private void RawTeleport(Map map, Vector2Int location, OrthoDir?facing = null) { if (Avatar == null) { AddInitialAvatar(map); } else { Avatar.transform.SetParent(map.objectLayer.transform, false); } Avatar.GetComponent <MapEvent>().SetPosition(location); if (facing != null) { Avatar.Chara.Facing = facing.GetValueOrDefault(OrthoDir.North); } if (ActiveMap != null) { ActiveMap.OnTeleportAway(); Destroy(ActiveMap.gameObject); } ActiveMap = map; ActiveMap.OnTeleportTo(); Global.Instance().Dispatch.Signal(EventTeleport, ActiveMap); Avatar.OnTeleport(); }
public AddItem(ActiveMap map, int itemSlot) { this.itemSlot = itemSlot; Item item = map.Items[itemSlot]; sprite = Data.GameData.ItemDex[item.ItemIndex].Sprite; itemLoc = item.ItemLoc; }
void frame_MouseClick(Element sender, MouseEventArgs e) { var player = (Player)ActiveMap.Player; var mdir = Vector2.Normalize(e.CurrentPosition - player.Position); var launchPort = player.Position + mdir * (player.Radius + 5); //launch stuff from slightly in front of player float launchVel = 300f + player.Velocity.Length(); var carrier = new DeviceTransporter(launchPort, 15); carrier.Velocity = launchVel * mdir; SpawnObject <Actor>(carrier); if (e.isClicked(MouseButtons.Left)) { var c = new Charge(50, 15); ActiveMap.AddObject(c); carrier.AddDevice(c); } if (e.isClicked(MouseButtons.Right)) { var s = new Sensor(60f); ActiveMap.AddObject(s); carrier.AddDevice(s); } }
protected void InitializeApple() { Apple apple = GetApple(); apple.Move(ActiveMap.RandomFreeNode); ActiveMap.AddItem(apple); }
private void GenerateStartingResources() { for (var i = 0; i < 100; i++) { ActiveMap.AddEntity(ResourceMasterList.GetDefaultClone("wood"), new Point(12, 12)); } }
/// <summary> /// DO NOT USE FOR SIMULATION!! /// It's intended use is to render things, like units, above the map, respecting the map height visual. /// </summary> public static float GetElevationOfPosition(FractionalHex position, ActiveMap customActiveMap = null) { ActiveMap activeMap; if (customActiveMap == null) { activeMap = MapManager.ActiveMap; Debug.Assert(activeMap != null, "The Active Map is null!!!"); } else { activeMap = customActiveMap; } Hex standingHex = position.Round(); GeographicTile geographicTile; if (!, out geographicTile)) { Debug.LogWarning($"There is no map hex on the {position} of the map! returning 0 extra height"); return(0); } if (!geographicTile.IsSlope) { int level = GeographicTile.GetValueOfHeight(geographicTile.heightLevel); return(level * activeMap.heightPerElevationUnit); } var slopeData = geographicTile.slopeData; bool isSimpleSlope; SimpleSlopeDirection simpleSlopeDirection; DoubleSlopeDirection doubleSlopeDirection; GetTheDirectionAndTypeOfSlope(slopeData, out isSimpleSlope, out simpleSlopeDirection, out doubleSlopeDirection); var positionRelativeToHex = position - (FractionalHex)standingHex; if (isSimpleSlope) { int bottomLevel; int upperLevel; GetHeightLevels(simpleSlopeDirection, slopeData, out bottomLevel, out upperLevel); float lerpFactor = GetInterpolationValue(simpleSlopeDirection, positionRelativeToHex); return(Mathf.Lerp((float)bottomLevel, (float)upperLevel, lerpFactor) * activeMap.heightPerElevationUnit); } else { int bottomLevel; int upperLevel; GetHeightLevels(doubleSlopeDirection, slopeData, out bottomLevel, out upperLevel); float lerpFactor = GetInterpolationValue(doubleSlopeDirection, positionRelativeToHex); return(Mathf.Lerp((float)bottomLevel, (float)upperLevel, lerpFactor) * activeMap.heightPerElevationUnit); } }
