private async void AddEditAppointmentForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { _halls = await _apiService.CustomGet <List <Model.Hall> >("GetHalls", _schedule.Cinema.CinemaId); var moviesApi = new APIService("movies"); var movie = await moviesApi.GetById <Model.Movie>(_movieId); HallsBox.DisplayMember = "Text"; HallsBox.ValueMember = "Value"; foreach (var hall in _halls) { HallsBox.Items.Add(new { Text = hall.HallName + " " + hall.HallNumber, Value = hall.HallId }); } Cinema.Text = _schedule.Cinema.Name; Day.Text = $"{_day}, {_date.ToString("dd. MMM yyyy")}"; Movie.Text = movie.Title; if (_appointmentId.HasValue) { Title.Text = $"Appointment of:"; var appApi = new APIService("Appointments"); var app = await appApi.GetById <Model.Appointments>(_appointmentId); Price.Text = app.Price.ToString(); StartsAt.Value = DateTime.Parse(app.StartsAt.ToString()); var hallApi = new APIService("halls"); var hall = await hallApi.GetById <Model.Hall>(app.HallId); HallsBox.SelectedIndex = HallsBox.Items.IndexOf(new { Text = hall.HallName + " " + hall.HallNumber, Value = hall.HallId }); } else { Title.Text = $"Appointment to:"; } }
private async void saveBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { var movieId = (select.SelectedItem as dynamic).Value; var Object = new Model.CinemaDayMovie() { AiringDaysOfCinemaId = _airingDayId, MovieId = movieId }; APIService cdmService = new APIService("cinemaDayMovie"); await cdmService.Insert <Model.CinemaDayMovie>(Object); this.Close(); _scheduleForm.Close(); ScheduleForm sch = new ScheduleForm(_schedule.Cinema.CinemaId, _menuForm) { MdiParent = _menuForm, Dock = DockStyle.Fill }; var schedule = await _apiService.CustomGet <Model.Requests.CinemasScheduleRequest>("GetCinemasSchedule", _schedule.Cinema.CinemaId); CinemaDayMovieForm form = new CinemaDayMovieForm(sch, schedule, _menuForm, _airingDayId, _date, _day); sch.Show(); _helper.ShowForm(form, 15); var messageBox = new CustomMessageBox(); messageBox.Show("Movie added successfully", "success"); }
private async void ScheduleForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { var schedule = await _apiService.CustomGet <Model.Requests.CinemasScheduleRequest>("GetCinemasSchedule", _cinemaId); _schedule = schedule; Title.Text = $"{schedule.Cinema.Name} schedule"; var list = new List <Model.dgvLists.ScheduleItem>(); foreach (var item in schedule.AiringDaysOfCinema) { string airingDay = ""; int numberOfMovies = 0; foreach (var day in schedule.AiringDays) { if (item.AiringDayId == day.AiringDayId) { airingDay = day.Name; break; } } foreach (var movie in schedule.CinemaDayMovies) { if (movie.AiringDaysOfCinemaId == item.AiringDaysOfCinemaId) { numberOfMovies++; } } var Object = new Model.dgvLists.ScheduleItem() { AiringDaysOfCinemasId = item.AiringDaysOfCinemaId, Date = item.Date.Date, Day = airingDay, NumberOfMovies = numberOfMovies }; list.Add(Object); } dgvSchedule.AutoGenerateColumns = false; dgvSchedule.DataSource = list; _list = list; selectList.DataSource = new string[] { "All", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday", "Sunday" }; }
private async void dgvScheduledMovies_CellContentClick_1(object sender, DataGridViewCellEventArgs e) { if (e.RowIndex >= 0) { var cinemaDayMovieId = dgvScheduledMovies.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells["CinemaDayMovieId"].Value; var movieId = dgvScheduledMovies.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells["MovieId"].Value; var action = dgvScheduledMovies.Columns[e.ColumnIndex].Name; var cdmApi = new APIService("cinemaDayMovie"); var movieApi = new APIService("movies"); var cdm = await cdmApi.GetById <Model.CinemaDayMovie>(cinemaDayMovieId); var movie = await movieApi.GetById <Model.Movie>(cdm.MovieId); CustomMessageBox messageBox = new CustomMessageBox(); if (action == "Delete") { DialogResult dialogResult = MessageBox.Show($"Are you sure you want to permanently delete '{movie.Title}' on the {DateTime.Parse(_date.ToString()).ToShortDateString()}, {_day}?", "Delete movie?", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo); if (dialogResult == DialogResult.Yes) { await cdmApi.Delete <Model.CinemaDayMovie>(cinemaDayMovieId); this.Close(); _scheduleForm.Close(); ScheduleForm sch = new ScheduleForm(_schedule.Cinema.CinemaId, _menuForm) { MdiParent = _menuForm, Dock = DockStyle.Fill }; var schedule = await _apiService.CustomGet <Model.Requests.CinemasScheduleRequest>("GetCinemasSchedule", _schedule.Cinema.CinemaId); CinemaDayMovieForm form = new CinemaDayMovieForm(sch, schedule, _menuForm, _airingDayId, _date, _day); sch.Show(); _helper.ShowForm(form, 15); messageBox.Show("Movie deleted successfully", "success"); } } else if (action == "Apps") { AppointmentsForm form = new AppointmentsForm(_scheduleForm, _schedule, _menuForm, _airingDayId, _date, _day, int.Parse(cinemaDayMovieId.ToString()), int.Parse(movieId.ToString()), this); _helper.CloseForm(this, 15); _helper.ShowForm(form, 15); } } }
public async void Init(int cinemaId, int cdmId, string day, string date, string cinemaName) { CinemaId = cinemaId; CdmId = cdmId; Day = day; Date = date; CinemaName = cinemaName; Title = CinemaName + ", " + date + ", " + day; var cdm = await _cdmApi.GetById <Model.CinemaDayMovie>(CdmId); var movie = await _moviesApi.GetById <Model.Movie>(cdm.MovieId); Movie = movie; var apps = await _appApi.Get <List <Model.Appointments> >(null); apps.RemoveAll(app => app.CinemaDayMovieId != CdmId); foreach (var app in apps) { var hall = await _hallsApi.GetById <Model.Hall>(app.HallId); Model.ObservableLists.AppointmentItem newItem = new Model.ObservableLists.AppointmentItem() { HallId = hall.HallId, AppId = app.AppointmentId, HallName = hall.HallName, HallNumber = hall.HallNumber, Price = app.Price, SoldSeats = app.SoldSeats, StartsAt = app.StartsAt, Display = app.StartsAt + "h / Price: " + app.Price + " / ", HallNumberOfSeats = hall.NumberOfseats }; if (hall.NumberOfseats == app.SoldSeats) { newItem.Full = true; } else { newItem.Full = false; } if (newItem.Full) { newItem.Display += "No more seats left"; } else { newItem.Display += "Sets: "; newItem.Display += (hall.NumberOfseats - app.SoldSeats).ToString(); } Apps.Add(newItem); } var products = await _cinemasApi.CustomGet <List <Model.Product> >("getProducts", CinemaId); foreach (var product in products) { Model.ObservableLists.ProductItem newItem = new Model.ObservableLists.ProductItem() { Product = product, Display = product.Name + " / Price: " + product.Price }; Products.Add(newItem); } }