Ejemplo n.º 1
        public static TSVector operator %(TSVector value1, TSVector value2)
            TSVector result;

            TSVector.Cross(ref value1, ref value2, out result);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// The cross product of two vectors.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="vector1">The first vector.</param>
        /// <param name="vector2">The second vector.</param>
        /// <returns>The cross product of both vectors.</returns>
        #region public static JVector Cross(JVector vector1, JVector vector2)
        public static TSVector Cross(TSVector vector1, TSVector vector2)
            TSVector result;

            TSVector.Cross(ref vector1, ref vector2, out result);
Ejemplo n.º 3
 public void AddForce(TSVector force, TSVector pos)
     TSVector.Add(ref this.force, ref force, out this.force);
     TSVector.Subtract(ref pos, ref this.position, out pos);
     TSVector.Cross(ref pos, ref force, out pos);
     TSVector.Add(ref pos, ref this.torque, out this.torque);
Ejemplo n.º 4
            public void GetNormal(out TSVector normal)
                TSVector tSVector;

                TSVector.Subtract(ref this.owner.points[this.indices.I1].position, ref this.owner.points[this.indices.I0].position, out tSVector);
                TSVector.Subtract(ref this.owner.points[this.indices.I2].position, ref this.owner.points[this.indices.I0].position, out normal);
                TSVector.Cross(ref tSVector, ref normal, out normal);
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public static TSQuaternion FromToRotation(TSVector fromVector, TSVector toVector)
            TSVector     tSVector = TSVector.Cross(fromVector, toVector);
            TSQuaternion result   = new TSQuaternion(tSVector.x, tSVector.y, tSVector.z, TSVector.Dot(fromVector, toVector));

            result.w += FP.Sqrt(fromVector.sqrMagnitude * toVector.sqrMagnitude);
Ejemplo n.º 6
        public static TSQuaternion FromToRotation(TSVector fromVector, TSVector toVector)
            TSVector     w = TSVector.Cross(fromVector, toVector);
            TSQuaternion q = new TSQuaternion(w.x, w.y, w.z, TSVector.Dot(fromVector, toVector));

            q.w += FP.Sqrt(fromVector.sqrMagnitude * toVector.sqrMagnitude);

Ejemplo n.º 7
        public void ApplyImpulse(TSVector impulse, TSVector relativePosition)
            bool flag = this.isStatic;

            if (flag)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Can't apply an impulse to a static body.");
            TSVector tSVector;

            TSVector.Multiply(ref impulse, this.inverseMass, out tSVector);
            TSVector.Add(ref this.linearVelocity, ref tSVector, out this.linearVelocity);
            TSVector.Cross(ref relativePosition, ref impulse, out tSVector);
            TSVector.Transform(ref tSVector, ref this.invInertiaWorld, out tSVector);
            TSVector.Add(ref this.angularVelocity, ref tSVector, out this.angularVelocity);
Ejemplo n.º 8
        public int PointOutsideOfPlane(TSVector p, TSVector a, TSVector b, TSVector c, TSVector d)
            TSVector vector = TSVector.Cross(b - a, c - a);
            FP       x      = TSVector.Dot(p - a, vector);
            FP       fP     = TSVector.Dot(d - a, vector);
            bool     flag   = fP * fP < FP.EN8;
            int      result;

            if (flag)
                result = -1;
                result = ((x * fP < FP.Zero) ? 1 : 0);
Ejemplo n.º 9
        public static void LookAt(out TSMatrix result, TSVector position, TSVector target)
            TSVector tSVector = target - position;

            TSVector tSVector2 = TSVector.Cross(TSVector.up, tSVector);

            TSVector tSVector3 = TSVector.Cross(tSVector, tSVector2);

            result.M11 = tSVector2.x;
            result.M21 = tSVector3.x;
            result.M31 = tSVector.x;
            result.M12 = tSVector2.y;
            result.M22 = tSVector3.y;
            result.M32 = tSVector.y;
            result.M13 = tSVector2.z;
            result.M23 = tSVector3.z;
            result.M33 = tSVector.z;
Ejemplo n.º 10
        public override void SetCurrentShape(int index)
            this.vecs[0] = this.octree.GetVertex(this.octree.tris[this.potentialTriangles[index]].I0);
            this.vecs[1] = this.octree.GetVertex(this.octree.tris[this.potentialTriangles[index]].I1);
            this.vecs[2] = this.octree.GetVertex(this.octree.tris[this.potentialTriangles[index]].I2);
            TSVector geomCen = this.vecs[0];

