public FieldData(AccessorKind accessor, IFieldSymbol field, SyntaxNode locationNode, bool useFieldLocation) { AccessorKind = accessor; Field = field; LocationNode = locationNode; UseFieldLocation = useFieldLocation; }
void Format(DmdMethodBase method, DmdPropertyInfo property, AccessorKind accessorKind) { if (property.SetMethod is null) { OutputWrite(Keyword_ReadOnly, DbgTextColor.Keyword); WriteSpace(); } OutputWrite(Keyword_Property, DbgTextColor.Keyword); WriteSpace(); WriteAccessor(accessorKind); WriteToken(method); if (DeclaringTypes) { FormatType(property.DeclaringType !); WritePeriod(); } WriteIdentifier(property.Name, TypeFormatterUtils.GetColor(property)); WriteToken(property); WriteGenericArguments(method); WriteMethodParameterList(method, MethodParenOpen, MethodParenClose); WriteReturnType(method); WriteOffset(); }
void WriteAccessor(AccessorKind accessorKind) { string keyword; switch (accessorKind) { case AccessorKind.None: default: return; case AccessorKind.Getter: keyword = Keyword_get; break; case AccessorKind.Setter: keyword = Keyword_set; break; case AccessorKind.Adder: keyword = Keyword_add; break; case AccessorKind.Remover: keyword = Keyword_remove; break; } WritePeriod(); OutputWrite(keyword, BoxedTextColor.Keyword); }
void Format(DmdMethodBase method, DmdPropertyInfo property, AccessorKind accessorKind) { if (ReturnTypes) { FormatReturnType(property.PropertyType, TypeFormatterUtils.IsReadOnlyProperty(property)); WriteSpace(); } if (DeclaringTypes) { FormatType(property.DeclaringType); WritePeriod(); } if (property.GetIndexParameters().Count != 0) { OutputWrite(Keyword_this, BoxedTextColor.Keyword); WriteToken(property); WriteMethodParameterListCore(method, GetAllMethodParameterTypes(property.GetMethodSignature()), IndexerParenOpen, IndexerParenClose, showParameterTypes: true, showParameterNames: false, showParameterValues: false); } else { WriteIdentifier(property.Name, TypeFormatterUtils.GetColor(property)); WriteToken(property); } WriteAccessor(accessorKind); WriteToken(method); WriteGenericArguments(method); WriteMethodParameterList(method, MethodParenOpen, MethodParenClose); WriteOffset(); }
private static FieldData?ExtractFieldFromExpression(AccessorKind accessorKind, ExpressionSyntax expression, Compilation compilation) { var semanticModel = compilation.GetSemanticModel(expression.SyntaxTree); if (semanticModel == null) { return(null); } var strippedExpression = expression.RemoveParentheses(); // Check for direct field access: "foo" if (strippedExpression is IdentifierNameSyntax && semanticModel.GetSymbolInfo(strippedExpression).Symbol is IFieldSymbol field) { return(new FieldData(accessorKind, field, strippedExpression)); } else { // Check for "" if (strippedExpression is MemberAccessExpressionSyntax member && member.Expression is ThisExpressionSyntax thisExpression && semanticModel.GetSymbolInfo(strippedExpression).Symbol is IFieldSymbol field2) { return(new FieldData(accessorKind, field2, member.Name)); } } return(null); }
public static void AppendAccessorKind(this CSharpColorizer colorizer, AccessorKind accessorKind) { switch (accessorKind) { case AccessorKind.ADDER: colorizer.AppendKeyword("add"); return; case AccessorKind.REMOVER: colorizer.AppendKeyword("remove"); return; case AccessorKind.GETTER: colorizer.AppendKeyword("get"); return; case AccessorKind.SETTER: colorizer.AppendKeyword("set"); return; case AccessorKind.RAISER: colorizer.AppendPlainText("fire"); return; case AccessorKind.UNKNOWN: colorizer.AppendPlainText("unknown"); return; } }
public InterfaceEventImplementedByNode(EventDef analyzedEvent) { this.analyzedEvent = analyzedEvent ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(analyzedEvent)); if (!(this.analyzedEvent.AddMethod is null)) { analyzedMethod = this.analyzedEvent.AddMethod; accessorKind = AccessorKind.Adder; }
/// <summary> /// Creates a new accessor. /// </summary> /// <param name="parentProperty"> /// The property in which this accessor is defined. /// </param> /// <param name="kind"> /// The accessor's kind. /// </param> /// <param name="name"> /// The accessor's name. /// </param> /// <param name="isStatic"> /// Tells if the accessor should be a static method /// or an instance method. /// </param> /// <param name="returnType"> /// The type of value returned by the accessor. /// </param> public DescribedBodyAccessor( IProperty parentProperty, AccessorKind kind, UnqualifiedName name, bool isStatic, IType returnType) : base(parentProperty, kind, name, isStatic, returnType) { }
/// <summary> /// Creates a wrapper around an IL accessor definition. /// </summary> /// <param name="definition"> /// The method definition to wrap in a Flame accessor. /// </param> /// <param name="kind"> /// The kind of definition described by the accessor. /// </param> /// <param name="parentProperty"> /// The definition's declaring property. /// </param> public ClrAccessorDefinition( MethodDefinition definition, AccessorKind kind, ClrPropertyDefinition parentProperty) : base(definition, parentProperty.ParentType) { this.Kind = kind; this.ParentProperty = parentProperty; }
