FindNode() static private method

Follow an expanded path expression to find or create a node.
An exception is only thrown if an error occurred, /// not if a node was not found.
static private FindNode ( XmpNode xmpTree, XmpPath xpath, bool createNodes, PropertyOptions leafOptions ) : XmpNode
xmpTree XmpNode the node to begin the search.
xpath iTextSharp.xmp.impl.xpath.XmpPath the complete xpath
createNodes bool flag if nodes shall be created /// (when called by setProperty())
leafOptions iTextSharp.xmp.options.PropertyOptions the options for the created leaf nodes (only when /// createNodes == true).
return XmpNode
Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Tweak old XMP: Move an instance ID from rdf:about to the
        /// <em>xmpMM:InstanceID</em> property. An old instance ID usually looks
        /// like &quot;uuid:bac965c4-9d87-11d9-9a30-000d936b79c4&quot;, plus InDesign
        /// 3.0 wrote them like &quot;bac965c4-9d87-11d9-9a30-000d936b79c4&quot;. If
        /// the name looks like a UUID simply move it to <em>xmpMM:InstanceID</em>,
        /// don't worry about any existing <em>xmpMM:InstanceID</em>. Both will
        /// only be present when a newer file with the <em>xmpMM:InstanceID</em>
        /// property is updated by an old app that uses <em>rdf:about</em>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tree"> the root of the metadata tree </param>
        /// <exception cref="XmpException"> Thrown if tweaking fails.  </exception>
        private static void TweakOldXmp(XmpNode tree)
            if (tree.Name != null && tree.Name.Length >= Utils.UUID_LENGTH)
                string nameStr = tree.Name.ToLower();
                if (nameStr.StartsWith("uuid:"))
                    nameStr = nameStr.Substring(5);

                if (Utils.CheckUuidFormat(nameStr))
                    // move UUID to xmpMM:InstanceID and remove it from the root node
                    XmpPath path   = XmpPathParser.ExpandXPath(XmpConst.NS_XMP_MM, "InstanceID");
                    XmpNode idNode = XmpNodeUtils.FindNode(tree, path, true, null);
                    if (idNode != null)
                        idNode.Options = null; // Clobber any existing xmpMM:InstanceID.
                        idNode.Value   = "uuid:" + nameStr;
                        tree.Name = null;
                        throw new XmpException("Failure creating xmpMM:InstanceID", XmpError.INTERNALFAILURE);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <exception cref="XmpException"> </exception>
        /// <seealso cref= XMPMeta#getLocalizedText(String, String, String, String) </seealso>
        public virtual IXmpProperty GetLocalizedText(string schemaNs, string altTextName, string genericLang,
                                                     string specificLang)

            genericLang = genericLang != null?Utils.NormalizeLangValue(genericLang) : null;

            specificLang = Utils.NormalizeLangValue(specificLang);

            XmpPath arrayPath = XmpPathParser.ExpandXPath(schemaNs, altTextName);
            XmpNode arrayNode = XmpNodeUtils.FindNode(_tree, arrayPath, false, null);

            if (arrayNode == null)

            object[] result   = XmpNodeUtils.ChooseLocalizedText(arrayNode, genericLang, specificLang);
            int      match    = (int)((int?)result[0]);
            XmpNode  itemNode = (XmpNode)result[1];

            if (match != XmpNodeUtils.CLT_NO_VALUES)
                return(new XmpPropertyImpl1(itemNode));
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor with optionsl initial values. If <code>propName</code> is provided,
        /// <code>schemaNs</code> has also be provided. </summary>
        /// <param name="xmp"> the iterated metadata object. </param>
        /// <param name="schemaNs"> the iteration is reduced to this schema (optional) </param>
        /// <param name="propPath"> the iteration is redurce to this property within the <code>schemaNs</code> </param>
        /// <param name="options"> advanced iteration options, see <seealso cref="IteratorOptions"/> </param>
        /// <exception cref="XmpException"> If the node defined by the paramters is not existing.  </exception>
        public XmpIteratorImpl(XmpMetaImpl xmp, string schemaNs, string propPath, IteratorOptions options)
            // make sure that options is defined at least with defaults
            _options = options ?? new IteratorOptions();

