/// <summary> /// Creates an access control rule. /// Documentation https://developers.google.com/calendar/v3/reference/acl/insert /// Generation Note: This does not always build corectly. Google needs to standardise things I need to figuer out which ones are wrong. /// </summary> /// <param name="service">Authenticated calendar service.</param> /// <param name="calendarId">Calendar identifier. To retrieve calendar IDs call the calendarList.list method. If you want to access the primary calendar of the currently logged in user, use the "primary" keyword.</param> /// <param name="body">A valid calendar v3 body.</param> /// <returns>AclRuleResponse</returns> public static AclRule Insert(calendarService service, string calendarId, AclRule body) { try { // Initial validation. if (service == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("service"); } if (body == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("body"); } if (calendarId == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(calendarId); } // Make the request. return(service.Acl.Insert(body, calendarId).Execute()); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception("Request Acl.Insert failed.", ex); } }
public GoogleCalendar AddPeopleToAcl(string email = "", string id = "", bool isAsync = false) { //check if calendar with id exist if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(email) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(id)) { var aclRule = calendarService.Acl.List(id).Execute().Items.Where(c => c.Scope.Value == email).FirstOrDefault(); var rule = new AclRule() { Role = "owner", Scope = new AclRule.ScopeData() { Type = "user", Value = email } }; var publicRule = new AclRule() { Role = "reader", Scope = new AclRule.ScopeData() { Type = "default" } }; var insObjectRule = calendarService.Acl.Insert(rule, id).Execute(); var insObjectPublicRule = calendarService.Acl.Insert(publicRule, id).Execute(); } return(this); }
public void AddCalendarAclRule(string customerId, string calendarId, AclRule body, bool sendNotifications) { using (PoolItem <CalendarService> connection = this.calendarServicePool.Take(NullValueHandling.Ignore)) { AclResource.InsertRequest request = new AclResource.InsertRequest(connection.Item, body, calendarId); request.SendNotifications = sendNotifications; request.ExecuteWithRetry(RetryEvents.BackoffNotFound); } }
public bool EnsureReadPermissionsForService(string p_GooCalsJson, string p_GooServiceName) { bool retval = true; List <AclRule> myacl = new List <AclRule>(); var myCals = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <string[]>(p_GooCalsJson); foreach (var item in myCals) { var request = calendarService.Acl.List(item); request.OauthToken = googleAuthToken.access_token; try { var myaclx = request.Execute(); myacl = (List <AclRule>)myaclx.Items; } catch (Exception ex) { retval = false; Logger.Error(ex, "Can't Acl.List(" + item + ")"); } bool serviceFound = false; foreach (var myaclrule in myacl) { if (myaclrule.Scope.Type == "user" && myaclrule.Scope.Value == p_GooServiceName) { serviceFound = true; } } if (serviceFound == false) { //add p_GooServiceName as writer(?) TODO:reader AclRule newRule = new AclRule(); newRule.Role = "writer"; AclRule.ScopeData newScope = new AclRule.ScopeData(); newScope.Type = "user"; newScope.Value = p_GooServiceName; newRule.Scope = newScope; var request2 = calendarService.Acl.Insert(newRule, item); request2.OauthToken = googleAuthToken.access_token; try { var mynewacl = request2.Execute(); } catch (Exception ex) { retval = false; Logger.Error(ex, "Can't Acl.Insert(" + item + ")"); } } } return(retval); }
