Ejemplo n.º 1
        private static IEnumerable <InstinctData> MaidActions(IPlayerRepository playerRepo, IEnumerable <InstinctData> mcPlayers, Random rand)
            // Maids - find places to clean
            var mcMaids = mcPlayers.Where(p => JokeShopProcedures.MAIDS.Any(maidForm => p.FormSourceId == maidForm)).ToList();

            foreach (var maid in mcMaids)
                var maidPlayer = playerRepo.Players.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Id == maid.Id);
                var maidLoc    = LocationsStatics.LocationList.GetLocation.FirstOrDefault(l => l.dbName == maidPlayer.dbLocationName);

                if (maidLoc != null)
                    string nextLoc;
                    string newContract = "";

                    string[] cleaningContracts = { "coffee_shop", "tavern", "oldoak_apartments", "mansion", "ranch_inside", "castle", "salon" };
                    if (cleaningContracts.Contains(maidLoc.Region))
                        nextLoc = LocationsStatics.GetRandomLocation_InRegion(maidLoc.Region);
                        newContract = "One of the local facilities has just signed a new contract with you!  ";
                        nextLoc     = LocationsStatics.GetRandomLocation_InRegion(cleaningContracts[rand.Next(cleaningContracts.Count())]);

                    var stoppedAt = EnvironmentPrankProcedures.MovePlayer(maidPlayer, nextLoc, 20, timestamp: false);

                    if (stoppedAt == nextLoc || maidPlayer.dbLocationName == nextLoc)
                        var      here       = LocationsStatics.GetConnectionName(nextLoc);
                        string[] activities = { "dusting away the cobwebs", "vaccuuming the floor", "washing up the dishes", "doing the laundry", "serving refreshments", "sweeping the trash", "handing out freshly baked cupcakes" };
                        var      activity   = activities[rand.Next(activities.Count())];

                        PlayerLogProcedures.AddPlayerLog(maidPlayer.Id, $"{newContract}You arrive at <b>{here}</b> and start {activity}!", true);
                        LocationLogProcedures.AddLocationLog(nextLoc, $"{maidPlayer.GetFullName()} arrives here and starts <b>{activity}</b>.");
                    else if (stoppedAt != null)
                        var here = LocationsStatics.GetConnectionName(stoppedAt);
                        PlayerLogProcedures.AddPlayerLog(maidPlayer.Id, $"{newContract}You quickly head to your new job but only get as far as <b>{here}</b>.", true);

                mcPlayers = mcPlayers.Where(p => p.Id != maid.Id);

Ejemplo n.º 2
        private static (IEnumerable <InstinctData> mcPlayers, IEnumerable <InstinctData> freePlayers) SheepActions(IPlayerRepository playerRepo, IEnumerable <InstinctData> mcPlayers, IEnumerable <InstinctData> freePlayers, Random rand)
            // Sheep - find another sheep and follow it
            var mcSheep = mcPlayers.Where(p => JokeShopProcedures.SHEEP.Any(sheepForm => p.FormSourceId == sheepForm)).ToList();

            if (!mcSheep.IsEmpty())
                var freeSheep       = freePlayers.Where(p => JokeShopProcedures.SHEEP.Any(sheepForm => p.FormSourceId == sheepForm)).ToList();
                var flockToPlayer   = -1;
                var flockToLocation = "";

                if (!freeSheep.IsEmpty())
                    var target = freeSheep[rand.Next(freeSheep.Count())];
                    flockToPlayer   = target.Id;
                    flockToLocation = target.dbLocationName;
                    flockToLocation = LocationsStatics.GetRandomLocationNotInDungeonOr(LocationsStatics.JOKE_SHOP);

                foreach (var sheep in mcSheep)
                    var sheepPlayer = playerRepo.Players.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Id == sheep.Id);
                    var stoppedAt   = EnvironmentPrankProcedures.MovePlayer(sheepPlayer, flockToLocation, 15, timestamp: false, callback: (p, loc) =>
                        if (rand.Next(3) == 0)
                            LocationLogProcedures.AddLocationLog(loc, $"{p.GetFullName()} bleated here:  <b>Baaaaa!</b>");

                    if (stoppedAt == flockToLocation)
                        if (flockToPlayer >= 0)
                            PlayerLogProcedures.AddPlayerLog(flockToPlayer, $"{sheepPlayer.GetFullName()} bleated at you:  <b>Baaaaa!</b>", true);