            // the start node of the iteration depending on the schema and property filter
            XmpNode startNode;
            string  initialPath  = null;
            bool    baseSchema   = !String.IsNullOrEmpty(schemaNs);
            bool    baseProperty = !String.IsNullOrEmpty(propPath);

            if (!baseSchema && !baseProperty)
                // complete tree will be iterated
                startNode = xmp.Root;
            else if (baseSchema && baseProperty)
                // Schema and property node provided
                XmpPath path = XmpPathParser.ExpandXPath(schemaNs, propPath);

                // base path is the prop path without the property leaf
                XmpPath basePath = new XmpPath();
                for (int i = 0; i < path.Size() - 1; i++)

                startNode   = XmpNodeUtils.FindNode(xmp.Root, path, false, null);
                _baseNs     = schemaNs;
                initialPath = basePath.ToString();
            else if (baseSchema && !baseProperty)
                // Only Schema provided
                startNode = XmpNodeUtils.FindSchemaNode(xmp.Root, schemaNs, false);
            else // !baseSchema  &&  baseProperty
                // No schema but property provided -> error
                throw new XmpException("Schema namespace URI is required", XmpError.BADSCHEMA);

            // create iterator
            if (startNode != null)
                _nodeIterator = (!_options.JustChildren)
                                    ? new NodeIterator(this, startNode, initialPath, 1)
                                    : new NodeIteratorChildren(this, startNode, initialPath);
                // create null iterator
                _nodeIterator = EmptyList.GetEnumerator();
Ejemplo n.º 4
        /// <seealso cref= XMPMeta#doesPropertyExist(String, String) </seealso>
        public virtual bool DoesPropertyExist(string schemaNs, string propName)
            try {

                XmpPath expPath  = XmpPathParser.ExpandXPath(schemaNs, propName);
                XmpNode propNode = XmpNodeUtils.FindNode(_tree, expPath, false, null);
                return(propNode != null);
            catch (XmpException) {
Ejemplo n.º 5
        /// <seealso cref= XMPMeta#deleteProperty(String, String) </seealso>
        public virtual void DeleteProperty(string schemaNs, string propName)
            try {

                XmpPath expPath = XmpPathParser.ExpandXPath(schemaNs, propName);

                XmpNode propNode = XmpNodeUtils.FindNode(_tree, expPath, false, null);
                if (propNode != null)
            catch (XmpException) {
                // EMPTY, exceptions are ignored within delete
Ejemplo n.º 6
        /// <exception cref="XmpException"> </exception>
        /// <seealso cref= XMPMeta#insertArrayItem(String, String, int, String,
        ///      PropertyOptions) </seealso>
        public virtual void InsertArrayItem(string schemaNs, string arrayName, int itemIndex, string itemValue,
                                            PropertyOptions options)

            // Just lookup, don't try to create.
            XmpPath arrayPath = XmpPathParser.ExpandXPath(schemaNs, arrayName);
            XmpNode arrayNode = XmpNodeUtils.FindNode(_tree, arrayPath, false, null);

            if (arrayNode != null)
                DoSetArrayItem(arrayNode, itemIndex, itemValue, options, true);
                throw new XmpException("Specified array does not exist", XmpError.BADXPATH);
Ejemplo n.º 7
        /// <exception cref="XmpException"> </exception>
        /// <seealso cref= XMPMeta#countArrayItems(String, String) </seealso>
        public virtual int CountArrayItems(string schemaNs, string arrayName)

            XmpPath arrayPath = XmpPathParser.ExpandXPath(schemaNs, arrayName);
            XmpNode arrayNode = XmpNodeUtils.FindNode(_tree, arrayPath, false, null);

            if (arrayNode == null)

            if (arrayNode.Options.Array)
            throw new XmpException("The named property is not an array", XmpError.BADXPATH);
Ejemplo n.º 8
        /// <summary>
        /// Utility to find or create the array used by <code>separateArrayItems()</code>. </summary>
        /// <param name="schemaNs"> a the namespace fo the array </param>
        /// <param name="arrayName"> the name of the array </param>
        /// <param name="arrayOptions"> the options for the array if newly created </param>
        /// <param name="xmp"> the xmp object </param>
        /// <returns> Returns the array node. </returns>
        /// <exception cref="XmpException"> Forwards exceptions </exception>
        private static XmpNode SeparateFindCreateArray(string schemaNs, string arrayName, PropertyOptions arrayOptions,
                                                       XmpMetaImpl xmp)
            arrayOptions = XmpNodeUtils.VerifySetOptions(arrayOptions, null);
            if (!arrayOptions.OnlyArrayOptions)
                throw new XmpException("Options can only provide array form", XmpError.BADOPTIONS);

