private void _Connect() { ARDebug.LogInfo("_connect begin"); const string ANDROID_CAMERA_PERMISSION_NAME = "android.permission.CAMERA"; if (AndroidPermissionsRequest.IsPermissionGranted(ANDROID_CAMERA_PERMISSION_NAME)) { _ConnectToService(); return; } var permissionsArray = new string[] { ANDROID_CAMERA_PERMISSION_NAME }; AndroidPermissionsRequest.RequestPermission(permissionsArray).ThenAction((requestResult) => { if (requestResult.IsAllGranted) { _ConnectToService(); } else { ARDebug.LogError("connection failed because a needed permission was rejected."); errorMessage = "This app require camera permission"; Log(); Invoke("_DoQuit", 0.5f); return; } }); }
private void _ResumeSession(ARCoreSessionConfig sessionConfig, Action <SessionConnectionState> onComplete) { if (!m_SessionManager.CheckSupported(sessionConfig)) { ARDebug.LogError("The requested ARCore session configuration is not supported."); onComplete(SessionConnectionState.InvalidConfiguration); return; } if (!m_SessionManager.SetConfiguration(sessionConfig)) { ARDebug.LogError("ARCore connection failed because the current configuration is not supported."); onComplete(SessionConnectionState.InvalidConfiguration); return; } Frame.Initialize(m_SessionManager.FrameManager); if (!m_SessionManager.Resume(sessionConfig)) { onComplete(SessionConnectionState.ConnectToServiceFailed); } else { onComplete(SessionConnectionState.Connected); } }
public void OnApplicationPause(bool isPaused) { if (isPaused) { ARSession.Pause(); } else { if (!isSessionCreated) { Init(); } if (isErrorHappendWhenInit) { return; } try { ARSession.Resume(); } catch (ARCameraPermissionDeniedException e) { ARDebug.LogError("camera permission is denied"); errorMessage = "This app require camera permission"; Log(); Invoke("_DoQuit", 0.5f); } } }
public void Connect_NoPermission(ARCoreSessionConfig sessionConfig) { if (m_SessionManager == null) { ARDebug.LogError("Cannot connect because ARCoreSession failed to initialize."); } if (sessionConfig == null) { ARDebug.LogError("Unable to connect ARSession session due to missing ARSessionConfig."); m_SessionManager.ConnectionState = SessionConnectionState.MissingConfiguration; } // We have already connected at least once. if (Session.ConnectionState != SessionConnectionState.Uninitialized) { ARDebug.LogError("Multiple attempts to connect to the ARSession. Note that the ARSession connection " + "spans the lifetime of the application and cannot be reconfigured. This will change in future " + "versions of ARCore."); } // Create an asynchronous task for the potential permissions flow and service connection. Action <SessionConnectionState> onTaskComplete; var returnTask = new AsyncTask <SessionConnectionState>(out onTaskComplete); returnTask.ThenAction((connectionState) => { m_SessionManager.ConnectionState = connectionState; }); _ResumeSession(sessionConfig, onTaskComplete); }
/// <summary> /// Connects to the ARCore service. /// </summary> /// <param name="sessionConfig">The session configuration to connect with.</param> /// <param name="onComplete">A callback for when the result of the connection attempt is known.</param> private void _ResumeSession(ARCoreSessionConfig sessionConfig, Action <SessionConnectionState> onComplete) { if (!m_SessionManager.CheckSupported(sessionConfig)) { ARDebug.LogError("The requested ARCore session configuration is not supported."); onComplete(SessionConnectionState.InvalidConfiguration); return; } if (!m_SessionManager.SetConfiguration(sessionConfig)) { ARDebug.LogError("ARCore connection failed because the current configuration is not supported."); onComplete(SessionConnectionState.InvalidConfiguration); return; } Frame.Initialize(m_SessionManager.FrameManager); // ArSession_resume needs to be called in the UI thread due to b/69682628. AsyncTask.PerformActionInUIThread(() => { if (!m_SessionManager.Resume()) { onComplete(SessionConnectionState.ConnectToServiceFailed); } else { onComplete(SessionConnectionState.Connected); } }); }