            TSVector.Add(ref geomCen, ref this.vecs[1], out geomCen);
            TSVector.Add(ref geomCen, ref this.vecs[2], out geomCen);
            TSVector.Multiply(ref geomCen, FP.One / (3 * FP.One), out geomCen);
            this.geomCen = geomCen;
            TSVector.Subtract(ref this.vecs[1], ref this.vecs[0], out geomCen);
            TSVector.Subtract(ref this.vecs[2], ref this.vecs[0], out this.normal);
            TSVector.Cross(ref geomCen, ref this.normal, out this.normal);
            bool flag = this.flipNormal;

            if (flag)
Ejemplo n.º 11
        public override void SetCurrentShape(int index)
            bool flag  = false;
            bool flag2 = index >= this.numX * this.numZ;

            if (flag2)
                flag   = true;
                index -= this.numX * this.numZ;
            int  num   = index % this.numX;
            int  num2  = index / this.numX;
            bool flag3 = flag;

            if (flag3)
                this.points[0].Set((this.minX + num) * this.scaleX, this.heights[this.minX + num, this.minZ + num2], (this.minZ + num2) * this.scaleZ);
                this.points[1].Set((this.minX + num + 1) * this.scaleX, this.heights[this.minX + num + 1, this.minZ + num2], (this.minZ + num2) * this.scaleZ);
                this.points[2].Set((this.minX + num) * this.scaleX, this.heights[this.minX + num, this.minZ + num2 + 1], (this.minZ + num2 + 1) * this.scaleZ);
                this.points[0].Set((this.minX + num + 1) * this.scaleX, this.heights[this.minX + num + 1, this.minZ + num2], (this.minZ + num2) * this.scaleZ);
                this.points[1].Set((this.minX + num + 1) * this.scaleX, this.heights[this.minX + num + 1, this.minZ + num2 + 1], (this.minZ + num2 + 1) * this.scaleZ);
                this.points[2].Set((this.minX + num) * this.scaleX, this.heights[this.minX + num, this.minZ + num2 + 1], (this.minZ + num2 + 1) * this.scaleZ);
            TSVector geomCen = this.points[0];

            TSVector.Add(ref geomCen, ref this.points[1], out geomCen);
            TSVector.Add(ref geomCen, ref this.points[2], out geomCen);
            TSVector.Multiply(ref geomCen, FP.One / (3 * FP.One), out geomCen);
            this.geomCen = geomCen;
            TSVector.Subtract(ref this.points[1], ref this.points[0], out geomCen);
            TSVector.Subtract(ref this.points[2], ref this.points[0], out this.normal);
            TSVector.Cross(ref geomCen, ref this.normal, out this.normal);
Ejemplo n.º 12
         *  @brief Returns the velocity of the body at some position in world space.
        public TSVector GetPointVelocity(TSVector worldPoint)
            TSVector directionPoint = position - tsCollider.Body.TSPosition;

            return(TSVector.Cross(tsCollider.Body.TSAngularVelocity, directionPoint) + tsCollider.Body.TSLinearVelocity);
Ejemplo n.º 13
        private int SortCachedPoints(ref TSVector realRelPos1, FP pen)
            int num = -1;
            FP  y   = pen;

            for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                bool flag = this.contactList[i].penetration > y;
                if (flag)
                    num = i;
                    y   = this.contactList[i].penetration;
            FP   x     = 0;
            FP   y2    = 0;
            FP   z     = 0;
            FP   w     = 0;
            bool flag2 = num != 0;

            if (flag2)
                TSVector tSVector;
                TSVector.Subtract(ref realRelPos1, ref this.contactList[1].relativePos1, out tSVector);
                TSVector tSVector2;
                TSVector.Subtract(ref this.contactList[3].relativePos1, ref this.contactList[2].relativePos1, out tSVector2);
                TSVector tSVector3;
                TSVector.Cross(ref tSVector, ref tSVector2, out tSVector3);
                x = tSVector3.sqrMagnitude;
            bool flag3 = num != 1;