/// <summary> /// Add user to Calendar! /// </summary> /// <param name="userName">Webhost User Name</param> /// <param name="calendarId">Webhost Calendar Id</param> /// <param name="role">Role in the Calendar, "reader" is default, "writer", "none" and "owner" are others.</param> public void AddUserToCalendar(String userName, String calendarId, String role = "reader") { AclRule rule = new AclRule() { Role = role, Scope = new AclRule.ScopeData() { Type = "user", Value = String.Format("{0}@dublinschool.org", userName) } }; WebhostEventLog.GoogleLog.LogInformation("Added {0} to access {1} with role {2}.", userName, calendarId, role); service.Acl.Insert(rule, calendarId); }
protected void AddEmailToCalendar(string calendarId, string email) { AclRule userRule = new AclRule() { Role = "reader", Scope = new AclRule.ScopeData() { Type = "user", Value = email } }; CalendarService.Acl.Insert(userRule, calendarId).Execute(); }
private IList <ValueChange> DeleteFromRole(AttributeChange change, IList <AclRule> existingRules, string role, string calendarId) { List <ValueChange> valueChanges = new List <ValueChange>(); IList <string> deletes; if (change.ModificationType == AttributeModificationType.Delete || change.ModificationType == AttributeModificationType.Replace) { deletes = existingRules.Where(t => t.Role == role).Select(t => t.Scope.Value).ToList(); } else { deletes = change.GetValueDeletes <string>(); } foreach (string valueToDelete in deletes) { AclRule matchedRule = existingRules.FirstOrDefault(t => t.Role == role && valueToDelete.Equals(t.Scope.Value, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)); if (matchedRule == null) { Logger.WriteLine($"{valueToDelete} does not have role {role} on calendar {calendarId}. The request to delete the value will be ignored"); valueChanges.Add(ValueChange.CreateValueDelete(valueToDelete)); continue; } if (matchedRule.Role == "owner" && calendarId.Equals(matchedRule.Scope.Value, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) { Debug.WriteLine($"Ignoring default ACL for {valueToDelete} to role {role} on calendar {calendarId}"); continue; } try { this.config.ResourcesService.DeleteCalendarAclRule(this.config.CustomerID, calendarId, matchedRule.Id); Logger.WriteLine($"Removed {valueToDelete} from role {role} on calendar {calendarId}"); } catch { Logger.WriteLine($"Failed to remove {valueToDelete} to role {role} on calendar {calendarId}"); throw; } valueChanges.Add(ValueChange.CreateValueDelete(valueToDelete)); } return(valueChanges); }
private IList <ValueChange> AddToRole(AttributeChange change, IList <AclRule> existingRules, string role, string calendarId) { List <ValueChange> valueChanges = new List <ValueChange>(); foreach (string valueToAdd in change.GetValueAdds <string>()) { AclRule matchedRule = existingRules.FirstOrDefault(t => t.Role == role && valueToAdd.Equals(t.Scope.Value, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)); if (matchedRule != null) { Logger.WriteLine($"{valueToAdd} already has role {role} on calendar {calendarId}. The request to add the value will be ignored"); valueChanges.Add(ValueChange.CreateValueAdd(valueToAdd)); continue; } AclRule rule = new AclRule(); rule.Role = role; rule.Scope = new AclRule.ScopeData(); rule.Scope.Value = valueToAdd; rule.Scope.Type = this.GetScopeType(valueToAdd); try { this.config.ResourcesService.AddCalendarAclRule(this.config.CustomerID, calendarId, rule, this.config.CalendarSendNotificationOnPermissionChange); Logger.WriteLine($"Added {valueToAdd} to role {role} on calendar {calendarId}"); } catch { Logger.WriteLine($"Failed to add {valueToAdd} to role {role} on calendar {calendarId}"); throw; } valueChanges.Add(ValueChange.CreateValueAdd(valueToAdd)); } return(valueChanges); }
