Ejemplo n.º 1
        private static NavMeshLocation MoveLocation(IntPtr navMeshQuery, NavMeshLocation location, Vector3 target, int areaMask)
            NavMeshLocation result;

            NavMeshQuery.MoveLocation_Injected(navMeshQuery, ref location, ref target, areaMask, out result);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        private static NavMeshLocation MapLocation(IntPtr navMeshQuery, Vector3 position, Vector3 extents, int agentTypeID, int areaMask = -1)
            NavMeshLocation result;

            NavMeshQuery.MapLocation_Injected(navMeshQuery, ref position, ref extents, agentTypeID, areaMask, out result);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        private static Matrix4x4 PolygonWorldToLocalMatrix(IntPtr navMeshQuery, PolygonId polygon)
            Matrix4x4 result;

            NavMeshQuery.PolygonWorldToLocalMatrix_Injected(navMeshQuery, ref polygon, out result);
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public NavMeshLocation CreateLocation(Vector3 position, PolygonId polygon)
            Vector3         position2;
            PathQueryStatus closestPointOnPoly = NavMeshQuery.GetClosestPointOnPoly(this.m_NavMeshQuery, polygon, position, out position2);

            return(((closestPointOnPoly & PathQueryStatus.Success) != (PathQueryStatus)0) ? new NavMeshLocation(position2, polygon) : default(NavMeshLocation));
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public void MoveLocationsInSameAreas(NativeSlice <NavMeshLocation> locations, NativeSlice <Vector3> targets, int areaMask = -1)
            bool flag = locations.Length != targets.Length;

            if (flag)
                throw new ArgumentException("locations.Length and targets.Length must be equal");
            NavMeshQuery.MoveLocationsInSameAreas(this.m_NavMeshQuery, locations.GetUnsafePtr <NavMeshLocation>(), targets.GetUnsafeReadOnlyPtr <Vector3>(), locations.Length, areaMask);
Ejemplo n.º 6
        public int GetPathResult(NativeSlice <PolygonId> path)
            bool flag = !NavMeshQuery.HasNodePool(this.m_NavMeshQuery);

            if (flag)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("This query has no buffer allocated for pathfinding operations. Create a different NavMeshQuery with an explicit node pool size.");
            return(NavMeshQuery.GetPathResult(this.m_NavMeshQuery, path.GetUnsafePtr <PolygonId>(), path.Length));
Ejemplo n.º 7
        public PathQueryStatus EndFindPath(out int pathSize)
            bool flag = !NavMeshQuery.HasNodePool(this.m_NavMeshQuery);

            if (flag)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("This query has no buffer allocated for pathfinding operations. Create a different NavMeshQuery with an explicit node pool size.");
            return(NavMeshQuery.EndFindPath(this.m_NavMeshQuery, out pathSize));
Ejemplo n.º 8
        public NavMeshQuery(NavMeshWorld world, Allocator allocator, int pathNodePoolSize = 0)
            bool flag = !world.IsValid();

            if (flag)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("world", "Invalid world");
            this.m_NavMeshQuery = NavMeshQuery.Create(world, pathNodePoolSize);
            DisposeSentinel.Create(out this.m_Safety, out this.m_DisposeSentinel, 0, allocator);
            NavMeshQuery.AddQuerySafety(this.m_NavMeshQuery, this.m_Safety);
Ejemplo n.º 9
        public unsafe PathQueryStatus BeginFindPath(NavMeshLocation start, NavMeshLocation end, int areaMask = -1, NativeArray <float> costs = default(NativeArray <float>))
            bool flag = !NavMeshQuery.HasNodePool(this.m_NavMeshQuery);

            if (flag)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("This query has no buffer allocated for pathfinding operations. Create a different NavMeshQuery with an explicit node pool size.");
            bool flag2 = costs.Length != 0;

            if (flag2)
                bool flag3 = costs.Length != 32;
                if (flag3)
                    throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("The number of costs ({0}) must be exactly {1}, one for each possible area type.", costs.Length, 32), "costs");
                for (int i = 0; i < costs.Length; i++)
                    bool flag4 = costs[i] < 1f;
                    if (flag4)
                        throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("The area cost ({0}) at index ({1}) must be greater or equal to 1.", costs[i], i), "costs");
            bool flag5 = !this.IsValid(start.polygon);

            if (flag5)
                throw new ArgumentException("The start location doesn't belong to any active NavMesh surface.", "start");
            bool flag6 = !this.IsValid(end.polygon);