/// <summary> /// Unity Awake. /// </summary> public void Awake() { if (Application.isEditor) { enabled = false; return; } if (FindObjectsOfType <ARCoreSession>().Length > 1) { ARDebug.LogError("Multiple SessionComponents present in the game scene. Destroying the gameobject " + "of the newest one."); Destroy(gameObject); return; } m_SessionManager = SessionManager.CreateSession(); Session.Initialize(m_SessionManager); if (Session.ConnectionState != SessionConnectionState.Uninitialized) { ARDebug.LogError("Could not create an ARCore session. The current Unity Editor may not support this " + "version of ARCore."); return; } if (ConnectOnAwake) { Connect(); } }
/// <summary> /// Connects an ARSession. Note that if user permissions are needed they will be requested and thus this is an /// asynchronous method. /// </summary> /// <param name="sessionConfig">The session configuration.</param> /// <returns>An {@link AsyncTask<T>} that completes when the connection has been made or failed. </returns> public AsyncTask <SessionConnectionState> Connect(ARCoreSessionConfig sessionConfig) { const string androidCameraPermissionName = "android.permission.CAMERA"; if (m_SessionManager == null) { ARDebug.LogError("Cannot connect because ARCoreSession failed to initialize."); return(new AsyncTask <SessionConnectionState>(SessionConnectionState.Uninitialized)); } if (sessionConfig == null) { ARDebug.LogError("Unable to connect ARSession session due to missing ARSessionConfig."); m_SessionManager.ConnectionState = SessionConnectionState.MissingConfiguration; return(new AsyncTask <SessionConnectionState>(Session.ConnectionState)); } // We have already connected at least once. if (Session.ConnectionState != SessionConnectionState.Uninitialized) { ARDebug.LogError("Multiple attempts to connect to the ARSession. Note that the ARSession connection " + "spans the lifetime of the application and cannot be reconfigured. This will change in future " + "versions of ARCore."); return(new AsyncTask <SessionConnectionState>(Session.ConnectionState)); } // Create an asynchronous task for the potential permissions flow and service connection. Action <SessionConnectionState> onTaskComplete; var returnTask = new AsyncTask <SessionConnectionState>(out onTaskComplete); returnTask.ThenAction((connectionState) => { m_SessionManager.ConnectionState = connectionState; }); // Attempt service connection immediately if permissions are granted. if (AndroidPermissionsManager.IsPermissionGranted(androidCameraPermissionName)) { _ResumeSession(sessionConfig, onTaskComplete); return(returnTask); } // Request needed permissions and attempt service connection if granted. AndroidPermissionsManager.RequestPermission(androidCameraPermissionName).ThenAction((requestResult) => { if (requestResult.IsAllGranted) { _ResumeSession(sessionConfig, onTaskComplete); } else { ARDebug.LogError("ARCore connection failed because a needed permission was rejected."); onTaskComplete(SessionConnectionState.UserRejectedNeededPermission); } }); return(returnTask); }
/// <summary> /// Update the plane's data with APIPlaneData /// Note that this will convert plane's pose from Tango space to Unity world space. /// </summary> /// <param name="apiPlaneData">ApiPlaneData source.</param> /// <param name="subsumedBy">The plane subsuming this plane or null.</param> /// <param name="forceUpdate">Force to update.</param> private void _UpdatePlaneIfNeeded(ApiPlaneData apiPlaneData, TrackedPlane subsumedBy, bool forceUpdate) { if (m_initialized && != { ARDebug.LogError("Cannot update plane with mismatched id."); return; } else if (m_initialized && !forceUpdate && apiPlaneData.timestamp == m_apiPlaneData.timestamp) { return; } if (subsumedBy != null) { SubsumedBy = subsumedBy; } m_apiPlaneData = apiPlaneData; m_initialized = true; m_lastUpdatedFrame = Time.frameCount; Matrix4x4 startServiceTplane = Matrix4x4.TRS(apiPlaneData.pose.translation.ToVector3(), apiPlaneData.pose.orientation.ToQuaternion(),; // Because startServiceTplane is a Pose (position, orientation), the multiplication of the first two terms // rotates plane orientation. This must be undone with the last term (inverse) of the equation. m_unityWorldTPlane = Constants.UNITY_WORLD_T_START_SERVICE * startServiceTplane * Constants.UNITY_WORLD_T_START_SERVICE.inverse; Position = m_unityWorldTPlane.GetColumn(3); Position += new Vector3((float)apiPlaneData.centerX, 0.0f, (float)apiPlaneData.centerY); Quaternion yaw = Quaternion.Euler(0.0f, -Mathf.Rad2Deg * (float)apiPlaneData.yaw, 0.0f); Rotation = yaw * Quaternion.LookRotation(m_unityWorldTPlane.GetColumn(2), m_unityWorldTPlane.GetColumn(1)); m_boundaryPolygonPoints.Clear(); int boudaryLength = m_apiPlaneData.boundaryPointNum; if (boudaryLength != 0) { double[] apiBoundaryPolygon = new double[boudaryLength * 2]; Marshal.Copy(m_apiPlaneData.boundaryPolygon, apiBoundaryPolygon, 0, boudaryLength * 2); m_boundaryPolygonPoints.Clear(); for (int i = 0; i < boudaryLength; ++i) { Vector3 localPoint = new Vector3((float)apiBoundaryPolygon[2 * i], 0.0f, (float)apiBoundaryPolygon[2 * i + 1]); m_boundaryPolygonPoints.Add(m_unityWorldTPlane.MultiplyPoint3x4(localPoint)); } } // Reverse the m_boundaryPolygonPoints because the raw data is in counter-clockwise. // As Unity is left handed system, this should be clockwise. m_boundaryPolygonPoints.Reverse(); }
/** * \if english * Creates an anchor attached to current trackable at given pose.<b>Note: if the trackable doest not support * attaching anchors, null will be returned.</b> * \else * 使用应用给定的位姿创建与trackable绑定的锚点。<b>注意:如果当期trackable不支持绑定锚点,将会返回null。</b> * \endif */ public virtual ARAnchor CreateAnchor(Pose pose) { IntPtr anchorHandle = IntPtr.Zero; if (!m_ndkSession.TrackableAdapter.AcquireNewAnchor(m_trackableHandle, pose, out anchorHandle)) { ARDebug.LogError("failed to create anchor on trackbale"); return(null); } return(m_ndkSession.AnchorManager.ARAnchorFactory(anchorHandle, true)); }
//support for multiple permission request public static AsyncTask <AndroidPermissionsRequestResult> RequestPermission(string[] permissionNames) { if (m_currentRequest != null) { ARDebug.LogError("Do not make simultaneous permission requests."); return(null); } AndroidPermissionsService.Call("RequestPermissionAsync", UnityActivity, permissionNames, Instance); m_currentRequest = new AsyncTask <AndroidPermissionsRequestResult>(out m_onPermissionsRequestFinished); return(m_currentRequest); }
/// <summary> /// Requests a set of Android permissions from the user. /// </summary> /// <param name="permissionNames">A collection of permissions to be requested (e.g. android.permission.CAMERA). /// <b>Currently only the first permission in the collection will be requested. The behavior of this parameter /// will change in later versions.</b> /// </param> /// <returns>An asynchronous task the completes when the user has accepted/rejected all requested permissions /// and yields a <c>AndroidPermissionsRequestResult</c> that summarizes the result. If this method is called /// when another permissions request is pending <c>null</c> will be returned instead.</returns> public static AsyncTask <AndroidPermissionsRequestResult> RequestPermission(string[] permissionNames) { if (m_currentRequest != null) { ARDebug.LogError("Attempted to make simultaneous Android permissions requests."); return(null); } // TODO (mtsmall): We currently only allow one permission to be requested because of the callback structure. PermissionsService.Call("RequestPermissionAsync", UnityActivity, new [] { permissionNames[0] }, Instance); m_currentRequest = new AsyncTask <AndroidPermissionsRequestResult>(out m_onPermissionsRequestFinished); return(m_currentRequest); }
/// <summary> /// Requests an Android permission from the user. /// </summary> /// <param name="permissionName">The permission to be requested (e.g. android.permission.CAMERA).</param> /// <returns>An asynchronous task the completes when the user has accepted/rejected the requested permission /// and yields a {@link AndroidPermissionsRequestResult} that summarizes the result. If this method is called /// when another permissions request is pending <c>null</c> will be returned instead.</returns> public static AsyncTask <AndroidPermissionsRequestResult> RequestPermission(string permissionName) { if (s_CurrentRequest != null) { ARDebug.LogError("Attempted to make simultaneous Android permissions requests."); return(null); } GetPermissionsService().Call("RequestPermissionAsync", GetUnityActivity(), new[] { permissionName }, GetInstance()); s_CurrentRequest = new AsyncTask <AndroidPermissionsRequestResult>(out s_OnPermissionsRequestFinished); return(s_CurrentRequest); }