public virtual void SpawnObject <T>(T obj) { ActiveMap.AddObject(obj as WorldObject); if (obj is IRigidBody) { PhysicsManager.ActiveBodies.Add(obj as IRigidBody); } }
public virtual void KillObject <T>(T obj) { ActiveMap.SafelyRemoveObject(obj as WorldObject); if (obj is IRigidBody) { PhysicsManager.SafeDelete(obj as IRigidBody); } }
public override void Update(GameTime time) { if (!UIManager.Update(time)) { base.Exit(); } ActiveMap.UpdateDynamicObjects(time); PhysicsManager.Update(time.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds / 1000f); }
public void LinePath() { var geoMap = new Dictionary <Hex, GeographicTile> { { new Hex(0, 0), new GeographicTile() { heightLevel = MapHeight.l0, walkable = false } }, { new Hex(1, -1), new GeographicTile() { heightLevel = MapHeight.l0, walkable = true } }, { new Hex(1, 0), new GeographicTile() { heightLevel = MapHeight.l0, walkable = true } }, { new Hex(0, 1), new GeographicTile() { heightLevel = MapHeight.l0, walkable = true } } }; RuntimeMap map = new RuntimeMap(geoMap, 100); var layout = new Layout(Orientation.pointy, new FixVector2(1, 1), new FixVector2(0, 0)); ActiveMap activeMap = new ActiveMap(map, layout); var simplifiedPath = PathFindingSystem.HexFunnelAlgorithm ( new List <Hex>() { new Hex(0, 1), new Hex(1, 0), new Hex(1, -1) }, true, activeMap ); Assert.AreEqual(2, simplifiedPath.Count); Assert.AreEqual(new Hex(1, 0), simplifiedPath[0]); Assert.AreEqual(new Hex(1, -1), simplifiedPath[1]); }
/// Updates this save state and the active map public void update(GameTime gameTime) { string nextMap = ActiveMap.OtherMap; if (nextMap != null) { load(Game, nextMap); } ActiveMap.update(gameTime); Team.update(gameTime); }
public void Start() { Global.Instance().Memory.RegisterMemoryPopulater(this); DebugMapMarker debugMap = FindObjectOfType <DebugMapMarker>(); if (debugMap != null) { ActiveMap = FindObjectOfType <Map>(); Avatar = ActiveMap.GetComponentInChildren <AvatarEvent>(); } }
public override void Update(Microsoft.Xna.Framework.GameTime time) { if (!UIManager.Update(time)) { base.Exit(); } ActiveMap.UpdateDynamicObjects(time); PhysicsManager.Update(time.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds / 1000f); PlayerProfile.UpdateTime(time.ElapsedGameTime); }
private void AddInitialAvatar(Memory memory = null) { Avatar = Instantiate <GameObject>(Resources.Load <GameObject>("Prefabs/Map3D/Avatar3D")).GetComponent <AvatarEvent>(); if (memory != null) { Avatar.PopulateFromMemory(memory); } Avatar.transform.parent = ActiveMap.LowestObjectLayer().transform; ActiveMap.OnTeleportTo(); = Avatar.GetComponent <MapEvent>(); Camera.ManualUpdate(); }
public override void Update(GameTime time) { if (!UIManager.Update(time)) // Allows exit event to close game { base.Exit(); } ActiveMap.UpdateDynamicObjects(time); PhysicsManager.Update(time.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds / 10f); if (PlayerManger.Health <= 0) { this.EndGame(); } }
protected override ActiveMap loadMap(string id) { ActiveMap map = new ActiveMap(); if (File.Exists(id)) { using (BinaryReader reader = new BinaryReader(File.OpenRead(id))) { ((BasicMap)map).Load(reader); } } else { map.CreateBlank(10, 10); } return map; }