/// <summary> /// Updates Calendar Permissions. /// </summary> /// <param name="doRemovals"></param> public void UpdateCalendars(bool doRemovals = true) { using (WebhostEntities db = new WebhostEntities()) { List <String> alreadyMembers = new List <string>(); List <String> activeStudentEmails = new List <string>(); foreach (Student student in db.Students.Where(s => s.isActive).ToList()) { activeStudentEmails.Add(String.Format("{0}@dublinschool.org", student.UserName)); } List <String> activeFacultyEmails = new List <string>(); foreach (Faculty faculty in db.Faculties.Where(f => f.isActive).ToList()) { activeFacultyEmails.Add(String.Format("{0}@dublinschool.org", faculty.UserName)); } List <String> inactiveUsers = new List <string>(); foreach (Faculty faculty in db.Faculties.Where(f => !f.isActive).ToList()) { inactiveUsers.Add(String.Format("{0}@dublinschool.org", faculty.UserName)); } foreach (Student student in db.Students.Where(f => !f.isActive).ToList()) { inactiveUsers.Add(String.Format("{0}@dublinschool.org", student.UserName)); } foreach (GoogleCalendar gcal in db.GoogleCalendars.ToList()) { List <AclRule> rules = service.Acl.List(gcal.CalendarId).Execute().Items.Where(r => r.Scope.Type.Equals("user")).ToList(); foreach (AclRule rule in rules) { String userName = rule.Scope.Value.Substring(0, rule.Scope.Value.IndexOf('@')); Regex studentEmail = new Regex("[a-z]+_[a-z]+"); if (doRemovals && ((gcal.StudentPermission.Equals("none") && studentEmail.IsMatch(userName) && !gcal.StudentCalendarSpecialPermissions.Select(p => p.Student.UserName).ToList().Contains(userName)) || inactiveUsers.Contains(rule.Scope.Value) )) { try { service.Acl.Delete(gcal.CalendarId, rule.Id).Execute(); WebhostEventLog.GoogleLog.LogInformation("Removed {0} from {1}.", userName, gcal.CalendarName); } catch (Exception e) { WebhostEventLog.GoogleLog.LogError("Could not remove rule {0} for {3} on {4}.{1}{2}", rule.Scope.Value, Environment.NewLine, e.Message, userName, gcal.CalendarName); State.log.WriteLine("Could not remove rule for {0}", rule.Scope.Value); State.log.WriteLine(e.Message); } } if (doRemovals && rule.Scope.Type.Equals("user") && !activeFacultyEmails.Contains(rule.Scope.Value) && !activeStudentEmails.Contains(rule.Scope.Value)) { try { service.Acl.Delete(gcal.CalendarId, rule.Id).Execute(); WebhostEventLog.GoogleLog.LogInformation("Removed {0} from {1}.", userName, gcal.CalendarName); } catch (Exception e) { State.log.WriteLine("Could not remove rule for {0}", rule.Scope.Value); WebhostEventLog.GoogleLog.LogError("Could not remove rule {0} for {3} on {4}.{1}{2}", rule.Scope.Value, Environment.NewLine, e.Message, userName, gcal.CalendarName); State.log.WriteLine(e.Message); } } else if (activeStudentEmails.Contains(rule.Scope.Value) || activeFacultyEmails.Contains(rule.Scope.Value)) { WebhostEventLog.GoogleLog.LogInformation("{0} is already a member of {1}.", rule.Scope.Value, gcal.CalendarName); alreadyMembers.Add(rule.Scope.Value); } } foreach (String email in activeStudentEmails.Concat(activeFacultyEmails)) { if (!alreadyMembers.Contains(email)) { String userName = email.Substring(0, email.IndexOf('@')); String role = "reader"; if (gcal.Owners.Where(f => f.UserName.Equals(userName)).Count() > 0) { role = "owner"; } else if (gcal.StudentCalendarSpecialPermissions.Where(csp => csp.Student.UserName.Equals(userName)).Count() > 0) { StudentCalendarSpecialPermission perm = gcal.StudentCalendarSpecialPermissions.Where(csp => csp.Student.UserName.Equals(userName)).Single(); role = perm.Role; } else if (email.Contains('_')) { role = gcal.StudentPermission; } else { role = gcal.FacultyPermission; } if (role.Equals("none")) { State.log.WriteLine("Do not need to create a 'none' rule for {0}", email); continue; } AclRule rule = new AclRule() { Role = role, Scope = new AclRule.ScopeData() { Type = "user", Value = email } }; WebhostEventLog.GoogleLog.LogInformation("Added {0} to access {1} with role {2}.", email, gcal.CalendarName, role); service.Acl.Insert(rule, gcal.CalendarId).Execute(); } } } } }