private void _ConnectToService() { try { ARSession.CreateSession(); isSessionCreated = true; ARSession.Config(Config); ARSession.Resume(); ARSession.SetCameraTextureNameAuto(); ARSession.SetDisplayGeometry(Screen.width, Screen.height); } catch (ARCameraPermissionDeniedException e) { isErrorHappendWhenInit = true; ARDebug.LogError("camera permission is denied"); errorMessage = "This app require camera permission"; Log(); Invoke("_DoQuit", 0.5f); } catch (ARUnavailableDeviceNotCompatibleException e) { isErrorHappendWhenInit = true; errorMessage = "This device does not support AR"; Log(); Invoke("_DoQuit", 0.5f); } catch (ARUnavailableServiceApkTooOldException e) { isErrorHappendWhenInit = true; errorMessage = "This AR Engine is too old, please update"; Log(); Invoke("_DoQuit", 0.5f); } catch (ARUnavailableServiceNotInstalledException e) { isErrorHappendWhenInit = true; errorMessage = "This app depend on AREngine.apk, please install it"; Log(); Invoke("_DoQuit", 0.5f); } catch (ARUnSupportedConfigurationException e) { isErrorHappendWhenInit = true; errorMessage = "This config is not supported on this device, exit now."; Log(); Invoke("_DoQuit", 0.5f); } }
public static float[] GetTransformDisplayUvCoords(float[] inUVCoords) { if (null == inUVCoords || inUVCoords.Length != 8) { ARDebug.LogError("wrong inUVCoords"); throw new ArgumentException("inUVCoords is wrong"); } if (ARSessionManager.Instance.SessionStatus != ARSessionStatus.RUNNING && ARSessionManager.Instance.SessionStatus != ARSessionStatus.PAUSED) { throw new ARNotYetAvailableException(); } float[] outUv = ARSessionManager.Instance.m_ndkSession.FrameAdapter.TransformDisplayUvCoords(inUVCoords); return(outUv); }
public override IEnumerator StartService(Settings settings) { if (m_ARCoreSessionConfig == null) { m_ARCoreSessionConfig = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance <ARCoreSessionConfig>(); } m_ARCoreSessionConfig.EnableLightEstimation = settings.enableLightEstimation; m_ARCoreSessionConfig.EnablePlaneFinding = settings.enablePlaneDetection; //Do we want to match framerate to the camera? m_ARCoreSessionConfig.MatchCameraFramerate = false; //Using the SessionManager instead of ARCoreSession allows us to check if the config is supported, //And also using the session without the need for a GameObject or an additional MonoBehaviour. if (m_SessionManager == null) { m_SessionManager = SessionManager.CreateSession(); if (!IsSupported) { ARDebug.LogError("The requested ARCore session configuration is not supported."); yield break; } Session.Initialize(m_SessionManager); if (Session.ConnectionState != SessionConnectionState.Uninitialized) { ARDebug.LogError("Could not create an ARCore session. The current Unity Editor may not support this " + "version of ARCore."); yield break; } } //We ask for permission to use the camera and wait var task = AskForPermissionAndConnect(m_ARCoreSessionConfig); yield return(task.WaitForCompletion()); //After the operation is done, we double check if the connection was successful IsRunning = task.Result == SessionConnectionState.Connected; if (IsRunning) { TextureReader_create((int)k_ImageFormatType, k_ARCoreTextureWidth, k_ARCoreTextureHeight, true); } }
/// <summary> /// Unity Awake method. /// </summary> public void Awake() { if (FindObjectsOfType <SessionComponent>().Length > 1) { ARDebug.LogError("Multiple SessionComponents present in the game scene. Destroying the gameobject " + "of the newest one."); Destroy(gameObject); return; } // Launches a temporary recovery daemon for a known race condition in ARCore connection code. StartCoroutine(_AttemptRecoverIfInvalidState()); if (m_connectOnAwake) { Connect(); } }