            if (flag3)
                TSVector tSVector4;
                TSVector.Subtract(ref realRelPos1, ref this.contactList[0].relativePos1, out tSVector4);
                TSVector tSVector5;
                TSVector.Subtract(ref this.contactList[3].relativePos1, ref this.contactList[2].relativePos1, out tSVector5);
                TSVector tSVector6;
                TSVector.Cross(ref tSVector4, ref tSVector5, out tSVector6);
                y2 = tSVector6.sqrMagnitude;
            bool flag4 = num != 2;

            if (flag4)
                TSVector tSVector7;
                TSVector.Subtract(ref realRelPos1, ref this.contactList[0].relativePos1, out tSVector7);
                TSVector tSVector8;
                TSVector.Subtract(ref this.contactList[3].relativePos1, ref this.contactList[1].relativePos1, out tSVector8);
                TSVector tSVector9;
                TSVector.Cross(ref tSVector7, ref tSVector8, out tSVector9);
                z = tSVector9.sqrMagnitude;
            bool flag5 = num != 3;

            if (flag5)
                TSVector tSVector10;
                TSVector.Subtract(ref realRelPos1, ref this.contactList[0].relativePos1, out tSVector10);
                TSVector tSVector11;
                TSVector.Subtract(ref this.contactList[2].relativePos1, ref this.contactList[1].relativePos1, out tSVector11);
                TSVector tSVector12;
                TSVector.Cross(ref tSVector10, ref tSVector11, out tSVector12);
                w = tSVector12.sqrMagnitude;
            return(Arbiter.MaxAxis(x, y2, z, w));
Ejemplo n.º 14
         *  @brief Returns the velocity of the body at some position in world space.
        public TSVector2 GetPointVelocity(TSVector2 worldPoint)
            TSVector directionPoint = (position - tsCollider.Body.TSPosition).ToTSVector();

            return(TSVector.Cross(new TSVector(0, 0, tsCollider.Body.TSAngularVelocity), directionPoint).ToTSVector2() + tsCollider.Body.TSLinearVelocity);
Ejemplo n.º 15
        public static bool Detect(ISupportMappable support1, ISupportMappable support2, ref TSMatrix orientation1, ref TSMatrix orientation2, ref TSVector position1, ref TSVector position2, out TSVector point, out TSVector normal, out FP penetration)
            TSVector zero  = TSVector.zero;
            TSVector zero2 = TSVector.zero;
            TSVector zero3 = TSVector.zero;

            point       = (normal = TSVector.zero);
            penetration = FP.Zero;
            TSVector tSVector;

            support1.SupportCenter(out tSVector);
            TSVector.Transform(ref tSVector, ref orientation1, out tSVector);
            TSVector.Add(ref position1, ref tSVector, out tSVector);
            TSVector tSVector2;

            support2.SupportCenter(out tSVector2);
            TSVector.Transform(ref tSVector2, ref orientation2, out tSVector2);
            TSVector.Add(ref position2, ref tSVector2, out tSVector2);
            TSVector tSVector3;

            TSVector.Subtract(ref tSVector2, ref tSVector, out tSVector3);
            bool flag = tSVector3.IsNearlyZero();

            if (flag)
                tSVector3 = new TSVector(FP.EN4, 0, 0);
            TSVector tSVector4 = tSVector3;

            TSVector.Negate(ref tSVector3, out normal);
            TSVector tSVector5;

            XenoCollide.SupportMapTransformed(support1, ref orientation1, ref position1, ref tSVector4, out tSVector5);
            TSVector tSVector6;

            XenoCollide.SupportMapTransformed(support2, ref orientation2, ref position2, ref normal, out tSVector6);
            TSVector tSVector7;

            TSVector.Subtract(ref tSVector6, ref tSVector5, out tSVector7);
            bool flag2 = TSVector.Dot(ref tSVector7, ref normal) <= FP.Zero;
            bool result;

