn, modifierBtn, mIntSetSel_btn, null); panel.AddSeparateRow(shwMngBtn, shwBtn); panel.AddSeparateRow(outputs); panel.AddSeparateRow(opsHVACs); panel.AddSeparateRow(HVACManager); panel.AddSeparateRow(matchRooms_btn); panel.AddSeparateRow(unit_btn, legend_btn); panel.AddSeparateRow(errors_btn); panel.AddSeparateRow(null); Content = panel; }