/// <summary> /// Connects to the ARCore service. /// </summary> /// <param name="sessionConfig">The session configuration to connect with.</param> /// <param name="onComplete">A callback for when the result of the connection attempt is known.</param> private void _ConnectToService(SessionConfig sessionConfig, Action <SessionConnectionState> onComplete) { // Connect the ARCore session. UnityTango.Config tangoConfig = _GetSessionTangoConfiguration(sessionConfig); if (!UnityTango.Device.Connect(tangoConfig)) { ARDebug.LogError("Failed to connect the ARSession."); SessionManager.ConnectionState = SessionConnectionState.ConnectToServiceFailed; onComplete(SessionConnectionState.ConnectToServiceFailed); return; } if (sessionConfig.m_enableARBackground) { // _SetupVideoOverlay(); } SessionManager.ConnectionState = SessionConnectionState.Connected; onComplete(SessionManager.ConnectionState); }
private void _UpdateHandBox() { var handBox = m_hand.GetHandBox(); if (handBox.Length < 2) { ARDebug.LogError("handbox's length is {0}", handBox.Length); return; } Vector3 glLeftTopCorner = handBox[0]; Vector3 glRightBottomCorner = handBox[1]; Vector3 glLeftBottomCorner = new Vector3(glLeftTopCorner.x, glRightBottomCorner.y); Vector3 glRightTopCorner = new Vector3(glRightBottomCorner.x, glLeftTopCorner.y); m_boxLineRenderer.SetPosition(0, _TransferGLCoord2UnityWoldCoordWithDepth(glLeftTopCorner)); m_boxLineRenderer.SetPosition(1, _TransferGLCoord2UnityWoldCoordWithDepth(glRightTopCorner)); m_boxLineRenderer.SetPosition(2, _TransferGLCoord2UnityWoldCoordWithDepth(glRightBottomCorner)); m_boxLineRenderer.SetPosition(3, _TransferGLCoord2UnityWoldCoordWithDepth(glLeftBottomCorner)); m_boxLineRenderer.SetPosition(4, _TransferGLCoord2UnityWoldCoordWithDepth(glLeftTopCorner)); m_boxLineRenderer.gameObject.SetActive(true); }
public static AsyncTask <AndroidPermissionsRequestResult> RequestPermission( string permissionName) { if (AndroidPermissionsManager.IsPermissionGranted(permissionName)) { return(new AsyncTask <AndroidPermissionsRequestResult>( new AndroidPermissionsRequestResult( new string[] { permissionName }, new bool[] { true }))); } if (_currentRequest != null) { ARDebug.LogError("Attempted to make simultaneous Android permissions requests."); return(null); } GetPermissionsService().Call("RequestPermissionAsync", GetUnityActivity(), new[] { permissionName }, GetInstance()); _currentRequest = new AsyncTask <AndroidPermissionsRequestResult>(out _onPermissionsRequestFinished); return(_currentRequest); }
/// <summary> /// Constructor for a new PointCloud wrapping <c>rawPointCloud</c>. /// </summary> /// <param name="rawPointCloud">The raw point cloud to wrap. If <c>rawPointCloud</c> is null, the /// resulting PointCloud will have <c>IsValid</c> set to false.</param> public PointCloud(UnityTango.PointCloudData?rawPointCloud) { if (rawPointCloud == null) { IsValid = false; m_rawPointCloud = new UnityTango.PointCloudData(); Pose = new Pose(); m_unityWorldTDepthCamera = Matrix4x4.identity; return; } IsValid = true; m_rawPointCloud = rawPointCloud.Value; Pose = new Pose(); m_unityWorldTDepthCamera = Matrix4x4.identity; ApiPoseData apiPoseData = new ApiPoseData(); if (ExternApi.TangoService_getPoseAtTime(m_rawPointCloud.timestamp, new ApiCoordinateFramePair(Constants.START_SERVICE_T_DEPTH_FRAME_PAIR), ref apiPoseData) == ApiServiceErrorStatus.Success) { Matrix4x4 ss_T_depth = Matrix4x4.TRS(apiPoseData.translation.ToVector3(), apiPoseData.orientation.ToQuaternion(),; m_unityWorldTDepthCamera = Constants.UNITY_WORLD_T_START_SERVICE * ss_T_depth; Vector3 translation = m_unityWorldTDepthCamera.GetColumn(3); Quaternion rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(m_unityWorldTDepthCamera.GetColumn(2), m_unityWorldTDepthCamera.GetColumn(1)); Pose = new Pose(translation, rotation); } else { ARDebug.LogError("Could not retrieve a pose for the point cloud."); Pose = new Pose(); m_unityWorldTDepthCamera = Matrix4x4.identity; } }
