LookupLanguageItem() static private method

Looks for the appropriate language item in a text alternative array.item
static private LookupLanguageItem ( XmpNode arrayNode, string language ) : int
arrayNode XmpNode /// an array node
language string /// the requested language
return int
Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// The initial support for WAV files mapped a legacy ID3 audio copyright
        /// into a new xmpDM:copyright property. This is special case code to migrate
        /// that into dc:rights['x-default']. The rules:
        /// <pre>
        /// 1. If there is no dc:rights array, or an empty array -
        ///    Create one with dc:rights['x-default'] set from double linefeed and xmpDM:copyright.
        /// 2. If there is a dc:rights array but it has no x-default item -
        ///    Create an x-default item as a copy of the first item then apply rule #3.
        /// 3. If there is a dc:rights array with an x-default item,
        ///    Look for a double linefeed in the value.
        ///     A. If no double linefeed, compare the x-default value to the xmpDM:copyright value.
        ///         A1. If they match then leave the x-default value alone.
        ///         A2. Otherwise, append a double linefeed and
        ///             the xmpDM:copyright value to the x-default value.
        ///     B. If there is a double linefeed, compare the trailing text to the xmpDM:copyright value.
        ///         B1. If they match then leave the x-default value alone.
        ///         B2. Otherwise, replace the trailing x-default text with the xmpDM:copyright value.
        /// 4. In all cases, delete the xmpDM:copyright property.
        /// </pre>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="xmp"> the metadata object </param>
        /// <param name="dmCopyright"> the "dm:copyright"-property </param>
        private static void MigrateAudioCopyright(XMPMeta xmp, XmpNode dmCopyright)
            try {
                XmpNode dcSchema = XmpNodeUtils.FindSchemaNode(((XmpMetaImpl)xmp).Root, XmpConst.NS_DC, true);

                string       dmValue  = dmCopyright.Value;
                const string doubleLf = "\n\n";

                XmpNode dcRightsArray = XmpNodeUtils.FindChildNode(dcSchema, "dc:rights", false);

                if (dcRightsArray == null || !dcRightsArray.HasChildren())
                    // 1. No dc:rights array, create from double linefeed and xmpDM:copyright.
                    dmValue = doubleLf + dmValue;
                    xmp.SetLocalizedText(XmpConst.NS_DC, "rights", "", XmpConst.X_DEFAULT, dmValue, null);
                    int xdIndex = XmpNodeUtils.LookupLanguageItem(dcRightsArray, XmpConst.X_DEFAULT);

                    if (xdIndex < 0)
                        // 2. No x-default item, create from the first item.
                        string firstValue = dcRightsArray.GetChild(1).Value;
                        xmp.SetLocalizedText(XmpConst.NS_DC, "rights", "", XmpConst.X_DEFAULT, firstValue, null);
                        xdIndex = XmpNodeUtils.LookupLanguageItem(dcRightsArray, XmpConst.X_DEFAULT);

                    // 3. Look for a double linefeed in the x-default value.
                    XmpNode defaultNode  = dcRightsArray.GetChild(xdIndex);
                    string  defaultValue = defaultNode.Value;
                    int     lfPos        = defaultValue.IndexOf(doubleLf);

                    if (lfPos < 0)
                        // 3A. No double LF, compare whole values.
                        if (!dmValue.Equals(defaultValue))
                            // 3A2. Append the xmpDM:copyright to the x-default
                            // item.
                            defaultNode.Value = defaultValue + doubleLf + dmValue;
                        // 3B. Has double LF, compare the tail.
                        if (!defaultValue.Substring(lfPos + 2).Equals(dmValue))
                            // 3B2. Replace the x-default tail.
                            defaultNode.Value = defaultValue.Substring(0, lfPos + 2) + dmValue;

                // 4. Get rid of the xmpDM:copyright.
            catch (XmpException) {
                // Don't let failures (like a bad dc:rights form) stop other
                // cleanup.
Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <seealso cref= XMPUtilsImpl#appendProperties(XMPMeta, XMPMeta, boolean, boolean, boolean) </seealso>
        /// <param name="destXmp"> The destination XMP object. </param>
        /// <param name="sourceNode"> the source node </param>
        /// <param name="destParent"> the parent of the destination node </param>
        /// <param name="replaceOldValues"> Replace the values of existing properties. </param>
        /// <param name="deleteEmptyValues"> flag if properties with empty values should be deleted
        ///            in the destination object. </param>
        /// <exception cref="XmpException"> </exception>
        private static void AppendSubtree(XmpMetaImpl destXmp, XmpNode sourceNode, XmpNode destParent,
                                          bool replaceOldValues, bool deleteEmptyValues)
            XmpNode destNode = XmpNodeUtils.FindChildNode(destParent, sourceNode.Name, false);

            bool valueIsEmpty = false;

            if (deleteEmptyValues)
                valueIsEmpty = sourceNode.Options.Simple
                                   ? string.IsNullOrEmpty(sourceNode.Value)
                                   : !sourceNode.HasChildren();

            if (deleteEmptyValues && valueIsEmpty)
                if (destNode != null)
            else if (destNode == null)
                // The one easy case, the destination does not exist.
            else if (replaceOldValues)
                // The destination exists and should be replaced.
                destXmp.SetNode(destNode, sourceNode.Value, sourceNode.Options, true);
                destNode = (XmpNode)sourceNode.Clone();
                // The destination exists and is not totally replaced. Structs and
                // arrays are merged.

