public ActionResult SaveUpdatedCustomer(Customer RecordToBeUpdated)
            //1. Find the original record
            NorthwindDAL DAL = new NorthwindDAL();


            //3. Load all the customer records
        public ActionResult UpdateCustomer(string CustomerID)
            NorthwindDAL DAL = new NorthwindDAL();
            //1. Find the customer by using the CustomerID
            Customer output = DAL.UpdateCustomer(CustomerID);

            //2. Load the record into a ViewBag
            if (output != null)
                ViewBag.RecordToBeUpdated = output;
                //3. Go to the view that has the update form
            {//ToDo: Create an error message
        public ActionResult ListCustomersByCustomerID(string CustomerID)
            NorthwindDAL DAL = new NorthwindDAL();

            //List<Customer> IdList = new List<Customer>();

            //foreach (Customer CustomerRecord in ORM.Customers.ToList())
            //    if (CustomerRecord.CustomerID.Contains(CustomerID.ToUpper()))
            //    {
            //        IdList.Add(CustomerRecord);

            //    }

            ViewBag.CustomerList = DAL.GetCustomersByID(CustomerID);

        public ActionResult GetOrders(string CustomerID)
            //1. Create ORM

            NorthwindDAL DAL = new NorthwindDAL();

            //2. Find that customer

            //Customer Temp = ORM.Customers.Find(CustomerID);

            //3. Pull orders made by customer

            //List<Order> ListOfOrders = Temp.Orders.ToList();

            //4. Send data to the view using the ViewBag

            ViewBag.ListOfOrders = DAL.GetOrders(CustomerID);

        //this action deletes a single row (has no transactions)

        /*public ActionResult DeleteCustomer(string CustomerID)
         * {   //ToDo: Add exception handling for db exceptions
         *  //1. Initalize the database
         *  NorthwindEntities ORM = new NorthwindEntities();
         *  //2.Find the record - Use find (which looks for a record based on the primary key)
         *  Customer RecordToBeDeleted = ORM.Customers.Find(CustomerID);
         *  //3. Delete the record using the ORM
         *  if (RecordToBeDeleted != null)
         *  {
         *      ORM.Customers.Remove(RecordToBeDeleted);
         *      ORM.SaveChanges();
         *  }
         *  //4. Reload the list
         *  //this will actually reload the list
         *  return RedirectToAction("ListCustomers");
         * }

        public ActionResult DeleteCustomer(string CustomerID)
            NorthwindDAL DAL = new NorthwindDAL();

            //create database
            //NorthwindEntities ORM = new NorthwindEntities();

            //create transaction - make sure you have "using System.Data.Entity;" up top

            if (DAL.DeleteCustomer(CustomerID) == true)


             * try
             * {
             *  //1. Find the customer
             *  Customer Temp = ORM.Customers.Find(CustomerID);
             *  //2. Find all orders for that customer
             *  //3. Delete those orders
             *  //ORM.ArchivedOrders.AddRange(Temp.Orders);
             *  Temp.Orders.Clear();
             *  //4. Delete that customer
             *  ORM.Customers.Remove(Temp);
             *  //5. Save changes to the db
             *  ORM.SaveChanges();
             *  //6. Commit the transaction - will not delete, will time out if it does not have this commit
             *  DeleteCustomerTransaction.Commit();
             * }
             * catch (Exception ex)
             * {   //Go to an error page!
             *  DeleteCustomerTransaction.Rollback();
             * }*/
        public ActionResult ListCustomers()
            NorthwindDAL DAL = new NorthwindDAL();

            ////Make Link in Layout First!

            ////1. Creating an object for the ORM

            //NorthwindEntities ORM = new NorthwindEntities();

            ////2. Load the data from the DbSet into a data structure (list, array, etc.)

            //List<Customer> CustomerList = ORM.Customers.ToList();

            //3. Filter the data (optional)

            ViewBag.CustomerList = DAL.GetAllCustomers();

            ViewBag.CountryList = DAL.GetCustomersByCountry();


            //Go to view and write Foreach loop!
        public ActionResult SaveCustomer(Customer NewCustomerRecord)
            //1. Validation (if model state is valid or not)

            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                //2. Initalize DB
                NorthwindDAL DAL = new NorthwindDAL();
                //3. Add the new record to the ORM

                //4. Show the list of all customers
                //if validation fails
                //go back to the form and show the list of errors