public void TheSlopeEdgeOfASlopeAndOtherSlopeEdgeOfTheSameHeightAreTraversables() { var geoMap = new Dictionary <Hex, GeographicTile> { { new Hex(0, 0), new GeographicTile() { walkable = true, heightLevel = MapHeight.l3 | MapHeight.l4, slopeData = new SlopeData() { isSlope = true, heightSide_0tr = MapHeight.l3, heightSide_1r = MapHeight.l3 | MapHeight.l4, heightSide_2dr = MapHeight.l4, heightSide_3dl = MapHeight.l4, heightSide_4l = MapHeight.l3 | MapHeight.l4, heightSide_5tl = MapHeight.l3 } } }, { new Hex(1, 0), new GeographicTile() { walkable = true, heightLevel = MapHeight.l3 | MapHeight.l4, slopeData = new SlopeData() { isSlope = true, heightSide_0tr = MapHeight.l3, heightSide_1r = MapHeight.l3 | MapHeight.l4, heightSide_2dr = MapHeight.l4, heightSide_3dl = MapHeight.l4, heightSide_4l = MapHeight.l3 | MapHeight.l4, heightSide_5tl = MapHeight.l3 } } } }; RuntimeMap map = new RuntimeMap(geoMap, 100); var layout = new Layout(Orientation.pointy, new FixVector2(1, 1), new FixVector2(0, 0)); ActiveMap activeMap = new ActiveMap(map, layout); Assert.IsTrue(MapUtilities.IsTraversable(new Hex(0, 0), new Hex(1, 0), MapUtilities.MapType.GEOGRAPHYC, activeMap)); }
public static void HandleMapDone() { WindowSwitcher.GameWindow.MapViewer.ActiveMap = ActiveMap; PlayerManager.MyPlayer.MapID = ActiveMap.MapID; ActiveMap.DoOverlayChecks(); if (PlayerManager.MyPlayer.Darkness > -2) { Logic.Graphics.Renderers.Screen.ScreenRenderer.RenderOptions.SetDarkness(PlayerManager.MyPlayer.Darkness); } else { Logic.Graphics.Renderers.Screen.ScreenRenderer.RenderOptions.SetDarkness(ActiveMap.Darkness); } Logic.Graphics.Renderers.Screen.ScreenRenderer.DeactivateOffscreenSprites(); //Logic.Graphics.Renderers.Screen.ScreenRenderer.RenderOptions.SetOverlay((Enums.Overlay)Maps.MapHelper.ActiveMap.Overlay); //Logic.Graphics.Renderers.Screen.ScreenRenderer.RenderOptions.SetOverlay(Enums.Overlay.Sandstorm); //Logic.Graphics.Renderers.Screen.ScreenRenderer.RenderOptions.SetWea(Maps.MapHelper.ActiveMap.Weather); Logic.Graphics.Effects.Overlays.ScreenOverlays.MapChangeInfoOverlay infoOverlay = Logic.Graphics.Renderers.Screen.ScreenRenderer.RenderOptions.ScreenOverlay as Logic.Graphics.Effects.Overlays.ScreenOverlays.MapChangeInfoOverlay; if (infoOverlay != null) { if (infoOverlay.MinTimePassed) { Logic.Graphics.Renderers.Screen.ScreenRenderer.RenderOptions.ScreenOverlay = null; } } PlayerManager.MyPlayer.SetCurrentRoom(); //Music.Music.AudioPlayer.PlayMusic(ActiveMap.Music); ((Client.Logic.Music.Bass.BassAudioPlayer)Logic.Music.Music.AudioPlayer).FadeToNext(ActiveMap.Music, 1000); if (Stories.StoryProcessor.ActiveStory != null && Stories.StoryProcessor.ActiveStory.Segments[Stories.StoryProcessor.ActiveStory.State.CurrentSegment].Action == Enums.StoryAction.Warp) { if (ActiveMap.MapID == ((Stories.Segments.WarpSegment)Stories.StoryProcessor.ActiveStory.Segments[Stories.StoryProcessor.ActiveStory.State.CurrentSegment]).Map) { if (Stories.StoryProcessor.ActiveStory.State.StoryPaused) { Stories.StoryProcessor.ActiveStory.State.Unpause(); Stories.StoryProcessor.ActiveStory.State.StoryPaused = false; } } } Globals.GettingMap = false; Globals.RefreshLock = false; Messenger.SendMapLoaded(); }
private void RawTeleport(Map map, IntVector2 location) { Assert.IsNotNull(ActiveMap); Assert.IsNotNull(Avatar); int layerIndex = Avatar.GetComponent <MapEvent>().LayerIndex; Avatar.transform.parent = null; Layer parentLayer = map.LayerAtIndex(layerIndex); Avatar.transform.parent = parentLayer.gameObject.transform; ActiveMap.OnTeleportAway(); Object.Destroy(ActiveMap.gameObject); ActiveMap = map; ActiveMap.OnTeleportTo(); Avatar.GetComponent <MapEvent>().SetLocation(location); }