            // Find the array node, make sure it is OK. Move the current children
            // aside, to be readded later if kept.
            XmpPath arrayPath = XmpPathParser.ExpandXPath(schemaNs, arrayName);
            XmpNode arrayNode = XmpNodeUtils.FindNode(xmp.Root, arrayPath, false, null);

            if (arrayNode != null)
                // The array exists, make sure the form is compatible. Zero
                // arrayForm means take what exists.
                PropertyOptions arrayForm = arrayNode.Options;
                if (!arrayForm.Array || arrayForm.ArrayAlternate)
                    throw new XmpException("Named property must be non-alternate array", XmpError.BADXPATH);
                if (arrayOptions.EqualArrayTypes(arrayForm))
                    throw new XmpException("Mismatch of specified and existing array form", XmpError.BADXPATH);
                    // *** Right error?
                // The array does not exist, try to create it.
                // don't modify the options handed into the method
                arrayOptions.Array = true;
                arrayNode          = XmpNodeUtils.FindNode(xmp.Root, arrayPath, true, arrayOptions);
                if (arrayNode == null)
                    throw new XmpException("Failed to create named array", XmpError.BADXPATH);
Ejemplo n.º 9
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a property, but the result value can be requested.
        /// </summary>
        /// <seealso cref= XMPMeta#GetProperty(String, String) </seealso>
        /// <param name="schemaNs">
        ///            a schema namespace </param>
        /// <param name="propName">
        ///            a property name or path </param>
        /// <param name="valueType">
        ///            the type of the value, see VALUE_... </param>
        /// <returns> Returns the node value as an object according to the
        ///         <code>valueType</code>. </returns>
        /// <exception cref="XmpException">
        ///             Collects any exception that occurs. </exception>
        protected internal virtual object GetPropertyObject(string schemaNs, string propName, int valueType)

            XmpPath expPath  = XmpPathParser.ExpandXPath(schemaNs, propName);
            XmpNode propNode = XmpNodeUtils.FindNode(_tree, expPath, false, null);

            if (propNode != null)
                if (valueType != VALUE_STRING && propNode.Options.CompositeProperty)
                    throw new XmpException("Property must be simple when a value type is requested",

                return(evaluateNodeValue(valueType, propNode));
Ejemplo n.º 10
        /// <exception cref="XmpException"> </exception>
        /// <seealso cref= XMPMeta#SetProperty(String, String, Object, PropertyOptions) </seealso>
        public virtual void SetProperty(string schemaNs, string propName, object propValue, PropertyOptions options)

            options = XmpNodeUtils.VerifySetOptions(options, propValue);

            XmpPath expPath = XmpPathParser.ExpandXPath(schemaNs, propName);

            XmpNode propNode = XmpNodeUtils.FindNode(_tree, expPath, true, options);

            if (propNode != null)
                SetNode(propNode, propValue, options, false);
                throw new XmpException("Specified property does not exist", XmpError.BADXPATH);
Ejemplo n.º 11
        /// <seealso cref= XMPMeta#appendArrayItem(String, String, PropertyOptions, String,
        ///      PropertyOptions) </seealso>
        public virtual void AppendArrayItem(string schemaNs, string arrayName, PropertyOptions arrayOptions,
                                            string itemValue, PropertyOptions itemOptions)

            if (arrayOptions == null)
                arrayOptions = new PropertyOptions();
            if (!arrayOptions.OnlyArrayOptions)
                throw new XmpException("Only array form flags allowed for arrayOptions", XmpError.BADOPTIONS);

            // Check if array options are set correctly.
            arrayOptions = XmpNodeUtils.VerifySetOptions(arrayOptions, null);

