void Start() { LockstepManager.Initialize (); GridManager.Generate (); const int count = 32; for (int i = -count; i < count; i++) { for (int j = -count; j < count; j++) { if (i * i + j * j < 16) continue; if (LSUtility.GetRandom (2) == 0) { Vector2d pos = new Vector2d(i,j); GridManager.GetNode(pos.x,pos.y).Unwalkable = true; Instantiate(TestWall).GetComponent<LSBody>().Initialize(pos); } } } /*LSBody wall = Instantiate (TestWall).GetComponent<LSBody> (); wall.Initialize (new Vector2d (-32 + 14, 0)); for (long i = wall.XMin; i <= wall.XMax; i+= FixedMath.One) { for (long j = wall.YMin; j <= wall.YMax; j+= FixedMath.One) { GridManager.GetNode (i, j).Unwalkable = true; } }*/ GridManager.Initialize (); controller = AgentController.Create (); for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) { agent = controller.CreateAgent (AgentCode.Minion); } PlayerManager.AddAgentController (controller); }
protected override void OnStartGame() { for (int i = 0; i < _spawnAmount; i++) { AgentController ac = new AgentController(); PlayerManager.AddController (ac); ac.CreateAgent (_spawnCode,Vector2d.zero); } }
public void GivenACallAction_WhenStatusIsCompleted_ThenResponseWillBeEmpty() { var controller = new AgentController(); var result = controller.Call("1", "completed"); result.ExecuteResult(MockControllerContext.Object); Assert.That(Result.ToString(), Is.Empty); }
public static AgentController CreateAgentController() { if (_AgentController == null) { var clientsProcessor = CreateClientsProcessor(); var disconnectedClientProccessor = CreateDisconnectedClientProccessor(clientsProcessor); var commandTransfer = CreateCommandTransfer(clientsProcessor); _AgentController=new AgentController(clientsProcessor, commandTransfer, disconnectedClientProccessor); } return _AgentController; }
public void GivenAConnectMessage_ThenRespondsWithInstructions() { var controller = new AgentController(); var result = controller.ConnectMessage(); result.ExecuteResult(MockControllerContext.Object); var document = LoadXml(Result.ToString()); Assert.That(document.SelectSingleNode("Response/Say"), Is.Not.Null); }
protected internal virtual AgentControllerInterface createAgent(Props agentProps) { AgentController controller = null; string classname = agentProps.getString("classname"); if (classname.Length > 0) { if (classname.Equals("com.neokernel.xml.XMLStartupAgent")) { classname = "Feng.NeoKernel.nk.LicenseFreeXMLStartupAgent"; } if (!classname.Equals("com.neokernel.xml.XMLStartupAgent") && !classname.Equals("com.neokernel.nk.Trmntr")) { this.println("Creating agent " + classname); } try { AgentInterface agent = null; IClassFactoryInterface defaultClassFactory = (IClassFactoryInterface) agentProps.getProperty("class_factory"); if (defaultClassFactory == null) { defaultClassFactory = NK.DefaultClassFactory; } agent = (AgentInterface) defaultClassFactory.createInstance(classname); Type type = agent.GetType(); if (!agentProps.hasProperty("name")) { string fullName = type.FullName; int num = fullName.LastIndexOf('.'); if (num > 0) { fullName = fullName.Substring(num + 1); } agentProps.setProperty("name", fullName); } agentProps.setDefault("agent_id", this.NextAgentID); agent.Props = agentProps; controller = new AgentController(agent); } catch (ArgumentException exception) { this.error("Could not create Agent: " + classname, exception); } catch (ClassFactoryException exception2) { this.error("Could not create Agent: " + classname, exception2); } } return controller; }