            if (flag2)
                result = false;
                TSVector.Cross(ref tSVector7, ref tSVector3, out normal);
                bool flag3 = normal.IsNearlyZero();
                if (flag3)
                    TSVector.Subtract(ref tSVector7, ref tSVector3, out normal);
                    point = tSVector5;
                    TSVector.Add(ref point, ref tSVector6, out point);
                    TSVector.Multiply(ref point, FP.Half, out point);
                    TSVector tSVector8;
                    TSVector.Subtract(ref tSVector6, ref tSVector5, out tSVector8);
                    penetration = TSVector.Dot(ref tSVector8, ref normal);
                    result      = true;
                    TSVector.Negate(ref normal, out tSVector4);
                    TSVector tSVector9;
                    XenoCollide.SupportMapTransformed(support1, ref orientation1, ref position1, ref tSVector4, out tSVector9);
                    TSVector tSVector10;
                    XenoCollide.SupportMapTransformed(support2, ref orientation2, ref position2, ref normal, out tSVector10);
                    TSVector tSVector11;
                    TSVector.Subtract(ref tSVector10, ref tSVector9, out tSVector11);
                    bool flag4 = TSVector.Dot(ref tSVector11, ref normal) <= FP.Zero;
                    if (flag4)
                        result = false;
                        TSVector tSVector8;
                        TSVector.Subtract(ref tSVector7, ref tSVector3, out tSVector8);
                        TSVector tSVector12;
                        TSVector.Subtract(ref tSVector11, ref tSVector3, out tSVector12);
                        TSVector.Cross(ref tSVector8, ref tSVector12, out normal);
                        FP   x     = TSVector.Dot(ref normal, ref tSVector3);
                        bool flag5 = x > FP.Zero;
                        if (flag5)
                            TSVector.Swap(ref tSVector7, ref tSVector11);
                            TSVector.Swap(ref tSVector5, ref tSVector9);
                            TSVector.Swap(ref tSVector6, ref tSVector10);
                            TSVector.Negate(ref normal, out normal);
                            Debug.Log("normal: " + normal);
                        int  num   = 0;
                        int  num2  = 0;
                        bool flag6 = false;
                        while (true)
                            bool flag7 = num2 > 34;
                            if (flag7)
                            TSVector.Negate(ref normal, out tSVector4);
                            TSVector tSVector13;
                            XenoCollide.SupportMapTransformed(support1, ref orientation1, ref position1, ref tSVector4, out tSVector13);
                            TSVector tSVector14;
                            XenoCollide.SupportMapTransformed(support2, ref orientation2, ref position2, ref normal, out tSVector14);
                            TSVector tSVector15;
                            TSVector.Subtract(ref tSVector14, ref tSVector13, out tSVector15);
                            bool flag8 = TSVector.Dot(ref tSVector15, ref normal) <= FP.Zero;
                            if (flag8)
                                goto Block_7;
                            TSVector.Cross(ref tSVector7, ref tSVector15, out tSVector8);
                            bool flag9 = TSVector.Dot(ref tSVector8, ref tSVector3) < FP.Zero;
                            if (flag9)
                                tSVector11 = tSVector15;
                                tSVector9  = tSVector13;
                                tSVector10 = tSVector14;
                                TSVector.Subtract(ref tSVector7, ref tSVector3, out tSVector8);
                                TSVector.Subtract(ref tSVector15, ref tSVector3, out tSVector12);
                                TSVector.Cross(ref tSVector8, ref tSVector12, out normal);
                                TSVector.Cross(ref tSVector15, ref tSVector11, out tSVector8);
                                bool flag10 = TSVector.Dot(ref tSVector8, ref tSVector3) < FP.Zero;
                                if (!flag10)
                                    goto IL_385;
                                tSVector7 = tSVector15;
                                tSVector5 = tSVector13;
                                tSVector6 = tSVector14;
                                TSVector.Subtract(ref tSVector15, ref tSVector3, out tSVector8);
                                TSVector.Subtract(ref tSVector11, ref tSVector3, out tSVector12);
                                TSVector.Cross(ref tSVector8, ref tSVector12, out normal);
                        result = false;

                        result = false;