/// <summary> /// Update the Calendar Subscriptions appropriate to a given User. /// </summary> /// <param name="id">pass either a Faculty.ID or Student.ID</param> /// <param name="isFaculty">Indicate if the id is Faculty or Student--will throw an exception if this is wrong</param> public void UpdateCalendarsForUser(int id, bool isFaculty) { using (WebhostEntities db = new WebhostEntities()) { String email; if (isFaculty) { email = String.Format("{0}@dublinschool.org", db.Faculties.Find(id).UserName); } else { email = String.Format("{0}@dublinschool.org", db.Students.Find(id).UserName); } foreach (GoogleCalendar gcal in db.GoogleCalendars.ToList()) { String role = isFaculty ? gcal.FacultyPermission : gcal.StudentPermission; if (gcal.Owners.Select(o => o.ID).ToList().Contains(id)) { role = "owner"; } List <AclRule> rules = service.Acl.List(gcal.CalendarId).Execute().Items.Where(r => r.Scope.Type.Equals("user")).ToList(); if (rules.Where(rule => rule.Scope.Value.Equals(email)).Count() > 0) { if (role.Equals("none")) { State.log.WriteLine("{0} has access to calendar they should not: {1}. Removing Access.", email, gcal.CalendarName); Console.WriteLine("{0} has access to calendar they should not: {1}. Removing Access.", email, gcal.CalendarName); WebhostEventLog.GoogleLog.LogWarning("{0} has access to calendar they should not: {1}. Removing Access.", email, gcal.CalendarName); foreach (AclRule rule in rules.Where(rule => rule.Scope.Value.Equals(email))) { String response = service.Acl.Delete(gcal.CalendarId, rule.Id).Execute(); State.log.WriteLine("Deleting Calendar ACL rule for {0} in {1}. Response: {2}", email, gcal.CalendarName, response); Console.WriteLine("Deleting Calendar ACL rule for {0} in {1}. Response: {2}", email, gcal.CalendarName, response); WebhostEventLog.GoogleLog.LogInformation("Deleting Calendar ACL rule for {0} in {1}. Response: {2}", email, gcal.CalendarName, response); } } State.log.WriteLine("{0} already has access to {1}", email, gcal.CalendarName); Console.WriteLine("OK - {0} already has access to {1}", email, gcal.CalendarName); WebhostEventLog.GoogleLog.LogInformation("{0} already has access to {1}", email, gcal.CalendarName); } else if (!role.Equals("none")) { AclRule rule = new AclRule() { Role = role, Scope = new AclRule.ScopeData() { Type = "user", Value = email } }; service.Acl.Insert(rule, gcal.CalendarId).Execute(); Console.WriteLine("Added {0} as {1} to {2}", email, role, gcal.CalendarName); WebhostEventLog.GoogleLog.LogInformation("Added {0} as {1} to {2}", email, role, gcal.CalendarName); } else // role none. { Console.WriteLine("Skipping Calendar with no Access."); WebhostEventLog.GoogleLog.LogInformation("skipping calendar with no access."); } } } }
public static string Name(this AclRule rule) { return(EnumerationExtensions.GetDescription(rule)); }
public async Task <ApiResult <NewAbsenceResponse> > Absence([FromBody] AbsenceEvent absenceEvent) { try { var info = await _signInManager.GetExternalLoginInfoAsync(); var userId = info.Principal.FindFirstValue(ClaimTypes.Email); var token2 = info.AuthenticationTokens.Where(u => u.Name == "access_token").FirstOrDefault().Value.ToString(); Models.Data.AbsenceRequest absenceRequest = _mapper.Map <AbsenceEvent, Models.Data.AbsenceRequest>(absenceEvent); absenceRequest.CreatedDateTime = DateTime.Now; absenceRequest.StatusDateTime = DateTime.Now; absenceRequest.UserId = userId; var result = _context.AbsenceRequests.Add(absenceRequest); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); var groupId = _configuration["GroupId"]; // Create access rule with associated scope AclRule rule = new AclRule(); rule.Role = "writer"; rule.Scope = new AclRule.ScopeData() { Type = "group", Value = groupId }; var service = GetcalendarService(info); var temprule = await service.Acl.List(userId).ExecuteAsync(); bool flag = false; foreach (var item in temprule.Items) { if (item.Id.Contains(groupId)) { flag = true; break; } } if (!flag) { // Insert new access rule AclRule res = await service.Acl.Insert(rule, userId).ExecuteAsync(); } return(new ApiResult <NewAbsenceResponse>() { Result = new NewAbsenceResponse() { absenceRequestId = result.Entity.AbsenceRequestId }, Message = Models.Api.ApiResult <NewAbsenceResponse> .SuccessMessage }); } catch (Exception ex) { Response.StatusCode = 500; _logger.LogError(ex.Message, ex); return(new ApiResult <NewAbsenceResponse>() { Message = Models.Api.ApiResult <NewAbsenceResponse> .ErrorMessage }); } }
/// <summary> /// Loads the demo ruleset. /// </summary> /// <returns>The populated demo ruleset.</returns> public Task <Acl> LoadRuleset() { _logger.Write("Loading default ruleset"); // Create an ACL using the NSG rules we find Acl acl = new Acl(); // Create some rules List <AclRule> rules = new List <AclRule>(); // Allow VNET traffic AclRule vnetTraffic = new AclRule(); vnetTraffic.Priority = 100; vnetTraffic.Permit = true; vnetTraffic.DstIpLow = IPAddressUtilities.StringToUint(""); vnetTraffic.DstIpHigh = IPAddressUtilities.StringToUint(""); vnetTraffic.SrcIpLow = IPAddressUtilities.StringToUint(""); vnetTraffic.SrcIpHigh = IPAddressUtilities.StringToUint(""); rules.Add(vnetTraffic); // Allow other VNET to talk to us ONLY on port 22 (ssh) AclRule otherVnetInbound = new AclRule(); otherVnetInbound.Priority = 200; otherVnetInbound.Permit = true; otherVnetInbound.DstIpLow = IPAddressUtilities.StringToUint(""); otherVnetInbound.DstIpHigh = IPAddressUtilities.StringToUint(""); otherVnetInbound.DstPort = 22; otherVnetInbound.SrcIpLow = IPAddressUtilities.StringToUint(""); otherVnetInbound.SrcIpHigh = IPAddressUtilities.StringToUint(""); rules.Add(otherVnetInbound); // Can we reach Google DNS? (OUTBOUND) AclRule googleTest = new AclRule(); googleTest.Priority = 300; googleTest.Permit = true; googleTest.SrcIpLow = IPAddressUtilities.StringToUint(""); googleTest.SrcIpHigh = IPAddressUtilities.StringToUint(""); googleTest.DstIpLow = IPAddressUtilities.StringToUint("");; googleTest.DstIpHigh = IPAddressUtilities.StringToUint(""); googleTest.DstPort = 53; rules.Add(googleTest); // Can an Azure service reach us? (INBOUND) AclRule azureSvcTest = new AclRule(); azureSvcTest.Priority = 400; azureSvcTest.Permit = true; azureSvcTest.SrcIpLow = IPAddressUtilities.StringToUint(""); azureSvcTest.SrcIpHigh = IPAddressUtilities.StringToUint(""); azureSvcTest.DstIpLow = IPAddressUtilities.StringToUint("");; azureSvcTest.DstIpHigh = IPAddressUtilities.StringToUint(""); azureSvcTest.DstPort = 443; rules.Add(azureSvcTest); // Block all inbound internet traffic AclRule internetInbound = new AclRule(); internetInbound.Priority = 65000; internetInbound.Permit = false; internetInbound.DstIpLow = IPAddressUtilities.StringToUint(""); internetInbound.DstIpHigh = IPAddressUtilities.StringToUint(""); internetInbound.SrcIpLow = IPAddressUtilities.StringToUint(""); internetInbound.SrcIpHigh = IPAddressUtilities.StringToUint(""); rules.Add(internetInbound); acl.Rules = rules.OrderBy(r => r.Priority).ToArray(); _logger.Write("Default ruleset loaded"); return(Task.FromResult(acl)); }
public void PatchCalendarAclRule(string customerId, string calendarId, string ruleId, AclRule body, bool sendNotifications) { using (PoolItem <CalendarService> connection = this.calendarServicePool.Take(NullValueHandling.Ignore)) { AclResource.PatchRequest request = new AclResource.PatchRequest(connection.Item, body, calendarId, ruleId); request.SendNotifications = sendNotifications; request.ExecuteWithRetryOnBackoff(); } }