            if (flag6)
                throw new ArgumentException("The end location doesn't belong to any active NavMesh surface.", "end");
            int  agentTypeIdForPolygon  = this.GetAgentTypeIdForPolygon(start.polygon);
            int  agentTypeIdForPolygon2 = this.GetAgentTypeIdForPolygon(end.polygon);
            bool flag7 = agentTypeIdForPolygon != agentTypeIdForPolygon2;

            if (flag7)
                throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("The start and end locations belong to different NavMesh surfaces, with agent type IDs {0} and {1}.", agentTypeIdForPolygon, agentTypeIdForPolygon2));
            void *costs2 = (costs.Length > 0) ? costs.GetUnsafePtr <float>() : null;

            return(NavMeshQuery.BeginFindPath(this.m_NavMeshQuery, start, end, areaMask, costs2));
Ejemplo n.º 10
        public void Dispose()
            bool allowReadOrWriteAccess = AtomicSafetyHandle.GetAllowReadOrWriteAccess(this.m_Safety);

            DisposeSentinel.Dispose(ref this.m_Safety, ref this.m_DisposeSentinel);
            bool flag = allowReadOrWriteAccess;

            if (flag)
                NavMeshQuery.RemoveQuerySafety(this.m_NavMeshQuery, this.m_Safety);
            this.m_NavMeshQuery = IntPtr.Zero;
Ejemplo n.º 11
        public unsafe PathQueryStatus GetEdgesAndNeighbors(PolygonId node, NativeSlice <Vector3> edgeVertices, NativeSlice <PolygonId> neighbors, NativeSlice <byte> edgeIndices, out int verticesCount, out int neighborsCount)
            bool flag = edgeIndices.Length != neighbors.Length && neighbors.Length > 0 && edgeIndices.Length > 0;

            if (flag)
                throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("The length of the {0} buffer ({1}) ", "edgeIndices", edgeIndices.Length) + string.Format("needs to be the same as that of the {0} buffer ({1}) ", "neighbors", neighbors.Length) + "because the elements from the two arrays will pair up at the same index.");
            void *verts        = (edgeVertices.Length > 0) ? edgeVertices.GetUnsafePtr <Vector3>() : null;
            void *neighbors2   = (neighbors.Length > 0) ? neighbors.GetUnsafePtr <PolygonId>() : null;
            void *edgeIndices2 = (edgeIndices.Length > 0) ? edgeIndices.GetUnsafePtr <byte>() : null;
            int   length       = edgeVertices.Length;
            int   maxNei       = (neighbors.Length > 0) ? neighbors.Length : edgeIndices.Length;

            return(NavMeshQuery.GetEdgesAndNeighbors(this.m_NavMeshQuery, node, length, maxNei, verts, neighbors2, edgeIndices2, out verticesCount, out neighborsCount));
Ejemplo n.º 12
        public unsafe PathQueryStatus Raycast(out NavMeshHit hit, NavMeshLocation start, Vector3 targetPosition, int areaMask = -1, NativeArray <float> costs = default(NativeArray <float>))
            bool flag = costs.Length != 0;

            if (flag)
                bool flag2 = costs.Length != 32;
                if (flag2)
                    throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("The number of costs ({0}) must be exactly {1}, one for each possible area type.", costs.Length, 32), "costs");
            void *          costs2 = (costs.Length == 32) ? costs.GetUnsafePtr <float>() : null;
            int             num;
            PathQueryStatus pathQueryStatus = NavMeshQuery.Raycast(this.m_NavMeshQuery, start, targetPosition, areaMask, costs2, out hit, null, out num, 0);

            return(pathQueryStatus & ~PathQueryStatus.BufferTooSmall);
Ejemplo n.º 13
        public unsafe PathQueryStatus Raycast(out NavMeshHit hit, NativeSlice <PolygonId> path, out int pathCount, NavMeshLocation start, Vector3 targetPosition, int areaMask = -1, NativeArray <float> costs = default(NativeArray <float>))
            bool flag = costs.Length != 0;

            if (flag)
                bool flag2 = costs.Length != 32;
                if (flag2)
                    throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("The number of costs ({0}) must be exactly {1}, one for each possible area type.", costs.Length, 32), "costs");
            void *costs2  = (costs.Length == 32) ? costs.GetUnsafePtr <float>() : null;
            void *ptr     = (path.Length > 0) ? path.GetUnsafePtr <PolygonId>() : null;
            int   maxPath = (ptr != null) ? path.Length : 0;