                        while (true)
                            TSVector.Subtract(ref tSVector11, ref tSVector7, out tSVector8);
                            TSVector tSVector15;
                            TSVector.Subtract(ref tSVector15, ref tSVector7, out tSVector12);
                            TSVector.Cross(ref tSVector8, ref tSVector12, out normal);
                            bool flag11 = normal.IsNearlyZero();
                            if (flag11)
                            FP   x2     = TSVector.Dot(ref normal, ref tSVector7);
                            bool flag12 = x2 >= 0 && !flag6;
                            if (flag12)
                                flag6 = true;
                            TSVector.Negate(ref normal, out tSVector4);
                            XenoCollide.SupportMapTransformed(support1, ref orientation1, ref position1, ref tSVector4, out zero);
                            XenoCollide.SupportMapTransformed(support2, ref orientation2, ref position2, ref normal, out zero2);
                            TSVector.Subtract(ref zero2, ref zero, out zero3);
                            TSVector.Subtract(ref zero3, ref tSVector15, out tSVector8);
                            FP x3 = TSVector.Dot(ref tSVector8, ref normal);
                            penetration = TSVector.Dot(ref zero3, ref normal);
                            bool flag13 = x3 <= XenoCollide.CollideEpsilon || penetration <= FP.Zero || num > 34;
                            if (flag13)
                                goto Block_15;
                            TSVector.Cross(ref zero3, ref tSVector3, out tSVector8);
                            FP   x4     = TSVector.Dot(ref tSVector8, ref tSVector7);
                            bool flag14 = x4 >= FP.Zero;
                            if (flag14)
                                x4 = TSVector.Dot(ref tSVector8, ref tSVector11);
                                bool flag15 = x4 >= FP.Zero;
                                if (flag15)
                                    tSVector7 = zero3;
                                    tSVector5 = zero;
                                    tSVector6 = zero2;
                                    tSVector15 = zero3;
                                    TSVector tSVector13 = zero;
                                    TSVector tSVector14 = zero2;
                                x4 = TSVector.Dot(ref tSVector8, ref tSVector15);
                                bool flag16 = x4 >= FP.Zero;
                                if (flag16)
                                    tSVector11 = zero3;
                                    tSVector9  = zero;
                                    tSVector10 = zero2;
                                    tSVector7 = zero3;
                                    tSVector5 = zero;
                                    tSVector6 = zero2;
                        result = true;

                        bool flag17 = flag6;
                        if (flag17)
                            TSVector.Cross(ref tSVector7, ref tSVector11, out tSVector8);
                            TSVector tSVector15;
                            FP       fP = TSVector.Dot(ref tSVector8, ref tSVector15);
                            TSVector.Cross(ref tSVector15, ref tSVector11, out tSVector8);
                            FP fP2 = TSVector.Dot(ref tSVector8, ref tSVector3);
                            TSVector.Cross(ref tSVector3, ref tSVector7, out tSVector8);
                            FP fP3 = TSVector.Dot(ref tSVector8, ref tSVector15);
                            TSVector.Cross(ref tSVector11, ref tSVector7, out tSVector8);
                            FP   fP4    = TSVector.Dot(ref tSVector8, ref tSVector3);
                            FP   fP5    = fP + fP2 + fP3 + fP4;
                            bool flag18 = fP5 <= 0;
                            if (flag18)
                                fP = 0;
                                TSVector.Cross(ref tSVector11, ref tSVector15, out tSVector8);
                                fP2 = TSVector.Dot(ref tSVector8, ref normal);
                                TSVector.Cross(ref tSVector15, ref tSVector7, out tSVector8);
                                fP3 = TSVector.Dot(ref tSVector8, ref normal);
                                TSVector.Cross(ref tSVector7, ref tSVector11, out tSVector8);
                                fP4 = TSVector.Dot(ref tSVector8, ref normal);
                                fP5 = fP2 + fP3 + fP4;
                            FP x5 = FP.One / fP5;
                            TSVector.Multiply(ref tSVector, fP, out point);
                            TSVector.Multiply(ref tSVector5, fP2, out tSVector8);
                            TSVector.Add(ref point, ref tSVector8, out point);
                            TSVector.Multiply(ref tSVector9, fP3, out tSVector8);
                            TSVector.Add(ref point, ref tSVector8, out point);
                            TSVector tSVector13;
                            TSVector.Multiply(ref tSVector13, fP4, out tSVector8);
                            TSVector.Add(ref point, ref tSVector8, out point);
                            TSVector.Multiply(ref tSVector2, fP, out tSVector12);
                            TSVector.Add(ref tSVector12, ref point, out point);
                            TSVector.Multiply(ref tSVector6, fP2, out tSVector8);
                            TSVector.Add(ref point, ref tSVector8, out point);
                            TSVector.Multiply(ref tSVector10, fP3, out tSVector8);
                            TSVector.Add(ref point, ref tSVector8, out point);
                            TSVector tSVector14;
                            TSVector.Multiply(ref tSVector14, fP4, out tSVector8);
                            TSVector.Add(ref point, ref tSVector8, out point);
                            TSVector.Multiply(ref point, x5 * FP.Half, out point);
                        result = flag6;