                PropertyOptions sourceForm = sourceNode.Options;
                PropertyOptions destForm   = destNode.Options;
                if (sourceForm != destForm)
                if (sourceForm.Struct)
                    // To merge a struct process the fields recursively. E.g. add simple missing fields.
                    // The recursive call to AppendSubtree will handle deletion for fields with empty
                    // values.
                    for (IEnumerator it = sourceNode.IterateChildren(); it.MoveNext();)
                        XmpNode sourceField = (XmpNode)it.Current;
                        if (sourceField == null)
                        AppendSubtree(destXmp, sourceField, destNode, replaceOldValues, deleteEmptyValues);
                        if (deleteEmptyValues && !destNode.HasChildren())
                else if (sourceForm.ArrayAltText)
                    // Merge AltText arrays by the "xml:lang" qualifiers. Make sure x-default is first.
                    // Make a special check for deletion of empty values. Meaningful in AltText arrays
                    // because the "xml:lang" qualifier provides unambiguous source/dest correspondence.
                    for (IEnumerator it = sourceNode.IterateChildren(); it.MoveNext();)
                        XmpNode sourceItem = (XmpNode)it.Current;
                        if (sourceItem == null)
                        if (!sourceItem.HasQualifier() || !XML_LANG.Equals(sourceItem.GetQualifier(1).Name))

                        int destIndex = XmpNodeUtils.LookupLanguageItem(destNode, sourceItem.GetQualifier(1).Value);
                        if (deleteEmptyValues && (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sourceItem.Value)))
                            if (destIndex != -1)
                                if (!destNode.HasChildren())
                        else if (destIndex == -1)
                            // Not replacing, keep the existing item.
                            if (!X_DEFAULT.Equals(sourceItem.GetQualifier(1).Value) || !destNode.HasChildren())
                                XmpNode destItem = new XmpNode(sourceItem.Name, sourceItem.Value, sourceItem.Options);
                                destNode.AddChild(1, destItem);
                else if (sourceForm.Array)
                    // Merge other arrays by item values. Don't worry about order or duplicates. Source
                    // items with empty values do not cause deletion, that conflicts horribly with
                    // merging.

                    for (IEnumerator @is = sourceNode.IterateChildren(); @is.MoveNext();)
                        XmpNode sourceItem = (XmpNode)@is.Current;
                        if (sourceItem == null)
                        bool match = false;
                        for (IEnumerator id = destNode.IterateChildren(); id.MoveNext();)
                            XmpNode destItem = (XmpNode)id.Current;
                            if (destItem == null)
                            if (ItemValuesMatch(sourceItem, destItem))
                                match = true;
                        if (!match)
                            destNode = (XmpNode)sourceItem.Clone();
Ejemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Visit all of the top level nodes looking for aliases. If there is
        /// no base, transplant the alias subtree. If there is a base and strict
        /// aliasing is on, make sure the alias and base subtrees match.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tree"> the root of the metadata tree </param>
        /// <param name="options"> th parsing options </param>
        /// <exception cref="XmpException"> Forwards XMP errors </exception>
        private static void MoveExplicitAliases(XmpNode tree, ParseOptions options)
            if (!tree.HasAliases)
            tree.HasAliases = false;

            bool        strictAliasing = options.StrictAliasing;
            IEnumerator schemaIt       = tree.UnmodifiableChildren.GetEnumerator();

            while (schemaIt.MoveNext())
                XmpNode currSchema = (XmpNode)schemaIt.Current;
                if (currSchema == null)
                if (!currSchema.HasAliases)

                ArrayList   currPropsToRemove = new ArrayList();
                IEnumerator propertyIt        = currSchema.IterateChildren();
                while (propertyIt.MoveNext())
                    XmpNode currProp = (XmpNode)propertyIt.Current;
                    if (currProp == null)

                    if (!currProp.Alias)

                    currProp.Alias = false;

                    // Find the base path, look for the base schema and root node.
                    XMPAliasInfo info = XMPMetaFactory.SchemaRegistry.FindAlias(currProp.Name);
                    if (info != null)
                        // find or create schema
                        XmpNode baseSchema = XmpNodeUtils.FindSchemaNode(tree, info.Namespace, null, true);
                        baseSchema.Implicit = false;

                        XmpNode baseNode = XmpNodeUtils.FindChildNode(baseSchema, info.Prefix + info.PropName, false);
                        if (baseNode == null)
                            if (info.AliasForm.Simple)
                                // A top-to-top alias, transplant the property.
                                // change the alias property name to the base name
                                string qname = info.Prefix + info.PropName;
                                currProp.Name = qname;
                                // An alias to an array item,
                                // create the array and transplant the property.
                                baseNode = new XmpNode(info.Prefix + info.PropName, info.AliasForm.ToPropertyOptions());
                                TransplantArrayItemAlias(currProp, baseNode);
                        else if (info.AliasForm.Simple)
                            // The base node does exist and this is a top-to-top alias.
                            // Check for conflicts if strict aliasing is on.
                            // Remove and delete the alias subtree.
                            if (strictAliasing)
                                CompareAliasedSubtrees(currProp, baseNode, true);
                            // This is an alias to an array item and the array exists.
                            // Look for the aliased item.
                            // Then transplant or check & delete as appropriate.

                            XmpNode itemNode = null;
                            if (info.AliasForm.ArrayAltText)
                                int xdIndex = XmpNodeUtils.LookupLanguageItem(baseNode, XmpConst.X_DEFAULT);
                                if (xdIndex != -1)
                                    itemNode = baseNode.GetChild(xdIndex);
                            else if (baseNode.HasChildren())
                                itemNode = baseNode.GetChild(1);

                            if (itemNode == null)
                                TransplantArrayItemAlias(currProp, baseNode);
                                if (strictAliasing)
                                    CompareAliasedSubtrees(currProp, itemNode, true);
                foreach (object o in currPropsToRemove)
                currSchema.HasAliases = false;