private void RawTeleport(Map map, Vector2Int location, OrthoDir?facing = null) { IsTransitioning = true; activeMapName = null; if (Avatar == null) { AddInitialAvatar(map); } else { Avatar.transform.SetParent(map.objectLayer.transform, false); } Avatar.GetComponent <MapEvent>().SetPosition(location); if (facing != null) { Avatar.Chara.Facing = facing.GetValueOrDefault(OrthoDir.North); } if (map != ActiveMap) { if (ActiveMap != null) { ActiveMap.OnTeleportAway(); if (ActiveMap.transform.parent != null) { DestroyImmediate(ActiveMap.transform.parent.gameObject); } else { DestroyImmediate(ActiveMap.gameObject); } } ActiveMap = map; ActiveMap.OnTeleportTo(); camera = null; = Avatar.Event; Global.Instance().Dispatch.Signal(EventTeleport, ActiveMap); Avatar.OnTeleport(); } StartCoroutine(CoUtils.RunAfterDelay(0.2f, () => { IsTransitioning = false; })); }
protected override void OnUpdate() { ActiveMap map = MapManager.ActiveMap; if (map == null) { Debug.LogWarning("Create a map before the use of the selection system"); return; } //select -> if (Input.GetMouseButtonUp(0)) { var mouseHexPos = map.layout.PixelToFractionaHex(Input.mousePosition, Camera.main); if (CollisionSystem.PointCast(mouseHexPos, out Entity colliderEntity)) { if (EntityManager.HasComponent <Parent>(colliderEntity)) { var parent = EntityManager.GetSharedComponentData <Parent>(colliderEntity).ParentEntity; if (SelectIfSelectable(parent)) { } else { SelectIfSelectable(colliderEntity); } } else { SelectIfSelectable(colliderEntity); } } else { Deselct(); } } //on selected death -> Entities.WithAll <SelectionSystemStateData>().WithNone <Selectable>().ForEach((Entity entity) => { PostUpdateCommands.RemoveComponent <SelectionSystemStateData>(entity); }); }
void frame_KeyPressDown(Element sender, KeyEventArgs e) { switch (e.InterestingKeys[0]) { case Keys.G: gactive = !gactive; if (gactive) { PhysicsManager.AddUniversalForce(DefaultForces.Gravity); } else { PhysicsManager.RemoveUniversalForce(DefaultForces.Gravity); } break; case Keys.X: var br = new BombRoid(new Vector2((float)MathUtils.Rand.Next(60, (int)winSize.Width - 60), winSize.Height), 25); br.Mass = 100; br.Velocity = -1000 * Vector2.UnitY; br.FuseTime = .1f; ActiveMap.AddObject(br); PhysicsManager.ActiveBodies.Add(br); break; case Keys.C: var gr = new InertRoid(new Vector2((float)MathUtils.Rand.Next(60, (int)winSize.Width - 60), winSize.Height), 25); gr.Mass = 100; gr.Velocity = -1000 * Vector2.UnitY; ActiveMap.AddObject(gr); PhysicsManager.ActiveBodies.Add(gr); break; case Keys.OemPeriod: draw = !draw; break; case Keys.Space: break; } }
public void SlopeEdgeAndTileOfDiferentHeightAreNotTraversables() { var geoMap = new Dictionary <Hex, GeographicTile> { { new Hex(0, 1), new GeographicTile() { walkable = true, heightLevel = MapHeight.l0, slopeData = new SlopeData() { isSlope = false, } } }, { new Hex(0, 0), new GeographicTile() { walkable = true, heightLevel = MapHeight.l0, slopeData = new SlopeData() { isSlope = true, heightSide_0tr = MapHeight.l1, heightSide_1r = MapHeight.l1, heightSide_2dr = MapHeight.l0 | MapHeight.l1, heightSide_3dl = MapHeight.l0, heightSide_4l = MapHeight.l0, heightSide_5tl = MapHeight.l0 | MapHeight.l1 } } } }; RuntimeMap map = new RuntimeMap(geoMap, 100); var layout = new Layout(Orientation.pointy, new FixVector2(1, 1), new FixVector2(0, 0)); ActiveMap activeMap = new ActiveMap(map, layout); Assert.IsFalse(MapUtilities.IsTraversable(new Hex(0, 1), new Hex(0, 0), MapUtilities.MapType.GEOGRAPHYC, activeMap)); }
