public override TimeSeries BuildForecasts(TimeSeries simulatedData, List <DateTime> futureTimes)
            // fit model first, using maximum likelihood estimation
            var model = new ARMAModel(mAROrder, mMAOrder);           // create the model object

            model.TheData = simulatedData;                           // this is the data we want to fit the model to
            model.FitByMLE(mNumberIterLDS, mNumberIterOpt, 0, null); // first param is # low discrepancy sequence iterations, should be at least about 200
            // second param is # standard optimizer iterations, should be at least about 100

            // now do some forecasting beyond the end of the data
            var forecaster = new ForecastTransform();

            forecaster.FutureTimes = futureTimes.ToArray(); // these are future times at which we want forecasts
            // for now, ARMA models do not use the times in any meaningful way when forecasting,
            // they just assume that these are the timestamps for the next sequential points
            // after the end of the existing time series

            forecaster.SetInput(0, model, null);            // the ARMA model used for forecasting
            forecaster.SetInput(1, simulatedData, null);    // the original data

            // normally you would call the Recompute() method of a transform, but there is no need
            // here; it is automatically called as soon as all inputs are set to valid values (in the 2 statements above)
            var predictors = forecaster.GetOutput(0) as TimeSeries;

Example #2
        public void ArmaFromExtData()
            var arma = new ARMAModel(1, 1, _extData);

            arma.FitByMLE(200, 100, 0, null);
            Write($"Sample mean: {_extData.SampleMean()}, From model: {arma.Mu} \n");
            Write($"Desc: {arma.Description}");
Example #3
        public void ArmaSimulates()
            var _arma        = new ARMAModel(1, 1);
            var simulateData = _arma.SimulateData(_dates, 22);

            Assert.IsTrue(simulateData.Count > 0);
            Write($"Sample mean: {simulateData.SampleMean()}");
            _arma.TheData = simulateData; // Feed back in
            _arma.FitByMLE(200, 100, 0, null);
Example #4
        public EstimationResult Estimate(IEnumerable <IDateValue> dateValues)
            var series = new TimeSeries();

            dateValues.ForEach(x => series.Add(x.Date, x.Value, true));

            armaModel.SetInput(0, series, null);
            armaModel.FitByMLE(200, 100, 0, null);

            var result = armaModel.GetOutput(3) as TimeSeries;

            return(EstimationResult.Create(result[0], this));
        protected override TimeSeries _BuildOutput(TimeSeries simulatedData, object userState = null)
            ARMAModel model = new ARMAModel(mAROrder, mMAOrder);

            model.SetInput(0, simulatedData, null);
            //Maximum Likelihood Estimation
            model.FitByMLE(mNumberIterLDS, mNumberIterOpt, 0, null);   // first param is # low discrepancy sequence iterations, should be at least about 200
            // second param is # standard optimizer iterations, should be at least about 100

            //Compute the residuals


            //Get the predicted values
            return(model.GetOutput(3) as TimeSeries);
Example #6
        // this method fits an ARMA model to the data and returns it, in the process testing for non-stationarity and calculating the orders of the
        // MA and AR terms of the model
        public ARMAModel buildARMAModel(DataObject[] series, double siglevel, int len = 50, bool print = true, bool log = false)
            bool nonstationarity = testStationarity(series, siglevel);

            if (print)
                Console.WriteLine("non-stationarity: " + nonstationarity.ToString());

            int d = 0;

            if (nonstationarity)
                d = 1;

            var tSeries = series;

            //Difference the series
            if (d != 0)
                double[] dcol = new double[tSeries.Length];
                for (int i = 0; i < dcol.Length; i++)
                    dcol[i] = (tSeries[i].Value);
                double[] xdiff = ArrayManipulation.diff(dcol);
                for (int i = dcol.Length - xdiff.Length; i < xdiff.Length; i++)
                    tSeries[i] = new DataObject(tSeries[i].Date, xdiff[i]);

            var ts = new TimeSeries
                Title       = "Time Series",
                Description = "TS Description"

            for (int i = 0; i < series.GetLength(0); i++)
                ts.Add(tSeries[i].Date, (tSeries[i].Value), false); //datetime, value, false

            if (log)
                //log transform the time series
                var logTransform = new LogTransform();
                logTransform.SetInput(0, ts, null);
                ts = logTransform.GetOutput(0) as TimeSeries;

            //Use ACF and PACF to find ARMA parameters
            var highInterval = 1.96 / Math.Sqrt(series.Length);
            var acf          = ts.ComputeACF(20, false);
            int p            = 1;
            var low          = acf[0];

            for (int i = 0; i < acf.Count; i++)
                if (Math.Min(low, acf[i]) <= highInterval && highInterval < Math.Max(acf[i], low))
                    p = i;
                    if (p != 0)
                    if (p == 0)
                        p = 1;
                low = acf[i];
            var pacf = TimeSeries.GetPACFFrom(acf);
            int q    = 1;

            low = pacf[0];
            for (int i = 0; i < pacf.Count; i++)
                if (Math.Min(low, pacf[i]) <= highInterval && highInterval < Math.Max(pacf[i], low))
                    q = i;
                    if (q != 0)
                    if (q == 0)
                        q = 1;
                low = pacf[i];
            if (p > 4)
                p = 4;
            if (q > 4)
                q = 4;
            if (print)
                Console.WriteLine("p: " + p.ToString() + " q: " + q.ToString());
                Console.WriteLine("Fitting the model...");
            var model = new ARMAModel(p, q);

            model.TheData = ts;
            Stopwatch watch = new Stopwatch();

            model.FitByMLE(200, 100, 0, null);
            if (print)
                Console.WriteLine("Model took " + watch.Elapsed.TotalSeconds.ToString() + " seconds to fit parameters to the data.");
                Console.WriteLine("Model has been fitted.");