public void GivenACallAction_WhenStatusIsDifferentThanCompleted_ThenRecordTheCallAndHangup() { var controller = new AgentController {Url = Url}; var result = controller.Call("1", "busy"); result.ExecuteResult(MockControllerContext.Object); var document = LoadXml(Result.ToString()); Assert.That(document.SelectSingleNode("Response/Record").Attributes["action"].Value, Is.EqualTo("/Agent/Hangup")); Assert.That(document.SelectSingleNode("Response/Record").Attributes["transcribeCallback"].Value, Is.EqualTo("/Recording/Create?agentId=1")); Assert.That(document.SelectSingleNode("Response/Hangup"), Is.Not.Null); }
void Start() { agentController = GetComponent <AgentController>(); utils = GetComponent <AgentUtils>(); config = agentController.config; sideVector = utils.sideVector; ball = GameObject.Find("Ball").transform; agentController.otherGoal.GetComponent <Goal>().scoreEvent.AddListener(AddPositiveReward); agentController.goal.GetComponent <Goal>().scoreEvent.AddListener(AddNegativeReward); fieldSize = utils.floor.lossyScale; currentTargetPosition = Vector3.zero; currentBallRegion = ball.position; RequestDecision(); }
void OnTriggerEnter(Collider c) { if (!soldOut && c.gameObject.tag == "Player") { AgentController player = c.gameObject.GetComponent <AgentController>(); if (player.money >= item.price) { // subtract money and add item player.money -= item.price; player.items.Add(item); // apply effects if (item.setRatKing) { player.ratKing = true; } player.health += item.healthIncrease; player.reach += item.rangeIncrease; if (item.fireRateIncrease != 0) { player.fireRate /= item.fireRateIncrease; } player.agent.speed += item.speedIncrease; player.moneyMultiplier += item.moneyMultiplierIncrease; // refresh items foreach (GameObject o in GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("UIitem")) { Destroy(o); } foreach (GameObject o in GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("UIcamera")) { o.GetComponent <UIController>().updateItems(); } // remove item from shop soldOut = true; displayText.text = "SOLD OUT"; displaySprite.sprite = null; } } }
// Use this for initialization public override void Start() { //Call base to load awareness controller base.Start(); _agentController = GetComponentInParent <AgentController>(); if (transform.parent.CompareTag("Agent")) { isAgentChild = true; } else { isAgentChild = false; } if (isAgentChild) { rotationTracker = 0; } }
public void LoadData() { List <tbl_Agent> a = new List <tbl_Agent>(); if (Request.QueryString["s"] != null) { string s = Request.QueryString["s"]; //txtAgentName.Text = s; a = AgentController.GetAll(s); } else { a = AgentController.GetAll(""); } if (a.Count > 0) { pagingall(a); } }
private void Start() { spawnPosition = transform.position; spawnRotation = transform.rotation; ResetAgentCheckPoints(); minimapMarker.SetActive(true); weaponController = GetComponent <WeaponController>(); rb = GetComponent <Rigidbody>(); rb.maxAngularVelocity = Mathf.Infinity; rb.drag = drag; dragDelta = dragMax - drag; mass = rb.mass; // Вычисляем расстояние от центра координат машины до земли Physics.Raycast(transform.position, Vector3.down, out RaycastHit hit, Mathf.Infinity, surfaceSearchMask); distanceToGround = transform.position - hit.point; // Создаем Healthbar if (healthBar != null) { healthBar.CreateHealthbar(hp); } else { Debug.Log(playerName + ": Healthbar not found"); } currentHp = hp; if (!isAgent) { controls.Player.Respawn.performed += _ => Respawn(); controls.Player.Jump.performed += _ => Jump(); controls.Player.Fire.performed += _ => weaponController.Fire(); controls.Player.LandMine.performed += _ => weaponController.SetMine(); enabled = false; } else { agent = GetComponent <AgentController>(); } }
public void MoveFinish() { Vector3Int currentCell = MapIns.WorldToCell(transform.position).ZToZero(); if (!Remote.Binding()) { if (MapIns.GetNearestPosition(currentCell, out Vector3Int result)) { // StartMove(currentCell, result); // main thread // AsyncStartMove(currentCell, result); // another thread AgentController.MoveAgent(this, currentCell, result, currentEnemy); curMoveStep = 0; } } else { Stop(); } }