public void TestElevatioFunction_OnDouble_T() { var geoMap = new Dictionary <Hex, GeographicTile> { { new Hex(0, 0), new GeographicTile() { heightLevel = MapHeight.l0, slopeData = new SlopeData() { isSlope = true, heightSide_0tr = MapHeight.l1, heightSide_1r = MapHeight.l0, heightSide_2dr = MapHeight.l0, heightSide_3dl = MapHeight.l0, heightSide_4l = MapHeight.l0, heightSide_5tl = MapHeight.l1 } } } }; RuntimeMap map = new RuntimeMap(geoMap, 100); var layout = new Layout(Orientation.pointy, new FixVector2(1, 1), new FixVector2(0, 0)); ActiveMap activeMap = new ActiveMap(map, layout); var elevation1 = MapUtilities.GetElevationOfPosition(new FractionalHex(Fix64.Zero, Fix64.Zero), activeMap); var elevation2 = MapUtilities.GetElevationOfPosition(new FractionalHex(-(Fix64)0.2886835f, (Fix64)0.577367f, -(Fix64)0.2886835f), activeMap); var elevation3 = MapUtilities.GetElevationOfPosition(new FractionalHex((Fix64)0.2886835f, -(Fix64)0.577367f, (Fix64)0.2886835f), activeMap); var elevation4 = MapUtilities.GetElevationOfPosition(new FractionalHex((Fix64)0.2886835f, (Fix64)0.2886835f, -(Fix64)0.577367f), activeMap); //var elevation5 = activeMap.GetElevationOfPosition(new FractionalHex(-(Fix64)0.5f, Fix64.Zero, (Fix64)0.5)); //var elevation6 = activeMap.GetElevationOfPosition(new FractionalHex(-(Fix64)0.25f, Fix64.Zero, (Fix64)0.25f)); Assert.AreEqual(50, elevation1); Assert.AreEqual(100, elevation2); Assert.AreEqual(0, elevation3); Assert.AreEqual(100, elevation4); //Assert.AreEqual(0, elevation5); //Assert.AreEqual(0, elevation6); }
void frame_MouseOver(Element sender, MouseEventArgs e) { ((IRigidBody)ActiveMap.Player).Rotation = MathUtils.GetAngle(e.CurrentPosition - ((IRigidBody)ActiveMap.Player).Position); if (e.isDown(MouseButtons.Right)) { var rad = PhysicsManager.QTbodies.Query(Region.FromCircle(e.CurrentPosition, 10)); foreach (var gr in rad) { if (gr is InertRoid) { KillObject((Actor)gr); var gra = (InertRoid)gr; var br = new BombRoid(gra.Position, gra.Radius); ActiveMap.AddObject(br); PhysicsManager.ActiveBodies.Add(br); } } } }
/// <summary> /// gets if there is clear direct path bewtween the two points. /// </summary> public static bool PathToPointIsClear(FractionalHex position, FractionalHex point, ActiveMap customActiveMap = null, bool pathIsClearEvenIfDestPointIsBlocked = false) { ActiveMap activeMap; if (customActiveMap == null) { activeMap = MapManager.ActiveMap; Debug.Assert(activeMap != null, "The Active Map is null!!!"); } else { activeMap = customActiveMap; } Hex pointHex = point.Round(); var hexesInBewtween = Hex.HexesInBetween(position, point); for (int i = 0; i < hexesInBewtween.Count - 1; i++) { Hex hexA = hexesInBewtween[i]; Hex hexB = hexesInBewtween[i + 1]; if (pointHex == hexB && pathIsClearEvenIfDestPointIsBlocked) { if (!MapUtilities.IsTraversable(hexA, hexB, MapUtilities.MapType.GEOGRAPHYC, activeMap)) { return(false); } } else { if (!MapUtilities.IsTraversable(hexA, hexB, MapUtilities.MapType.MOVEMENT, activeMap)) { return(false); } } } return(true); }