public void BuildIfNeeded(out string error) { error = ""; if (!m_IsRawDataDirty) { return; } string cliBinaryPath; if (!FindCliBinaryPath(out cliBinaryPath)) { return; } if (m_ARAugImageDatabaseType == AREnginesType.HUAWEI_AR_ENGINE) { BuildHWDatabase(cliBinaryPath, out error); } else { BuildGoogleDatabase(cliBinaryPath, out error); } m_IsRawDataDirty = false; EditorUtility.SetDirty(this); // Force a save to make certain build process will get updated asset. AssetDatabase.SaveAssets(); const int BYTES_IN_KBYTE = 1024; // TODO:: Remove this log when all errors/warnings are moved to stderr for CLI tool. ARDebug.LogError("Built AugmentedImageDatabase '{0}' ({1} Images, {2} KBytes)", name, m_Images.Count, m_RawData.Length / BYTES_IN_KBYTE); }
private void _UpdateHandBox() { var handBox = m_hand.GetHandBox(); //The first one is the left top corner of the rectangle, and the second one is the right bottom corner if (handBox.Length < 2) { ARDebug.LogError("handbox's length is {0}", handBox.Length); return; } Vector3 glLeftTopCorner = handBox[0]; Vector3 glRightBottomCorner = handBox[1]; Vector3 glLeftBottomCorner = new Vector3(glLeftTopCorner.x, glRightBottomCorner.y); Vector3 glRightTopCorner = new Vector3(glRightBottomCorner.x, glLeftTopCorner.y); float glCenterX = (glLeftTopCorner.x + glRightTopCorner.x) / 2; float glCenterY = (glLeftTopCorner.y + glLeftBottomCorner.y) / 2; Vector3 glCenter = new Vector3(glCenterX, glCenterY); m_boxLineRenderer.SetPosition(0, _TransferGLCoord2UnityWoldCoordWithDepth(glLeftTopCorner)); m_boxLineRenderer.SetPosition(1, _TransferGLCoord2UnityWoldCoordWithDepth(glRightTopCorner)); m_boxLineRenderer.SetPosition(2, _TransferGLCoord2UnityWoldCoordWithDepth(glRightBottomCorner)); m_boxLineRenderer.SetPosition(3, _TransferGLCoord2UnityWoldCoordWithDepth(glLeftBottomCorner)); m_boxLineRenderer.SetPosition(4, _TransferGLCoord2UnityWoldCoordWithDepth(glLeftTopCorner)); m_boxLineRenderer.material = (Material)Resources.Load("Line", typeof(Material)); m_boxLineRenderer.startColor = new Color(1, 0, 0, 1); m_boxLineRenderer.endColor = new Color(1, 0, 0, 1); m_boxLineRenderer.gameObject.SetActive(true); m_spider.transform.position = (_TransferGLCoord2UnityWoldCoordWithDepth(glCenter)); m_lightBlast.transform.position = (_TransferGLCoord2UnityWoldCoordWithDepth(glCenter)); m_bulbasaur.transform.position = (_TransferGLCoord2UnityWoldCoordWithDepth(glCenter)); m_spiderColor.transform.position = (_TransferGLCoord2UnityWoldCoordWithDepth(glCenter)); m_hwCube.transform.position = (_TransferGLCoord2UnityWoldCoordWithDepth(glCenter)); switch (m_hand.GetGestureType()) { case 0: _DonotShow3DObjects(); break; case 1: _DonotShow3DObjects(); m_spider.gameObject.SetActive(true); break; case 5: _DonotShow3DObjects(); m_lightBlast.gameObject.SetActive(true); break; case 6: _DonotShow3DObjects(); m_spiderColor.transform.localScale = new Vector3(0.2f, 0.2f, 0.2f); break; case 7: _DonotShow3DObjects(); m_hwCube.gameObject.SetActive(true); break; case 10: _DonotShow3DObjects(); m_bulbasaur.gameObject.SetActive(true); break; } }
// Use this for initialization void Awake() { //return; BaiduARHumanPose humanPose = FindObjectOfType <BaiduARHumanPose>(); humanPose.InvokeErrorMessage(delegate(string errNum, string errMsg) { ARDebug.LogError("errMsg = " + errMsg); }); humanPose.InvokeClearMessage(delegate(){ ARDebug.Log("InvokeClearMessage "); objs.Clear(); }); humanPose.InvokePosMessage(delegate(List <OutPutData> lstVet) { ARDebug.Log("InvokePosMessage Init lstVet = " + lstVet.Count); for (int i = 0; i < lstVet.Count; i++) { // ARDebug.Log("i = "+i + " score="+lstVet[i].score); if (lstVet[i].score > 0.6) { GameObject item = objs.GetItem(); if (item == null) { item = CreateCircleGame(); objs.Add(item); } item.SetActive(true); item.transform.position = lstVet[i].VectorWorldPos; } } if (lstVet.Count < 18) { return; } ARDebug.Log("InvokePosMessage Init22"); Vector2 vetpos = new Vector2(lstVet[1].VectorScreenPos.x, lstVet[1].VectorScreenPos.y + (lstVet[1].VectorScreenPos.x - lstVet[2].VectorScreenPos.x)); if (null == collideScript) { collideScript = FindObjectOfType <CollideManage>(); } collideScript.SetTexiaoPos(vetpos); for (int i = 0; i < lstVet.Count; i++) { if (i == 4) //表示右手腕 { Vector2 