            // Locate or create the array. If it already exists, make sure the array
            // form from the options
            // parameter is compatible with the current state.
            XmpPath arrayPath = XmpPathParser.ExpandXPath(schemaNs, arrayName);

            // Just lookup, don't try to create.
            XmpNode arrayNode = XmpNodeUtils.FindNode(_tree, arrayPath, false, null);

            if (arrayNode != null)
                // The array exists, make sure the form is compatible. Zero
                // arrayForm means take what exists.
                if (!arrayNode.Options.Array)
                    throw new XmpException("The named property is not an array", XmpError.BADXPATH);
                // if (arrayOptions != null && !arrayOptions.equalArrayTypes(arrayNode.getOptions()))
                // {
                // throw new XmpException("Mismatch of existing and specified array form", BADOPTIONS);
                // }
                // The array does not exist, try to create it.
                if (arrayOptions.Array)
                    arrayNode = XmpNodeUtils.FindNode(_tree, arrayPath, true, arrayOptions);
                    if (arrayNode == null)
                        throw new XmpException("Failure creating array node", XmpError.BADXPATH);
                    // array options missing
                    throw new XmpException("Explicit arrayOptions required to create new array",

            DoSetArrayItem(arrayNode, ARRAY_LAST_ITEM, itemValue, itemOptions, true);
Ejemplo n.º 12
        /// <seealso cref= XMPMeta#setLocalizedText(String, String, String, String, String,
        ///      PropertyOptions) </seealso>
        public virtual void SetLocalizedText(string schemaNs, string altTextName, string genericLang,
                                             string specificLang, string itemValue, PropertyOptions options)

            genericLang = genericLang != null?Utils.NormalizeLangValue(genericLang) : null;

            specificLang = Utils.NormalizeLangValue(specificLang);

            XmpPath arrayPath = XmpPathParser.ExpandXPath(schemaNs, altTextName);

            // Find the array node and set the options if it was just created.
            XmpNode arrayNode = XmpNodeUtils.FindNode(_tree, arrayPath, true,
                                                      new PropertyOptions(PropertyOptions.ARRAY |
                                                                          PropertyOptions.ARRAY_ORDERED |
                                                                          PropertyOptions.ARRAY_ALTERNATE |

            if (arrayNode == null)
                throw new XmpException("Failed to find or create array node", XmpError.BADXPATH);
            if (!arrayNode.Options.ArrayAltText)
                if (!arrayNode.HasChildren() && arrayNode.Options.ArrayAlternate)
                    arrayNode.Options.ArrayAltText = true;
                    throw new XmpException("Specified property is no alt-text array", XmpError.BADXPATH);

            // Make sure the x-default item, if any, is first.
            bool    haveXDefault = false;
            XmpNode xdItem       = null;

            foreach (XmpNode currItem in arrayNode.Children)
                if (!currItem.HasQualifier() || !XML_LANG.Equals(currItem.GetQualifier(1).Name))
                    throw new XmpException("Language qualifier must be first", XmpError.BADXPATH);
                if (X_DEFAULT.Equals(currItem.GetQualifier(1).Value))
                    xdItem       = currItem;
                    haveXDefault = true;

            // Moves x-default to the beginning of the array
            if (xdItem != null && arrayNode.ChildrenLength > 1)
                arrayNode.AddChild(1, xdItem);

            // Find the appropriate item.
            // chooseLocalizedText will make sure the array is a language
            // alternative.
            object[] result   = XmpNodeUtils.ChooseLocalizedText(arrayNode, genericLang, specificLang);
            int      match    = (int)((int?)result[0]);
            XmpNode  itemNode = (XmpNode)result[1];

            bool specificXDefault = X_DEFAULT.Equals(specificLang);

            switch (match)
            case XmpNodeUtils.CLT_NO_VALUES:

                // Create the array items for the specificLang and x-default, with
                // x-default first.
                XmpNodeUtils.AppendLangItem(arrayNode, X_DEFAULT, itemValue);
                haveXDefault = true;
                if (!specificXDefault)
                    XmpNodeUtils.AppendLangItem(arrayNode, specificLang, itemValue);

            case XmpNodeUtils.CLT_SPECIFIC_MATCH:

                if (!specificXDefault)
                    // Update the specific item, update x-default if it matches the
                    // old value.
                    if (haveXDefault && xdItem != itemNode && xdItem != null && xdItem.Value.Equals(itemNode.Value))
                        xdItem.Value = itemValue;
                    // ! Do this after the x-default check!
                    itemNode.Value = itemValue;
                    // Update all items whose values match the old x-default value.
                    Debug.Assert(haveXDefault && xdItem == itemNode);
                    foreach (XmpNode currItem in arrayNode.Children)
                        if (currItem == xdItem || !currItem.Value.Equals(xdItem != null ? xdItem.Value : null))
                        currItem.Value = itemValue;
                    // And finally do the x-default item.
                    if (xdItem != null)
                        xdItem.Value = itemValue;

            case XmpNodeUtils.CLT_SINGLE_GENERIC:

                // Update the generic item, update x-default if it matches the old
                // value.
                if (haveXDefault && xdItem != itemNode && xdItem != null && xdItem.Value.Equals(itemNode.Value))
                    xdItem.Value = itemValue;
                itemNode.Value = itemValue;     // ! Do this after
                // the x-default
                // check!

            case XmpNodeUtils.CLT_MULTIPLE_GENERIC:

                // Create the specific language, ignore x-default.
                XmpNodeUtils.AppendLangItem(arrayNode, specificLang, itemValue);
                if (specificXDefault)
                    haveXDefault = true;

            case XmpNodeUtils.CLT_XDEFAULT:

                // Create the specific language, update x-default if it was the only
                // item.
                if (xdItem != null && arrayNode.ChildrenLength == 1)
                    xdItem.Value = itemValue;
                XmpNodeUtils.AppendLangItem(arrayNode, specificLang, itemValue);

            case XmpNodeUtils.CLT_FIRST_ITEM:

                // Create the specific language, don't add an x-default item.
                XmpNodeUtils.AppendLangItem(arrayNode, specificLang, itemValue);
                if (specificXDefault)
                    haveXDefault = true;

                // does not happen under normal circumstances
                throw new XmpException("Unexpected result from ChooseLocalizedText",

            // Add an x-default at the front if needed.
            if (!haveXDefault && arrayNode.ChildrenLength == 1)
                XmpNodeUtils.AppendLangItem(arrayNode, X_DEFAULT, itemValue);
Ejemplo n.º 13
        /// <seealso cref= XMPUtils#removeProperties(XMPMeta, String, String, boolean, boolean)
        /// </seealso>
        /// <param name="xmp">
        ///            The XMP object containing the properties to be removed.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="schemaNs">
        ///            Optional schema namespace URI for the properties to be
        ///            removed.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="propName">
        ///            Optional path expression for the property to be removed.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="doAllProperties">
        ///            Option flag to control the deletion: do internal properties in
        ///            addition to external properties. </param>
        /// <param name="includeAliases">
        ///            Option flag to control the deletion: Include aliases in the
        ///            "named schema" case above. </param>
        /// <exception cref="XmpException"> If metadata processing fails </exception>
        public static void RemoveProperties(IXmpMeta xmp, string schemaNs, string propName, bool doAllProperties,
                                            bool includeAliases)
            XmpMetaImpl xmpImpl = (XmpMetaImpl)xmp;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(propName))
                // Remove just the one indicated property. This might be an alias,
                // the named schema might not actually exist. So don't lookup the
                // schema node.

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(schemaNs))
                    throw new XmpException("Property name requires schema namespace", XmpError.BADPARAM);

                XmpPath expPath = XmpPathParser.ExpandXPath(schemaNs, propName);

                XmpNode propNode = XmpNodeUtils.FindNode(xmpImpl.Root, expPath, false, null);
                if (propNode != null)
                    if (doAllProperties ||
                        XmpNode parent = propNode.Parent;
                        if (parent.Options.SchemaNode && !parent.HasChildren())
                            // remove empty schema node
            else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(schemaNs))
                // Remove all properties from the named schema. Optionally include
                // aliases, in which case
                // there might not be an actual schema node.