public override void Update(GameTime time) { if (!UIManager.Update(time)) { base.Exit(); } ActiveMap.UpdateDynamicObjects(time); PhysicsManager.Update(time.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds / 1000f); if (!time.IsRunningSlowly) { dint -= time.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds / 1000f; if (dint <= 0.0f) { dynamic obj; if (MathUtils.Rand.Next(0, 2) == 0) { obj = new BombRoid(new Vector2((float)MathUtils.Rand.Next(60, (int)winSize.Width - 60), (float)MathUtils.Rand.Next(60, (int)winSize.Height - 60)), MathUtils.Rand.Next(2, 10)); } else { obj = new InertRoid(new Vector2((float)MathUtils.Rand.Next(60, (int)winSize.Width - 60), (float)MathUtils.Rand.Next(60, (int)winSize.Height - 60)), MathUtils.Rand.Next(2, 10)); } obj.Velocity = 1000 * (float)MathUtils.Rand.NextDouble() * MathUtils.RandDirection(); PhysicsManager.ActiveBodies.Add(obj); ActiveMap.AddObject(obj); Console.WriteLine(PhysicsManager.ActiveBodies.Count.ToString() + " bodies"); dint = delay; } } else { Console.Write(PhysicsManager.ActiveBodies.Count.ToString() + " bodies "); Console.WriteLine("SLOW - HIT PERIOD TO DISABLE GRFX"); dint = 0.0f; } }
public void UnitMap_NotWalkableTilesAreNotTraversables() { var geoMap = new Dictionary <Hex, GeographicTile> { { new Hex(0, 0), new GeographicTile() { walkable = true, heightLevel = MapHeight.l0, slopeData = new SlopeData() { isSlope = false, } } }, { new Hex(-1, 1), new GeographicTile() { walkable = true, heightLevel = MapHeight.l0, slopeData = new SlopeData() { isSlope = false, } } } }; RuntimeMap map = new RuntimeMap(geoMap, 100); var layout = new Layout(Orientation.pointy, new FixVector2(1, 1), new FixVector2(0, 0)); ActiveMap activeMap = new ActiveMap(map, layout); Hex(0, 0), false); Assert.IsFalse(MapUtilities.IsTraversable(new Hex(-1, 1), new Hex(0, 0), MapUtilities.MapType.UNIT, activeMap)); }
public void SameHeightTilesAreTaversables() { var geoMap = new Dictionary <Hex, GeographicTile> { { new Hex(0, 0), new GeographicTile() { walkable = true, heightLevel = MapHeight.l0, slopeData = new SlopeData() { isSlope = false, } } }, { new Hex(-1, 1), new GeographicTile() { walkable = true, heightLevel = MapHeight.l0, slopeData = new SlopeData() { isSlope = false, } } } }; RuntimeMap map = new RuntimeMap(geoMap, 100); var layout = new Layout(Orientation.pointy, new FixVector2(1, 1), new FixVector2(0, 0)); ActiveMap activeMap = new ActiveMap(map, layout); Assert.IsTrue(MapUtilities.IsTraversable(new Hex(-1, 1), new Hex(0, 0), MapUtilities.MapType.GEOGRAPHYC, activeMap)); }
private static void SpawnFOWTeamViewObjects(int[] teams, LeanGameObjectPool pool, ActiveMap map) { //aca debo entregar una lista con todas las entidades que generan vision de un team y cual es su rango. var visionPointOfTeam = SightSystem.GetVisionPointsForEachTeam(teams); foreach (var point in visionPointOfTeam) { //debo agragarle la altura var elevation = MapUtilities.GetElevationOfPosition(; var fixPositionNoElevation = map.layout.HexToWorld(; var fixScale = map.layout.size * point.radius; var position = new Vector3((float)fixPositionNoElevation.x, (float)fixPositionNoElevation.y + elevation); var scale = new Vector3((float)fixScale.x, (float)fixScale.y) * 2; var spawnedObject = pool.Spawn(position, Quaternion.identity); spawnedObject.transform.localScale = scale; } }