                        LocationLogProcedures.AddLocationLog(stoppedAt, $"{sheepPlayer.GetFullName()} bleated here:  <b>Baaaaa!</b>");

                    if (stoppedAt != null)
                        var here = LocationsStatics.GetConnectionName(stoppedAt);
                        PlayerLogProcedures.AddPlayerLog(sheepPlayer.Id, $"You followed your flock to <b>{here}</b>.", true);

                // Don't consider affected players for any more actions this turn
                mcPlayers = mcPlayers.Where(p => mcSheep.All(s => p.Id != s.Id));

                if (flockToPlayer >= 0)
                    freePlayers = freePlayers.Where(p => p.Id != flockToPlayer);

            return(mcPlayers, freePlayers);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        private static IEnumerable <InstinctData> GhostActions(IPlayerRepository playerRepo, IEnumerable <InstinctData> mcPlayers, Random rand)
            // Ghosts - haunt old buildings
            var mcGhosts = mcPlayers.Where(p => JokeShopProcedures.GHOSTS.Any(ghostForm => p.FormSourceId == ghostForm)).ToList();

            foreach (var ghost in mcGhosts)
                var ghostPlayer = playerRepo.Players.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Id == ghost.Id);
                var ghostLoc    = LocationsStatics.LocationList.GetLocation.FirstOrDefault(l => l.dbName == ghostPlayer.dbLocationName);

                if (ghostLoc != null)
                    string nextLoc;

                    string[] haunts = { "mansion", "castle" };
                    if (haunts.Contains(ghostLoc.Region))
                        nextLoc = LocationsStatics.GetRandomLocation_InRegion(ghostLoc.Region);
                        nextLoc = LocationsStatics.GetRandomLocation_InRegion(haunts[rand.Next(haunts.Count())]);

                    // Check whether we can haunt the current tile
                    // An enhancement would be to allow ghosts to move through walls
                    var stoppedAt = EnvironmentPrankProcedures.MovePlayer(ghostPlayer, nextLoc, 20, timestamp: false);

                    var canHaunt = stoppedAt == nextLoc || ghostPlayer.dbLocationName == nextLoc;

                    if (!canHaunt && stoppedAt != null)
                        var stoppedAtTile = LocationsStatics.LocationList.GetLocation.FirstOrDefault(l => l.dbName == stoppedAt);
                        canHaunt = haunts.Contains(stoppedAtTile.Region);

                    if (canHaunt)
                        var here   = LocationsStatics.GetConnectionName(nextLoc);
                        var cutoff = DateTime.UtcNow.AddMinutes(-TurnTimesStatics.GetOfflineAfterXMinutes());

                        var candidates = playerRepo.Players
                                         .Where(p => p.dbLocationName == nextLoc &&
                                                p.LastActionTimestamp >= cutoff &&
                                                p.Id != ghostPlayer.Id &&
                                                p.Mobility == PvPStatics.MobilityFull &&
                                                p.InDuel <= 0 &&
                                                p.InQuest <= 0 &&
                                                p.BotId == AIStatics.ActivePlayerBotId)

                        if (candidates.Any())
                            var      victim = candidates[rand.Next(candidates.Count())];
                            string[] calls  = { "Boo!", "Whooo!" };
                            var      call   = calls[rand.Next(calls.Count())];

                            PlayerLogProcedures.AddPlayerLog(ghostPlayer.Id, $"After entering {here} you tap {victim.GetFullName()} on the shoulder and shout <b>\"{call}\"</b>!", true);
                            PlayerLogProcedures.AddPlayerLog(victim.Id, $"{ghostPlayer.GetFullName()} taps you on the shoulder and shouts <b>\"{call}\"</b>!", true);
                            LocationLogProcedures.AddLocationLog(nextLoc, $"{ghostPlayer.GetFullName()} shouts <b>\"{call}\"</b> at {victim.GetFullName()}.");
                            string[] activities = { "rattles some chains", "wails like a banshee", "floats through a wall", "lights a candle", "makes the lights flicker", "fades into the background", "knocks a book off a shelf", "melts into a pool of ectoplasm", "sends a a chill through the air" };
                            var      activity   = activities[rand.Next(activities.Count())];