bool GetClosestEnemy() { Collider[] objects = Physics.OverlapSphere(transform.position, RangeToFindEnemy); if (objects.Length > 0) { GameObject closestEnemy = null; float closestDistance = 0; foreach (Collider col in objects) { if (col.tag == "Player") { AgentController control = col.GetComponent <AgentController>(); if (control == null) { continue; } if (control.Team == Team) { continue; } Debug.Log("musuh ni"); float dist = Vector3.Distance(col.gameObject.transform.position, transform.position); if (closestDistance < dist) { closestEnemy = col.gameObject; closestDistance = dist; } } } nearestEnemy = closestEnemy; if (nearestEnemy != null) { return(true); } else { return(false); } } return(false); }
public void GenerateProcessorAgents() { String index; dispCont = JadeHelper.CreateContainer("DispatcherContainer", false, "localhost", null, "1150"); dispAgent = JadeHelper.CreateAgent(dispCont, "DispatcherAgent", "Project_MASMA.DispatcherAgent", null); for (int i = 0; i < Constants.ProcessorNumber; i++) { index = (i < 9) ? "0" + i : i.ToString(); procCont.Add(JadeHelper.CreateContainer("container" + i, false, "localhost", null, "11" + index)); procAgents.Add(JadeHelper.CreateAgent(procCont[i], "ProcessorAgent" + i, "Project_MASMA.ProcessorAgent", null)); } dispAgent.start(); for (int i = 0; i < Constants.ProcessorNumber; i++) { procCont[i].start(); procAgents[i].start(); } }
public void AddControl(ControlType controlType) { switch (controlType) { case ControlType.Human: agentController = new HumanAgentController(gameObject); break; case ControlType.Random: agentController = new RandomAgentController(); break; case ControlType.ForwardBack: agentController = new MacroFBAgentController(); break; default: throw new System.Exception("Invalid control type"); } }
public void DisplayText(string text, AgentController agent) { if (agent is AndroidController) { AndroidController android = (AndroidController)agent; androidText.text = text; androidPanel.gameObject.SetActive(true); if (!actives.ContainsKey(android.Head)) { actives.Add(android.Head, androidPanel.gameObject); } } else { PlayerController player = (PlayerController)agent; playerText.text = text; playerPanel.gameObject.SetActive(true); } }
private void OnCollisionEnter(Collision collision) { if (capacity <= harvestedFood) { return; } if (collision.transform.CompareTag("food")) { harvestedFood++; AgentController.EatFood(agent, collision.gameObject, agent.arena); agent.agentKnowledge.observedFoods.Remove(collision.gameObject); } if (collision.transform.CompareTag("badFood")) { harvestedFood++; AgentController.EatBadFood(agent, collision.gameObject, agent.arena); agent.agentKnowledge.observedFoods.Remove(collision.gameObject); } }
private void OnCollisionEnter(Collision collision) { if (bossCtrl == null || (bossCtrl != null && !bossCtrl.IsSetuppedAndEnabled())) { return; } if (collision.gameObject.layer == LayerMask.NameToLayer("Obstacle")) { OnObstacleHit?.Invoke(collision.gameObject); } else { AgentController agent = collision.gameObject.GetComponent <AgentController>(); if (agent != null) { OnAgentHit?.Invoke(agent); } } }
// Update is called once per frame public override void OnStateUpdate() { AgentController agentController = cachedAgentController; _Timer -= Time.deltaTime; if (_Timer <= 0.0f) { if (agentController != null) { OnUpdateAgent(); } _Timer = Random.Range(_MinInterval, _MaxInterval); } if (agentController != null && agentController.isDone) { OnDone(); } }
