Ejemplo n.º 1
        public static OptionSet GetCommonTypeCobolOptions(TypeCobolConfiguration typeCobolConfig)
            var commonOptions = new OptionSet()
                { "i|input=", "{PATH} to an input file to parse. This option can be specified more than once.", v => typeCobolConfig.InputFiles.Add(v) },
                { "o|output=", "{PATH} to an output file where to generate code. This option can be specified more than once.", v => typeCobolConfig.OutputFiles.Add(v) },
                { "d|diagnostics=", "{PATH} to the error diagnostics file.", v => typeCobolConfig.ErrorFile = v },
                { "s|skeletons=", "{PATH} to the skeletons file.", v => typeCobolConfig.skeletonPath = v },
                { "a|autoremarks", "Enable automatic remarks creation while parsing and generating Cobol", v => typeCobolConfig.AutoRemarks = true },
                { "hc|haltonmissingcopy=", "HaltOnMissingCopy will generate a file to list all the absent copies", v => typeCobolConfig.HaltOnMissingCopyFilePath = v },
                { "ets|exectostep=", "ExecToStep will execute TypeCobol Compiler until the included given step (Scanner/0, Preprocessor/1, SyntaxCheck/2, SemanticCheck/3, CrossCheck/4, Generate/5)", v => typeCobolConfig.RawExecToStep = v },
                { "e|encoding=", "{ENCODING} of the file(s) to parse. It can be one of \"rdz\"(this is the default), \"zos\", or \"utf8\". " + "If this option is not present, the parser will attempt to guess the {ENCODING} automatically.",
                  v => typeCobolConfig.RawFormat = v },
                { "y|intrinsic=", "{PATH} to intrinsic definitions to load.\nThis option can be specified more than once.", v => typeCobolConfig.Copies.Add(v) },
                { "c|copies=", "Folder where COBOL copies can be found.\nThis option can be specified more than once.", v => typeCobolConfig.CopyFolders.Add(v) },
                { "dp|dependencies=", "Path to folder containing programs to load and to use for parsing a generating the input program.", v => typeCobolConfig.Dependencies.Add(v) },
                { "t|telemetry", "If set to true telemetry will send automatic email in case of bug and it will provide to TypeCobol Team data on your usage.", v => typeCobolConfig.Telemetry = true },
                { "md|maximumdiagnostics=", "Wait for an int value that will represent the maximum number of diagnostics that TypeCobol have to return.", v => typeCobolConfig.RawMaximumDiagnostics = v },
                { "f|outputFormat=", "Output format (default is Cobol 85). (Cobol85/0, PublicSignature/1, Cobol85Mixed/3)", v => typeCobolConfig.RawOutputFormat = v },
                { "ec|expandingcopy=", "Generate a file with all COPY directives expanded in the source code. This option will be executed if the Preprocessor step is enabled.", v => typeCobolConfig.ExpandingCopyFilePath = v },
                { "exc|extractusedcopy=", "Generate a file with all COPIES detected by the parser", v => typeCobolConfig.ExtractedCopiesFilePath = v },
                { "antlrp|antlrprogparse", "Use ANTLR to parse a program", v => typeCobolConfig.UseAntlrProgramParsing = true },
                { "cmr|copymovereport=", "{PATH} to Report all Move and Initialize statements that target a COPY.", v => typeCobolConfig.ReportCopyMoveInitializeFilePath = v },
                { "zcr|zcallreport=", "{PATH} to report of all program called by zcallpgm.", v => typeCobolConfig.ReportZCallFilePath = v },
                { "dcs|disablecopysuffixing", "Deactivate Euro-Information suffixing", v => typeCobolConfig.UseEuroInformationLegacyReplacingSyntax = false }

Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// CreateFormat method to get the format name.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="encoding">string</param>
        /// <param name="config">Config</param>
        /// <returns>DocumentFormat</returns>
        public static Compiler.DocumentFormat CreateFormat(string encoding, ref TypeCobolConfiguration config)
            config.EncFormat = encoding;

            if (encoding == null)
            if (encoding.ToLower().Equals("zos"))
            if (encoding.ToLower().Equals("utf8"))
            /*if (encoding.ToLower().Equals("rdz"))*/
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public static OptionSet GetCommonTypeCobolOptions(TypeCobolConfiguration typeCobolConfig)
            var commonOptions = new OptionSet()
                { "i|input=", "{PATH} to an input file to parse. This option can be specified more than once.", v => typeCobolConfig.InputFiles.Add(v) },
                { "o|output=", "{PATH} to an ouput file where to generate code. This option can be specified more than once.", v => typeCobolConfig.OutputFiles.Add(v) },
                { "d|diagnostics=", "{PATH} to the error diagnostics file.", v => typeCobolConfig.ErrorFile = v },
                { "s|skeletons=", "{PATH} to the skeletons files.", v => typeCobolConfig.skeletonPath = v },
                { "a|autoremarks", "Enable automatic remarks creation while parsing and generating Cobol", v => typeCobolConfig.AutoRemarks = true },
                { "hc|haltonmissingcopy=", "HaltOnMissingCopy will generate a file to list all the absent copies", v => typeCobolConfig.HaltOnMissingCopyFilePath = v },
                { "ets|exectostep=", "ExecToStep will execute TypeCobol Compiler until the included given step (Scanner/0, Preprocessor/1, SyntaxCheck/2, SemanticCheck/3, Generate/4)", v => Enum.TryParse(v.ToString(), true, out typeCobolConfig.ExecToStep) },
                { "e|encoding=", "{ENCODING} of the file(s) to parse. It can be one of \"rdz\"(this is the default), \"zos\", or \"utf8\". "
                  + "If this option is not present, the parser will attempt to guess the {ENCODING} automatically.",
                  v => typeCobolConfig.Format = CreateFormat(v, ref typeCobolConfig) },
                { "y|intrinsic=", "{PATH} to intrinsic definitions to load.\nThis option can be specified more than once.", v => typeCobolConfig.Copies.Add(v) },
                { "c|copies=", "Folder where COBOL copies can be found.\nThis option can be specified more than once.", v => typeCobolConfig.CopyFolders.Add(v) },
                { "dp|dependencies=", "Path to folder containing programs to load and to use for parsing a generating the input program.", v => typeCobolConfig.Dependencies.Add(v) },
                { "t|telemetry=", "If set to true telemrty will send automatic email in case of bug and it will provide to TypeCobol Team data on your usage.", v => typeCobolConfig.Telemetry = true },
                { "md|maximumdiagnostics=", "Wait for an int value that will represent the maximum number of diagnostics that TypeCobol have to return.", v => typeCobolConfig.MaximumDiagnostics = int.Parse(v.ToString()) }

Ejemplo n.º 4
        public static Dictionary <ReturnCode, string> InitializeCobolOptions(TypeCobolConfiguration config, IEnumerable <string> args, OptionSet options)
            Dictionary <ReturnCode, string> errorStack = new Dictionary <ReturnCode, string>();
            List <string> unexpectedStrings            = new List <string>();

                unexpectedStrings = options.Parse(args);
            catch (OptionException ex)
                // Last parameter doesn't have any value
                errorStack.Add(ReturnCode.FatalError, ex.Message);

            // ExecToStepError
            if (!Enum.TryParse(config.RawExecToStep, true, out config.ExecToStep))
                errorStack.Add(ReturnCode.ExecToStepError, TypeCobolConfiguration.ErrorMessages[ReturnCode.ExecToStepError]);