vet =; if (IsBound(lstVet[i].VectorScreenPos)) //如果没有检测到点 { lstVet[i].VectorScreenPos = lastVet_righthand; } if (IsBound(lstVet[i - 1].VectorScreenPos)) //如果没有检测到点 { lstVet[i - 1].VectorScreenPos = lastVet_righthand; } GetHandPos(lstVet[i - 1].VectorScreenPos, lstVet[i].VectorScreenPos, out vet); if (null == collideScript) { collideScript = FindObjectOfType <CollideManage>(); } if (!IsBound(vet)) { collideScript.HandleData(vet, HumanPoseType.POSE_RIGHTHAND); lastVet_righthand = vet; } } if (i == 7) //表示左手腕 { Vector2 vet =; if (IsBound(lstVet[i].VectorScreenPos)) //如果没有检测到点 { lstVet[i].VectorScreenPos = lastVet_lefthand; } if (IsBound(lstVet[i - 1].VectorScreenPos)) //如果没有检测到点 { lstVet[i - 1].VectorScreenPos = lastVet_lefthand; } GetHandPos(lstVet[i - 1].VectorScreenPos, lstVet[i].VectorScreenPos, out vet); if (null == collideScript) { collideScript = FindObjectOfType <CollideManage>(); } if (!IsBound(vet)) { collideScript.HandleData(vet, HumanPoseType.POSE_LEFTHAND); lastVet_lefthand = vet; } // collideScript.HandleData(lstVet[i].VectorScreenPos); } if (i == 10) //表示右脚 { if (null == collideScript) { collideScript = FindObjectOfType <CollideManage>(); } if (IsBound(lstVet[i].VectorScreenPos)) { lstVet[i].VectorScreenPos = lastVet_rightwrist; } if (!IsBound(lstVet[i].VectorScreenPos)) { collideScript.HandleData(lstVet[i].VectorScreenPos, HumanPoseType.POSE_RIGHTWRIST); lastVet_rightwrist = lstVet[i].VectorScreenPos; } } if (i == 13) //表示左脚 { if (null == collideScript) { collideScript = FindObjectOfType <CollideManage>(); } if (IsBound(lstVet[i].VectorScreenPos)) { lstVet[i].VectorScreenPos = lastVet_leftwrist; } if (!IsBound(lstVet[i].VectorScreenPos)) { collideScript.HandleData(lstVet[i].VectorScreenPos, HumanPoseType.POSE_LEFTWRIST); lastVet_leftwrist = lstVet[i].VectorScreenPos; } } } }); }
/// <summary> /// Connects an ARSession. Note that if user permissions are needed they will be requested and thus this is an /// asynchronous method. /// </summary> /// <param name="sessionConfig">The session configuration.</param> /// <returns>An <c>AsyncTask</c> that completes when the connection has been made or failed. </returns> public AsyncTask <SessionConnectionState> Connect(SessionConfig sessionConfig) { const string ANDROID_CAMERA_PERMISSION_NAME = "android.permission.CAMERA"; if (sessionConfig == null) { ARDebug.LogError("Unable to connect ARSession session due to missing ARSessionConfig."); SessionManager.ConnectionState = SessionConnectionState.MissingConfiguration; return(new AsyncTask <SessionConnectionState>(SessionManager.ConnectionState)); } bool isSupported; ApiServiceErrorStatus status = TangoClientApi.TangoService_IsSupported(out isSupported); if (status.IsTangoFailure()) { ARDebug.LogError("There was an error accessing the ARCore API."); SessionManager.ConnectionState = SessionConnectionState.ConnectToServiceFailed; return(new AsyncTask <SessionConnectionState>(SessionManager.ConnectionState)); } if (!isSupported) { ARDebug.LogError("Device does not support ARCore."); SessionManager.ConnectionState = SessionConnectionState.DeviceNotSupported; return(new AsyncTask <SessionConnectionState>(SessionManager.ConnectionState)); } // We have already connected at least once. if (SessionManager.ConnectionState != SessionConnectionState.Uninitialized) { ARDebug.LogError("Multiple attempts to connect to the ARSession. Note that the ARSession connection " + "spans the lifetime of the application and cannot be reconfigured. This will change in future " + "versions of ARCore."); return(new AsyncTask <SessionConnectionState>(SessionManager.ConnectionState)); } // Create an asynchronous task for the potential permissions flow and service connection. Action <SessionConnectionState> onTaskComplete; var returnTask = new AsyncTask <SessionConnectionState>(out onTaskComplete); // Attempt service connection immediately if permissions are granted. if (AndroidPermissionsManager.IsPermissionGranted(ANDROID_CAMERA_PERMISSION_NAME)) { _ConnectToService(sessionConfig, onTaskComplete); return(returnTask); } // Request needed permissions and attempt service connection if granted. var permissionsArray = new string[] { ANDROID_CAMERA_PERMISSION_NAME }; AndroidPermissionsManager.RequestPermission(permissionsArray).ThenAction((requestResult) => { if (requestResult.IsAllGranted) { _ConnectToService(sessionConfig, onTaskComplete); } else { ARDebug.LogError("ARCore connection failed because a needed permission was rejected."); SessionManager.ConnectionState = SessionConnectionState.UserRejectedNeededPermission; onTaskComplete(SessionManager.ConnectionState); } }); return(returnTask); }