                // XMP_NodePtrPos schemaPos;
                XmpNode schemaNode = XmpNodeUtils.FindSchemaNode(xmpImpl.Root, schemaNs, false);
                if (schemaNode != null)
                    if (RemoveSchemaChildren(schemaNode, doAllProperties))

                if (includeAliases)
                    // We're removing the aliases also. Look them up by their
                    // namespace prefix.
                    // But that takes more code and the extra speed isn't worth it.
                    // Lookup the XMP node
                    // from the alias, to make sure the actual exists.

                    IXmpAliasInfo[] aliases = XmpMetaFactory.SchemaRegistry.FindAliases(schemaNs);
                    for (int i = 0; i < aliases.Length; i++)
                        IXmpAliasInfo info       = aliases[i];
                        XmpPath       path       = XmpPathParser.ExpandXPath(info.Namespace, info.PropName);
                        XmpNode       actualProp = XmpNodeUtils.FindNode(xmpImpl.Root, path, false, null);
                        if (actualProp != null)
                            XmpNode parent = actualProp.Parent;
                // Remove all appropriate properties from all schema. In this case
                // we don't have to be
                // concerned with aliases, they are handled implicitly from the
                // actual properties.
                ArrayList schemasToRemove = new ArrayList();
                for (IEnumerator it = xmpImpl.Root.IterateChildren(); it.MoveNext();)
                    XmpNode schema = (XmpNode)it.Current;
                    if (schema == null)
                    if (RemoveSchemaChildren(schema, doAllProperties))
                foreach (XmpNode xmpNode in schemasToRemove)
Ejemplo n.º 14
        /// <seealso cref= XMPUtils#catenateArrayItems(XMPMeta, String, String, String, String,
        ///      boolean)
        /// </seealso>
        /// <param name="xmp">
        ///            The XMP object containing the array to be catenated. </param>
        /// <param name="schemaNs">
        ///            The schema namespace URI for the array. Must not be null or
        ///            the empty string. </param>
        /// <param name="arrayName">
        ///            The name of the array. May be a general path expression, must
        ///            not be null or the empty string. Each item in the array must
        ///            be a simple string value. </param>
        /// <param name="separator">
        ///            The string to be used to separate the items in the catenated
        ///            string. Defaults to &quot;; &quot;, ASCII semicolon and space
        ///            (U+003B, U+0020). </param>
        /// <param name="quotes">
        ///            The characters to be used as quotes around array items that
        ///            contain a separator. Defaults to &apos;&quot;&apos; </param>
        /// <param name="allowCommas">
        ///            Option flag to control the catenation. </param>
        /// <returns> Returns the string containing the catenated array items. </returns>
        /// <exception cref="XmpException">
        ///             Forwards the Exceptions from the metadata processing </exception>
        public static string CatenateArrayItems(IXmpMeta xmp, string schemaNs, string arrayName, string separator,
                                                string quotes, bool allowCommas)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(separator))
                separator = "; ";
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(quotes))
                quotes = "\"";

            XmpMetaImpl xmpImpl = (XmpMetaImpl)xmp;

            // Return an empty result if the array does not exist,
            // hurl if it isn't the right form.
            XmpPath arrayPath = XmpPathParser.ExpandXPath(schemaNs, arrayName);
            XmpNode arrayNode = XmpNodeUtils.FindNode(xmpImpl.Root, arrayPath, false, null);

            if (arrayNode == null)
            if (!arrayNode.Options.Array || arrayNode.Options.ArrayAlternate)
                throw new XmpException("Named property must be non-alternate array", XmpError.BADPARAM);

            // Make sure the separator is OK.
            // Make sure the open and close quotes are a legitimate pair.
            char openQuote  = quotes[0];
            char closeQuote = CheckQuotes(quotes, openQuote);

            // Build the result, quoting the array items, adding separators.
            // Hurl if any item isn't simple.

            StringBuilder catinatedString = new StringBuilder();

            for (IEnumerator it = arrayNode.IterateChildren(); it.MoveNext();)
                XmpNode currItem = (XmpNode)it.Current;
                if (currItem == null)
                if (currItem.Options.CompositeProperty)
                    throw new XmpException("Array items must be simple", XmpError.BADPARAM);
                string str = ApplyQuotes(currItem.Value, openQuote, closeQuote, allowCommas);

                if (it.MoveNext())
