private void MenuSelection()
            int menuSelection = -1;

            while (menuSelection != 0)
                string logInOut = api.LoggedIn ? "Log out" : "Log in";

                Console.WriteLine("1: List Tech Elevator Locations");
                Console.WriteLine("2: Show Tech Elevator Location Details");
                Console.WriteLine("3: Add a Tech Elevator Location");
                Console.WriteLine("4: Update a Tech Elevator Location");
                Console.WriteLine("5: Delete a Tech Elevator Location");
                Console.WriteLine("6: " + logInOut);
                Console.WriteLine("0: Exit");
                Console.Write("Please choose an option: ");

                if (!int.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out menuSelection))
                    Console.WriteLine("Invalid input. Only input a number.");
                else if (menuSelection == 1)
                    List <Location> listLocations = api.GetAllLocations();
                    if (listLocations != null)
                else if (menuSelection == 2)
                    Console.Write("Please enter a location id to get the details: ");
                    string input = Console.ReadLine();
                    if (!int.TryParse(input, out int locationId))
                        Console.WriteLine("Invalid input. Please enter only a number.");
                    else if (locationId > 0)
                        Location location = api.GetDetailsForLocation(locationId);
                        if (location != null)
                else if (menuSelection == 3)
                    string   newLocationString = PromptForLocationData();
                    Location newLocation       = new Location(newLocationString);
                    if (newLocation.IsValid)
                        Location returnedLocation = api.AddLocation(newLocation);
                        if (returnedLocation != null)
                            PrintLocations(api.GetAllLocations()); //confirmation of success
                        Console.WriteLine("Location string not in correct format.");
                else if (menuSelection == 4)
                    Console.Write("Please enter a location id to update: ");
                    string input = Console.ReadLine();
                    if (!int.TryParse(input, out int locationId))
                        Console.WriteLine("Invalid input. Please enter only a number.");
                    else if (locationId > 0)
                        Location locationToUpdate = api.GetDetailsForLocation(locationId);
                        if (locationToUpdate != null)
                            string updLocationString = PromptForLocationData(locationToUpdate);

                            Location updLocation = new Location(updLocationString);
                            if (updLocation.IsValid)
                                Location returnedLocation = api.UpdateLocation(updLocation);
                                if (returnedLocation != null)
                                    PrintLocations(api.GetAllLocations()); //confirmation of success
                                Console.WriteLine("Location string not in correct format.");
                else if (menuSelection == 5)
                    Console.Write("Please enter a location id to delete: ");
                    string input = Console.ReadLine();
                    if (!int.TryParse(input, out int locationId))
                        Console.WriteLine("Invalid input. Please enter only a number.");
                    else if (locationId > 0)
                        PrintLocations(api.GetAllLocations()); //confirmation of success
                else if (menuSelection == 6)
                    if (api.LoggedIn)
                        Console.WriteLine("You are now logged out");
                        Console.Write("Please enter username: "******"Please enter password: "******"You are now logged in");
                else if (menuSelection == 0)
                    Console.WriteLine("Invalid selection.");