                            PlayerLogProcedures.AddPlayerLog(ghostPlayer.Id, $"You begin haunting {here}!", true);
                            LocationLogProcedures.AddLocationLog(nextLoc, $"<b>{ghostPlayer.GetFullName()} {activity}</b>.");
                    else if (stoppedAt != null)
                        var here = LocationsStatics.GetConnectionName(stoppedAt);
                        PlayerLogProcedures.AddPlayerLog(ghostPlayer.Id, $"The spirits call you to <b>{here}</b>.", true);

                mcPlayers = mcPlayers.Where(p => p.Id != ghost.Id);

Ejemplo n.º 4
        private static (IEnumerable <InstinctData> mcPlayers, IEnumerable <InstinctData> freePlayers) CatActions(IPlayerRepository playerRepo, IEnumerable <InstinctData> mcPlayers, IEnumerable <InstinctData> freePlayers, Random rand)
            // Cats - chase rodents
            var mcCats2 = mcPlayers.Where(p => JokeShopProcedures.CATS_AND_NEKOS.Any(catForm => p.FormSourceId == catForm)).ToList();

            if (!mcCats2.IsEmpty())
                var mcRodents   = mcPlayers.Where(p => JokeShopProcedures.RODENTS.Any(rodentForm => p.FormSourceId == rodentForm)).ToList();
                var freeRodents = freePlayers.Where(p => JokeShopProcedures.RODENTS.Any(rodentForm => p.FormSourceId == rodentForm)).ToList();

                while (!mcCats2.IsEmpty() && mcRodents.Count() + freeRodents.Count() > 0)
                    // Find a cat
                    var catIndex = rand.Next(mcCats2.Count());
                    var cat      = mcCats2[catIndex];
                    mcPlayers = mcPlayers.Where(p => p.Id != cat.Id);

                    int    rodentId;
                    string rodentLoc;

                    // Find a rodent for them to chase
                    if (!mcRodents.IsEmpty())
                        var rodentIndex = rand.Next(mcRodents.Count());
                        var rodent      = mcRodents[rodentIndex];

                        rodentId  = rodent.Id;
                        rodentLoc = rodent.dbLocationName;
                        mcPlayers = mcPlayers.Where(p => p.Id != rodentId);
                    else  // !freeRodents.IsEmpty()
                        var rodentIndex = rand.Next(freeRodents.Count);
                        var rodent      = freeRodents[catIndex];

                        rodentId    = rodent.Id;
                        rodentLoc   = rodent.dbLocationName;
                        freePlayers = freePlayers.Where(p => p.Id != rodentId);

                    var catPlayer    = playerRepo.Players.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Id == cat.Id);
                    var rodentPlayer = playerRepo.Players.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Id == rodentId);

                    // Move cat
                    var stoppedAt = EnvironmentPrankProcedures.MovePlayer(catPlayer, rodentLoc, 15, timestamp: false, callback: (p, loc) =>
                        var roll = rand.Next(4);
                        if (roll == 0)
                            LocationLogProcedures.AddLocationLog(loc, $"{catPlayer.GetFullName()} stealthily prowls the area, on the hunt for {rodentPlayer.GetFullName()}");

                    if (stoppedAt == rodentLoc)
                        var here = LocationsStatics.GetConnectionName(stoppedAt);
                        LocationLogProcedures.AddLocationLog(stoppedAt, $"{catPlayer.GetFullName()} lunges at a rodent, but {rodentPlayer.GetFullName()} is too quick and evades the cat's attack!</b>");