public virtual void OnAttacked(AgentController attacker) { if (attacker.team == team) { return; } health -= attacker.GetComponentInChildren <Weapon>().damage; if (health < 0) { health = 0f; OnDie(attacker); // die animation } else { // damage animation } }
// Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { agentController = GetComponent <AgentController>(); config = agentController.config; ball = GameObject.Find("Ball").transform; floor = GameObject.Find("Floor").transform; teammates = new List <Transform>(); opponents = new List <Transform>(); sideVector = (agentController.isLeftSide)?new Vector3(1, 0f, 1):new Vector3(-1, 0f, -1); foreach (GameObject obj in GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("left")) { if (obj != gameObject) { if (agentController.isLeftSide) { teammates.Add(obj.transform); } else { opponents.Add(obj.transform); } } } foreach (GameObject obj in GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("right")) { if (obj != gameObject) { if (!agentController.isLeftSide) { teammates.Add(obj.transform); } else { opponents.Add(obj.transform); } } } }
public override void EnterState(GameObject agent) { if (agent.tag == Constants.MinionTag) { Debug.Log("Enter Attack State"); } AgentController controller = agent.GetComponent <AgentController>(); //Get target from sensor SetNextTarget(agent, controller); Animator anim = agent.GetComponent <Animator>(); anim.SetBool("hasTargetInRange", true); //NavMeshAgent navAgent = agent.GetComponent<NavMeshAgent>(); //if (navAgent == null) // return; //navAgent.enabled = false; }
public AgentState(GameObject gameObject) : base(gameObject) { self = gameObject.GetComponent <Agent>(); agentStats = self.agentStats; controller = gameObject.GetComponent <AgentController>(); groundLayer = self.groundLayer; charController = gameObject.GetComponent <CharacterController>(); weapons = gameObject.GetComponent <AgentWeapons>(); health = gameObject.GetComponent <AgentHealth>(); stamina = gameObject.GetComponent <AgentStamina>(); vigor = gameObject.GetComponent <AgentVigor>(); anim = gameObject.GetComponentInChildren <Animator>(); audioManager = AudioManager.instance; poolManager = PoolManager.Instance; animEvents = gameObject.GetComponentInChildren <AgentAnimEvents>(); navAgent = gameObject.GetComponent <NavMeshAgent>(); audio = gameObject.GetComponentInChildren <AudioSource>(); transitionsTo.Add(new Transition(typeof(Dying), IsDead)); transitionsTo.Add(new Transition(typeof(TakingDamage), () => health.TookSignificatDamage)); }
void Start() { LockstepManager.Initialize(); GridManager.Generate(); const int count = 32; for (int i = -count; i < count; i++) { for (int j = -count; j < count; j++) { if (i * i + j * j < 16) { continue; } if (LSUtility.GetRandom(2) == 0) { Vector2d pos = new Vector2d(i, j); GridManager.GetNode(pos.x, pos.y).Unwalkable = true; Instantiate(TestWall).GetComponent <LSBody>().Initialize(pos); } } } /*LSBody wall = Instantiate (TestWall).GetComponent<LSBody> (); * wall.Initialize (new Vector2d (-32 + 14, 0)); * for (long i = wall.XMin; i <= wall.XMax; i+= FixedMath.One) { * for (long j = wall.YMin; j <= wall.YMax; j+= FixedMath.One) { * GridManager.GetNode (i, j).Unwalkable = true; * } * }*/ GridManager.Initialize(); controller = AgentController.Create(); for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) { agent = controller.CreateAgent(AgentCode.Minion); } PlayerManager.AddAgentController(controller); }
