Example #1
        protected override void Analyse(DataEventArgs data)
            if (_cooldown <= 0)
                Accelerometer newAccValue = data.Data.Acc;

                double absAcc = Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(newAccValue.G_Z, 2) + Math.Pow(newAccValue.G_Y, 2) + Math.Pow(newAccValue.G_X, 2));

                //check if condition is fulfilled
                if (LOWER[_state] == (absAcc < ABS_ACC_THRESHOLD[_state]))
                    _cooldown = COOLDOWN_DURATION[_state];
                    //check if all states have been passed and activity therefore is detected
                    if (_state % STATE_COUNT == 0)
                        _state = 0;
                        ActivityDone.Invoke(this, new PushUpEventArgs());
            if (_cooldown > 0)
                _cooldown -= (1.0 / _frequency);
Example #2
        override protected void Analyse(DataEventArgs data)
            //to avoid using reflections or other stuff to dynamically get right value from sensor data, copy data to an array structure.
            Accelerometer newAccValue = data.Data.Acc;

            double[] dataAsArray =
            //check if condition of current state is fulfilled
            if (LOWER[_state] == (dataAsArray[VALUE_INDEX[_state]] < THRESHOLD[_state]))
                //progress to next state
                //check if all states have been passed and activity therefore is detected
                if (_state % STATE_COUNT == 0)
                    _state = 0;
                    ActivityDone.Invoke(this, new PushUpEventArgs());
        protected override void Analyse(DataEventArgs data)
            IMUDataEntry _newValue = data.Data;
            //the accelerometer is the only relevant thing
            Accelerometer accV    = _newValue.Acc;
            double        accVAbs = Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(accV.G_X, 2) + Math.Pow(accV.G_Y, 2) + Math.Pow(accV.G_Z, 2));
            //first update average values
            //therefore calculate the weight of the old value
            int ref_weight = REF_WEIGHT_REL * _frequency;

            _avgAccAbsolute = (accVAbs + ref_weight * _avgAccAbsolute) / (ref_weight + 1);
            _avgAccX        = (accV.G_X + ref_weight * _avgAccX) / (ref_weight + 1);
            _avgAccY        = (accV.G_Y + ref_weight * _avgAccY) / (ref_weight + 1);
            _avgAccZ        = (accV.G_Z + ref_weight * _avgAccZ) / (ref_weight + 1);

            if (accVAbs > TRIGGER_THRESHOLD * _avgAccAbsolute)
                //threshold is passed
                if (cooldown <= 0)
                    //set cooldown, no matter what motion has been registered
                    cooldown = COOLDOWN_DURATION;
                    //check if direction of current value and average head in the same direction using simple formula for cosinus
                    if ((_avgAccX * accV.G_X + _avgAccY * accV.G_Y + _avgAccZ * accV.G_Z)
                        / accVAbs / _avgAccAbsolute > ANGLE_TOLERANCE_COS)
                        //step recognized
                        ActivityDone.Invoke(this, new StepEventArgs());

            if (cooldown > 0)
                cooldown -= 1.0 / _frequency;
Example #4
 /// <summary>
 /// this method is called when a change of the running state was detected. It automatically applies the change to _runningState and notifies the triggers the Event.
 /// </summary>
 protected void ChangeDetected()
     _runningState = !_runningState;
     ActivityDone.Invoke(this, new RunningEventArgs(_runningState));