                        PlayerLogProcedures.AddPlayerLog(rodentId, $"{catPlayer.GetFullName()} jumps out at you, but you leap from their paws and deprive them of an easy snack!", true);
                        PlayerLogProcedures.AddPlayerLog(catPlayer.Id, $"You prowl to <b>{here}</b>, creep up on {rodentPlayer.GetFullName()} and pounce!  But they're too quick and evade your clutches!", true);
                    else if (stoppedAt != null)  // Cat moved, but didn't get to the rodent's location
                        var here = LocationsStatics.GetConnectionName(stoppedAt);
                        PlayerLogProcedures.AddPlayerLog(catPlayer.Id, $"You prowl to <b>{here}</b>, being careful not to get too close to your prey as you prepare for the hunt...", true);
                    else if (cat.dbLocationName == rodentLoc)
                        PlayerLogProcedures.AddPlayerLog(rodentId, $"{catPlayer.GetFullName()} hides in a bush, stealthily watching you, getting ready to pounce...", true);
                        PlayerLogProcedures.AddPlayerLog(catPlayer.Id, $"You slink behind a bush and focus your eyes on {rodentPlayer.GetFullName()}, getting ready to strike...", true);

            return(mcPlayers, freePlayers);
Ejemplo n.º 5
        private static (IEnumerable <InstinctData> mcPlayers, IEnumerable <InstinctData> freePlayers) DogActions(IPlayerRepository playerRepo, IEnumerable <InstinctData> mcPlayers, IEnumerable <InstinctData> freePlayers, Random rand)
            // Dogs - chase cats, possiby up a tree
            var mcDogs = mcPlayers.Where(p => JokeShopProcedures.DOGS.Any(dogForm => p.FormSourceId == dogForm)).ToList();

            if (!mcDogs.IsEmpty())
                var mcCats   = mcPlayers.Where(p => JokeShopProcedures.CATS_AND_NEKOS.Any(catForm => p.FormSourceId == catForm)).ToList();
                var freeCats = freePlayers.Where(p => JokeShopProcedures.CATS_AND_NEKOS.Any(catForm => p.FormSourceId == catForm)).ToList();

                while (!mcDogs.IsEmpty() && mcCats.Count() + freeCats.Count() > 0)
                    // Find a dog
                    var dogIndex = rand.Next(mcDogs.Count());
                    var dog      = mcDogs[dogIndex];
                    mcPlayers = mcPlayers.Where(p => p.Id != dog.Id);

                    int    catId;
                    string catLoc;
                    bool   catIsMindControlled;

                    // Find a cat for them to chase
                    if (!mcCats.IsEmpty())
                        var catIndex = rand.Next(mcCats.Count());
                        var cat      = mcCats[catIndex];

                        catId  = cat.Id;
                        catLoc = cat.dbLocationName;
                        catIsMindControlled = true;
                        mcPlayers           = mcPlayers.Where(p => p.Id != catId);
                    else  // !freeCats.IsEmpty()
                        var catIndex = rand.Next(freeCats.Count);
                        var cat      = freeCats[catIndex];

                        catId  = cat.Id;
                        catLoc = cat.dbLocationName;
                        catIsMindControlled = false;
                        freePlayers         = freePlayers.Where(p => p.Id != catId);

                    var dogPlayer = playerRepo.Players.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Id == dog.Id);
                    var catPlayer = playerRepo.Players.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Id == catId);

                    // Move dog
                    var stoppedAt = EnvironmentPrankProcedures.MovePlayer(dogPlayer, catLoc, 15, timestamp: false, callback: (p, loc) =>
                        var roll = rand.Next(4);
                        if (roll == 0)
                            LocationLogProcedures.AddLocationLog(loc, $"{dogPlayer.GetFullName()} barked here as they catch the scent of a cat, {catPlayer.GetFullName()}:  <b>Woof woof!</b>");
                        else if (roll == 1)
                            LocationLogProcedures.AddLocationLog(loc, $"{dogPlayer.GetFullName()} growled here as they get closer to {catPlayer.GetFullName()}, the cat:  <b>Grrrrrrrrr!</b>");

                    // Dog has arrived at the cat's location
                    if (stoppedAt == catLoc)
                        var here = LocationsStatics.GetConnectionName(stoppedAt);
                        LocationLogProcedures.AddLocationLog(stoppedAt, $"{dogPlayer.GetFullName()} barked at {catPlayer.GetFullName()}:  <b>Woof woof!</b>");