private void LogError(NdkCameraMetadataType requestedType) { ARDebug.LogError("Error getting value from ARCameraMetadataType due to type mismatch. " + "requested type = {0}, internal type = {1}\n", requestedType, m_Type); }
// Use this for initialization void Awake() { electRoot = FindObjectOfType <ARHumanExampleElectric>(); footRoot = FindObjectOfType <ARHumanExampleFootLift>(); BaiduARHumanPose humanPose = FindObjectOfType <BaiduARHumanPose>(); exampleUI = FindObjectOfType <ARExampleUI>(); humanPose.InvokeErrorMessage(delegate(string errNum, string errMsg) { exampleUI.ErrorInfo(errNum, errMsg); ARDebug.LogError("errMsg = " + errMsg); }); humanPose.InvokeClearMessage(delegate() { ARDebug.Log("InvokeClearMessage "); objs.Clear(); }); humanPose.InvokePosMessage(delegate(List <OutPutData> lstVet) { if (lstVet[1].score > 0 && lstVet[8].score > 0) { ARHumanBodyDataParse.lengthShoulder = Vector2.Distance(lstVet[1].VectorScreenPos, lstVet[8].VectorScreenPos); ARDebug.Log("datas lengthShoulder = " + ARHumanBodyDataParse.lengthShoulder); if (lstVet[10].score > 0 && lstVet[13].score > 0) { float left = Vector2.Distance(lstVet[10].VectorScreenPos, lstVet[8].VectorScreenPos); float right = Vector2.Distance(lstVet[13].VectorScreenPos, lstVet[11].VectorScreenPos); if (right < ARHumanBodyDataParse.lengthShoulder && left < ARHumanBodyDataParse.lengthShoulder) { return; } } } int z = (int)(ARHumanBodyDataParse.lengthShoulder / 60); int ZeroCount = 0; for (int i = 0; i < lstVet.Count; i++) { if (lstVet[i].score > 0.6) { // if ( i == 4 || i == 2 || i == 7 || i ==5) { //GameObject item = objs.GetItem(); //if (item == null) //{ // item = CreateCircleGame(z); // objs.Add(item); //} //item.transform.localScale = * z; //item.SetActive(true); //// item.transform.position = GameObject.Find("UICamera").GetComponent<Camera>().ScreenToWorldPoint(lstVet[i].VectorScreenPos);//lstVet[i].VectorWorldPos; //item.transform.position = FindObjectOfType<ARWebCamera>().GetComponent<Camera>().ScreenToWorldPoint(lstVet[i].VectorScreenPos);//lstVet[i].VectorWorldPos; } } else { ZeroCount++; } } if (ZeroCount > 15) { objs.Clear(); } if (ARHumanBodyDataParse.foots[0] == null) { ARHumanBodyDataParse.foots[0] = new Queue <float>(); ARHumanBodyDataParse.foots[1] = new Queue <float>(); } if (ARHumanBodyDataParse.foots[0].Count < ARHumanBodyDataParse.footsize) { ARHumanBodyDataParse.foots[0].Enqueue(lstVet[10].VectorScreenPos.y); ARHumanBodyDataParse.foots[1].Enqueue(lstVet[13].VectorScreenPos.y); } else { ARHumanBodyDataParse.foots[0].Dequeue(); ARHumanBodyDataParse.foots[1].Dequeue(); ARHumanBodyDataParse.foots[0].Enqueue(lstVet[10].VectorScreenPos.y); ARHumanBodyDataParse.foots[1].Enqueue(lstVet[13].VectorScreenPos.y); } electRoot.Electric(lstVet); StaticPose(lstVet); if (lstVet[10].score > 0 && lstVet[13].score > 0) { float left = Vector2.Distance(lstVet[10].VectorScreenPos, lstVet[8].VectorScreenPos); float right = Vector2.Distance(lstVet[13].VectorScreenPos, lstVet[11].VectorScreenPos); if (right < ARHumanBodyDataParse.lengthShoulder && left < ARHumanBodyDataParse.lengthShoulder) { lastNosePose = lstVet[0].VectorScreenPos; return; } if (!lastNosePose.Equals( { float Distan = Vector2.Distance(lastNosePose, lstVet[0].VectorScreenPos); lastNosePose = lstVet[0].VectorScreenPos; //Debug.Log("Distan="+Distan); if (Distan > ARHumanBodyDataParse.lengthShoulder / 10) { ARHumanBodyDataParse.foots[0].Clear(); ARHumanBodyDataParse.foots[1].Clear(); return; } } } lastNosePose = lstVet[0].VectorScreenPos; footRoot.FootLift(lstVet); }); }