// Use this for initialization protected override void Start() { base.Start(); _agent = GetComponent <AgentController> (); _agent.CurrentTask = this; _memory = GetComponent <Memory> (); _moving = GetComponent <Moving> (); _inventory = GetComponent <Inventory>(); _village = GameObject.Find("Village").GetComponent <Village>(); _construction = _village.GetPrefab("ConstructionSite"); _target = null; _stockpile = null; _buildingDecision = new DecisionTree <GameObject>(); System.Reflection.MethodInfo[] methods = this.GetType().GetMethods(); foreach (YamlLoader.PropertyElement element in (List <YamlLoader.PropertyElement>)Manager.Instance.Properties.GetElement("BuildingCost").Value) { _buildingDecision.AddAction(new DecisionTree <GameObject> .Action(element.Name, _village.GetPrefab(element.Name))); } foreach (System.Reflection.MethodInfo method in methods) { if (((BuildingChoiceMethod[])method.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(BuildingChoiceMethod), true)).Length > 0) { List <DecisionTree <GameObject> .Action> actions = new List <DecisionTree <GameObject> .Action>(); List <float> weights = new List <float>(); foreach (BuildingChoiceLink link in (BuildingChoiceLink[])method.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(BuildingChoiceLink), true)) { DecisionTree <GameObject> .Action a = _buildingDecision.GetAction(link.Name); if (a != null) { actions.Add(a); weights.Add(link.Weight); } } if (actions.Count > 0) { _buildingDecision.AddPercept(new DecisionTree <GameObject> .Percept(method.Name, actions.ToArray(), weights.ToArray())); } } } }
public void SpeakText(AgentController currentAgent, string text) { textToSpeak = "<speak version=\"1.0\">"; textToSpeak += "<voice-transformation type=\"Custom\" pitch=\" " + sp_pitch + " % \" pitch_range =\"" + sp_pitchRange + " % \" rate =\"" + sp_rate + " % \" breathiness =\"" + sp_breathiness + " % \" glottal_tension =\" " + sp_glottalTension + " % \" >"; currentPlainTalkText = ""; textToSpeak += text; currentPlainTalkText += text; AgentGender gender = currentAgent.agentGender; if (OnlySaveToWav) { gender = saveGenders[saveIndex]; } if (_synthesizePlayed) { _synthesizePlayed = false; textToSpeak += "</voice-transformation>" + "</speak>"; // finalize if (OnlySaveToWav) { Debug.Log("Saving to: " + saveNames[saveIndex] + ", " + textToSpeak); } else { Debug.Log("Saying:" + textToSpeak); } agentToTalkNewIK = currentAgent; Runnable.Run(CallSpeakService(gender)); } }
public async Task GiveAgentsAddingTargets_WhenGetAssignments_CorrectTargetsShouldBeReturned() { // Arrange IWatcherRepository watcherRepository = new CosmosWatcherRepository(_watcherOption, _loggerFactory); await watcherRepository.Database.Delete(_databaseName, CancellationToken.None); await watcherRepository.InitializeContainers(); IRecordContainer <TargetRecord> targetContainer = await watcherRepository.Container.Create <TargetRecord>(); targetContainer.Should().NotBeNull(); IAgentController agentController = new AgentController(_watcherOption, watcherRepository, _loggerFactory.CreateLogger <AgentController>()); // Act const int max = 10; var agents = new List <AgentRecord>(); foreach (int targetCount in Enumerable.Range(1, max)) { await targetContainer.CreateTestTarget(targetCount); } foreach (int agentCount in Enumerable.Range(1, max)) { agents.Add(await agentController.CreateTestAgent(agentCount)); foreach (var agent in agents) { await agentController.LoadBalanceAssignments(); IReadOnlyList <TargetRecord> assignments = await targetContainer.GetAssignments(agent.Id, _loggerFactory.CreateLogger <TargetRecord>()); assignments.Count.Should().BeGreaterThan(0); } } // Clean up await watcherRepository.Database.Delete(_databaseName, CancellationToken.None); }