/// <summary> /// Creates a new accessor. /// </summary> /// <param name="parentProperty"> /// The property in which this accessor is defined. /// </param> /// <param name="kind"> /// The accessor's kind. /// </param> /// <param name="name"> /// The accessor's name. /// </param> /// <param name="isStatic"> /// Tells if the accessor should be a static method /// or an instance method. /// </param> /// <param name="returnType"> /// The type of value returned by the accessor. /// </param> public DescribedAccessor( IProperty parentProperty, AccessorKind kind, UnqualifiedName name, bool isStatic, IType returnType) : base(parentProperty.ParentType, name, isStatic, returnType) { this.Kind = kind; this.ParentProperty = parentProperty; }
private void AssertAccessorCount(int count, AccessorKind accessorKind, string parameterName) { if (count == 0) { throw new ArgumentException($"Could not find {accessorKind} accessor", parameterName); } if (count > 1) { throw new ArgumentException($"Found more than one {accessorKind} accessor", parameterName); } }
void Format(DmdMethodBase method, DmdEventInfo @event, AccessorKind accessorKind) { if (DeclaringTypes) { FormatType(@event.DeclaringType); WritePeriod(); } WriteIdentifier(@event.Name, TypeFormatterUtils.GetColor(@event)); WriteToken(@event); WriteAccessor(accessorKind); WriteToken(method); WriteGenericArguments(method); WriteMethodParameterList(method, MethodParenOpen, MethodParenClose); WriteOffset(); }
public ImplementFieldAccessorTask(AccessorKind kind, TypeDefinition type, PropertyDefinition property, string persistentName) { if (type == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("type"); } if (property == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("property"); } this.kind = kind; this.type = type; = property; this.persistentName = persistentName; }
public InterfaceEventImplementedByNode(EventDef analyzedEvent) { this.analyzedEvent = analyzedEvent ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(analyzedEvent)); if (this.analyzedEvent.AddMethod is not null) { analyzedMethod = this.analyzedEvent.AddMethod; accessorKind = AccessorKind.Adder; } else if (this.analyzedEvent.RemoveMethod is not null) { analyzedMethod = this.analyzedEvent.RemoveMethod; accessorKind = AccessorKind.Remover; } else { analyzedMethod = this.analyzedEvent.InvokeMethod; accessorKind = AccessorKind.Invoker; } }
void Format(DmdMethodBase method, DmdEventInfo @event, AccessorKind accessorKind) { OutputWrite(Keyword_Event, DbgTextColor.Keyword); WriteSpace(); WriteAccessor(accessorKind); WriteToken(method); if (DeclaringTypes) { FormatType(@event.DeclaringType !); WritePeriod(); } WriteIdentifier(@event.Name, TypeFormatterUtils.GetColor(@event)); WriteToken(@event); WriteSpace(); OutputWrite(Keyword_As, DbgTextColor.Keyword); WriteSpace(); FormatType(@event.EventHandlerType); WriteOffset(); }
public static void AppendAccessorKind([NotNull] this CSharpColorizer colorizer, AccessorKind accessorKind) { switch (accessorKind) { case AccessorKind.ADDER: colorizer.AppendKeyword("add"); return; case AccessorKind.REMOVER: colorizer.AppendKeyword("remove"); return; case AccessorKind.GETTER: colorizer.AppendKeyword("get"); return; case AccessorKind.SETTER: colorizer.AppendKeyword("set"); return; case AccessorKind.RAISER: colorizer.AppendPlainText("fire"); return; case AccessorKind.UNKNOWN: colorizer.AppendPlainText("unknown"); return; } }
public FieldData(AccessorKind accessor, IFieldSymbol field, SyntaxNode locationNode) { this.AccessorKind = accessor; this.Field = field; this.LocationNode = locationNode; }
public static IAccessorDeclaration TryGet(this IEnumerable <IAccessorDeclaration> accessors, AccessorKind kind) { foreach (var accessor in accessors) { if (accessor.Kind == kind) { return(accessor); } } return(null); }
private void AssertAccessorCount(int count, AccessorKind accessorKind, string parameterName) { if (count == 0) { throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("Could not find {0} accessor", accessorKind), parameterName); } if (count > 1) { throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("Found more than one {0} accessor", accessorKind), parameterName); } }
public AccessorDeclarationCompilationResult(AccessorKind kindOfAccesor) { KindOfAccesor = kindOfAccesor; }
public FieldData(AccessorKind accessor, IFieldSymbol field, SyntaxNode locationNode) { AccessorKind = accessor; Field = field; LocationNode = locationNode; }
private bool HasPublicAccessor(AccessorKind kind) => GetDeclaration()?.AccessorDeclarations.TryGet(kind) is {
private IEnumerable <IFSharpExplicitAccessor> GetAccessors(AccessorKind kind) { foreach (var declaration in GetDeclarations()) { if (declaration is IMemberDeclaration member && member.AccessorDeclarations.TryGet(kind) is { DeclaredElement: IFSharpExplicitAccessor accessor })