public SetMap(ActiveMap map, int floor) { = new DisplayMap(); = new Tile[map.Width, map.Height]; for (int y = 0; y < map.Height; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < map.Width; x++) {[x, y] = new Tile(map.MapArray[x, y]); } } = new List<TileAnim[,]>(); for (int i = 0; i < map.GroundLayers.Count; i++) { TileAnim[map.Width, map.Height]); for (int y = 0; y < map.Height; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < map.Width; x++) {[i][x, y] = map.GroundLayers[i].Tiles[x, y]; } } } = new List<TileAnim[,]>(); for (int i = 0; i < map.PropBackLayers.Count; i++) { TileAnim[map.Width, map.Height]); for (int y = 0; y < map.Height; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < map.Width; x++) {[i][x, y] = map.PropBackLayers[i].Tiles[x, y]; } } } = new List<TileAnim[,]>(); for (int i = 0; i < map.PropFrontLayers.Count; i++) { TileAnim[map.Width, map.Height]); for (int y = 0; y < map.Height; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < map.Width; x++) {[i][x, y] = map.PropFrontLayers[i].Tiles[x, y]; } } } = new List<TileAnim[,]>(); for (int i = 0; i < map.FringeLayers.Count; i++) { TileAnim[map.Width, map.Height]); for (int y = 0; y < map.Height; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < map.Width; x++) {[i][x, y] = map.FringeLayers[i].Tiles[x, y]; } } } this.floor = floor; }
/// <summary> /// It returns true if there is a collision with the map, false otherwise. The 'out' list comntains the most important corners that are colliding and the distance of the overlap.On priority order: /// 1-collision with a hex outside the map /// 2-collision with an unwalkable hex(mapa geografico) /// 3-collision with an unwalkable hex(construcciones/mapa de movimiento) /// </summary> private static bool CollisionTestAgainstMap(Fix64 colliderArea, FractionalHex position, ActiveMap activeMap, out List <FractionalHex> collisionResponseVectors) { collisionResponseVectors = new List <FractionalHex>(); bool outsideMapCollision = false; bool geographycHexCollision = false; bool movementMapCollision = false; var collisionResponseVectorsToOutsideMapCollitions = new List <FractionalHex>(); var collisionResponseVectorsThatCauseGeographycCollisions = new List <FractionalHex>(); var collisionResponseVectorsThatCauseMovementMapCollisions = new List <FractionalHex>(); Hex centerHex = position.Round(); //hace un check en todas las esquinas del area de colision. for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { var direction = Hex.directions[i]; var corner = position + ((FractionalHex)direction * colliderArea); Hex hexThatCanHaveACollision = centerHex + direction; if (corner.Round() == centerHex) { continue; } else if (hexThatCanHaveACollision != corner.Round()) { continue; } if (!, out bool walkable)) { outsideMapCollision = true; var collisionResponseVector = -(FractionalHex)direction * GetCollisionDistance(centerHex, corner); collisionResponseVectorsToOutsideMapCollitions.Add(collisionResponseVector); } else { if (!MapUtilities.IsTraversable(corner.Round(), centerHex, MapUtilities.MapType.GEOGRAPHYC)) { geographycHexCollision = true; var collisionResponseVector = -(FractionalHex)direction * GetCollisionDistance(centerHex, corner); collisionResponseVectorsThatCauseGeographycCollisions.Add(collisionResponseVector); } else if (!walkable) { movementMapCollision = true; var collisionResponseVector = -(FractionalHex)direction * GetCollisionDistance(centerHex, corner); collisionResponseVectorsThatCauseMovementMapCollisions.Add(collisionResponseVector); } } } if (outsideMapCollision) { collisionResponseVectors = collisionResponseVectorsToOutsideMapCollitions; return(true); } else if (geographycHexCollision) { collisionResponseVectors = collisionResponseVectorsThatCauseGeographycCollisions; return(true); } else if (movementMapCollision) { collisionResponseVectors = collisionResponseVectorsThatCauseMovementMapCollisions; return(true); } else { return(false); } }