                        // If cat is mind controlled we can send them up a tree
                        if (catIsMindControlled)
                            var treeLoc = mcPlayers.FirstOrDefault(p => JokeShopProcedures.TREES.Any(treeForm => p.FormSourceId == treeForm))?.dbLocationName;

                            if (treeLoc == null)
                                treeLoc = freePlayers.FirstOrDefault(p => JokeShopProcedures.TREES.Any(treeForm => p.FormSourceId == treeForm))?.dbLocationName;

                            if (treeLoc == null)
                                treeLoc = "forest_ancestor_tree";

                            var catStoppedAt = EnvironmentPrankProcedures.MovePlayer(catPlayer, treeLoc, 15, timestamp: false, callback: (p, loc) =>
                                var roll = rand.Next(3);
                                if (roll == 0)
                                    LocationLogProcedures.AddLocationLog(loc, $"<b>Meoooww!</b> yowls {catPlayer.GetFullName()} as they quickly flee from {dogPlayer.GetFullName()}, the dog who is chasing them.");

                            if (catStoppedAt == treeLoc)
                                LocationLogProcedures.AddLocationLog(catLoc, $"{catPlayer.GetFullName()} runs to hide from {dogPlayer.GetFullName()}!");
                                LocationLogProcedures.AddLocationLog(treeLoc, $"{catPlayer.GetFullName()} leaps into a tree to hide from {dogPlayer.GetFullName()}, the dog who is chasing them.");
                                PlayerLogProcedures.AddPlayerLog(catId, $"<b>Woof woof!</b>  {dogPlayer.GetFullName()} barks at you, and you run off to the nearest tree!", true);
                                PlayerLogProcedures.AddPlayerLog(dogPlayer.Id, $"You chased a cat to <b>{here}</b> and started barking at {catPlayer.GetFullName()}:  <b>Woof woof!</b>.  They run off to the nearest tree to hide from you!", true);
                            else if (catStoppedAt == null)
                                PlayerLogProcedures.AddPlayerLog(catId, $"<b>Woof woof!</b>  {dogPlayer.GetFullName()} barks at you, but you can't seem to escape!", true);
                                PlayerLogProcedures.AddPlayerLog(dogPlayer.Id, $"You chased a cat to <b>{here}</b> and started barking at {catPlayer.GetFullName()}:  <b>Woof woof!</b>.", true);
                                LocationLogProcedures.AddLocationLog(catLoc, $"{catPlayer.GetFullName()} runs to hide from {dogPlayer.GetFullName()}!");
                                PlayerLogProcedures.AddPlayerLog(catId, $"<b>Woof woof!</b>  {dogPlayer.GetFullName()} barks at you, and you run away to try and hide!", true);
                                PlayerLogProcedures.AddPlayerLog(dogPlayer.Id, $"You chased a cat to <b>{here}</b> and started barking at {catPlayer.GetFullName()}:  <b>Woof woof!</b>.  They run off to try and hide from you!", true);
                        else  // Cat not mind controlled, dog can only bark
                            PlayerLogProcedures.AddPlayerLog(catId, $"{dogPlayer.GetFullName()} barked at you:  <b>Woof woof!</b>", true);
                            PlayerLogProcedures.AddPlayerLog(dogPlayer.Id, $"You chased a cat to <b>{here}</b> and started barking at {catPlayer.GetFullName()}:  <b>Woof woof!</b>", true);
                    else if (stoppedAt != null)  // Dog moved, but didn't get to the cat's location
                        var here = LocationsStatics.GetConnectionName(stoppedAt);
                        PlayerLogProcedures.AddPlayerLog(dogPlayer.Id, $"You caught scent of a cat and ran to <b>{here}</b>", true);
                    else if (dog.dbLocationName == catLoc)
                        PlayerLogProcedures.AddPlayerLog(catId, $"{dogPlayer.GetFullName()} barked at you:  <b>Woof woof!</b>", true);
                        PlayerLogProcedures.AddPlayerLog(dogPlayer.Id, $"You barked at {catPlayer.GetFullName()}:  <b>Woof woof!</b>", true);

            return(mcPlayers, freePlayers);