private bool ExplodeCell(Vector3Int relativePos, BombConfig bombConfig, AgentController bomber, bool isFirstRow = false) { Vector3 pos = tilemap.GetCellCenterWorld(relativePos); Tile tile = tilemap.GetTile <Tile>(relativePos); if (tile == wallTile) { return(false); } Collider2D collider = Physics2D.OverlapPoint(pos, LayerMask.GetMask("Bomb")); if (collider != null && !isFirstRow) { if (collider.tag == "Bomb") { collider.gameObject.GetComponent <Bomb>().SetCountdown(bombConfig.timeBeteweenExplosions); } return(false); } GameObject newExplosion = GetExplosion(pos); // mapController.AddNewExplosionToMap(cellPos, bomber); gameController.AddExplosion(newExplosion, relativePos, bomber); if (tile == destructibleTile) { tilemap.SetTile(relativePos, null); //mapController.CreateNewItem(cellPos); //newExplosion.GetComponent<Explosion>().SetConfigs(mapController, cellPos, true); return(false); } //newExplosion.GetComponent<Explosion>().SetConfigs(mapController, cellPos); return(true); }
public void Explode(Vector2 worldPos, BombType bomb, AgentController bomber) { //int initialMatchId = gameController.matchId; Vector3Int originCell = tilemap.WorldToCell(worldPos); BombConfig bombConfig = AllEnviromentCommon.Instance.GetBombConfigs(bomb); int radius = bombConfig.radius; ExplodeCell(originCell, bombConfig, bomber, true); foreach (var direction in directions) { for (int i = 1; i < radius + 1; i++) { /*if (initialMatchId != gameController.matchId) { * return; * }*/ if (!ExplodeCell(originCell + i * direction, bombConfig, bomber)) { break; } } } }
// Update is called once per frame private void Update() { if (enable) { Vector3 nextLaserPoint; float checkAgentDistance = maxLaserRange; RaycastHit hit; //Controllo se colpisco un ostacolo if (Physics.SphereCast(transform.position, laserRadius, transform.forward, out hit, maxLaserRange, laserColliderLayer)) { if (hit.collider) { nextLaserPoint = hit.point; checkAgentDistance = hit.distance; } else { nextLaserPoint = transform.position + (transform.forward * maxLaserRange); } } else { nextLaserPoint = transform.position + (transform.forward * maxLaserRange); } //Controllo se colpisco un agent al max range dell'ostacolo if (Physics.SphereCast(transform.position, laserRadius, transform.forward, out hit, checkAgentDistance, agentLayer)) { AgentController agent = hit.transform.gameObject.GetComponent <AgentController>(); if (agent != null) { OnAgentHit?.Invoke(agent); } } lineRenderer.SetPosition(1, nextLaserPoint); } }
// Use this for initialization private void Start() { _agent = GetComponent <AgentController>(); _db = new Database(); _db.Add("Patch", new Database.Table(new string[] { "Type", "Above", "PosX", "PosZ", "LastUpdate" }, new Type[] { typeof(bool), typeof(string), typeof(int), typeof(int), typeof(float) })); int mapWidth = Manager.Instance.GetComponent <Manager>().Width; int mapHeight = Manager.Instance.GetComponent <Manager>().Height; Database.Table t = _db.Tables["Patch"]; foreach (Patch patch in GameObject.Find("Ground").GetComponentsInChildren <Patch>()) { t.Insert(new object[] { patch.name == "Grass(Clone)", "None", (int)patch.transform.position.x, (int)patch.transform.position.z, 0f }); } }
IEnumerator stats() { yield return(new WaitForSeconds(10.0f)); float speed = 0; int agentsDied = 0; int agentsBorn = 0; int agentsInGeneration = FindObjectsOfType <AgentController>().Length; Debug.Log("GENERATION: " + generation); Debug.Log("Agents alive: " + agentsInGeneration); foreach (AgentController agent in FindObjectsOfType <AgentController>()) { AgentController agentController = agent.GetComponent <AgentController>(); speed += agentController.speed; if (agentController.food == 0) { agentController.die(); agentsDied++; } else if (agentController.food >= 2) { agentController.reproduce(); agentController.food = 0; agentController.energy = agentController.initialEnergy; agentsBorn++; } else { agentController.food = 0; agentController.energy = agentController.initialEnergy; } } Debug.Log("Agents born: " + agentsBorn); Debug.Log("Agents dead: " + agentsDied); Debug.Log("Speed avg: " + (speed / (agentsInGeneration * 1.0f))); generation++; StartCoroutine(stats()); }