            return(NavMeshQuery.Raycast(this.m_NavMeshQuery, start, targetPosition, areaMask, costs2, out hit, ptr, out pathCount, maxPath));
Ejemplo n.º 14
 private unsafe static PathQueryStatus Raycast(IntPtr navMeshQuery, NavMeshLocation start, Vector3 targetPosition, int areaMask, void *costs, out NavMeshHit hit, void *path, out int pathCount, int maxPath)
     return(NavMeshQuery.Raycast_Injected(navMeshQuery, ref start, ref targetPosition, areaMask, costs, out hit, path, out pathCount, maxPath));
Ejemplo n.º 15
 public NavMeshPolyTypes GetPolygonType(PolygonId polygon)
     return(NavMeshQuery.GetPolygonType(this.m_NavMeshQuery, polygon));
Ejemplo n.º 16
 private static bool IsPositionInPolygon(IntPtr navMeshQuery, Vector3 position, PolygonId polygon)
     return(NavMeshQuery.IsPositionInPolygon_Injected(navMeshQuery, ref position, ref polygon));
Ejemplo n.º 17
 private static void RemoveQuerySafety(IntPtr navMeshQuery, AtomicSafetyHandle handle)
     NavMeshQuery.RemoveQuerySafety_Injected(navMeshQuery, ref handle);
Ejemplo n.º 18
 public bool GetPortalPoints(PolygonId polygon, PolygonId neighbourPolygon, out Vector3 left, out Vector3 right)
     return(NavMeshQuery.GetPortalPoints(this.m_NavMeshQuery, polygon, neighbourPolygon, out left, out right));
Ejemplo n.º 19
 public bool IsValid(PolygonId polygon)
     return(polygon.polyRef != 0uL && NavMeshQuery.IsValidPolygon(this.m_NavMeshQuery, polygon));
Ejemplo n.º 20
 public NavMeshLocation MoveLocation(NavMeshLocation location, Vector3 target, int areaMask = -1)
     return(NavMeshQuery.MoveLocation(this.m_NavMeshQuery, location, target, areaMask));
Ejemplo n.º 21
 private static int GetAgentTypeIdForPolygon(IntPtr navMeshQuery, PolygonId polygon)
     return(NavMeshQuery.GetAgentTypeIdForPolygon_Injected(navMeshQuery, ref polygon));
Ejemplo n.º 22
 public int GetAgentTypeIdForPolygon(PolygonId polygon)
     return(NavMeshQuery.GetAgentTypeIdForPolygon(this.m_NavMeshQuery, polygon));
Ejemplo n.º 23
 public NavMeshLocation MapLocation(Vector3 position, Vector3 extents, int agentTypeID, int areaMask = -1)
     return(NavMeshQuery.MapLocation(this.m_NavMeshQuery, position, extents, agentTypeID, areaMask));
Ejemplo n.º 24
 private static bool IsValidPolygon(IntPtr navMeshQuery, PolygonId polygon)
     return(NavMeshQuery.IsValidPolygon_Injected(navMeshQuery, ref polygon));
Ejemplo n.º 25
 private unsafe static PathQueryStatus GetEdgesAndNeighbors(IntPtr navMeshQuery, PolygonId node, int maxVerts, int maxNei, void *verts, void *neighbors, void *edgeIndices, out int vertCount, out int neighborsCount)
     return(NavMeshQuery.GetEdgesAndNeighbors_Injected(navMeshQuery, ref node, maxVerts, maxNei, verts, neighbors, edgeIndices, out vertCount, out neighborsCount));
Ejemplo n.º 26
 public Matrix4x4 PolygonWorldToLocalMatrix(PolygonId polygon)
     return(NavMeshQuery.PolygonWorldToLocalMatrix(this.m_NavMeshQuery, polygon));
Ejemplo n.º 27
 private static IntPtr Create(NavMeshWorld world, int nodePoolSize)
     return(NavMeshQuery.Create_Injected(ref world, nodePoolSize));
Ejemplo n.º 28
 private static NavMeshPolyTypes GetPolygonType(IntPtr navMeshQuery, PolygonId polygon)
     return(NavMeshQuery.GetPolygonType_Injected(navMeshQuery, ref polygon));
Ejemplo n.º 29
 private static bool GetPortalPoints(IntPtr navMeshQuery, PolygonId polygon, PolygonId neighbourPolygon, out Vector3 left, out Vector3 right)
     return(NavMeshQuery.GetPortalPoints_Injected(navMeshQuery, ref polygon, ref neighbourPolygon, out left, out right));
Ejemplo n.º 30
 private static PathQueryStatus GetClosestPointOnPoly(IntPtr navMeshQuery, PolygonId polygon, Vector3 position, out Vector3 nearest)
     return(NavMeshQuery.GetClosestPointOnPoly_Injected(navMeshQuery, ref polygon, ref position, out nearest));