Ejemplo n.º 1
        protected override void GetCenterTile(int tileCountOnX, int tileCountOnY, out int tileX, out int tileY, out float offsetX, out float offsetZ)
            int[]    tileCoordinates  = GeoHelpers.WGS84ToTile(Map.CenterWGS84[0], Map.CenterWGS84[1], Map.RoundedZoom);
            double[] centerTile       = GeoHelpers.TileToWGS84(tileCoordinates[0], tileCoordinates[1], Map.RoundedZoom);
            double[] centerTileMeters = Map.WGS84ToEPSG900913Transform.Transform(centerTile); //GeoHelpers.WGS84ToMeters(centerTile[0], centerTile[1]);

            tileX   = tileCoordinates[0];
            tileY   = tileCoordinates[1];
            offsetX = Map.RoundedHalfMapScale / 2.0f - (float)(Map.CenterEPSG900913[0] - centerTileMeters[0]) * Map.RoundedScaleMultiplier;
            offsetZ = -Map.RoundedHalfMapScale / 2.0f - (float)(Map.CenterEPSG900913[1] - centerTileMeters[1]) * Map.RoundedScaleMultiplier;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        protected override string GetTileURL(int tileX, int tileY, int roundedZoom)
            double[] tile       = GeoHelpers.TileToWGS84(tileX, tileY, roundedZoom);
            double[] tileMeters = Map.WGS84ToEPSG900913Transform.Transform(tile); //GeoHelpers.WGS84ToMeters(tile[0], tile[1]);
            float    tileSize   = Map.TileResolution * Map.RoundedMetersPerPixel;

            double[] min = Map.EPSG900913ToWGS84Transform.Transform(new double[2] {
                tileMeters[0], tileMeters[1] - tileSize
            });                                                                                                             //GeoHelpers.MetersToWGS84(xmin, ymin);
            double[] max = Map.EPSG900913ToWGS84Transform.Transform(new double[2] {
                tileMeters[0] + tileSize, tileMeters[1]
            });                                                                                                             //GeoHelpers.MetersToWGS84(xmax, ymax);
            return(baseURL + (baseURL.EndsWith("?") ? "" : "?") + "SERVICE=WMS&REQUEST=GetMap&VERSION=1.1.1&LAYERS=" + layers + "&STYLES=&SRS=" + srsName + "&BBOX=" + min[0] + "," + min[1] + "," + max[0] + "," + max[1] + "&WIDTH=" + Map.TileResolution + "&HEIGHT=" + Map.TileResolution + "&FORMAT=" + format);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        private void UpdateInternals()
            // FIXME: the half map scale is a value used throughout the implementation to rule the camera elevation
            // and the size/scale of the tiles, it depends on fixed tile size and resolution (here 256 and 72) so I am not
            // sure it would work for a tile layer with different values...
            // maybe there is a way to take the values out of the calculations and reintroduce them on Layer level...
            // FIXME: the 'division by 20000' helps the values to be kept in range for the Unity3D engine, not sure
            // this is the right approach either, feels kinda voodooish...

            halfMapScale        = GeoHelpers.OsmZoomLevelToMapScale(currentZoom, /*(float)centerWGS84[1]*/ 0.0f, tileResolution, 72) / scaleDivider;
            roundedHalfMapScale = GeoHelpers.OsmZoomLevelToMapScale(roundedZoom, (float)/*(float)centerWGS84[1]*/ 0.0f, tileResolution, 72) / scaleDivider;

            metersPerPixel        = GeoHelpers.MetersPerPixel(0.0f, (float)currentZoom);
            roundedMetersPerPixel = GeoHelpers.MetersPerPixel(0.0f, (float)roundedZoom);

            // FIXME: another voodoish value to help converting meters (EPSG 900913) to Unity3D world coordinates
            scaleMultiplier        = halfMapScale / (metersPerPixel * tileResolution);
            roundedScaleMultiplier = roundedHalfMapScale / (roundedMetersPerPixel * tileResolution);
Ejemplo n.º 4
        // <summary>
        // Zooms the map.
        // </summary>
        public void Zoom(float zoomSpeed)
            // apply the zoom
            CurrentZoom += 4.0f * zoomSpeed * Time.deltaTime;

            // move the camera
            // FIXME: the camera jumps on the first zoom when tilted, 'cause cam altitude and zoom value are unsynced by the rotation
            Transform cameraTransform = currentCamera.transform;
            float     y = GeoHelpers.OsmZoomLevelToMapScale(currentZoom, 0.0f, tileResolution, 72) / scaleDivider * screenScale;
            float     t = y / cameraTransform.forward.y;

            cameraTransform.position = new Vector3(
                t * cameraTransform.forward.x,
                t * cameraTransform.forward.z);

            // set the update flag to tell the behaviour the user is manipulating the map
            hasMoved = true;
            IsDirty  = true;