void FixedUpdate() { SetLineRenderer(); if (canCharge && target != null) { SetEnergySize(); if (energy > 0) { target.energyPower += Time.deltaTime * 2; energy -= Time.deltaTime * 2; target.SetSize(); if (target.energyPower > 150) { target = null; } } else { GetEnergy(); } } }
public override IEnumerator Apply(ITriggerAgent agent) { var lowestTTC = TimeToCollisionLimit; var egos = SimulatorManager.Instance.AgentManager.ActiveAgents; AgentController collisionEgo = null; foreach (var ego in egos) { var agentController = ego.AgentGO.GetComponentInChildren <AgentController>(); var ttc = CalculateTTC(agentController, agent); if (ttc >= lowestTTC || ttc < 0.0f) { continue; } lowestTTC = ttc; collisionEgo = agentController; } //If there is no collision detected don't wait if (lowestTTC >= TimeToCollisionLimit || collisionEgo == null) { yield break; } //Agent will adjust waiting time while waiting do { yield return(null); lowestTTC = CalculateTTC(collisionEgo, agent); //Check if TTC is valid, for example ego did not change the direction if (lowestTTC >= TimeToCollisionLimit) { yield break; } } while (lowestTTC > 0.0f); }
public AgentController Spawn(Vector3 pos, City city = null) { if (city == null) { city = wc.Town; } GameObject go = Instantiate(agent_template, pos, Quaternion.identity, wc.AgentRealm); go.name = "Agent" + spawnerCounter++.ToString(); AgentController ac = go.transform.GetComponent <AgentController>(); ac.City = city; city.KeepTrack(ac); if (pos == Vector3.zero) { go.transform.position = ac.City.RandomPos; } return(ac); }
private IEnumerator CampCo() { logger.LogFormat(LogType.Log, "{0} co init...", LogTag); while (_alive) { if (boss == null) { _alive = false; foreach (Transform c in transform) { AgentController ac = c.GetComponent <AgentController>(); ac.OnDie(ac); } } else if (transform.childCount < campCapacity) { CreateDragon(); } yield return(new WaitForSeconds(coInterval)); } logger.LogFormat(LogType.Log, "{0} co end...", LogTag); Destroy(this); }
public IdleState(AgentController agentCtrl) { agent = agentCtrl; }
public void GivenAScreenCallAction_ThenResponseContainsSpelledPhoneNumber() { var controller = new AgentController {Url = Url}; var result = controller.ScreenCall("1234567890"); result.ExecuteResult(MockControllerContext.Object); StringAssert.Contains("1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0", Result.ToString()); }
public FearState(AgentController agentCtrl) { agent = agentCtrl; }
public HuntState(AgentController agentCtrl) { agent = agentCtrl; }
public void Update() { Instance = this; HandleDragging(); }
public void Start() { Instance = this; tools = new[] { new NavigationTool() }; currentTool = tools[0]; }
public CounterState(AgentController agentCtrl) { agent = agentCtrl; }
public void GivenAScreenCallAction_ThenResponseContainsGatherAndHangup() { var controller = new AgentController{Url = Url}; var result = controller.ScreenCall("1234567890"); result.ExecuteResult(MockControllerContext.Object); var document = LoadXml(Result.ToString()); Assert.That(document.SelectSingleNode("Response/Gather").Attributes["action"].Value, Is.EqualTo("/Agent/ConnectMessage")); Assert.That(document.SelectSingleNode("Response/Hangup"), Is.Not.Null); }
private static AgentController GetAgentController(IAgentRepository repository) { var controller = new AgentController(repository); controller.ControllerContext = new ControllerContext() { Controller = controller, RequestContext = new RequestContext(new MockHttpContext(), new RouteData()) }; return controller; }
public EngageState(AgentController agentCtrl) { agent = agentCtrl; }