            //// Check required options
            if (config.InputFiles.IsNullOrEmpty())
                errorStack.Add(ReturnCode.InputFileMissing, TypeCobolConfiguration.ErrorMessages[ReturnCode.InputFileMissing]);
            if (config.ExecToStep == ExecutionStep.Generate && !errorStack.ContainsKey(ReturnCode.ExecToStepError))
                if (config.OutputFiles.IsNullOrEmpty())
                    errorStack.Add(ReturnCode.OutputFileMissing, TypeCobolConfiguration.ErrorMessages[ReturnCode.OutputFileMissing]);
                else if (config.InputFiles.Count != config.OutputFiles.Count)
                    errorStack.Add(ReturnCode.OutputFileError, TypeCobolConfiguration.ErrorMessages[ReturnCode.OutputFileError]);
            if (config.ExecToStep == ExecutionStep.Generate && config.skeletonPath.IsNullOrEmpty() && !errorStack.ContainsKey(ReturnCode.ExecToStepError))
                errorStack.Add(ReturnCode.SkeletonMissing, TypeCobolConfiguration.ErrorMessages[ReturnCode.SkeletonMissing]);

            //// Check unexpected token
            if (unexpectedStrings.Count != 0)
                errorStack.Add(ReturnCode.UnexpectedParamError, TypeCobolConfiguration.ErrorMessages[ReturnCode.UnexpectedParamError]);

            //// Options values verification
            VerifFiles(config.InputFiles, ReturnCode.InputFileError, ref errorStack);

            foreach (var path in config.OutputFiles)
                if (!CanCreateFile(path) && !errorStack.ContainsKey(ReturnCode.OutputPathError))
                    errorStack.Add(ReturnCode.OutputPathError, TypeCobolConfiguration.ErrorMessages[ReturnCode.OutputPathError]);

            if (!CanCreateFile(config.ErrorFile) && !config.ErrorFile.IsNullOrEmpty())
                errorStack.Add(ReturnCode.ErrorFileError, TypeCobolConfiguration.ErrorMessages[ReturnCode.ErrorFileError]);

            if (config.ExecToStep == ExecutionStep.Generate && !config.skeletonPath.IsNullOrEmpty() && !errorStack.ContainsKey(ReturnCode.ExecToStepError))
                if (FileSystem.GetFiles(config.skeletonPath, recursive: false).IsNullOrEmpty() && !errorStack.ContainsKey(ReturnCode.SkeletonFileError))
                    errorStack.Add(ReturnCode.SkeletonFileError, TypeCobolConfiguration.ErrorMessages[ReturnCode.SkeletonFileError]);

            if (!CanCreateFile(config.HaltOnMissingCopyFilePath) && !config.HaltOnMissingCopyFilePath.IsNullOrEmpty())
                errorStack.Add(ReturnCode.HaltOnMissingCopyError, TypeCobolConfiguration.ErrorMessages[ReturnCode.HaltOnMissingCopyError]);

            // EncodingError
            config.Format = CreateFormat(config.RawFormat, ref config);

            VerifFiles(config.Copies, ReturnCode.IntrinsicError, ref errorStack);

            VerifFiles(config.CopyFolders, ReturnCode.CopiesError, ref errorStack, true);

            VerifFiles(config.Dependencies, ReturnCode.DependenciesError, ref errorStack);

            // MaxDiagnosticsError
            if (!config.RawMaximumDiagnostics.IsNullOrEmpty())
                if (!int.TryParse(config.RawMaximumDiagnostics, out config.MaximumDiagnostics))
                    errorStack.Add(ReturnCode.MaxDiagnosticsError, TypeCobolConfiguration.ErrorMessages[ReturnCode.MaxDiagnosticsError]);

            // OutputFormatError
            if (!Enum.TryParse(config.RawOutputFormat, true, out config.OutputFormat))
                errorStack.Add(ReturnCode.OutputFormatError, TypeCobolConfiguration.ErrorMessages[ReturnCode.OutputFormatError]);

            if (!CanCreateFile(config.ExpandingCopyFilePath) && !config.ExpandingCopyFilePath.IsNullOrEmpty())
                errorStack.Add(ReturnCode.ExpandingCopyError, TypeCobolConfiguration.ErrorMessages[ReturnCode.ExpandingCopyError]);

            if (!CanCreateFile(config.ExtractedCopiesFilePath) && !config.ExtractedCopiesFilePath.IsNullOrEmpty())
                errorStack.Add(ReturnCode.ExtractusedCopyError, TypeCobolConfiguration.ErrorMessages[ReturnCode.ExtractusedCopyError]);
